#why do I hear nothing but solidarity from Iranians and Syrians
tonya-the-chicken · 1 year
Like, I don't mind you calling out hypocrisy but when you attach a negative meaning to "caring for Ukraine" you are ultimately fucking shit up for me personally. How about
"Oh, you care about Ukraine? That is great! Do you know what would help Ukrainians? If the Iranian regime, that supplies weapons to Russia, was overthrown"
"You care about Ukraine? Because you hate authoritarianism? Me too! That is why I support protests in Iran! Have you heard of them? I think we shoudl support each other in our fight"
"You care about the Russian invasion of Ukraine? I remember the way they bombed Syria and invaded Georgia. This ongoing horrid behavior must be stopped"
"You are concerned about the persecution of Muslims in Crimea? It's so awful! I've recently read that Russia promoted islamophobia in western countries too, sponsoring far-right nationalists like Le Pen"
"You support Ukraine? I've just found out about the way Turkey and Azerbaijan help them bypass sanctions. No weird these countries stick together, all of them have imperialist tendencies and serious problems with democracy"
Like... Idk how to tell you but Russia sponsors nazis all over the world, befriends as many dictators as they can, sends their paramilitary groups to massacre Africans, and suppresses democratic protests in neighboring states. It's not like this conflict is isolated. Fascists stick together, they help out each other. Even in Ukraine, pre-war fascist groups had connections to Russia. You want to build a unified front against them, not pit different freedom fighters against each other in the hope to receive more attention
There's only one side benefitting from your framing of people's support of Ukraine as coming from (internal) racism. You think you are engaging in intellectual debate, I think you should think about how your words influence people in a life-death situation. There is something more important than you feeling right
And, the end note. For eigth years world didn't give a fuck about the war in Ukraine. It didn't give a fuck so much most of you don't know when the war started. And you know what? Not even once have I seen Ukrainians writing "what about Ukraine" under news about Palestine, Yemen, or Syria. Do us the same grace
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