#why did that grasshopper dude have surprise legs
theonlybatopus · 1 year
There are two reactions to the new pokemon for me:
"Omg it's so cute, imma name it"
"What tf is that. WHAT TF IS THAT." *cue screaming and running*
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nevermindthewind · 7 years
Go away - Waurel Prompt
“Laurel come on, just open the door.”
“I mean it Wes, go away.”
Wes sighs, not quite ready to give in. “I just want to see what it looks like!”
Even through the bedroom door he can hear her sigh in exasperation. Then another voice pipes up.
“Papa, it’s a surprise! No boys allowed!” she says.
“Yeah no boys allowed,” Laurel echos.
He laughs, leaning against the doorframe.  
“That’s not fair!” he exclaims. “I’m out numbered!”
“Get used to it, Waitlist,” Michaela chimes in, using the nickname he’d learned long ago he’d never escape.  
“Michaela don’t call him that,” Laurel retorts.  Wes smiles, feeling a rush of affection for his soon-to-be wife.  Seven years later and she’s still sticking up for him; some things never change.
“But she’s right,” she adds. “Patience, young grasshopper. You’ll see tomorrow.”
Little giggles erupt from the girl. “Papa’s not a grasshopper!”
“That’s right! Thanks, Peanut,” he says through the wall.
“Welcome, Papa.”
She pauses for a second.
“Wanna see my dress?”
He smiles. “I thought you’d never ask.”
“Come here, Jojo.  Let’s help your mama out of her dress and then we’ll get you into yours, ok?” Michaela reasons from the bedroom.  Wes gives up at that point and heads into the living room, swinging his arms.  
He and Laurel had both agreed that most wedding traditions are stupid and sexist.  Laurel’s dad wasn’t walking her down the aisle, she was keeping her last name, and she definitely wasn’t wearing a long, white dress.  They just wanted a small, simple wedding; she didn’t need to spend so much money on one dress.
Or so they thought.
Then one day Michaela convinced Laurel to go “window shopping” for wedding dresses. They’d only go for an hour, two max.
Six hours later Laurel had called Wes saying she’d found the most beautiful dress in the entire world.
“I know it’s expensive and ridiculous and sexist but I can’t help it.  I look like a princesa,” she had told him, excitement laced in her voice.  He laughed, saying that she could wear a potato sack if that was what she wanted and she’d still look beautiful. She called him a suck up, but was laughing too as she asked if it was okay if she bought it. Obviously he had said yes.
They’d had to keep it at the store for alterations, and she’d had a variety of fittings over the last six months or so, so Wes had yet to see the dress. He’d always just assumed he’d see it when she brought it home. Laurel, however, had other plans.
“What happened to ‘wedding traditions are totally outdated?’” he had asked when she came home with her dress in an opaque black bag.
“It'll be more fun this way!” she reasoned, a smirk flickering across her face.
“Fun for who?” he’d teased.
That was two weeks ago. Since then he’d tried in vain to get her to let him see it, but she hadn't budged. He’d even tried to get Josie to help him, knowing Laurel would have a helluva hard time saying no to her, but Josie’d just giggled and said, “It’s a surprise, silly!” so he’d finally dropped it.
That is, until Michaela came over before the rehearsal dinner and insisted on seeing it.
He stews for a few minutes in the living room, but all that is forgotten when Michaela and Laurel, now dressed in a floral maxi dress, come in. Laurel clears her throat and shoots him a grin, holding her fist in front of her as a makeshift microphone.
“Introducing the smartest, silliest, most adorable four year old in--”
“Four and a half!” Josie yells from the other side of the wall.
“Oh yes, my mistake,” Laurel says, suppressing a laugh.
“How dare you,” he mouths, narrowing his eyes shaking his head dramatically. Laurel giggles, but keeps going.
“Anyway, she’s the most adorable four and a half year old in the entire world. She's the one, the only, Josie Gibbins-Castillo!!” she exclaims. She extends her arms and wiggles her fingers, backing away from the door as Josie skips in wearing her flower girl dress.
“Oh Jojo,” Wes says under his breath.
Her dress is simple but elegant, and her curly hair is pulled back into a tiny poof on top of her head. She looks nothing like the tiny baby they brought home from the hospital. The only traces of that baby are her little bare feet as they pitter-patter across the hardwood floor. She looks so grown up and so incredibly beautiful. Once again he looks at Laurel and shakes his head, this time in actual disbelief. She has tears in her bright blue eyes.
“I know,” she whispers, reading his mind.
“Do you like it?” Josie asks, spinning in circles to make her dress puff out like a giant cupcake. “KayKay said she’d even do my hair all pretty tomorrow!”
“I love it!” he exclaims as he reaches out and lifts her in the air. Josie giggles as he spins her around. “You are absolutely gorgeous.”
“Like Mama?” she asks, gripping his shirt and resting her cheek on his shoulder.
He looks up at Laurel and grins.
“Just like Mama.”
He’s standing in a navy tux at the end of a long path in the middle of the estate grounds, his back turned away from the house per Asher’s, well Michaela’s, instructions.  The photographer, a family friend of Laurel’s, stands off to the side testing settings on her camera. He looks at his watch impatiently before scratching the back of his neck, a nervous tick he’s never been able to kick.
“Wes, dude, relax,” says Asher, patting him on the back. “They’ll be here any minute.”
Wes nods, adjusting the cuffs of his shirt. “I know.”
“You know, I always knew you two would wind up together,” Asher comments after a while.  “I could see it in your big puppy eyes from the very beginning.”
“You did not,” Wes scoffs.
“Yeah-huh.  Just ask Laurel. I called her out months before your secret rendezvous began.”
“I think this is the first time Asher’s actually right about something,” says a voice behind him.
Wes turns around and immediately feels all the stress from the last 18 hours melt away.  Because standing right in front of him, holding their daughter’s hand and looking absolutely breaktaking, is Laurel.  Her dress is almost all lace on top and flowy on bottom, with short sleeves and a low back.  He doesn’t know the technical terms for any of it but he does know that every penny spent on this dress was completely worth it.  Her hair, darker now than it was when they were first dating, is up and out of her face, allowing all the focus to be on her deep blue eyes. Upon making eye contact with him she breaks into a giant grin, laughing to herself as she and Josie walk closer.
“Papa! I missed you,” Josie exclaims as she lets go of Laurel’s hand and runs ahead, hugging Wes’ legs.  He hears a camera clicking in the distance but can’t seem to take his focus off his girls.
“Missed you too! You look even more beautiful than yesterday.  I didn’t think that was possible!” he replies, giving her an extra squeeze before she runs over to Asher to show off her dress.  Wes returns his gaze to Laurel, who was still making her way across the grounds. When she finally reaches him she gives him a little twirl, imitating Josie showing off her dress the night before.
“Whatd’ya think?” she asks, raising her eyebrows. Her voice is playful, but behind her eyes he sees a hint of nerves. He takes her hand and pulls her close, taking her face in his hands and kissing her in response. It’s only after a not so subtle cough from Asher that they break apart. Laurel giggles and wraps her arms around his waist, nestling herself into his chest like she has for the past seven years.  Wes plants a small kiss on the crown of her head before resting his forehead on the top of hers. It’s so natural; it feels like coming home.
“Worth the wait?” she asks after a moment, looking up at him and locking her eyes with his.  They break into smiles as Wes nods.
“Laurel Castillo, you are so incredibly beautiful.”
Her eyes begin to fill with tears and she immediately brings her hands to her face to try and wipe them away.
“Mama, why are you sad?” Josie asks, their sensitive little girl almost instantly appearing at Laurel’s side and tugging on her dress. Laurel sniffs and laughs before carefully picking Josie up and resting her on her hip.
“I’m not sad, Mija.  These are happy tears.”
“Happy tears?”
“Yeah, sometimes when people are really, really happy they cry a little bit. It’s a good kind of cry.”
“So you’re really, really happy?”
Laurel smiles and looks up at Wes.  There is so much joy and love in her eyes he can hardly breathe.
“Yeah, baby,” she says. “I’m really, really, happy.”
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afterspark-podcast · 5 years
G1 Episode 15: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: What the fuck is the cereal for!?!  I don't know, do you know!?!
[Intro Music]
O: Hello, and welcome to the Afterspark Podcast, an episode by episode recap of the generation 1 Transformers cartoon.  I'm Owls!
S: And I'm Specs!
O: Today we're gonna be talking about episode number 15, “A Plague of Insecticons.”  Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Yes.
O: We open in this episode on a tropical island in a mangrove forest where several people are poling their boats through the forest.
S: It's called the, “Demon Swamp.”
O: That seems racist somehow?
S: Well, it might have been the Insecticons that named it that, actually.
O: [sighs] Eh, I guess.  And loo, a giant fucking beetle rises from the water!
S: Saying welcome to, “Demon Swamp,” ergo--
O: Okay, point taken.
S: What--why--why they might have named it that.
O: Yeah.  Meet the Insecticons!  Cybertronians that are here, now, for some reason.  Uh, Shrapnel, Bombshell, and Kickback, who are a stag beetle, a boll weevil and a grasshopper respectively.
S: Bombshell is also sometimes listed as a Japanese rhinoceros beetle, interestingly enough.
O: Yeah, we'll probably keep calling him a boll weevil but we--I definitely see how it could be a rhinoceros beetle.  The people flee, leaving behind several bags of food.
S:  That for some reason just really looked like fur to me, it was--
O: They did.
S: Yeah.
O: But the Insecticons can eat this how...and why???
S: Apparently they had to adapt somehow, I don't know.  And Kickback belly flops onto the one boat the remaining people are fleeing on, and...yeah.
O: The fleeing humans stupidly mentioned a farm and the Insecticons overhear this and decide to go pay a visit.
S: They don't even finish everything they were eating.
O: They don't.
S: I guess it'll be there when they get back, but ehh.  At the Ark the Autobots get a distress call from Bali about giant robot insects.
O: Skyfire says not to worry, the Skyfire extermination service is it's way.
S: Skyfire why are you so violent now!?!
O: He just really, really hates bugs, okay?
S: Well, I guess they wouldn make an awful mess smashing against his windshield at the speed of however fast he goes.
O: Yeah, yeah.
S: There would have been a lot more bugs then than there are now.  Skyfire then just like, transforms?  In the middle of the main room of Autobot headquarters the--the Teletraan 1 room.
O: And everybody just loads up, and by everybody we mean:  Spike, Bumblebee, Windcharger and Brawn.  But yeah, you're like--can he just fly out of the Ark, easily down the hallways in his jet mode? [dissolves into laughter]
S: Scale in this cartoon makes no goddamn sense.
