#why yes i did read h0mestuck as a teen why do you ask
eternityservedcold Β· 2 years
my writeup on the typing styles in mourner
prefacing this with: im assigning personality traits to typing styles here, but i dont think any of it actually applies to real people. its basically like assigning characters birthdays that place them in a star sign that reflects their traits -- its fun! but its not real
also, to be clear, there are both diagetic and non-diagetic aspects to all of this! for example, if a character TYPES IN ALL CAPS, its safe to assume theyre a pretty loud person. these are also how each character would type if they were actually talking online!
typing style: usually all lowercase! frequent user of exclamation marks and ellipses... uses CAPS or Title Case for emphasis. usually drops punctuation at the end of a "paragraph"
analysis: lowercase reflects his generally carefree attitude and naivete. her punctuation habits reflect her tendency to say things a bit too loud or excited, as well as trailing off a lot. the usage of CAPS indicates when they are intentionally emphasizing something, and the use of Title Case is more like... anxiety? though it is also used for emphasis, theyre pretty interchangeable
also worth noting is that azazels typing style (and, therefore, speaking style) is modeled after my own. this provides little (if any) insight into daer character but its a fun fact! in my original design documents i think i literally wrote "just type normally" or something LOL
typing style: usually all lowercase, little/irregular punctuation, frequent spelling mistakes. uses handwritten uppercase when having a breakdown (i didnt make typos here for legibility)
analysis: lowercase reflects that theyre soft spoken and that combined with the almost complete lack of punctuation makes them feel younger. his spelling mistakes ive explained before as him stumbling over his words or stuttering, plus a secret reason that will help us later. the handwritten uppercase reflects that she has trouble controlling her volume when breaking down, as well as her words being garbled through sobs (and MORE word stumbling)
typing style: Proper case and punctuation. Frequent use of exclamation points! Sometimes uses emoticons instead of punctuation :D
analysis: so the original concept here was kind of a "more grown up" version of isaac. this can be seen through the proper case and punctuation compared to isaacs lack of either. her typing style also shows how bubbly and excitable she is! if you freaked her out a lot (which hasnt happened) i think she might start speaking in lowercase with a typo or two. she definitely wouldnt go full isaac though. also i think whenever she "says" an emoticon shes probably making some sort of contextually appropriate noise (her autistic swag)
typing style: all lowercase with no apostrophes but otherwise semi-frequent punctuation. uses CAPS for emphasis
analysis: well... hes just a little boy. his typing style shows how little he cares for social rules and also how easygoing he is. very much like azazel! nothing in particular to say about him
typing style: Perfect case and punctuation. Mostly uses periods and ellipses.
analysis: this is honestly just the perfect typing style for him its so... like, if youre typing on the internet, this style of typing takes MORE effort than, for example, how im typing right now. but its generally accepted as the "best" style to type in for formal purposes. so it shows a little bit of his complexity already. on top of (and/or because of) that, it also gives off a sort of "academic" vibe, which is very judas
judas shadow, when/if they show up, will have a completely different typing style, due to the entire gimmick of judas shadow being [if you know you know]
blue baby
typing style: all lowercase. sporadic punctuation. usually either has really short sentences or really long run on sentences
analysis: this is another "isaac but DIFFERENT" typing style LOL. the entire idea of blue baby as a character is "what if isaac just did not care" so it makes sense on that level. as seen in other lowercase sporadic punctuation typing styles, it showcases blue is more laid back and careless
typing style: Proper capitalization. Doesnt use punctuation except between sentences in the same "paragraph". Usage of apostrophes in contractions is inconsistent
analysis: this specific combination of typing quirks makes it feel like she speaks in monotone, which is true. originally the intent was for the proper caps to give an air of elegance/maturity (which is a reading of eves character i have mixed feelings about) that would be somewhat undercut by the lack of punctuation
also, the inconsistent apostrophes was a complete accident (ie, the first time it happened it was actual real life out of universe typos) but i feel like its a thing that real people actually do and therefore gives a bit of realism to her!
typing style: Proper case and punctuation. Makes more typos as he gets angrier.
analysis: very simple typing style for a very simple guy! proper case and punctuation gives a somewhat grown up feel, which is very samson, but thats pretty much all there is to be said about it
typing style: Proper case and punctuation. Uses CAPS for emphasis, as well as using question marks to show surprise or as a filler punctuation? Uses ellipses pretty frequently as well...
analysis: another simple typing style for a simple guy. the use of question marks and ellipses reflects that he trails off a lot and doesnt really speak with confidence
typing style: varies between many different typing styles
analysis: whenever youre trying to find a new identity for yourself, or generally want to change things up, the easiest thing you could possibly do is type a different way. since eden is still trying to find their own sense of self, it makes sense for them to switch up typing styles. instead of it being occasional (which is how it might happen in real life), i decided to make it change every post, just for funsies
also theyre the randomly generated character so of course they do this. bluh
the lost
typing style: Proper case . Uses a space before punctuation, except commas and apostrophes . Does not use contractions .
analysis: these traits give their dialogue a sort of "airy" or "magical" feeling. perhaps even dignified, when you factor in the way they actually speak (word choices and phrasing)! it also reflects (to me) that they speak very softly and choose their words very carefully
i dont think anyone in real life actually types with spaces between ALL punctuation, but it WAS inspired by how french people will add a space before "high" punctuation. i thought it was neat but i hate the french so its good i have an association with it that isnt them now
analysis: obviously inspired by the fortune telling machine. the not using commas thing is due to technical limitations, but it also gives the impression that he speaks pretty quickly, which is fun! the rest of the style gives the impression that he speaks very matter-of-factly and also that he speaks pretty loud, which are both true
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