#why you can't from your privileged position actually do ANYTHING apart from sending $20 to planned parenthood every once in awhile
A lot of nice liberals are just like, fundamentally apolitical.
They see their “side” as like, a club that proves they’re Nice, but they treat politics like a sports game - the stakes are just so low to them and they really think they can just shake hands with their opponents afterwards. Be friends “outside of” the game. They’ll have friends they “agree to disagree” with on like, basic human rights, sometimes for groups they’re a part of! or that their friends or relatives are a part of!!
Because they just don’t think “politics” are That Serious. Sure, some of em will get real mad about Trump, but it’s mostly because he’s not playing by the rules. Crickets when someone on “their team” does the same evil shit--crickets at BEST because they’ll also give like mealy mouthed excuses for why “their” guy Had To Do That Though. For a lot of them, now that Trump’s gone, they don’t need to think about “politics” at all anymore.
In the rise of international fascism and with human rights being stripped away at a rapid rate in so many places I hope some people like this will get a fucking wake up call that this is deadly fucking serious.
People are dying because of the “politics” that you “agree to disagree on”, that you politely shake your head at and then go home and do literally nothing about, or even make worse because you can’t stop yourself from giving money to the bigots trying to strip away human rights, can’t stop yourself from making your social circles actively hostile to marginalized people by constantly inviting bigots around, can’t stop yourself from making excuse after excuse for the violence more vulnerable people are facing.
This is why people actually doing the work talk disparagingly about liberals. Too many of you are totally fine with things being as horrifyingly bad as they were ten years ago, and are getting used to how horrifyingly bad things are now at such a rapid rate you might as well not care about that either.
Too many of you lead self centered lives where you treat oppression as basically entertainment like celebrity gossip or sports instead of something you could impact, something with horrifying consequences for people you SHOULD care about.
Things are getting worse, and only mass movements, with actual actions and planned campaigns, can save us. And if you’re a Nice Liberal who wants to actually be nice, I hope you’ll consider giving up the idea that the current system is suddenly somehow going to start keeping fascism in check, and join movements to protect vulnerable people.
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