#why is dino smut a hashtag?
Fossils are so goddamn cool. They form when an animal dies and is buried in just the right conditions for its skeleton and sometimes soft tissues to be replaced by stone. It’s like the Earth itself taking pity on an animal, like hey, I’m sorry my child, let me immortalize you in stone so that even though you may die your memory will live on.
You know what? Fossils aren’t even a memory. They are a memory of a memory.
An animal’s bones replaced by rocks and minerals offering a glimpse into its life. It’s not just like hey, I was alive, it’s also like hey, I was alive and I was a fighter, a survivor, I did things that mattered. We’ve found fossils of dinosaurs locked in combat, fossils of mother dinosaurs covering their eggs to protect them, fossils with healed bite wounds and scars. We even know the fucking COLORS of some dinosaurs due to ridiculously well-preserved fossils.
Dinosaurs (and pretty much all prehistoric animals), lived so long ago that the timespan between them and us is incomprehensible to the human mind (though we like to think we can, we cannot truly comprehend how long 65,000,000 years is, or even like 15,000 years). But even though they lived so long ago, fossils ensure that their memory will live on forever. And that’s beautiful.
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