#why can't i join my minecraft servers after i change my name
harkre · 1 month
I don't know where to post this—
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But it isn't like she and her "group" can't drive me off the server—because I've long left it behind. And it was I who originally introduced them to "Minecraft" which I had made a realm and invited them alongside friends. However, when people were suggesting I made a server—I told them it would take me awhile to make one. Well—Niklos couldn't wait and took everyone off from my realm and invited them to 'their server' without inviting me which I had to third-party to get a invite because I didn't even know about it!
And many don't know the actually reason why I left Moon Guard—it was due to "Niklos Adamant" Guild Leader of the Remnants of Lordaeron and it wasn't due to the "Minecraft" incident. They are manipulative and most of this stems due to lack of communication from them and other people. The only person that really communicated to me about any complaints was the leader from the Residuum. Apparently "Niklos" had a problem with me for months but never communicated about it once despite our close proximity in-game and being friends in discord. They never contacted me to expression their complaints to me directly for "months" and when they did contact me about it—
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Literally didn't communicated back with me for "months" via discord and accused me of "siccing" my friends after them. When I wasn't even online in-game for that and don't know the full context of what had happened. Just that I was doing a role-play that involved someone wanting to role-play with people from the Cathedral group and that wanted to be involved with my story. But something happened and it blew way out of proportion and was never given screenshots of what actually occurred from either party. But as you can see Niklos hadn't contacted me since December of 2021 and all the way until May of 2022 and /whisper communication in-game was non-existent.
And the screenshots in regards to the conversation that had with Hillsbradian below were originally shown to me by Niklos herself before I joined their discord back in 2019 when I had originally joined Moon Guard and was desperate for friends. I should have taken screenshots but I never thought anything like this could occur in the future with "drama"
Basically they whispered me this tinyurl link that they were "sad" that these screenshots were going around framing them in a bad way and that they were fake. And basically said something like this: "you know that isn't my discord profile picture and name" and I was dumb enough to believe them—because I didn't know better and was just desperate for a friend. However the conversation always hit me as fishy because—"you can change your profile picture and name" at any time!
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I stumbled back on the screenshots here on tumblr and clearly other people seem to be aware of them and that they aren't "fake"
I've made even more people aware of them. For example: "Gnews" "Eveneah Rosewood" and some of the core officers and the leader for the "Residuum of Icecrown" are aware of the screenshots and if there is more evidence apparently this Maxen has them.
Including of Bishop "Tyragonfal" which the Residuum of Icecrown does have a document about them with evidence for why they are "blacklisted"
Tyragonfal also stalked my character from the Residuum of Icecrown various times until I had to join a voice chat for the "Midnight Repose" to tell them to stop parking themselves right nearby me in emote range. They would also metagame using their alt in the Residuum of Icecrown at the time called "Nightravens" and they are a 38+ female player who was sending inappropriate messages to the officers from the Residuum of Icecrown in a very "s*xuel matter" and seem to target young men for their "r*pe" kinks and even wrote an inappropriate fanfiction with them and another character without their consent. Eitherway "Midnight Repose" defends them and Niklos gave them a high role in their Remnant of Lordaeron discord.
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viridian-artist · 2 months
Okay I don't wanna be rude or anything rkght-? But I'm very new to the selfship community, I mean I've always selfshipped bit I didn't know there was a COMMUNITY yknow
Anyways whenever I selfshipped I never saw them as mine or anything or actuslly as my partner it was always just haha and wishful thinking, but when I joined that selfship community I saw stuff about sharing
Which I've never ever seen before. Then I looked at some people's accounts and realized they were referring to their f/o's as their boyfriends and girlfriends etc
So basically, do people actuslly get upset that other people selfship with someone they selfship
Like does it ACTUALLY affect their mental health
Bc for me they were never MINE they were js a character I was into. But then it gets kinda more concerning when it's not just Hobie brown or Alistor or Husk. Fictional characters aren't as concerning. But when it comes to real people, like Rendog or Joel or Grian can you really call them yours? These are REAL people mind you and they don't belong to anyone.
Anyways, I'm just hoping you can explain you're thought process or something,I hope this wasn't rude
First off, who said anyone here was selfshipping with IRL Rendog, Grian, or whoever else? As shown in the screenshot below of my PINNED POST::
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I've personally only ever selfshipped with CHARACTER Rendog, hence the "c!" part in front of his name. I know there are people that purely see the cubito as the content creator, yet I am of the group that places a separation between the two. I love the content creator, don't get me wrong, but I ONLY selfship with the silly dog hybrid character he plays on the silly Minecraft server.
Secondly, yes. It can absolutely affect someone's mental health. I am not ashamed of admitting that I can get very upset by it, yet I'm working on it. I acknowledge it's not the healthiest thing in the world to be so heavily attached to a fictional character.
That said, it's not like I willingly act this way. I'm not going into the nitty gritty of WHY I'm so attached to cRendog other than saying that it's a mix of me having formally found Ren (the content creator) and his Hermitcraft Season 9 POV shortly after escaping a toxic/abusive relationship and seeking comfort as well as stress from having battled medical issues last year. I say formally because I knew who he was due to the Life/Traffic series, but I never quite got around to watching UNTIL Hermitcraft Season 9.
I personally view cRendog as my boyfriend. Not in a serious way, of course, but rather I find comfort in that. Even then, it's the specific version of cRendog that I've gradually changed? Nothing drastic or heavily different. The cRendog I selfship with is a mix of the one we see on Hermitcraft with some headcanons, as seen below::
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The cRendog I personally selfship with is a fat transmasc bigender dog hybrid with a tooth gap, paints his nails, and (now) has grey hairs mixed in with his long brown hair.
There's more shifts and adjustments to his personality and mannerisms that I won't go into here (as it's not entirely relevant other than they exist). These changes exist because I've spent so much of my personal time drawing art and writing and simply talking about the relationship he'd have with my Hermitsona/self insert.
He may not be real, instead lines on a page and pixels on a screen, but it's what he REPRESENTS that affects me. I care deeply for him and genuinely appreciate what he's done for me as a comfort character. I refer to him less as a comfort character and more like a boyfriend, simply because to me? It simply suits the situation more.
Overall, I can't speak for others and how they selfship or how it affects them. Nor do I intend to speak for them. This is how it is for me with cRendog. Again, you're not being rude, and I don't mind answering further questions.
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