O: It has some problems.
S: It really does.
O: We see Laserbeak returning to the Decepticon base, radioing ahead to Megatron to inform him of the robotic insects.
S: Megatron, Soundwave, and Thundercracker decide to head to Bali, Bah-li to track down the Insecticons.  (Or maybe just to have a nice vacation.)
O: Ah, again, I've seen what Megatron has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. I don't think I’d judge him if he’s like, that’s it I'm going to Bali! [laughs]
S: So I guess they get to Bali and then Soundwave sends out Ravage to track them.
O: And Ravage just sort of hops away following the scent, it's so CUTE!?!  Help!?!
S: He just kind of bounces.
O: It’s so cute!!! [giggles]  They do find a Decepticon escape pod that was apparently launched from the Nemesis before it crash-landed on Earth.
S: So yes, this does answer at least one question I had which was--were there still Decepticons on the darn ship? And so the answer is definitely yes, but this doesn't answer how many Decepticons were on that ship.
O: The world may never know.
S: Um-hm.  This leads Thundercracker to realize that the giant robot bugs they're tracking are actually Decepticons that gained insect alts instead of vehicle alts.
O: We cut to the Insecticons who have found the before mentioned farm and they just dive into a field of grain and start chowing down!
S: Oh my god they're vegans!
O: [laughs]
S: We never see them eating meat or anything.
O: You don’t so--
S: Just like metal, and grain, and other organic, uh--crops.  Crops.  They eat crops, okay?
O: So in addition to our Skyfire group, another group of Autobots show up Bali.  This group being composed of: Optimus, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Wheeljack, Ironhide, and Trailbreaker.  They run into a religious celebration prompting them to try to take a shortcut and Sideswipe decides to take the lead, going off-roading.
S: You're a fucking Lamborghini Sideswipe you do not have enough ground clearance for this! At all!
O:  [laughs]
S: At all, at all, at all.
O: And Sunstreaker gives his bro shit, uh, because Sideswipe ultimately leads the group into a dead end.
S: Complete with a size changing hole.
O: Wheeljack also makes fun of Sideswipe’s poor pathfinding skills.
S: And back to what white Americans thought not Americans sounded like circa the 1980’s.  It's pretty racist.
O: It’s pretty racist. And yet more people are fleeing the giant vegetarian robot insects.
S: Some poor guy bails out of a combine shouting that he knew they should have sprayed the grass for bugs.
O: Not entirely sure how that would have helped you, good buddy but I mean… [laughs]
S: Hey, maybe--maybe insecticide would have warded off giant metal insects, who knows?  The Autobots show up and exit Skyfire while Skyfire’s like...half transformed?  There's a really weird pause here in the animation.
O: And he has legs while everyone just bailed out of him like, it is so bizarre looking.  I love it.
S: Yeah, but I mean you could legitimately transform his--
O: Um-hmm.
S: His toy like that, so...
O: Whirl too, I think?  You could--he could have legs, it was so funny.
S: Yeah...so a fight ensues as we were introduced to the Insecticons’ special skills. This is why you buy the toys, kids!  Why you buy the toys!
O: [laughs] Including being able to clone themselves, for some reason?
S: You gotta have some sort of cannon fodder I guess, when there's only three of ya.
O: I...well, I mean, the Insecticons actually will act as cannon fodder for the remainder of the series for [the] Decepticons like, their clones will, so I--valid point, they're basically the Veh--the Vehicons of the series.
S: Pretty much, I mean it was an easy way to explain how the Decepticons would have like, large numbers rather than just having a weird variety of alternately colored Seekers.
O: Yeah, this--I almost feel like they should have introduced these guys sooner so that they could that instead of these Seekers that we’ll never see again.
S: Yeah, eh, I don't know what the writers were thinking or the artists, it was probably a weird combination of no one was doing their job.
O: No one was thinking.  [laughs]
S: Okay, so um, so Brawn thinks these clones are optical illusions until he and Skyfire are thrown into a lake by said clones.
O: Then the Autobots flee into some weirdly large corn hoping that reinforcements are coming soon.
S: It’s really, really, really, large corn--it’s kind of amazing.
O: Yeah.  Now about those reinforcements!  Sideswipe’s brilliant plan after leading everyone to that dead-end was to tunnel their way to their destination.
S: He's really not a smart dude.
O: And yet, that doesn't explain why everyone else here went along with it. [laughs]
S: The Insecticons shoot spikes into the corn but Windcharger uses a repulsor field to keep everyone safe. Um, another nod to Windcharger’s weird magnet powers.
O: Yeah, surprise! The Decepticon tracking party has arrived and Skyfire can't transform.
S: You had one job Skyfire.  Unfortunately that job is to be taxi, never mind that you're a scientist not a warrior and you mentioned that your very first episode.
O: And now you're stuck here with Brawn and Windcharger.  Brawn and Windcharger.  Against Megatron.  Ya guys are screwed.
S: Well, also Bumblebee and Spike, if I’m remembering properly, but--
O: Okay, Spike-- without being able to steal a gun from somebody is effectively useless in this fight and Bumblebee--Bumblebee is a, supposed to be spy, obviously.
S: Yeah.  Despite being--
O: He's a terrible spy, but he's supposed to be a spy!
S: Despite being bright yellow, supposedly a spy.
O: [laughs] Right!
S:  No one’s good at their jobs.
O: Except the cassettes!
S: Yeah, and Ratchet.
O: And Ratchet!
S: I mean, Wheeljack’s also good at building things but they tend to explode--
O: I want to--I mean the cassettes and Soundwave, okay?
S: Okay.
O: He’s the most competent guy in the Decepticon army.
S: Yes, okay--also you should probably sit down Skyfire, you're significantly taller than that weird corn.
O: And then Brawn apparently has something against Rumble as he calls him a sawed-off nerd and he's glad he's not with the other Decepticons?
S: So what do you think Rumble’s nerd qualities are, exactly? Like, what kind of nerd do you think he is?
O: Video games? Weird foreign films?
S: Music, maybe?  Legos.
O: I like that!  Anyway, this is just making me like Brawn less and Rumble more.
S: Well, you already didn't much like Brawn, so it’s not--
O: No, but it’s a, it’s raising Rumble in my estimation.
S: So the Insecticons don't seem to know who Megatron is.  The conversation basically went as so:  Megatron--We're all the same!  Insecticons--Great!  Now help us kill these guys.
O: [laughs] Megatron sees absolutely no downside to this, as the Decepticons prepare to fire.
S: And back to our other group of idiots.
O: I swear in the previous scene they looked like they were underground but apparently Sideswipe’s barely made a dent into digging through this mountain, hill, whatever.
S: I'm guessing that was just some sort of wall, considering what I'm going to say next…
O: [laughs]
S: Optimus finishes this tunnel with his chest by ramming through the rest of the rock in truck mode, so obviously--
O: It wasn’t--
S:  --it's not a very thick--
O: Rock wall or something.  The other Autobots follow.  Sideswipe mysteriously turning into a clone of his brother for a few seconds.
S: And they finally arrived to help Skyfire’s group.  The twins yelling, ramping up a hill, and then transforming into--in midair to tackle the Insecticons and Megatron from above.  It was obviously the proudest moment of their lives.
O: You know it was.  Megatron comes up swinging though, getting Sideswipe an incredibly inappropriate hold and then chucking him across the field and straight into Skyfire’s arms.
S: Skyfire’s his knight in shining armor.
O: He’s everybody’s knight in shining armor.
S: He is!  And then Ironhide pretends to be Ratchet again.  Ratchet I'm assuming is--
O: Not here, I'm pretty sure he's back at base.
S: He’s--he’s sir-not-appearing-in-this-film.
O: Yes!  Well, sir-not-appearing-in-this-episode, anyway.
S: Yeah. The Autobots attack and the Decepticons take to the air and escape.  This seems like an obvious tactical solution for the Decepticons.
O: I mean, look, if they could fly in the Autobots can’t, why wouldn't they just be like--alright this isn't worth our time today? Wheeljack proceeds to fix Skyfire who takes off to keep an eye on the Decepticons, while  the rest of the Autobots follow on the ground.
S: He does.  Soundwave notices the idiot following them immediately and Megatron sends the Insecticons to take care of Skyfire.
O: Skyfire wishes for a laser powered flyswatter and the Insecticons call him a booby.
S: [sighs] Harsh words from a group of robot insects.
O: [laughs]
S: Wheeljack shoots the insecticons off Skyfire’s wings.  Actually, I don't remember was Wheeljack flying here?
O: Wheeljack has flying!  So Wheeljack takes off.
S: He's not wearing a jet pack that we can see but apparently he can fly, yeah.  So yeah, Wheeljack shoots the Insecticons off Skyfire’s wings and then Kickback kicks him to the ground.
O: Optimus then catches him with this soft metal trailer, which is definitely softer than the ground in every conceivable way.
S: Somehow.  And at a nearby oil refinery the Decepticons land amid cries of, “The monsters are back, run!”
O: Has ch--has Megatron hit this place before?  Is this from an earlier episode?  Should we recognize this place Specs!?!
S: Maybe this is where the Insecticons have been going to get--I don't know their fuel when they're not chowing down on cereal?
O: [laughing] They’re--they were just eating wheat though!
S: I don’t know?  So Soundwave does his normal job--when we get to Energon situations like this and he's the Tupperware mate again as he creates some more empty cubes.
O: And we're just dumping oil into these cubes and it’s magically Energon, ‘kay.
S: Sounds about right according to everything else they do.  Bombshell drops down and uses his, “Override wave,”--I am making quotation marks with my fingers--um, on Sunsteaker and Sideswipe.
O: Sunstreaker says, “Hey, somebody else is driving me!”  I feel like I can make a dirty joke here with..well, almost no effort really.
S: Yeah...zero effort and introducing another fancy reason to buy these even though the toys don't actually do that.
O: [Chuckling] Yes.
S: You just gotta have a representation of that character that you really love that does that thing and then you can pretend that your other toys are being mind controlled.  And uh, so Trailbreaker uses his force fields to block the override away--array.  Again, more fancy abilities.
O: Why aren't we just shooting bombshell?  Wheeljack has missiles, he used missiles earlier they seemed pretty effective.
S: Cuz you know we gotta remind the kids about the toys’ cool abilities!
O: You realize who you're talking to, right?  This is the person who has five [six, at the time of posting] Megatrons, remember.  Clearly I am not inclined to branch out.
S: I guess they're appealing to people more like me, who have a weird-ass selection.
O: [laughs] I am connoisseur, thank you!
