#why does a character that lies confuse people so much. freaking out and diagnosing them meanwhile they just arent being honest
gmos · 2 years
never look at the tvtropes page for a character you like 20 dead 35 injured
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maealbert · 6 years
Rollercoaster // The Liaison
Characters: Team x OC (Lucy De Luca) A/N: Seriously so excited for this season. i’ve had so much fun writing this! The Liaison Master List
tag list:  @literallyreid @idkbutspencer @literallyprentissstwin @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @cynbx @tenaciousarcadeexpert @rawritsmolly@dontshootmespence @princesswagger15@drspencerreider @illegalcerebral @marvelfanlife @rt8815@punkpenguin2019 @extremeobsessions101
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Lucy laid in bed staring at the ceiling. She could get what Lauren had said to her out of her head. Lauren is her twin, and if she’s telling the truth about Margaret than that means their mother really isn’t their mother. Climbing out of bed, Lucy makes her way downstairs to the office. Closing the door behind her, she walks over to the desk and starts digging. Knowing all birth records would know be digital, she started to put her hacking skills to the test.
The real birth certificate.
Mother: Margaret Prentiss.
Printing out all the information she had found, she puts it in a file and stick it in her bag.
The following morning Lucy made the trip to Dallas to visit her mother, Margaret. Or the woman who she thought was her real mother. “She’s been wondering when you’d come visit her next.” Her doctor spoke as he led her to Margaret’s room.
“Work’s been a little hectic.” Lucy says.
“Here we are.” The doctor says opening Margaret’s door. “Right in here.”
“Thank you.” Lucy says as she walks into the room and closing the door behind her.
“Lucy!” Margaret exclaimed as she sat up in her bed. “It’s so nice to see you.”
Lucy didn’t say anything but instead she laid the file on the food table. Margaret’s smile disappeared. “Who are you?”
“We never thought you’d find out.”
“Who are you?” Lucy asked again more sternly.
“My name isn’t Margaret.”
“My name is Olive…” Olive sighs. “Your father was having an affair with Margaret. When she got pregnant, she was going to have an abortion so her husband wouldn’t find out about the affair, but your father refused to let her go through with it. So Margaret lied to her husband about being deployed. She hid in Italy where she gave birth to you and Lauren.”
“Did Lauren really “die” or was that just another lie for us to believe?”
“Your father decided to keep one of you and gave the other one up for adoption.”
“So that’s why you really left us? Couldn’t handle the fact that your husband had an affair resulting in twins and you couldn’t raise a child that wasn’t yours? Are you really a schizo?”
“That part is true,” Olive says. “I was diagnosed after AJ was born.”
“Do they know the truth?”
“No. They were too young to understand if we were to tell them.”
“So for nearly thirty years, my birth mother was in my life the whole time but lying directly to my face.”
“I’m sorry you had to find out this way--”
“Save it..” Lucy says grabbing the file. She storms out of the room slamming the door behind her. Not wanting to stay in Dallas a minute longer, she got the next flight back to D.C.
Arriving back home she was met by Margaret and Emily outside of her house. “Don’t even talk to me..” She says walking past both of them.
“Lucy, please let me explain!” Margaret say following her into the house.
“You lied to me!” Lucy shouts. “My whole life is lie!”
“We only wanted to protect you.”
“Protect me? From what? A scandal?” Lucy scoffs shaking her head. “My whole life you were my mother and not ONCE did you ever tell me the truth!”
“I wanted to! I really did!”
“Then why the hell not?!”
“Because I didn’t want my husband to find out.”
“Oh of course, that explains the attempted abortion! My own mother not only lied to my face for thirty years but she didn’t even want me or Lauren to begin with. All you cared about was protecting yourself and your marriage. Did you know?” She says turning her attention to Emily. Emily nods her head. “Perfect..”
“I only knew about the affair. I didn’t know she was pregnant.” Emily says.
Lucy shakes her head as she turns her back to both of them. Taking in a deep breath she turns back to face them. “Leave..”
“I said leave..” She says cutting off Emily. “Both of you.” She heads for the stairs when Margaret grabs her hand. “Let go of me…”
“Let me explain.”
“Explain what? The affair with my father? Or the fact that you didn’t want either of us?”
“I love you Lucy, you know that.”
