#why do two of my husbands post such boyf content
berriesandjunnie · 2 years
broke my putting mingyu in timeout streak bc he posted a vid of shua singing sunday morning in a bar and I had to like it to support shua 😪
but liaaaa wishing you a very vid of shua singing sunmo in a bar kind of day 😩🤌🤌
gyu is out of nu’s baby jail, mans has been released 😋
i ascended from that post not only cause of shua singing sunmo publicly in some oakland bar but because gyu captioned it in english like its a diary “i filmed joshua singing sunday morning in a bar” i’m SOBBING
anyways shua. i need sunmo in england <33 in a costa <33
wishing u a very gyu-on-his-best-behaviour day hehe <33
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