S: You specialize, mine is a bit wider though I do have two Drifts and like, two Ratchets. Brawn requests some assistance at getting close to Bombshell, so Optimus is just like, fucking picks him up and lobs him through the air.
O: Brawn then lands on Bombshell.
S: This is, you know, the second Decepticon that Brawn has ridden.  I mean, first was Soundwave and it pretty much cemented your dislike of him.
O: Yeah, pretty much.  If you hurt Soundwave I’m not going to like you very much.  Brawn falls off, or is kicked off.  It's kind of unclear.
S: Who’s then caught by Skyfire, who is basically (as I said) everyone's knight in shining armor but Skyfire catches him right before he hits the ground.
O: Again, how was this an improvement?  That doesn't mean the force of his fall just disappears, you know.
S: That's true, that's very true!  You--if you’re a human your inside bits end up splattered against the rest of you.
O: I mean maybe, maybe robots don't have that same problem but--but definitely any time they catch the humans.
S: Yeah..so back at the oil refinery we see the Decepticons filling yet more cubes, only now Rumble’s in tow.
O: So...basically, what this means is he was probably in Soundwave’s chest compartment all along, meaning that Brawn is just wrong about everything today.
S: Yeah, the Insecticons show up and Megatron tells them to crack open an oil tanker and drink their fill.
O: Okay, so they're not vegetarian but then why were they eating all that grain earlier!?!
S: They had a craving, they wanted their cereal.
O: They're giant bugs, not pregnant women with a craving!  The Autobots show up and Megatron tells Soundwave to, “Activate the Ravage cassette!”
S: What a way to, um...dehumanize is maybe not the right word?  De-personify?  De-personify one of your most competent soldiers.
O: But we do get more cute Ravage bounding, which makes me happy.
S: He just bounce, bounce, bounce--
O: [laughs]
S: --all the way over to the Autobots. And now it's Sunstreaker that's pretending to be his brother for a shot.
O: In a tussle with Thundercracker--Optimus, Wheeljack, and Brawn end up coming up underneath the pier Thundercracker’s standing on and throwing him up and into the oily water he'd already set ablaze.
S: Thundercracker’s just not making good decisions.
O: No. [laughs]
S: And Ironhide manifests fire extinguishers out of his hands in an attempt to control the blazing oil around them and then Shrapnel uses lightning to attack the Autobots telling them to, “taste to the lightning-lightning,” maybe?  Isn’t he the one that [repeats words]...?
O: Oh, he might, I can't remember.  [He is.]  I do love that Wheeljack’s response is, “It tastes terrible!,” after he gets hit though.
S: It's a good response.  I like it.  Good on ya, Wheeljack.
O: I like Wheeljack.
S: I love--I like him too.  He’s a--he’s a good fella.  But rubber tires save the day, as Bumblebee transforms and Sharpnel’s attacks have no effect.  Oh my god, that just makes me think of the thing from the Mars Attacks! comics and Spike’s rubber boots.
O: Oh my god, that part was amazing.  I love it cause like--
S: Yeah.
O: --the solder gives him shit, but he’s like, “Ha!,” at the very end, it’s great.  Uh, this prompts Wheeljack to ride Sunstreaker into battle and shoot Shrapnel with his missiles.
S: And then Optimus rides into battle on top of Ironhide and Trailbreaker.
O: Like a foot on each one.  It's kind of great.  Seeing as the lightning has failed, Megatron shoots the oil tanker, jumps into the water and then pushes it towards the oil refinery in an effort to blow up the Autobots.
S: Optimus just kind of bear hugs the ship and sort of makes it sink…
O: Megatron takes aim at Spike and then Optimus pops out of the water holding the oil tanker above his head.
S: This is really absurd looking because Optimus is like, 1/24 the size of this oil tanker or something?  He is very small compared to the oil tanker.
O: Right!  But then Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, chucks an ENTIRE oil tanker at Megatron!!!
S: And the Insecticons proceed to say--fuck this shit--and take off with some Energon.
O: Megatron pops back up yells to stop them and then Reflector is here for some reason?
S: He had to get his paycheck somehow.
O: [laughs] Well, like where did Rumble go?  Like, Rumble I don’t think is there anymore, so I’m like, was Rumble supposed to be Reflector the entire time?  Was Reflector supposed to be Rumble?  Did Rumble say, fuck this shit, and hop back inside Soundwave?
S: Could be that, maybe he went to go do nerd stuff?
O: I'm gonna go with that.  Anyway, the Decepticons follow the Insecticons into the air and the Autobots laugh cause this day is saved once again, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!  Wait, no, that's wrong. [laughs] Anway, that’s the end of our episode, join us next time for the season 1 finale, Heavy Metal War!  Where the Constructicons are introduced and Megatron is a cheater McCheater pants.
S: And we don't actually address any of the ecological issues that happened in this episode with the oil.
O: Or any of the other terrible things that Megatron and the Decepticons have done that further affected the ecology around them.  Eh, that’s not the word I’m looking for...environment.  I’m going to go with environment.  Alright, Specs, what are our fanfics for today?
S: We have two fanfiction recommendations for today.  Our theme for both of them is Insecticons um, but so let's go forward with this--I will introduce the first one and then Owls can introduce the second one because it was her recommendation.
O: Yay!
S: Alright, so the first one is titled, “Icehopper,” by Ayngelcat, and that's angel with a “y”.  (It'll be spelled for you.)  So it's in the G1 continuity, it's rated G, uh, it's rated--its Gen, there aren't any pairings. It’s just a cute little short thing.  So characters are: Shrapnel, Bombshell and Kickback.  And so, the authors summary is, “Another fic I wrote a while back which I've hauled from an obscure place.  The time of year seems appropriate.  I confess to it being a favorite besides which, insecticons needs love.”  So this is actually set during…
O: The winter, or…?
S: Yes, it’s set during the winter.
O: Ah.
S: Originally written for the TF_speedwriting, with the prompt, “Snow White,” and summary, summary is, “Kickback has fun in the snow which does not provide quite so much fun to fellow insecticons, and there's a warning for extreme Insecta-fluff.”
O: [chuckles]
S: With a smiley face.  So ya, recommendat-- the theme or here--whatever is, “Insecticons,” lots of Insecticon cuteness.
O: And my recommendation for today is, “Unusual Subjects to Take Up in Therapy,” by Sparklight.  Continuity for this is Shattered Glass, which is one of my favourite continuities ever and um, I just happened to remember that uh, Shattered Glass Bombshell was in this and recommended it for it.  The rating is G, the--it is Gen, there are no pairings though I will admit I feel like I get some Cliffjumer, uh, Bombshell vibes in this but um, but it's not listed that way.  Characters are: Regular universe Cliffjumper, Shattered Glass Bombshell, Shattered Glass Starscream, Shattered Glass Sideswipe and Shattered Glass Megatron.
Summary, “After Megatron expresses concern over how Cliffjumper is handling his new situation and Cliffjumper insists he's doing FINE, he still ends up talking to Bombshell about alternates, the differences between his native reality and this one (and the people in it) and, just a little, about how he's dealing with it.  At first reluctantly, and later less so.”  The theme for this was Bombshell, basically (and the Insecticons).
So, some background on the Shattered Glass universe and the plot in the main Shattered Glass stuff is that the normal Cliffjumper actually ends up there and ends up a allying himself with the Shattered Glass Decepticons, who are the good guys in this universe.  I quite like this fic, I want to say it's like five or six chapters long but it is complete um, and I just enjoy getting to read anything with Shattered Glass in it but I thought characterizations in this were good and we don't actually get to see a ton of Shattered Glass Bombshell material, so it was interesting.
S: Sounds good, and we’ve got fanart today!
O: We do!  So, our fanartist for today is Red or Russet Red, I'm not entirely sure which one they go by.  We will have additional links to their stuff on our Tumblr but the stuff that we will list on at least AO3 is that Russet Red has a Tumblr, Twitter, and an Instagram.  They tend to do a lot of ID-IDW stuff, though I think there's probably more stuff on there too?  There is a variety of characters, uh, the IDW continuity as far as I can tell.  Some really cute stuff, ranging from sprite art, to sketches, and finished pieces.  They have mine--my undying gratitude for making adorable Coswave fluff, yes!
Uh, our three art recommendations for the day are, a sleepy ambulance--which is Ratchet related.  A Coswave sprite they did which is super cute, and then some Minimus fanart, where he is holding a bunch flowers, that I just thought was cute.
S: Sounds adorable.
O: I really recommend them, their art style’s pretty damn fucking cute!
S: Okay, and so that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort at Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at Afterspark Pod (all one word) and various other locations as Afterspark Podcast such as AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts Stitcher and YouTube, just to name a few.  Till next time, I'm Specs!
O: And I'm Owls!
S: Toodles!
[Outro Music]
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earthbounddreamers · 7 years
Ask meme - Scarlet
Here’s all 100 questions from that ask meme for @atrue-whovian cause he’s insane This one is for Scarlet James is next Have fun I’m on mobile so I can’t put it under a cut rip
1. What do they smell like? She usually smells of masculine deodorant (that feminine stuff is bullshit and expensive) and/or sweat.
2. What is their voice like? Her voice is somewhat feminine but mostly deep, very intimidating and loud.
3. What is their biggest motivator? She wants to make sure all her friends - who are now family - are safe and happy.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory? When she thought she was flirting with a gay girl but she was actually straight and was suuuper embarrassed when she tried to ask her on a date.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain? Usually she just swears loudly, takes a deep breath, applies pressure for a moment, then controls it with harsh breathing to channel her pain. If it needs treatment she applies first aid while swearing the entire time. If adrenaline is high and she’s in danger she doesn’t consciously react, and though her body might flinch she doesn’t even feel it.
6. What do they like to wear? Baggy masculine clothes most of the time, band merch and sweat pants, sometimes jeans but they’re always torn. Other times she wears tight fitting workout clothes or just a tank top and shorts to show off the guns.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively? Sam was the first person to make her start exploring herself, give a second thought to the things running through her head. Sam helped start her healing process, even if it was a little slow. While all her relationships have helped in different ways, Sam really started it all.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten? Once when she was high someone caught a grasshopper and cooked it over the fire - cooked being a generous word - and she ate it without hesitation. Don’t do drugs kids.
9. Describe the way that they sleep. Sprawled out, snoring loudly, usually with an arm wrapped around Sam.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food? She loves hamburgers with all the toppings you can fit on it. Five Guys, Burger Factory, that kinda thing is her shit. She loves going to fast food joints and ordering the craziest combinations.
11. What do they feel most insecure about? Her abilities in anything really. She hates herself the moment she can’t do something. Even if it’s something small like playing a stupid Mario Party minigame she needs to be able to do it.