“Honestly, Margaret. I can’t even tell you if I believe that anymore.” Lucy says pulling her hand away from Margaret. “Now leave.” She says before running up the stairs.
“Luce?” Spencer called as he and the girls walked in. He set the baby carrier on the floor by the stairs before taking out Isaiah. “Lucy?”
“Hey Spence..” Emily says as she quickly runs up to the door before he shuts it. “Is Lucy still here?”
“I think she might still be upstairs,” He says. “Mind to go find her for me? I need to talk her about Julianne.”
“Sure.” Emily says as she goes on upstairs. “Lucy?” She calls knocking on the bedroom door. Receiving no response, she slowly opens the bedroom and peers her head in. “Lucy?” She wasn’t in bed but the bathroom door was closed. “Lucy, are you in there?” She still received no response. Turning the handle, she opens the door only to find Lucy in the bathtub.
“What?” She says not opening her eyes.
“Uh, Spencer’s downstairs. He says he wants to talk to you about Julianne.”
Lucy reaches in front of her and pulls the plug on the drain. “Can you hand me the towel?” She says pointing to the towel rack on the wall. Emily grabs one off the tack and hands it to Lucy. “Let Spencer know I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
“Okay.” Emily says as she leaves the bathroom and goes back downstairs.
Stepping out of the tub, Lucy wraps the towel around her body and leaves the bathroom. Spencer laid on the edge of the bed staring at the ceiling.
“I was coming down after I got dressed.” Lucy says as she opens the bottom drawer and pulls out clean clothes.
“I know, but I figured we should talk in private.” Spencer says sitting up.
“So what’s up with Jules?” Lucy says dropping the towel to put on her clothes.
“Her teacher spoke to me when I picked up her and Henry. She said that Julianne has been distant and quiet lately, sits alone at lunch and chooses to read a book during recess instead of socializing with her friends.”
“Do you think it could be because of what happened?”
“Maybe?” Spencer says shrugging his shoulders. “I tried talking to her about it but she just got upset.”
“You can’t just throw it at her,” Lucy says as she walks back into the bathroom. “You have to slowly bring it up. Ask how she’s doing, is there anything she wants to talk about. Trust me, I was a teenage girl at one time. I know a thing or two.”
“Well you talk to her. Find out what’s going on.”
Lucy nods her head as she braids her hair down her back before leaving the bedroom. Walking downstairs she finds Emily helping Vivien with her homework. Approaching Julianne, Lucy wraps her arms around her from behind and rests her head on her shoulder. “Dad talked to you?” Julianne said as she craned her neck back to look at Lucy. Lucy nods her head. Julianne sighs.
“Hey, I’m all ears when you’re ready to talk.” Lucy says kissing her cheek. “Anyone hungry? Because I’m hungry.”
“Mom, don’t use this as a tactic for getting me to talk.” Julianne says as she continues working on her math homework.
“No really, I am hungry.” Lucy says as she walks over to the freezer. “How about breakfast for dinner?” She says turning around to face the three ladies.
“Pancakes?” Vivien says looking up from her homework.
“Mom…” Julianne says looking at her.
“I am not trying to get you to talk,” Lucy says as she grabs pancakes and waffles out of the freezer. “My dad used to do breakfast for dinner every once in a while.”
The doorbell rings and Spencer calls from upstairs that he’d get it. “Mommy, when is Aunt Margaret coming over again? I miss her.”
Lucy stops at the counter, her back facing the girls. “I don’t know….”
“Uh, Luce?” Spencer says stepping into the kitchen. “There’s someone here to talk to you.”
“Okay…” She drops the waffles in the toaster and walks out of the kitchen and into the living room where she found Margaret sitting on the couch. She stood up and straightened out her clothes.
“You’re back?”
“I was hoping we could talk…”
“Well I’m starting dinner…”
“I know… Can we talk? In private?” Margaret says looking behind Lucy. Lucy glanced over her shoulder to see Julianne peering around the doorway. Lucy nodded her head and lead her upstairs to the bedroom. Margaret closed the door and Lucy sat down on the bed.
“So what do I call you now?” Lucy first spoke.
“Lucy, I know this is hard to understand,” Margaret spoke as she walked over to the bed and sat next to Lucy. “But your father wanted to protect you girls.”
