#why is there no tag for the amalgimates
thestalkerbunny · 4 years
Wow. Just WOW. The reception for Grandmother Beetroot (aka Granny Beets, Babushka Beets) is IMMENSELY MORE THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE???  It's become my most recognized comic I've done with currently over 11,000 notes in just a few days. WOWIE!! What a reception!
So I thought I'd do a little chat here, based on reading these comments and what have you.
-The Master list of The Lineless Comics can be found here! (be warned, there is animal violence, domestic violence, suicidal implications, murder, etc. These are not tame fairy tales. We're putting the Grim back in Grimm's, okay?) Not all of them are fairy tales-some are just stories I thought up, or dreams I’ve had and two of them technically are dnd stories and one is a song from my childhood. More of them are being made; so the list will grow in time.
-Grandmother Beetroot is yes based off that vine about the dog 'leetle russian lady....blease give me some beets'. But she is also based off the folktale of Baba Yaga and other European Witches-who range from helpful to harmful. She isn't based on any real folktale or story, she's an amalgimation of a dog from vine and russian stories wrapped up in a grandma wrapper.
-Why Borscht? Borscht is a very common soup in Eastern Europe and was orginally made from Hogsweed (a plant) from what I’ve read and was regarded as a peasent's food and was later popularized by using Beetroots. Borscht is often served post funeral wakes, for relgious events, as well as around christmas time. Basically, beets are a very hardy plant and when you live in an enviorment where everything says 'fuck off' and dies in the smallest cold snap, and all you have are beets to eat, Borscht is what's for supper.
-Grandmother can be defined as a cryptid, or a fae, or a witch, or just your grandma, anything really. That's the fun thing about these stories, you do your part on thinking about what everything means exactly.
-The Lineless comics in general are basically my tribute to fairy tales, folk tales, traditional myths and the songs I grew up on-usually they have hard moral lessons to them.  They say 'write what you want to see out in the world' and I think we need to bring some harsh moral lessons back in our story telling.
-Everyone's opinions on Beetroots and the soup Borscht in general are all valid-I personally am not fond of beetroots myself. They are very much an aquired taste apparently.
-I’m very glad some of ya’ll saying that Granny Beets reminds you of your grandmas in a way. That means I’m writing old ladies correctly.
-All ya'll in the tags saying 'thank you grandmother' got me in stitches.
-You are all Grandmother Beet's grandchildren. It is unavoidable. You will be loved, you will have the snacks and you will be listened to by this very tall beet loving dog fairy creature witch lady.
-Grandmother Beets loves you all very very much.
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