12. How do they like to dress? Masculine and functional, looking good and ready to kick ass.
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt? Beats herself up infinitely, hates herself and never really talks about it until someone convinces her to and then they can hopefully comfort her.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal? Initially wants to kill them. Then wants to beat the shit out of them. Eventually like, four years later, gets over it.
15. What is their greatest achievement? Breaking out if the institution and making it home safe, that was badass and awesome.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep? Irritable and cranky. Throws back coffee and energy drinks to help stay awake until she eventually crashes and passes out.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk? Depressed, nostalgic for better times. She cries a lot and apologizes for everything ever. A sad sight to see, really.
18. What kind of music do they enjoy? Hard rock and heavy metal. She wants to feel the bass in her bones and rock the fuck out. Has a soft spot for a few softer bands but usually refuses to admit it.
19. Are they right or left handed? She was born like technically left handed, but due to the missing finger she quickly took to using her right hand.
20. Fears? Scared of losing people. Scared of disappointing her friends. Scared of becoming like her parents. Scared of hurting those she loves.
21. Favorite kind of weather? Windy and somewhat sunny, but not too bright. She loves the rain too.
22. Favorite color? Red, which was probably obvious.
23. Do they collect anything? She tends to keep bottle caps around, accumulating a pile in her room until Sam inevitably recycles them all and she has to start anew.
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more? Cool but not cold weather.
25. What is their eye color? Pale blue like iceberg water.
26. What is their race/ethnicity? White, specifically white trash by birth.
27. Hair color? Dark brown, likes to dye it red.
28. Are they happy where they are currently? Living with Sam and Max in a decent apartment with a decent job, she’s happy.
29. Are they a morning person? Not in the least. She’s basically a zombie before 11am.
30. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset, she likes knowing darkness is right around the corner.
31. Are they more messy or more organized? Messy, everything has it’s place - wherever it happens to be dropped.
32. Pet peeves? When people follow rules like it’s the law - even when it’s literally the law. See: Refusing to jaywalk Taking off hats in restaurants Never walking on the road even when it’s 2am and nobody else is awake jesus christ live a little dude
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance? She still has this little bracelet Sam gave her when they were like 12. It’s made of silver and has a little S engraved in it. She refuses to admit she still has it.
34. Least favorite food? She can’t stand salad. Why would you eat leaves?
35. Least favorite color? Orange. Never did care much for it.
36. Least favorite smell? Like 99% of perfumes, they just smell like chemicals to her.
37. When was the last time they cried? Last week she had a nightmare and some traumatic memories came back and she couldn’t help but cry.
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried? She woke Sam up without meaning to and they comforted her.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured? She and Max were playing chicken, running straight at each other until someone bailed out. Nobody bailed out. She got her forehead cut open and Max got a huge bruise on his cheek.
40. Do they have any scars? Jesus does she ever. Scar across her left cheek, left ear reconstructed from skin grafts, scars up and down her arms and thighs from self harm, leg amputated above right knee, scars on her stomach from when her mother attacked her, burn marks across her back, and she’s missing her left index finger from a birth defect. We call her Scar for a reason.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues? Major depression and anger issues, as well as other shit left over from emotional and physical abuse. She’s pretty broken. On antidepressants but they aren’t quite enough, she’s doing her best.
42. Do they have any bad habits? Drinks too much (working on it though), used to smoke weed too much, leaves in the middle of the night without warning and worries everyone to death.
43. Why might someone dislike them? Lots of reasons. Resting bitch face, defensive and rude, she’s very loud and refuses to apologize for who she is
44. Why might someone love them? She has a lot to talk about. She’s intensely loyal and will protect you with her life. Once you realize what she’s working to fight through, she’s trying her hardest to be a good person. She’s a fight worth fighting for.
45. Do they believe in ghosts? She believes that if someone dies in a bullshit way they’ll stick around until they’re satisfied.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives? Any four of her best friends. Sam, Max, James, and Simon alike she’d trust with her life.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone? She loves Sam.
48. Are they dating/married to anyone? Sam is her gorgeous partner and she loves her very much.
49. Do they like surprises? She would if she could be awake enough to enjoy them. When she stays up for an all nighter she loves watching the sunrise.
50. When is their birthday? August 18th, summer child.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday? Used to drink the night away, now gets friends together to eat cake and junk food and watch good-bad movies
52. Do they have any family? Parents are long gone. This gang of misfits is her new family. A bunch of brothers and a beautiful partner.
53. Are they close to their family? Biological family no, she wants nothing to do with them. Her new family definitely.
54. What is their MBTI type? I’d say ISTP, the Virtuoso. I think it suits her well.
55. What is their zodiac sign? She’s a Leo but can literally never remember her sign.
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in? Gryffindor, like the cliche kicking down the door Gryffindor.
57. What D&D alignment are they? Chaotic neutral-good. She wants to be good, but only when it concerns her or her friends.
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about? The infinite amount of hit that has happened to her still haunts her every week or two, usually waking her up in the middle of the night.
59. What are their views on death? Pretends not to care, actually scared of what might be waiting.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at? Any stupid joke for pun. Like what’s a fish without an eye? Her favourite joke.
61. When bored, how do they pass time? She works out, drinks, gets high, or just sleeps. She’ll also cuddle with Sam then fall asleep.
62. Do they enjoy being outside? Yeah, she loves the outdoors. She’ll get cranky if it’s too hot though.
63. Do they have an accent? She’s got the typical American/Canadian accent that doesn’t sound like an accent when you’re in north america. She has a few words out of the stereotypical Canadian accent but you’re dead if you point it out.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction? Step one: acquire cake Step two: ingest
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say? She’d be terrified, crying as she spends every moment she can with all her friends. Telling and hearig stories, terrified that she’ll be forgotten.
66. How do they feel about sex? She enjoys it but doesn’t need it. Really depends on her partner.
67. What is their sexuality? She’s bisexual, leaning towards female and nonbinary people.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood? No way, blood can’t phase her at this point. She’s stitched and bandaged too many wounds to care about blood anymore.
69. Is there anything that they find really gross? Rotten food, just the sight of it makes her want to puke, and the smell will definitely make her puke.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them? The cold-hearted bully who actually has a Tragic Backstory and can’t cope with it. Just needs someone to understand her.
71. Do they enjoy helping people? Her friends, yes. Sometimes strangers, but usually busy taking care of herself.
72. Are they allergic to anything? Nope, her immune system is chill.
73. Do they have a pet? James has Pequeño and she’s basically his aunt. She also has a rose haired tarantula named Princess she keeps in her room. Sam pretends they aren’t terrified of Princess.
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they lose their temper? She’ll get angry in a heartbeat. She has two possibilities when angry: brooding and internalizing it all, or yelling and screaming until she ends up breaking down crying (usually someone is bleeding at this point).
75. How patient are they? She isn’t.
76. Are they good at cooking? Good enough. Nothing special but it’s pretty good.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often? All the time. Big fan of “go die in a barn fire” and “who’s this clown?”
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy? She’s grinning, laughing at everything and loud as can be.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears? She’s super careful to protect them from it and try not to mention that stuff.
80. Are they trustworthy? If you’re established as friends, she will die before she betrays you.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it? She hides them on instinct, and is good at first but everything quickly overwhelms her and shows through.
82. Do they exercise regularly? All the time.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look? She’s not terribly confident, but comfortable with her looks. She doesn’t plan on changing.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people? She loves their arms, like muscular or small and dainty she loves the shoulders, biceps, forearms, hands. Can’t get enough.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive? Calm, helpful personalities, but still enough energy to go out and have fun. She wants someone to balance her out, but have fun when they can
86. Do they like sweet foods? In small amounts, she usually prefers salty or savory stuff.
87. What is their age? She’s 18.
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between? Damn tall, she’s 6’3”.
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts? Nope, her eyes are fine.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive? Somewhat, but not much.
91. What is their sense of humor like? Usually based on stupid puns and morbid jokes.
92. What mood are they most often in? Used to be depressed like 24/7, now is actually happy or at least content for the most part.
93. What kinds of things anger them? Basically anything, but especially people being rude, at least as she perceives.
94. Outlook on life? Kinda shitty but she’s stuck here so she might as well make the best of it.
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed? Life. Basically anything. Anything had the potential to be sucked into the depressive vortex and made to be depressing.
96. What is their greatest weakness? Being insecure in herself. Also girls.
97. What is the greatest strength? Fighting for what she believes in.
98. Something that they regret? The years spent drunk and high that she could have been enjoying.
99. Biggest accomplishment? Getting out of the institution with James and Simon, alive and well.
100. Create your own! Ask anything you’d like!
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Feb 6 Lost Light Stream - Transformers Prime 57-59
Prowl was vaguely bothered by Insecticons. He’s getting better. He didn’t have to leave the room this time.
After the stream he was stuck there for a while because good music kept coming on. Rodimus’s playlist is too short, though. (Prowl’s now sent him some additions.)