“What about you?” Lucy says. “At least my father wanted us….or one of us..”
“Don’t hate your father…”
“I don’t hate my father… I’m just… I’m hurt...and confused…”
“I know,” Margaret says as she looks down at her lap. “I wasn’t too proud of myself when I first found out I was pregnant.”
“Does your husband know yet?”
Margaret shakes her head. “I haven’t been able to find the words to tell him… Every time I try to, I freak out and make something up.”
“Who else knows besides you, Emily, and my father?”
“Oh great… So she knew this whole time too?”
“Of all people, I thought she’d be the first to tell.” Margaret said.
“I know my mother isn’t really “Margaret”,” Lucy says. “Her name is Olive.”
“To you, she was Margaret, to you brothers she was Olive.”
“She didn’t want me…”
“Of course she did… It was just hard for her. I know she loves you, Lucy.”
Lucy’s phone buzzed on the dresser and she got up to see who was calling her. “Hello?”
“Is this Lucy De Luca?”
“Yes, this is she. Who is this?”
“This is Officer Clark with DC police. I’m calling on behalf of Will and Jennifer LaMontagne.”
Lucy heart dropped to her stomach as the phone fell out of her hand and hitting the floor. “Lucy?” Margaret says running over to her. She picks up the phone. “Hello? Who is this? Officer yes, I’m her mother. We’ll be right there.” She hung up the phone and stuffed it in her pocket before pulling Lucy out of the room and downstairs.
“Spence…” Lucy finally spoke. Her voice was shaking and her eyes were starting to glaze over with tears.
“Hey what wrong?” He said as both he and Emily ran over to her.
“Will…. JJ….” She shook her head. “They were in a car accident.”
“Oh my god…” Emily gasped.
“I got a call from the lead officer… He uh… He wants us to come to the hospital.”
“I’ll drive.” Emily says as she grabs her keys off of the kitchen island counter.
“Will and Jennifer LaMontagne?” Emily says approaching the front desk. “We received a call that they were in a car accident.”
“Mr. and Mrs. LaMontagne are both in the ICU and their children are in the pediatrics ward. Jackie will take you to the ICU and then to peds.” The front desk woman said.
“Thank you.” Emily says as she and the others follow after Jackie to the ICU.
Once they reached Will and JJ’s room, Lucy stayed out in the hall looking in through the glass doors. Emily walked in with the doctor as he explained what all went on. “We got an alert that there was a car accident and that they were bringing a couple. Their car was t-boned in the middle of the intersection on the driver’s side. Will had a couple broken ribs, a mild concussion, several deep lacerations on his upper left thigh and on his left side. We gave them both morphine to help with the pain so they’ll be out for a while. With Jennifer she received a blow to the head when she made contact with the window resulting in a severe concussion so we’ve been monitoring her brain activity. Like Will, she received deep lacerations on her right side from her window shattering. She had a shard of glass stuck in her thigh when they brought her in.”
“C-Can you bring me to the boys?” Lucy asks Jackie.
“Of course.” Jackie says as she leads Lucy back to the elevator to bring her up to the pediatrics level.
“Right here.” She says stopping in front of a room.
“Thank you.” Lucy says as she steps into the room. Once she got around the wall she found the boys in separate beds.
“Henry was brought in unconcious. He hasn’t woken up yet.”
“And Michael?”
“He was awake when he was brought in but he had to undergo surgery to repair a couple ribs so he’ll be out for a couple hours.”
“Gosh..” Lucy sighs.
“Are you family?”
“Friends. We work with Jennifer and Spence is the boys’ godfather.”
“Gotcha, gotcha.” Jackie says. “Well you’re welcome to stay here as long as you’d like. I’ll be right out at the nurse’s station if you need anything.”
“Thank you.” Lucy says before she walks over to Henry’s bed. She pulls a chair over and sits down. Taking hold of his hand, she could feel how cold it was. “Hey buddy, we came as soon as we could. Michael’s in a bed beside and your parents are just downstairs. Can you hear me?” Suddenly she felt his hand start to curl around hers. Soon his eyes started opening. “Hey, you’re awake.”
He turns his head to look at her. “Lucy?”
“Yeah buddy, it’s me.” She says rubbing his hand. She reaches up on the bed and presses the red button calling the doctor.
