#why are they matching? it is too perfect a fit to be a coincedence
dwalendinhetniets · 5 months
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Mick and Robbie colour coordinate their outfits??
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Cruella Dating Headcannons
Summary: A few headcannons about dating Cruella, because there are definitely not enough fanfics with her on this tag.
(I do intend to publish more fanfics with her in the future, but this one will not be containing any smut.)
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So first off, Cruella is definitely someone who doesn't fit the mould, and is proud of it. She spent almost her entire life as Estella, trying to blend in, and she has had enough of that kind of life.
She's also incredibly wealthy and glamorous. Running her own world-wide label is tiring enough; she doesn't need boring designers, too.
Cruella is more drawn to people who are flamboyant and aren't afraid to show it, or who are just naturally different and pay no mind to what anyone else thinks of them.
She's always on the look-out for someone who has a different idea for her to adapt; she knows a brilliant mind when she sees one.
So she will first have heard about you because of your line of work.
Queen's influence is incredibly strong in the higher classes, which means she can find anyone she wants. So if she wants to see you, she will see you.
When she first meets you, Cruella will instantly be intrigued. She finds you certainly amusing, and will offer you a deal to work for her within the first 10 minutes of your meeting.
You will think her incredibly arrogant, and she will think you incredibly fascinating.
Will 10/10 look into your background to find out more about you.
However, as you get to know her more, you will discover that she is a whole lot more of a person than just what she lets other people see.
And she will discover that you are...someone she wants to keep around for a while.
You'll get entangled with her beyond helping pretty soon, and, to her surprise, she doesn't mind.
However, as much as I love fluff, I can't pretend it will be too perfect. Cruella has some pretty serious trust issues; she is closed-off to people at most times. Her own Mother lied to her at such a young age, and she believed it for so long before suddenly having the truth slap her across the face.
So she doesn't know how to cope with all these feelings for you at first; how can she know you're not like everyone else?
How can she know you won't hurt her?
Artie, Jasper and Horace constantly tease her about you, but in the end it will be Jasper who suddenly understands why she's been so tense recently, why she's been lashing out, why she's been especially closed-off and extra...Cruella.
She's suddenly just like when she discovered the Baroness killed her Mother again; and once he finds out why, he won't make the same mistake of jumping to conclusions.
This time, he'll sit down with her while she's working into the night (again) with a pensive "Cruella".
And this time, she finds all of those feelings for you just...spilling out of her.
"It's okay to feel things, you know. And I guarantee that that person? They're probably head over heels for you, too."
She'll smile sadly and shake her head, but little does she know, you are
Finally, Cruella will begin to make advances
You start noticing her sending random, beautiful gowns to your door when you go to work
You also start to notice that they all perfectly match the ones that she wears to her own galas
If her necklace had a key on it
Yours will have a very specific lock design
If her dress had a specific color scheme, yours will have the exact same
If her purse is some very expensive and flashy brand
You best bet yours will be the same, or even more expensive
Then, she starts sending roses (in black and white, of course)
She never tells you, but these are all dropped off by Horace and Jasper in the dead of night for her
Then, she starts planning a ball
And you figure "Just another one, right?"
Only you notice something
This one is themed around romance
A coincedence?.....I think not.
At the ball itself, she'll request that you actually attend as a guest as well, instead of just on her staff.
And she will send you the exact outfit she wants you to wear; it's gorgeous, and made of sheer, feathery soft white fabric, with long flowy sleeves attached to the valentine neckline by a design that looks like flowers
Once you get there, the first thing you notice is Cruella is wearing the exact same thing, but in..black.
She will start the announcement for all the guests to listen:
"Hello, there, darlings. As many of you know me, I hardly think this is nessecary, but my name is Cruella. This is my ball, which I certainly hope you are enjoying."
Her gaze flits to you halfway through.
"However, unlike many of the events I throw, this one has a purpose more dear to me than anything else."
A small, mischevious smirk graces her lips.
"For the most beautiful person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. And certainly the most brilliant." She winks. "Besides myself, of course."
The guests start to murmur; instead, you find your heart booming in your chest.
"(Y/N), love, won't you be a dear and come on up here for me?"
She will spend the rest of the ball practically attached to you.
And pretty soon, you see that she actually based several, if not all, of the event's features off of what she knew about you
The drinks are your favorite
The food is your favorite
The style is exactly how you like it
And you can't help but notice the small smile on her face now that she's proposed; that quite romantic glint in her eye whenever she looks at you.
And you find it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
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aethlingg · 2 years
It's theme song analysis time! It's mostly gonna be about Ashe's theme but I will talk about all of the theme songs are perfect under the cut :]
I love ashe’s theme song so much, it’s My Famed Disappearing Act by Thank You Scientist. Not only is it a fucking BANGER but it fits ashe so well, especially knowing what happens to him at the end of season one. From the first time ashe was introduced, music has been a big part of him and this is the kind of music he likes so it has to be a big part of him too. 
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The entire song is very reminiscent of ashe’s last scene in the finale, but this part of the song really makes you start thinking about that scene if you’re thinking about ashe. It feels a lot like when he’s already accepted that he’s going to be taken over by the trickster and he’s saying goodbye to the boys. The next verse is along the same lines but its a lot more complex. I didn’t even notice the connection until i was looking at the lyrics just now.
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The first two lines are the trickster trying to take control of ashe’s body, the third line is ashe feeling his control fading (a bit of a stretch i know but its fine), and the last line is either dakota wanting to save ashe or its ashe not wanting to let down his new friends who are in danger.
And finally, in the last verse, the lyric “Don’t think you’d notice If i was ever gone.” Ashe was a nobody before he met the prime defenders. No one knew him and he didn’t know anyone. If he disappeared, mark would be the only person to ever know about it. And even after he became a prime defender, I don’t think he really believed them when they shared their appreciation of him. It took him a bit to realize that he was one of them. They cared about him and if he disappeared, they would burn down the world to get him back.
- Next is William’s theme. Yes, William’s theme song is Unravel from Tokyo Ghoul. And while that is kinda funny, that’s actually one of the reasons why its so perfect. You cannot tell me that William isn’t the kind of person to unironically listen to unravel and start crying. He’s so painfully a lame nerdy teen but he also has a lot of serious stuff going on. And tbh unravel and william have a very similar balance of cringe and actual serious, emotional vibes.
- Dakota’s theme is The Day from My Hero Academia aka the first opening theme of the show. First of all, Dakota is basically just a bnha character so thats already fitting. And this song is just really fitting for pd in general cuz its basically about the beginning of the show where school is starting and things go from them just being in school to dealing with things much larger than themselves and, well, that’s a lot of what pd is.
- Vyncent’s theme song is Wayward Daughter from Final Fantasy XIV. Tbh i know close to nothing about final fantasy (which is why it took so much work to even find the name of this song in the first place (tysm zoz)) but it does fit the trend of the theme songs in the sense of it being from an RPG which matches Vynce very well. If you know more about ffxiv and have smth else about why it fits him then pls let me know!
- And finally, the main theme. The song is Hero Too from My Hero Academia. This one is pretty obvious. Not only is pd basically just bnha with a different plot, but the whole point of the song is extremely fitting. The main lyric is “I am a hero too” and well, one of the main struggles of pd is that the heroes won’t treat them like real heroes and just treat them like kids.
note: for anyone who didn't know, yes these are all their official theme songs. bizly likes to choose songs for individual characters to play in the bg when a scene is centered on that character. and no, none of what i talked about in ashe's song was a reason for why that song was chosen for ashe. it was completely coincedence (i think) which i think makes it cooler! a big theme of jrwi is accidental foreshadowing ig
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