Crosscut: ((Oh, ACDC wow XD This makes me think of my high school years.)) CptRodimus: *just streatched out over a couch never the back today finishing sharpening Pip.* CptRodimus: ((rodimus loves them =) CptRodimus: ((near the back* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave is as prepared for tonight’s impending double whammy as he can be. He strides in and parks himself on his couch, one leg over the and arms crossed atop them.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *The minis charge in and scatter around after.* Windchill: *Walks in.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \WEAPON!\ And Frenzy’s scuttling over to see Pip. Crosscut: ((Them and Guns n’ Roses was the only CD I had back then I used to listen to them while skateboarding so that’s instantly what I relate them to.)) Airachnid: [peeks helm through the door before walking in] Windchill: *Makes as if to wave, but fans his face instead.* Windchill: Oh my god, what’s that smell? CptRodimus: Sup mechs? Windchill: *Stares pointedly at Rodimus.* Windchill: Oh. Windchill: *Can’t smell anything and needs to shut up + sit down.* CptRodimus: *looks curious up at Windcill* You dont like the scent of victory? Oh must be the Con in you.~ Txen: *the predacons make a much less dramatic and more timely entrance than last week, once again followed by Shockwave* Crosscut: -pops in, looking around the room- I can only be here a short time sadly, I just wanted to say hellow to everyone. Windchill: Is THAT what that is? Windchill: *Doesn’t look convinced.* CptRodimus: Hey Crosscut! *waves then returns to his sharpening the blade* Txen: *DS and Lynx beeline for the food, predictably, though DS stops long enough to chirp “Cool sword” in Roddy’s direction* Crosscut: Evening, Captain. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yo, Crosscut.// Rumble waves too. boomtank: -is on time for once!- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods at Blaster.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And at Shockwave and his companions* Crosscut: -He looks a bit confused by the mincon’s addressing him but wanting to be polite he waves back- Ah, hello…Rumble, wasn’t it? Bruin: *clomp clomp here comes bruin & co. Everyone came tonight because DRAgons* boomtank: -waves back- Hello Windchill: *He’s going to sit down and take up an entire couch, as usual. Crosscut: Sorry if that’s wrong, I’m not great with names sometimes. CptRodimus: *looks up at the chrip in his direction and grins widely* Epiphany -is- pretty cool isnt he? Too bad he is recharging or I’d introduce you!“ Txen: *Predaking recognizes Soundwave as That Helpful/Polite One and nods.* CptRodimus: It’s pipe’s song and he isn;t here. MAN! boomtank: -settles somewhere out of the way again- ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yep. ’S cool, ain’t talked much. But hey, uh–// Now that he thinks about it, he trots over and sticks his hand out. //Thanks. Y'know. For lettin’ me do the thing.// Txen: DS: *surprised enough to stop with a snack halfway to his mouth* …"He”? …Is this wunna your… bipedal-bot things… *you all turn into WEIRD stuff sometimes* Bruin: *uh oh high pitched song, the wolves are going to try and “sing” along* Crosscut: -He nods and shakes the small bot’s hand- Of course, you did a fine job as well if I might add. Bruin: *it is more words than howling thankfully* Txen: *speaking of dragons, Skylynx is going to curl around the back of one of the couches in beast-mode. he’s not anywhere near predakings’ size, it’ll be fine* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Startled look and then a huge beam* //Heh. Thanks, mech.// *HIS DAY IS MADE* Crosscut: Damn..-checks the time and sighs- I’m afraid I have to go already. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Take it easy, huh?// Windchill: *Howls too!* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage looks at all the howlers with disdain* Crosscut: Sorry everyone, I was hoping to watch at least a little with you, perhaps next time….And Rumble, I look forward to seeing you at our next try outs whenever we do a new play! Windchill: *You don’t want him to meow, Ravage.* FakeProwl: *appears* Txen: *is with ravage on that one* Bruin: *can't rain on their parade ravage* CptRodimus: *onto the final step of the shining now* Yeah, he has a bi-pedal but sword is hos forged shape-- he can also turn into a gun! Txen: ((skylynx rather, gdi)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *A greeting nod to Prowl* Crosscut: -Waves to everyone, even the only now arriving Prowl, on his way out- Goodbye. FakeProwl: *reflexively covers his audials before he realizes he can turn down his avatar's audio input* CptRodimus: Awe see ya Crosscut FakeProwl: Hel— er, goodbye. CptRodimus: *damn he wanted to see the easily flustered song to his song* Bruin: *well, time to go sit in the usual spot on the far wall* Windchill: *Howls off-key, even. He doesn't care what song is playing.* CptRodimus: *Just going to causually sing the lryics* Txen: DS: *not -entirely- sure whether he's being fragged with rn. sniffs at the sword skeptically* Uh... hi there? CptRodimus: *shine shine* FakeProwl: *sits by Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave tilts his helm at this song* CptRodimus: *seeing the interest Rodimus shifts back to clearlyshow Epip's hilt there is a pretty clearly visuable spark there under armour* Txen: DS: *startles a little bit. does this mean the sword's naked??* Airachnid: [is just going to sit in the back] Sorida changed their nickname to Bee. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's gonna have to save that last one-- OH a favorite. The tiniest helm bobs.* Bee: [time to sneak in] Airachnid: [?? which Bee is this] CptRodimus: *chuckles* A tad lewd right? He tells me it was all the rage 'back in the day" Bee: (( radioactivibee X3 )) boomtank: -Don't mind Blaster bobbing his helm to the song, as he pokes at his reports- Airachnid: [is just gonna :3c in Bee's direction] Whirl: *trots in* Now, Captain. Captain. I'm not sure when the last time was that you took a good, long look at my magnificent frame, but I've got some news for you. Whirl: I don't have FUR. Windchill: *Looks to verify Whirl's WILD claims.* Txen: DS: *slowly bites and chews snack while he thinks* ...So... you're polishin' an old exhibitionist? *guffaws a little. bipeds are wild* Bruin: *snorting noises from the mech pile in the corner* Whirl: *you'd better not be hogging that couch Windchill* Windchill: *HE TOTES IS MY DUDE.* Bee: [and he's gonna O.o; right back at Airachnid] Windchill: *Guess you'll just have to...teach him a lesson.* Whirl: *he might. First it's time to prod and poke at the snack table* CptRodimus: *bursts out laughing* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Well then. In a mood, are we?]] Whirl: ((my internet is bein a lil fart and i am il, if I vanish my dudes I ran out of stamina to fight it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((k)) Txen: ((weh ok. be strong, snifs internet)) Bee: ((that's so obnoxious, internet why)) Txen: *predaking definitely has no idea what this song is about* Whirl: *carefully "sniffing" the wares; so far nothing seems worth his time* Windchill, your posture is terrible. You'd better make room before I get over there. Windchill: (( It's okay snif, I still love u. )) Windchill: Make me. Windchill: *Turns just enough to waggle his brows over the back of the couch in CHALLENGE.* boomtank: -okay, going to room watch. More entertaining at this rate- Txen: DS: *remembers he needs to go sit someplace and flops on his belly in an empty floor spot at the front* CptRodimus: "I will surely tell him THAT! Next time I'll skip the sparring so he is up for a movie night." ItsyBitsySpyers: *He knows Rodimus has the hots for his native Prime, but what a series of songs.* Bruin: *Spotter zoops over to the snack table, designated snack getter of the night because no one else can be bothered* CptRodimus: ((MASK?! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Gets comfortable.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((Yep)) Txen: *heh this is the first time i think missy didnt skip the new intro* Windchill: Cool guys don't look at explosions. *whispers.* Txen: ((AH TWO SECONDS OF MY SON)) Bee: ((ngl i'm trash for the intro remix.....)) CptRodimus: ((on purpose =) boomtank: ...I forgot Optimus got big. Uh...bigger Bee: I forgot Raf's voice dropped that much. CptRodimus: Im ready to receive magnus~ Windchill: *Snorts.* Airachnid: Humans are so fragile. Whirl: *none of this stuff looks like it has any taste, but he's going to grab some engex anyway* Oh lord. This is Magnus all right. ItsyBitsySpyers: //What, ya think I learned to be me offa yours?// CptRodimus: This magnus needs some Rodimus--- Primus damned Bee: ........... CptRodimus: *winks at Bee* Bee: why CptRodimus: *snickers* I work wonders. Whirl: *trots over to the Whirl Couch and stands in front of Windchill* Now, you're lucky that I'm not feeling well tonight, or this would hurt a lot more. FakeProwl: *~Magnus~* FakeProwl: *look at how sensible he is* Airachnid: Prime still looks like a bloated shuttle. Bee: He does not! Whirl: *leanes back, raises one foot up and grasshopper-kicks Windchill right in the dang crotch* Up. Windchill: *SPUTTERS IN PAIN, if not surprise.* Txen: ((lol *** u smokey)) Whirl: *balances one on leg, sipping his Engex calmly* Windchill: Just sit on me, dude. Bee: ...Ratchet. Windchill: *It gon' take more than THAT to move him tonight.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((whoa what it just skipped like a whole bunch)) FakeProwl: *ugh ugh ugh insecticons* Whirl: You want another? Make room. CptRodimus: *stands up looking his work over and grins with a nod before heading over to put Pip back on this wall mount* boomtank: -huffs- Windchill: Or you could sit on me. *Arches one brow, the other one has been tamed for the time being.* FakeProwl: *leans on soundwave. hi. he wasn't expecting insecticons.* Airachnid: [hisses slightly under her breath] Whirl: *KICKS AGAIN* boomtank: -about as fond of insecticons as Prowl- Txen: ((yes...... bring the fossils to papa)) Windchill: *HOWLS TUNELESSLY.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *YES. Sorry. Mun was preparing to do the Insecticon warning thing but apparently her stream was behind. Sorry Prowl.* Txen: *shockwave is very attentive when the fossil is on screen* FakeProwl: ((no worries, we can say soundwave was distracted)) Windchill: *Sits up though, freeing up maybe 1/3 of the couch.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave will take hand and squeeze if able.* Whirl: *calmly takes a seat, drawing his legs up and curling up* Thanks. FakeProwl: *he'll allow it. ... thanks.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave looks at Shockwave to see what he looks like seeing this fossil search again* Windchill: You're welcome. Whirl: That wasn't so difficult, now was it? *regards him with a half-lidded optic; he seems equal parts amused and tired* Txen: ((god this episode is so referential)) Windchill: No, it kinda was. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl satisfied later tonight. Airachnid: I never understood this logic. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Insecticons not present past evening's content. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Good to know.» CptRodimus: *struts but to his-- glances at the prowl and soundwave's chair and smirks--- then countinues his trot* Bee: ..........Isn't cloning a clone...not good? Whirl: Like I said--I normally kick a LOT harder than that. *gestures to his head* Migraine. Whirl: Might have saved your crotch's life. FakeProwl: *all right. he's okay now. shall re-establish personal space bubble.