“Well look who’s finally awake.” The doctor says as he walks into the room. “How do you feel, Henry?” He says walking over to the bed.
“A little dizzy..”
“That’s normal,” The doctor says nodding his head. “Are you in any pain?” Henry shakes his head. “Good, good. Well I’m going to keep you here overnight to monitor you and then we’ll go from there.”
“Thank you,” Lucy says nodding her head. “And Michael? When will he be awake?”
“Very soon. It was quick surgery. A couple hours max before he wakes up. He’ll be a little groggy and when he comes to normal again he’ll be a little frightened, so I’d stay near if I were you.”
“Of course, I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.”
The doctor nods his head before exiting the room. “Where’s mom?”
“She’s in the ICU with your father. They’re pretty banged up so the doctors want to make sure that they’re being taken good care of.”
“Can I see them?”
“Not just yet buddy,” Lucy says moving his hair to the side of his forehead. Another knock comes on the door and Emily steps inside.
“Hey you’re awake.” She says with a smile on her face.
“Have you seen my mom and dad?” Henry asks.
“I did, yes. They’re still asleep so we wanted to let them be alone for a while,” Emily says as she pushes a chair over on the other side of Henry’s bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay, I guess. A little dizzy.”
“Henry, I need to ask you a question,” Emily says as she adjusts her position in the chair. “Can you remember anything from the accident?”
Lucy furrows her eyebrows in confusion. Henry shakes his head. “It was dark and I was reading a book with one of dad’s book lights. All I remember was the sound of a horn, the lights filling the car and then it all went black. Where’s mom and dad?”
Emily looks over at Lucy. “Downstairs.”
“Can I see them?”
“Henry, honey,” Lucy says. “They’re asleep.”
Lucy got up from the chair and stepped out of the room. She walked up to the nurses’ station. “Hey.. I was wondering if tests could be run on Henry? I think he might have something up with his brain.”
A nurse nodded her head. “I can call the doctor and find out if it’s possible.”
“Thank you.” She says before going back into the room.
“What are you thinking?” Emily asks as she approaches Lucy.
“Something’s up with Henry’s brain. I want to say short term memory loss but I have a feeling it’s something else.”
Lucy looked over at the bed to find Henry seizing. “Get a doctor!” Lucy shouts as she runs over to the bed. She turns Henry on his side and holds his head. Soon the doctor came in with several nurses.
“I’m sorry, but you both will have wait outside.” One of the nurses said as she shut the door on the two women.
“Lucy!” Lucy turned around to see Margaret coming down the hall with Spencer.
“What’s going on?” Spencer says as he embraces Lucy in his arms.
“Henry had a seizure.” Emily said.
“Lucy! Spence!” Garcia called as she stepped out of the elevator. “I just got your messages, I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier. I saw JJ and Will in the ICU, how are the boys?”
“Michael had a quick repair to his ribs so he’ll be out for a couple hours,” Lucy started to explain. “Henry woke up just a few minutes ago but now he’s having a seizure.”
“Oh my..” Garcia gasps.
__________ Several Hours Later…. __________
Lucy shot up in bed, sweat rolling down her face, her breathing rapid as her heart pounded inside her chest. Spencer slowly sat up in bed rubbing his eyes. “Are you okay?”
“--is fine.” Spencer says rubbing her back. “You heard the doctor last night when we left. They both woke up and recovering well.”
“I know but--”
“But nothing.. You only had a bad dream. JJ and Will will be coming home in a couple days.” Spencer climbs out of bed. “Let me go get you some water so you can relax.” Climbing out of bed herself, she goes into the bathroom and turns on the water. Leaning on the sink she lowers her head. Today has been all kinds of ups and downs. Cupping her hands under the water, she splashes the water on her face before letting out a deep breath. Wiping off her face, she tosses the towel onto the sink and goes back to the bed where Spencer waited for her with a cup of water. “Better?” He says handing her the cup of water. She nods her head before taking a drink.
“Good,” Spencer says as he kisses her cheek. “Now get some sleep, we have to be up in a few hours.”
If you liked this one than please be sure to like it, reblog it, and leave your feedback! I’d like to hear your thoughts!
Part 3 - Clues will be up on Saturday!
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