#why arr they so sofft goddam it
mrs-mikko-rantanen · 4 years
Honey, I'm Home
He was supposed to be back by now. It had been two hours since she’d gotten the simple text, saying he was back on base, that the mission was over, that he was safe. Two hours, and Ewan still wasn’t home. Avanda had tucked Carrick and Peadar into bed long ago, soothed nightmares, and checked closets for monsters. But no matter how at ease the young boys may have been, Avanda couldn’t get her mind to stop it’s swirling. 
    She sighed and shifted again, resting her feet on the floor. She had been sitting cross-legged at the kitchen table, a cold mug of coffee cradled in her hands. She shivered a little, and thought about getting up to close the small window, but decided against it. She needed the fresh air right now. She pulled the flannel tighter around her shoulders instead, biting her lip as she breathed in Ewan’s scent.
    The sound of keys rattling in the door knob caught her attention, and she jumped up, hurrying to the door. It swung open quietly, and Ewan sighed as he stepped inside. 
    “Oh Ewan…” She gasped as he stepped into the apartment.
    “Debriefing went long.” He muttered into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her. “’M sorry.” 
    Avanda pulled away from him and looked him over. “Ewan, did they look you over at all? How did Addie even let you off the base, look at you…”
    “Didn’t see ’im,” Ewan grunted, “I snuck off before he had the chance. Others had it worse, Av. I just wanted to come home. I’m not that bad, really.”
    Avanda scoffed. “Not that bad? Ewan, you’re a mess--”
    “Thanks, Lass.”
    Avanda rolled her eyes. “Just look at you, you’re bleeding all over…” Her voice trailed off as she looked him over, and began to pull him towards the bathroom. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.” He followed her slowly and groaned as she helped him sit down on the edge of the bathtub. She got a washcloth and gently began to clean away the camouflage face paint, which had dried and was blurred now with the blood from the cuts on his face. He winced a little, hissing through his teeth as she cleaned the area around the worse cut.
    “Sorry.” Avanda muttered.
    “’Salright.” He mumbled back. 
    Once the paint was all wiped away, Avanda felt her heart drop a little. His face was covered in fresh bruises, red and angry, and just starting to turn purple. 
    “What happened?” She finally asked, her fingers gently running across his cheek.
    Ewan shrugged, his eyes drooping as he leaned into her touch as the exhaustion began to catch up with him. “It was a big fight. Just got a little roughed up, that’s all.”
    Avanda sighed, brushing a bit of hair out of his face.
    “Yeah? Gonna make me wait till the meeting tomorrow to find out what really happened?”
    Ewan nodded sleepily against her palm.
    Avanda couldn’t help but smile a little at him. She cradled his face in her hands a little, before placing a kiss on his forehead. He smiled a little as his hand found it’s way to her back. She went back to her work, patching him up and bandaging the cuts on his face. She carded her fingers through his hair, humming a little. Ewan mumbled a little in Gealic; mostly simple thanks as she went.
    “This may sting a little.” She warned, taking the cap off a bottle of rubbing alcohol, applying it to a cotton ball.
    Ewan nodded, blinking a little to wake himself up. He hissed a little as the cotton ball made contact with the cut over his eyebrow. His body was shaking and Avanda cooed softly as she finished applying the medicine to his other cuts. She turned around, reorganizing the first aid box a little as she tried to put things away. When she turned back around, she was startled to find Ewan wiping away tears with the back of his hand.
    “Ewan?” She knelt on the ground in front of him, hands resting on the back of his neck, tracing his jaw with her thumbs and centering him a little. “Ewan mo leannan, what is it?”
    His hand reached up and rested over her’s, and his eyes closed again. “Tha-tha mi ch-cho sgìth.” I’m so tired, “And...and ev-everything hurt--everything hurts.”
Avanda murmured in understanding, standing up a little. She leaned foreward, kissing his forehead. “I know.  Let’s get you into some clean clothes.” Keeping a hand on him, she helped him to stand and led him to their bedroom. She hadn’t noticed him limping when he came in, but now he was leaning almost completely on her. He held a hand against his ribs, panting heavily. She helped him sit down on the side of the bed and he heaved a sigh of relief. “There we go.”
    She gently pulled his leather jacket off of him, draping it over the back of a chair. She turned, opening the closet and pulling out a fresh pair of his sweatpants, and a clean t-shirt. “Do you want me to leave so you can change?”
    Ewan shook his head, hand still gripping his side. “No, no I think I’m going to need your help. I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t be. I’m here for you love.” She sat down, and untied his combat boots, tucking them under the bed. She helped him change into his sweats, brushing off his apologies as he leaned heavily against her, using her to keep his balance. Once he was into more comfortable pants, she helped him sit back down and his hand once again found it’s way to his ribs.
    Avanda gently moved his hand aside, gripping the hem of his shirt in her hands. “Ready?” She asked, looking him in the eye. He nodded, holding her shoulder again. She pulled upwards, trying to move as quickly and gently as she could. He let out a soft cry, gripping her shoulder tightly, tears sliding out of his eyes. 
    “Ewan,” Avanda’s voice held a note of disappointed surprise as she looked at him, “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”
    His left side was a mess of angry bruises, and she could tell he had at least one broken rib. He whimpered a little as she pulled his arm out of the sleeve, and she shook her head. “I-it was a bad fight.” He muttered as she repeated the action on the other side. “I know I broke a few ribs, not much to be done about that.” 
    “It looks like you broke your collarbone, too.” Avanda murmured. She frowned a little. “Do you want me to put another shirt on? Or do you just want to sleep like this?”
    “This is fine.” Ewan said with a grunt.
    “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get you some ice, and that sling, just to help.” Ewan nodded and she left the room. She gathered up the pain pills, ice pack and sling, then slipped quietly back into their room. Ewan was panting a little, hand still gripping his side. Avanda slipped the sling over his head, then helped him tuck his arm into it. He relaxed a little, and Avanda handed him the pills. He took them obediently as she held the ice pack against his shoulder, then he looked up at her with sad, tired eyes.
    “Oh, darling.” She whispered, stroking his hair. “What am I going to do with you?”
    Ewan said nothing, wrapping his good arm around her and hugging her. She sighed, her own arms snaking around him gently. She pulled away from him a little, shaking her head. “I love you.”
    “Tha gaol agam ort cuideachd.” He said, fingers tracing little circles on the small of her back.
    She sat down next to him, her fingers ghosting over the bruises and cuts on his skin. She leaned forward and moved the ice pack aside so that she could press a gentle kiss to the growing mark on his left shoulder. 
    “Let’s lay you down.” She whispered against his skin as her hand gently cupped his neck. “Let’s get you to sleep.”
    Ewan just nodded in agreement, sighing as his fingers tangled in her hair.
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