* CptRodimus: *watching the CNA explaination then looks to Shockwave then back to the screen as he flops onto the counch* Windchill: Saved the life of something, maybe. Whirl: *snickers and takes a sip* FakeProwl: ((you go starscream, lampshade those scavenger hunts)) Txen: *shockwave is -so attentive. his back isnt even touching the couch.* Bruin: *more snorting noises* Shockwave never lost anything Whirl: You guys' Earth really IS somethin else. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Amused at his primary ally looking more like him for once.* CptRodimus: *nudges DS with a foot* You were a rock? Txen: *its funny how his on-screen alternate says 'CNA' with exactly the same faintly reverent enunciation he does* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[As he has always said.]] CptRodimus: ((is he in nudging range? Txen: ((sure)) Whirl: ((HA)) Airachnid: You are not smooth Prime. Bee: ................ Txen: DS: *wiggles his feet* I was a -fossil-. There's a difference! Windchill: It's  a magical place. boomtank: -giggles- CptRodimus: What is it? boomtank: Optimus, really? Whirl: I sympathize, Wheeljack. *tips his cup to the screen mournfully, and then swivels his helm around to look at Ravage* @Ravage: Hey. So. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't I said we had a hammer?// ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: =Hm?= Txen: DS: Uh... *oops. what does Shockwave say about science stuff again?* Bee: ((noooooo i'm gonna have to miss this fight T.T FakeProwl: *ultra magnus, carrying a hammer that possesses the power to smack complicated machinery into existence* FakeProwl: *... that's a good look on him.* Whirl: @Ravage: Anything left over on my tab? I gave you more'n one of those packages. Seems like a bit of a lopsided deal for a single drink. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((awww i'm sorry bee mun)) Txen: ((also a good look: tfa magnus and his hammer. and shockwave after murdering him and stealin it)) Whirl: ((mmm tfa shockwave)) Bee: ((mmmmmm good stuff right there)) Windchill: (( That butthole. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage shakes loose two small shots - all he's carrying on him - and snaps them up in feeler tail claw. Stalks over to deliver* Bee: ...suspenseful theme playing Whirl: *downs his Engex in one go and reached over to take them up in his huge claw* Thanks. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Gonna park here by Whirl and Windchill. Lazy cat.* Whirl: *e's gonna pour the shots into the empty glass and nurse it* Txen: Shockwave: *supplies for Rodimus once DS looks at him helplessly* Preserved remnants of ancient life forms. Airachnid: [all of the sentimental stuff mentioned is still making her sick, ew modesty] Windchill: *Squints at Ravage a little.* Whirl: ... *scoots over to make room, if Ravage desires; this, of course, puts him in an oh-so-convenient position to lean on Windchill* Txen: (( OwO )) Whirl: ((YEEEEE YE)_) CptRodimus: ... Hey, noseless guys can your hands turn into -other- things? *looks back to SHck* Thanks! Txen: ((I FORGOT ABOUT THAT PARTICULAR PART)) Bee: No. Whirl: Ha! Damn. Windchill: *Consider yourself lucky you're his friend WHIRL.* Txen: ((HIS TANK MODE HAS A JET PACK)) Bee: I mean, Arcee had some blades but I didn't have any melee weapons ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It depends on the mech.]] Whirl: *laughs again* I didn't know Shockwave could fly. Airachnid: Prime used to be able to make his arms into blades. boomtank: ..... Bee: ((ugh i gotta go T.T may be back.....)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave abruptly sits up a bit* Windchill: *RAISES HIS HAND.* Mine don't anymore. FakeProwl: ... *questioning look at Soundwave's hands* Airachnid: Apparently the Forge is not fond of arm blades. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[These,]] pointing to the screen [[were his last moments as a Decepticon.]] Txen: Shockwave: ...It is not sustained flight. FakeProwl: *oh. never mind. focuses on screen.* CptRodimus: *snrks* Whirl: Still. a flying tank. Never thought I'd see the day. Txen: Shockwave: *why do people always go for his helm.......* Shockbox changed their nickname to shockbox. shockbox: (( soundwave saving shockwave is pretty gay tbh.)) Whirl: ((i love it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bird chitters noisily. Her time to shine soon* boomtank: Disable the helm, disable the mech Whirl: Whoa. That knocked him OUT? boomtank: Good strategy...if it works Airachnid: It's also a very big and obvious target. ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Bird said!}} ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Blades. Other hands. Nothing else. Yet. Whirl: Nice moves, mech. boomtank: That too Windchill: *Snickers.* Txen: ((boop)) FakeProwl: *small nod. blades makes sense. he's sorta blade-shaped.* CptRodimus: Niiiiiiiiice Whirl: Pfft! Txen: ((how long was megatron waiting there to catch it)) Whirl: Damn, you guys are all showing off tonight. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... OTHER hands?» *why do your hands turn into more hands* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((is it skipping super bad for anyone else)) FakeProwl: ((it's okay here)) Windchill: (( I haven't noticed anything. )) boomtank: ((it's all good here Airachnid: same)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((hmm. thank you)) Whirl: ((ye, it's workin fine.. sorry neddles :<)) Txen: ((ahh. a good ep for good boys)) CptRodimus: SO--- Shockwave, about that CNA you wanted. FakeProwl: ((*smacks forge on cro's internet*)) Txen: Shockwave: ...Yes? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): When deployers dock, hands: modified. Palm, extra digit, extra joints, sharper claws. Whirl: They just LEFT him there? Harsh. Windchill: Happened to me, once. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Other hands. Whirl: And kinda stupid. FakeProwl: *ah. nods.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((brb i'm gonna restart stream and see if it helps)) Windchill: *One gets used to it.* CptRodimus: *rubs chin* Can it come with a no cloning clause? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((kk back. let's see how my computer does now)) Whirl: ((WORK, I COMMAND U)) CptRodimus: And he is better at ice than you warm-only mecha. Txen: Shockwave: Yes. *most people with sense share the concern, though it is in this case unwarranted... and wouldnt stop him if he WERE up to something* shockbox: (( they could've given starscream a care guide or something.)) Whirl: Oh, lord. *swivels his helm to look at Predaking* I am so sorry that they made you work under HIM. FakeProwl: *Shockwave is inordinately fond of the word "logical" and its variations.* Airachnid: So far, that's the only thing I agree with. FakeProwl: *he's used it four times in two episodes, that Prowl noticed* Airachnid: [don't remind her] Windchill: *Snorts in approval.* Bruin: ((hell my internet is pitching a *** fiit, i blame the weather, see yall next week)) Txen: ((writers are silly and dont know other words to give him :') )) boomtank: Wheeljack. No. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((bye bruin ;; )) Whirl: ((sorry dude D: )) FakeProwl: ((night)) Windchill: (( Bye! )) Airachnid: Except when you move the rocks. FakeProwl: ((writers are very silly)) boomtank: Or tehy don't need to Whirl: *if Ravage is not going to take the spot on the couch, Whirl's gonna stretch out his legs* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nah, Ravage likes where he is. But thank you.* boomtank: *they Windchill: *You stretch them drumsticks, boy.* Whirl: *but of course; he does so. Drumsticks away* Windchill: WHAT. boomtank: ....... Airachnid: Really? boomtank: WHEELJACK ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You've met him, haven't you?]] Txen: Predaking: *sneering a little at the screen* As was Starscream. Windchill: *Sighs, it was just getting good.* CptRodimus: Falm--- Yes. Whirl: *snickers* I can see that, Airachnid: At least the Predacon has a decent reconition of authority, and how Starscream ISN'T that. Windchill: *Wheezing sounds.* Whirl: Yeah. Good instincts. Txen: Predaking: *low, -low- chuckle* Whirl: Lord, why would they even bother making HIM the leader of the Wreckers? The whole point of the Wreckers is to do whatever you HAVE to to get the job done. CptRodimus: *oh yes growl and scowl dissapprovingly again* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They did have a higher survival rate with him in charge.]] CptRodimus: *fufufu* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They also had a higher desertion rate.]] boomtank: .... Whirl: I'll bet they didn't accomplish half of the scrap WE did, either. *snorts and takes a slow sip* Whirl: *but enough grumbling, he is eager to see this dragon fellow fight again* Txen: ((lmao i heard prowl)) CptRodimus: ((stfu prowl)) FakeProwl: ((prowl was just trying to helpfully keep you updated on your discord chat)) Windchill: *Shudders. NOPE.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //That ain't what he meant.// CptRodimus: ((he was telling be about the most effiecent way of dealing dmg* FakeProwl: ((important intel from the head autobot strategist)) Airachnid: Oh shut up Starscream. Windchill: (( Oh god this episode. )) Whirl: *snickers again* Windchill: Mistakes were made. FakeProwl: *decepticon high command is an absolute wreck* CptRodimus: ((it is doesnt have ventalation i dont think rodimus could wear that ItsyBitsySpyers: *Most of it.* Airachnid: [yes, yes it is] Whirl: *ugh. Stupid Magnus. How dare he be so good with a hammer* FakeProwl: *not just starscream. starscream is far more a symptom than the cause* Txen: ((JACKIES FACE)) boomtank: ....... Txen: ((u tried jackie)) Whirl: !!! C'mon, c'mon... Windchill: Well that's creepy. Whirl: Damn. FakeProwl: ((i'm sure it does have ventilation. starscream didn't take it off because he was actually hot, he took it off because he wanted to pretend he wasn't scared of PK)) FakeProwl: ((it'd be a cruddy piece of armor if it overheats you)) Whirl: Yes! Windchill: It's about time. FakeProwl: ... It's compatible with /humans/? Whirl: *tips his glass in a toast to Miko; best human* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Apparently.]] Airachnid: Which I do not understand. CptRodimus: Dont need a spark apparetnly Windchill: They're like distant cousins, I suppose. boomtank: So it has to have vents Windchill: Might as well. FakeProwl: Why and how did your universe manage to make a suit of armor that's compatible with organic aliens? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They -are- from a world of Unicron's shell, and he is Cybertronian. Perhaps there is something recognizable about them.]] Whirl: Maybe it's got something to do with Unicron. FakeProwl: Hm. boomtank: Otherwise the human would suffocate FakeProwl: ... The Nemesis didn't recognize them. ItsyBitsySpyers: //That's a good point, the human not chokin'.// Whirl: *snickering* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The Nemesis was specifically set not to search for anything except inorganics.]] Whirl: The Nemesis isn't an artifact, though--wasn't the Apex Armor from the Primes? Whirl: Or something? FakeProwl: Mm. Windchill: That's a fair point. CptRodimus: Burn! Airachnid: [LAUGHTER] Whirl: Haha! Windchill: *Gets distracted.