#why is kastor not online so i can talk to him about this i miss him (we havent talked in 12 hours)
pinktief · 10 months
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seas-of-ios · 4 years
Zoom Meeting Blowjob
“Laurent,” Damen hissed, trying to push Laurent’s hands away from his belt. “My meeting starts in 90 seconds.” 
“Then you’d better pull it together,” Laurent said, undoing his buckle. 
“You can’t blow me during a board meeting!” 
Laurent’s fingers plucked at the fly of Damen’s boxers. “I’m not going to blow you. I’m just going to sit here.”  His breath gusted warm over the tip of Damen’s dick, making it twitch. 
“That’s not exactly comforting!” On screen the Join Meeting? Button was pulsing. 
“You’re going to be late, go on.” Laurent cupped a hand around Damen’s balls, cradling them in his palm, brushing his cheek along the length of Damen’s cock, almost nuzzling. “Forget about me.”
There was no chance of that, but Damen couldn’t miss this meeting, and at least his dad had retired last year and wouldn’t be on. “I don’t think…” he tried one last time. 
Laurent looked up, half hidden by the edge of the desk and the fall of his bright hair. “Did Jo ever do this? Do you think she would do it for Kastor?” 
Jo had never done something like this, although it was the sort of naughty fantasy that she would drop in passing, very worldly. Laurent knew by now exactly how to use Damen’s spark of anger at her and his brother. Kastor would be on the call. He settled a hand in Laurent’s silky hair. “Be good.” 
“Mmmm,” Laurent hummed, vibrating against his dick. “I’ll be so good.” 
Damen clicked the link to join the meeting, and Laurent’s tongue pressed against his slit. He jumped a little, but disguised it as moving to adjust the webcam. 
The other board members were already online. Damen straightened his tie and tried to keep a straight face as Laurent swallowed his half-hard cock. Nikandros called the meeting to order and reviewed the minutes from last week. Laurent suckled gently as Damen grew harder in his mouth. 
The minutes were adopted. Nikandros opened discussion on the first order of business, and prompted Makedon to begin a budget review. Laurent sighed inaudibly, lifting up and sinking down on Damen’s cock, once. Damen pressed his lips together. 
True to his word, it wasn’t exactly a blowjob. It was a slow, wet tease that had Damen’s hips rolling under the desk. 
A private message popped up on his screen, from Nikandros. Are you okay?
Damen felt himself flush. Yeah, he typed, and watched Nik’s eyes narrow at his screen. Laurent rolled his balls gently and Damen bit his lip. 
The budget report was dire but Damen couldn’t bring himself to care. When Makedon was done, Vannes began giving a personnel report, which Damen tried harder to pay attention to since their employees welfare during the quarantine was important to him, but Laurent was teasing his foreskin back and forth with his tongue, fingers pressing behind Damen’s balls and making sparks shoot through his gut. Damen shivered and tugged at his collar again. 
He found himself staring blankly to the left of the webcam, not wanting to look at his coworkers, best friend, and brother on screen with his cock down Laurent’s throat. His breath was coming fast and hard now, one hand clenched on the edge of his desk, the other still in Laurent’s hair. 
Another message from Nikandros pinged. Damen. Is Laurent with you?
One handed, Damen reached to type a reply. Hwy do you ask/? 
Nikandros grimaced. I don’t want to know what he’s doing but in five minutes I expect you to be able to talk coherently about next month’s operation plan. 
Damen muted his mic. “Laurent,” he groaned. “I gotta give my stats update in five minutes.” 
Looking up at him through his lashes, Laurent pulled off with an obscenely wet noise and said, a little hoarse, “Better hope you can come before that, then.” He kissed the head of Damen’s cock, showy and deliberate, and slid back down. Damen breathed out, shuddering. 
Laurent still wasn’t really sucking, just holding Damen’s cock deep in his mouth, not enough to get him off. “Laurent,” he whined, squirming, and then realizing that the movement was obvious on camera, and trying to stop. If it had been anyone else Damen would have tugged on their hair, and he folded both hands on the desk to resist the temptation. As if in reward, Laurent began bobbing slowly, pulling off with exquisite suction and sinking back down until his throat fluttered around the head of Damen’s cock. 
Damen felt his eyes trying to shut, knew his face must be screwing up. With the last scraps of his sanity, he hit the Disconnect Video button on his laptop, and curled forward, hand shoved in his mouth to silence himself as his hips jolted up into Laurent’s mouth. He could feel his orgasm growing at the base of his cock, tightening his balls as Laurent rolled them. Then two of Laurent’s fingers slid further back, a dry tease against Damen’s hole, and Damen came with a barely-muffled gasp. Humming happily, Laurent swallowed. 
It probably took less than thirty seconds to pant through his orgasm and gather himself enough to turn the video back on, but he already had another PM from Nikandros: for FUCKS sake damen
He cleared his throat. “Sorry. Camera malfunction.” 
Nikandros glared at him. “I hope it won’t happen again while you give us the operational stats.” 
Resisting the urge to run his fingers through his hair and check his tie, Damen said, “I don’t think it will happen again today, no.”
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