* Windchill: The Nemisis is Trypticon, who has no reason to recognize humans... Whirl: *sits up eagerly* boomtank: ...wow Txen: Predaking: *hasnt spent much time with the humans, but this one spits fire* Whirl: (9SHE FIGHTS LIKE A WRESTLER)) Whirl: Look at that little Wrecker GO. Whirl: ((Look at those proud dads)) Txen: ((black sheep uncles at it again...)) boomtank: Safe to say most humans aren't like here, right? boomtank: *her Txen: ((ok i hate silasdown but this episode has some really good jokes with KO)) boomtank: ((gdi brain is off boomtank: ((like whoa ItsyBitsySpyers: ((silasdown is next, this is flirty ko)) Airachnid: yeah that's next ep friendo)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He doesn't know. None of the others ever got their fleshy hands on the Apex Armor.]] FakeProwl: *and in that moment, Prowl empathized completely with Ratchet* Windchill: Brilliant ItsyBitsySpyers: *Only now?* boomtank: True, true Txen: *one wonders how they managed to bridge perfectly into a circle of foes* CptRodimus: One more for the night then Ima going to go--- spar my conjunx. *grin* Airachnid: [can't help but chinhand, he's so cute when he talks science] boomtank: ....I did meet a human with other abilities once FakeProwl: *this is the first time Ratchet said he didn't want to abandon a complex equation to venture outside his comfort zone* boomtank: Called himself a 'Green Lantern' Txen: (jackie wins diaperyest butt)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //Sparrin', huh? That whatcha callin' it these days?// Windchill: (( It sure is a diaper butt. )) FakeProwl: ((you're right)) Whirl: ((omfg)) Whirl: *snickers* boomtank: ((can't unsee that now Windchill: *Raises brow too.* Whirl: ((also may I say: JEFFREY! COMBS...)) Airachnid: same tbh)) FakeProwl: *squints at the screen. squints very hard* Windchill: *Taps his claws against his lower lip.* boomtank: ...? CptRodimus: *snickers* Sparring. FakeProwl: ... Are the adult humans flirting. Windchill: Fascinating. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Glances over. Curious ping.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes.]] CptRodimus: One is Windchill: Oh, look who can count. Whirl: *snickers again* Txen: Skylynx: *snorts* FakeProwl: *HAH. satisfied nod. figured it out on aliens, no less.* Txen: ((lots of glorious mandible dragon)) Whirl: I never really get tired of seeing Starscream get pushed around. Airachnid: Perhaps you shouldn't anger the giant creaute that can easily destroy equipment Starscream. Whirl: ((Predaking is fantastic <3)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Irritated vent. He may not be a Decepticon, but that was still HIS communications equipment once upon a time* ItsyBitsySpyers: *At least he wasn't there for that.* Windchill: Oh my god. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble cackles* Whirl: !!! Whirl: HEY. FakeProwl: Pff. Whirl: I guess me and the sassy one have similar taste in nicknames. CptRodimus: *snickers* Windchill: *Cackles.* Txen: *if it helps, he MEANT to hit the dish. and it played a part in him becoming a destabilizing force for the cons later on* Txen: ((wow miko u shipper)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lil bit.* Airachnid: Likewise. Txen: ((i love you ko....... so much)) Windchill: Good grief. Whirl: I mean, there are more disgusting things. CptRodimus: *laughs reminds him of Drift's opion on that* FakeProwl: ((he's a treasure)) Whirl: Like imagining Starscream interfacing. Whirl: ((he is indeed)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why, Whirl. Why.]] Whirl: It was the most disgusting thing I could think of! Windchill: Congratulations, you sicko. Airachnid: Well, Whirl isn't wrong. boomtank: ............... FakeProwl: *imagines. ... mentally shrugs.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Somewhere, Ratbat is laughing.* CptRodimus: *pscyically shrugs* FakeProwl: ... How thick is his upholstery if he couldn't feel them crawling out of the back? Whirl: *nods decisively and takes another long sip, savoring the flavor* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's very plush.]] Windchill: That question sounded wrong, you know? boomtank: Apparently very thick CptRodimus: You tested the pushing Soundwave? CptRodimus: :3c ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Don't be ridiculous. Knock Out bragged.]] Whirl: Yeah, you seem really interested in his interior, prowl. *shoots him a sly look* FakeProwl: He probably installed genuine leather, didn't he. He seems the type. boomtank: Bragged about his seats? CptRodimus: Why-- I'd test it-- if I could gag him. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Bragged about his everything.]] boomtank: Ah boomtank: Seems the type Airachnid: He's the type of mecha that brags about literally anything about himself. boomtank: Really boomtank: ? boomtank: ((Raaaaaf ItsyBitsySpyers: [[His voice is acceptable.]] CptRodimus: *thumbs up* If you got it. Flaunt it Whirl: I like his attitude. CptRodimus: His jokes arent. Only one mech doing those puns allowed! Windchill: Lies. Whirl: Yeah,, you should hear the bad puns that come cracking out of THIS one. *elbows Windchill* boomtank: ...why didn't they have Soundwave do it in the first place? Windchill: *Grins. he's not ashamed.* CptRodimus: Desk mech boomtank: I mean, that's his system set up ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He doesn't know. He was not told when he acquired the footage.]] Whirl: I'm guessing Starscream didn't tell anyone until he had to. Windchill: Probably. boomtank: I'd be pissed if someone messed around with mine boomtank: Weren't you? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Always.]] Txen: Shockwave: Whirl is correct. He wished to avoid the involvement of parties who were likely to report to Megatron. Airachnid: [grumbles at the sight of the Insecticons being terminated] Txen: Shockwave: *just because he was in his lab doesnt mean he didnt -pay attention-* FakeProwl: *ghhh. insecticons.* Windchill: *Frowns.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lord i'm failing all the insect moments tonight i'm sorry)) FakeProwl: ((it's okay. we'll call it accidental exposure therapy.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((pffft.)) boomtank: ((poor prowl CptRodimus: Now its two ItsyBitsySpyers: *Logs Shockwave's explanation* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Two what?// Windchill: Pffft. CptRodimus: Two flirting ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ohhh, heh. Yeah.// boomtank: /really/ boomtank: ..... CptRodimus: Thats it~ Whirl: Pfft. What an idiot. Shockwave--did you KNOW from the get-go that the Preds would be sapient when you cloned 'em? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((aw, rats. okay)) Whirl: ((only three?)) boomtank: ((aww FakeProwl: *... he destroyed it JUST so that he could get to see Starscream's access code as it rebooted? unexpectedly devious. prowl approves.* Windchill: (( Good I was gonna say I might pee myself if I have to sit through Thirst tonight. )) CptRodimus: ((lol three is all we do every week Whirl: ((No, we always do four, dude)) Airachnid: really? felt like two)) FakeProwl: ((three to four. on very rare occasions, five.)) Txen: ((we usually do 4 but have been doing 3 lately :') )) boomtank: I think he just disproved Starscream there Whirl: ((okee dokee!)) CptRodimus: ((Well i need dinner and if we watch anoter its going be 12 before I get food FakeProwl: ((I'm fine ending here tonight)) Whirl: ((By all means! Go get yo dinner >8V FakeProwl: ((that means next week we get to start off with the best episode)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((...that means if everyone has straws on sunday this episode is gonna be really funny the next night.)) boomtank: ((HAH boomtank: ((don't think they'll look at straws the same again ItsyBitsySpyers: ((well, not funny, per se, but ooc the timing is, to me.)) Whirl: ((whirl still has no idea why Rodimus called him furry)) CptRodimus: *stretches* CptRodimus: ((mmmmmmmmmhahaha ItsyBitsySpyers: *In any case. Soundwave finally - FINALLY - gets something right and pings Prowl a warning.* CptRodimus: ((its ok rodimus is a well known xeno-*** Txen: Shockwave: *quiet for a moment. answering these things is always a little touchy when Predaking is present* Little direct information was available regarding Predacon abilities until they were cloned. FakeProwl: *... is the warning for next week. did you warn him a week early* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave, accidental liar. Early tape termination unexpected. First tape next session, last Insecticon appearances. Airachnid: you can never be too prepared Prowl)) FakeProwl: *it's a week early. he'll take it. nods.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...This one suspects Prowl enjoys reason. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stretches* Whirl: *nods* CptRodimus: *considering the room* FakeProwl: *oh? curious glance.* @Soundwave «I'll look forward to it.» Whirl: And did YOU always know how to access your bot mode? Just decided not to? *looks to Predaking* Windchill: (( Jfc I forgot the next few episodes Chill's going to get worked UP. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Suspicious look at Rodimus considering the room like that. What is he up to* CptRodimus: *:3* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is he playing more lewd songs* boomtank: -oh. Right. Preds are in the room. Oops- Whirl: ((OHH BOY)) Txen: Predaking: *was still contemplating the screen. glances over and shakes his helm solemnly* No. When I first awoke, I possessed little more than natural instinct. Windchill: (( WHAT WHAT'S HAPPENIN )) Whirl: *nods; interesting* I'm glad your path to self-discovery was one long sequence of moments where you made Starscream's life difficult. Whirl: ((I was saying that in prep for Windchill gettin bothered)) CptRodimus: Like any true forgling. Windchill: (( OH DERP. Not the hot and bothered kind WE HOPE. )) CptRodimus: *stands and stretches bouncing out some extra energy* Txen: Predaking: *snorts quietly and smirks a bit* I would go on to do more than that. *waves a claw in the direction of his gouged-out optic* FakeProwl: *prowl is really starting to be unable to stand this song* Windchill: (( Assuming I make it next week that is, schedule's still out. >:U )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's not sure what he was expecting from that :3 face.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *This seems... relatively safe* Whirl: Nice! I look forward to seeing that. Windchill: *STRETCHES, leans on Whirl a little.* CptRodimus: ((I only got 28 sings rn TnT the only pc had 200 rodimus songs CptRodimus: ((old* Whirl: *leans back* Next week, presumably, my processor won't feel like it got smashed by the Magnus hammer, so you'd better not make me kick you. Windchill: That sounds like a challenge. Windchill: Or a threat, maybe. Windchill: I think you'll find I respond very well to threats. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((oh i don't mind, i was just like. worried the couches were gonna drop again or something lmao)) CptRodimus: ...WOuldnt you LIKE it if Magnus''s hammer hit you? Whirl: Mostly a warning. Whirl: Not in the crotch, I wouldn't. Windchill: Really? CptRodimus: *helm tilt* Thats a weakness? Windchill: It's almost like you don't love me anymore. Txen: ((SAME CRO)) boomtank: ((plz don't drop the couches again FakeProwl: ((i was expecting increasingly lewd songs tbh)) Windchill: *Drapes his arm over his face dramatically, what happened to the mech who's bed he dented?* CptRodimus: ((lol rodimus was seeing if there was a lap he wanted to try to crawl into CptRodimus: ((I ran out of ideas lol ItsyBitsySpyers: ((every single person on this couch would have been horrified lmao)) Txen: ((predakings lap is empty but i Do Not Recommend)) Sorida changed their nickname to Bee. boomtank: ((this Blaster is too small for that Whirl: ((perch upon the Predathrone Rodders)) Bee: ((dang did i miss everything? XD)) Bee: ((.........leave predaking's lap empty 2k17)) Whirl: I mean, it doesn't feel GREAT, Captain. FakeProwl: ((a room full of totally ill-suited laps)) Airachnid: yeah pretty much)) CptRodimus: ((At least Preds by find a bot the same heat/hotter than him interesting? Whirl: And I do it BECAUSE I care, Windchill. What else are friends for, if not kicking each other in the junk? Whirl: (HAHA WHAT TIMING BEE)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy's tired. He trudges over to Soundwave and flicks his assigned arm to signal a dock request. Soundwave nods, and very shortly, has one randomly shorter and thicker arm because why not.* Bee: ((END ME...)) CptRodimus: I know some mechs into that actually. Windchill: ...Sounds like I've been slacking on my end, what with all that kicking I haven't been doing. Windchill: One day, you'll get your comeuppance. Whirl: I'm sure there are. Everything is somebody's something. Whirl: One day. But it is not this day. CptRodimus: If it exsist someones got a thing for it CptRodimus: ((youtube these ads are keeping bad Windchill: Sure, I'll go easy on you since you have a headache. Airachnid: Ah yes, I love this song. boomtank: ...... Whirl: *snickers* Txen: *shockwave casually watches to inspect the docking sequence. good, everything still seems to be working as intended* Bee: ..So that's where the meme comes from. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yep. Even tired, all is 100% well.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps he should make a short night of it. Much to... think about. Before next week.]] CptRodimus: Whats next week? Whirl: You can just admit you're intimidated by me, Windchill. It's all right. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If he told you, we wouldn't need to see it.]] Windchill: Me, lie? Windchill: Never. FakeProwl: *half-watches. other hand.* Whirl: If by "never" you mean, "right now." boomtank: That's ominous Txen: *expects no less from his own work, but thats no reason not to remain vigilant for unexpected complications* Windchill: Ding dong, you're wrong. Whirl: *streeetches slowly, mking sure to leverage his weight back on Windchill as much as possible* All right. I'm out. Later, losers. Windchill: I'll beat you up right now if that's what you want. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell, Whirl. And if it sounds ominous, it should.]] Windchill: Or, later. boomtank: G'night Whirl Bee: ...Omninous isn't good. Whirl: *bobs his helm to Soundwave and go, and elbows Windchill one last time* Later. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods to both companions and rises, gesturing for the others to hurry up and dock.* Windchill: Bye, sucker. boomtank: ...right then Txen: (augh guys im gonna dip out too, i have some chores i need to get done before bed and i wanna get caught up on replies)) Whirl: *also bobs his head to Blaster, and to Airachnid... and Shockwave, and the Preds* Whirl: *he's got so many people to bob to these days* CptRodimus: ((rosimus asked sound a question ItsyBitsySpyers: ((soundwave answered!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((look two below your question)) CptRodimus: ((got it! FakeProwl: *stands as well* CptRodimus: Oh. just the vids. I already seen it. Airachnid: [is just going to leave as well, she's getting bored] Bee: ((whelp g'night everyone, been fun. XD)) Windchill: *Stretches now that he has more couch to himself!* ItsyBitsySpyers: *....Nods. Don't say anything yet, Rodimus.* Txen: Shockwave: Fare well. *will have to spend a few moments corralling the predacons before they can go* boomtank: -Stands as well- G'night, and thanks for the vids CptRodimus: *his wings are the only spoilers allowed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Once everyone's collected, Soundwave pings the room goodnight, and heads home. Those claws may be twitching slightly on his way out.* boomtank: ((thanks for the stream! Windchill: *How long can he nap before someone chases him home? LET'S FIND OUT.* CptRodimus: *smirks lewdly-- then sudden;y sighs and flops back onto his couch to sulk a little before pulling out a datapad* CptRodimus: *who else is still here he glances over his datapad light from a vid lighting up his faceplates* Windchill: *Is here drooling.* FakeProwl: *hasn't left quite yet* FakeProwl: *... eye of the tiger came on* Windchill: *Always a good reason to hang out.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave would've approved if he was still here.* CptRodimus: *slightly turns up what he is watching straining will make it out now* Windchill: *Well that's an ungodly racket there, isn't it.* Windchill: *It's enough to wake the dead, or him at least.* CptRodimus: *its pornz btw* Windchill: *Nice.* Windchill: *He sits up with a groan, and wipes his face. Short nap = good, now it's time to go back home and WORK.* FakeProwl: *prowl is going to interpret that as a "get out of the room" sign— dammit rodimus* Windchill: Ugh, bye you losers. FakeProwl: *you can't go "get out of the room" with your porn and then put on the Eagles.* Windchill: I'm out. *Creaks to his feet, and shuffles out.* CptRodimus: *its two types of pronz he'd make sweet love with engles on* CptRodimus: ((engle omg FakeProwl: *well who wouldn't.* CptRodimus: See ya CptRodimus: *flips his datapad over and just offlines his optics and lets his helm fall back as he listens* FakeProwl: *he's stuck here til the end of the song. might as well sit again.* CptRodimus: Eagles are pretty great. FakeProwl: *is rodimus talking to him? ... he's the only one here. apparently so.* They are. CptRodimus: You get a copy of the Cybertorian remaster greatest hits yet? FakeProwl: No. I just recorded them off the radio. CptRodimus: Ask one of the green squad I got it--- I found--- gdi I dataswapped and a con and that encoded. They should beable to find a copy of that remaster not encoding in--- well that data. *grins* FakeProwl: On Earth? I don't think they're still in communication with any 'Cons that were on Earth. ... Or anyone else, for that matter. CptRodimus: I got it on Earth before hte war ended. CptRodimus: That con didnt make it pass Dark Cybertron otherwise I'd ask him for the clean copy. CptRodimus: *sorta a lie...* CptRodimus: *oh well Prowl doesnt care* CptRodimus: I know someone gota have a clean copy of it somewhere. And I cant go asking without the looks, Drift not going to want me getting. So *finger points* If you find a clean copy I'm interested! FakeProwl: I'll let you know if I find one. It might be on the B.C. CptRodimus: ((bc? FakeProwl: ((Big Conversation. decepticon facebook. the Constructicons are all on.)) CptRodimus: ((prefect! thats what I was thinking! CptRodimus: ((meanwhile rodimsu got too relaxed and early walked into admited he hardlined with a con mid war oopies FakeProwl: ((prowl assumes he's talking about 'facing with a Con during the time they were cooperating on building that shuttle)) FakeProwl: ((rn he's trying to mentally cross-reference "Cons that were working on the shuttle" and "Cons that died during Dark Cybertron" and not coming up with any names)) CptRodimus: ((that what rodimus was covering it too even if it was a on coming f*ck0buddy thing CptRodimus: ((Since the Con wasnt on earth during that time CptRodimus: ((But he had been on earth breifly before FakeProwl: ((rn Prowl's #1 suspect is Skywarp. He didn't die during DC, but he came out of it severely weakened.)) CptRodimus: ((close same alt mode CptRodimus: ((and skywarp fits Rodimus's taste CptRodimus: ((looks wise CptRodimus: ((let me know if you want to know if you dont already xD FakeProwl: ((prowl's thinking "yeah... they're just obnoxious enough to match each other")) FakeProwl: ((go head.)) FakeProwl: ((top suspect is sunstorm)) CptRodimus: ((Sunstorm CptRodimus: ((yeppers CptRodimus: ((I wanted one i could line up and move around mid war and it not really matter FakeProwl: ((gad, and they're both nyon survivors)) CptRodimus: (also they had a breif encounter right before the LL left, native Drift wasnt pleased.  But sunstorm was way into wanting to play out a prime and his seeker kink and roddy contently indulged YEP Smokescreee: FRAG IT'S MONDAY FakeProwl: ... You missed it. FakeProwl: !!! Smokescreee: i missed everything CptRodimus: *startles* FakeProwl: ((those were backwards, cmon LS)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LMFAO)) Smokescreee: How much did I miss? CptRodimus: You want a copy? CptRodimus: Three of them Smokescreee: Yeah! That'd be good! Smokescreee: I mean- I lived through it, but seeing what the 'cons were up to is fun. CptRodimus: Whats your nurolink id? CptRodimus: ...You guys got those? FakeProwl: *tries to tune smokescreen out and focus to Boston* CptRodimus: There was alot of con parts Smokescreee: That? Not exactly-- there's probably an equivalent, though. Smokescreee: Oh, really? ... How embarrassing was I? CptRodimus: You were fine. CptRodimus: Mostly is was dragons and Starscream being... himself. FakeProwl: *and Knock Out being handsome. ... Prowl's keeping that observation to himself.* CptRodimus: Even ours is more competant. *stands up and overs a personal cable to smokey.* You may want to sit to data transfer with me. *he kneels over a table and starts going threw a crate* Smokescreee: /Hey Smokescreen would shamelessly agree that Knock Out is handsome in these/ Smokescreee: Yeaaahh, Starscream's a mess. I'm glad he's not around where I am whenever I rewatch this stuff. And- wait, really? /And he's going to go ahead and sit down before plugging that into himself./ CptRodimus: !! CptRodimus: *dont think dont think dont think* CptRodimus: *pulls out a inbetweener Rodimus cant control his data speeds.. muc to his embrassment* CptRodimus: *just going to gently unplug you there smokey we dont want to fry you today yes?* Smokescreee: /Oh dangit- Smokescreen was going to try to think about some songs he's been tricked with/ CptRodimus: *just going to try to guilty hide the device from Prowl* Smokescreee: /But not being fried sounds pretty good to him!/ CptRodimus: *ok ther in .4 sec all the vides to this point* FakeProwl: *no worries, Prowl's barely paying attention. he's listening to the music.* FakeProwl: *he's vaguely aware that they're hardlining. But Kansas is on.* CptRodimus: *unplugs and pats Smokey's head* There you go! CptRodimus: ((its just boring kind Smokescreee: /Whoaaaa-- that's a pretty good use! Smokescreen's trying to think of anything he can provide in return- and then Rodimus unplugs./ Smokescreee: Thanks! I'll have to get something for you next time. FakeProwl: ((it's more boring than Kansas, that's all Prowl's concerned about.)) CptRodimus: *smiles then winks* You can trade me later with more flair~ CptRodimus: ((now THAT is sexy hardline offer Smokescreee: /Winking back/ Dunno if I can have as much flair as you! You're the one with flames here, after all CptRodimus: *lols* It's true. Must be hard to have to live up to the little bro. CptRodimus: OK! Now I gota get to work before Drift steals all of it. So if I want my heatsink tonight I gota beat him to my piles of pads! Smokescreee: Hey- I'm pretty sure I can match, though. I've got my own racing stripes here- and phase shifter's got its own flair! CptRodimus: It does!!1 I wanta see that once I finish getting this ship up and moving Smokescreee: Have a good night, then! Get that heatsink! CptRodimus: *snickers* I will FakeProwl: *prowl's pretty sure this means the music is over* CptRodimus: *nods to Prowl* FakeProwl: *that's fine. looks like the playlist has started repeating anyway. Rodimus doesn't have enough songs.* CptRodimus: *its sad* FakeProwl: *nods back* FakeProwl: *flickers and disappears*
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