#why. did i write so much. this was gonna b like 4 lines wtfff
another-dra-anew · 4 years
If we can talk with the SDRA2 students can we get a role call from everyone? I wanna know who makes a cameo from DRA....
/An unknown time, an unknown place
Your attention is immediately caught by a fight that seems to be steadily escalating. The lucky student seems to snap, and lunges for the wizard. Before he can make contact, the firefighter scoops him up. Said firefighter sighs as the lucky student attempts to free himself, screeching, scratching and thrashing in a attempt to free himself. The wizard has seemingly no response, simply letting his attention be caught by something else.
This scene catches the eye of the girl who's talent remains unknown, who immediately starts teasing the lucky student for getting ensnared. Everyone's big brother, the broker, steps in and placed a hand on the girls shoulder. He redirects her to the hostess, who immediately distracts her. The duo seems entranced, flirting and teasing one another easily with all else forgotten. The broker returns to his own group, comprised of the psychologist, guitarist and spaceman, the quartet focused on tinkering with... something. 
The vocalist sits nearby, deep in conversation with her twin as the guitarist splits her attention between the conversation and the invention that's coming alive. In perfect sync, the two lean back from the table, the cause immediately evident. Big sister psychologist has made sparks, causing the spaceman to fly into the brokers arm with a scream. The psychologist simply waits for it to stop sparking, cheering the broker on as he goes to poke the steaming heap of metal and wires. 
Across the room, there’s a trio, that unlike the quartet, seems to be fighting over their shared knowledge. The wizard has found a new fight to start, with the actress and the billiards player, debating on... special effects? The actress uses her movie knowledge to try and get her years of experience crowned queen. Billiards player rolls her eyes, asking if the actress has ever made a cloud of smoke appear on her own. Before she can retaliate, the wizard uses this as a chance to show off his prowess. He immediately disappears, all that remains a cloud of smoke.
You once again turn your head, your attention now caught by a loud yelp. You watch the boxer panic as he tries to find where the wizard went. The painter flicks some paint at him, accusing him of almost knocking into her easel, a statement that doesn't go over well. A fight immediately breaks out, the boxer retorting that he didn't bump into it, and that she shouldn't be upset with him for something that almost happened. He also argues that she never has a distinct plan anyways, which really gets the painter upset. You wonder if you should go help calm them down, when once again, your attention is drawn.
Something feels... off. The lucky student has now broken free from the firefighter and is sulking on the couch as the firefighter tries to ignore what's happening around him. A faint mechanical whirring can be heard from the quartet plus one, as they seem to have created something that works, though none of them quite know what it is, or what it's doing. You know what'll happen next. In a matter of seconds, they’ll all descend on it, 4 pairs of hands making quick work to disassemble it, adjust whatever piece they end up with, then put it all back together. The hostess is now relaxing, resting in a arm chair with her legs over one side, her back to the mystery girl perched on the other. The unknown girl seems to be braiding the hostesses hair, a act they're both enjoying. Painter and boxer are still bickering, but the remaining special affects duo now seems to be bonding as the billiards player shows the actress a few tricks. 
Oh. That's right. The boxer had a point. Just where did the wizard end up? You begin to look around, scanning the room. You should be able to see him easily enough, you’ve made yourself a home up on top of the rows of bookcases that are easily 20 feet up just so you could see what's happening. Funnily enough, the wizard offered to help you by floating you up, but the lucky student was already boosting you, so you had to decline. The duo seems to always be competing with one another, which is how the fight likely broke out. 
After that, all rational thought leaves your head. Next, all you know is the faint feeling of hands pressing against your back, and with you already dangling your legs off the edge, that's enough to send you plummeting. You love the feeling of falling, always enjoying rollercoasters and the like, but you're fully aware that a 20 foot drop could theoretically break some bones, and with your luck, the odds of that happening is extremely high. You can't even let out a scream - you were never known for your volume, and what good would it do you now?
Your eyes are shut, lips sealed by terror, ears awaiting the loud crack that'll announce your arrival - it never comes. Someone... maybe two someones catch you, and you open your eyes just as one of the people let's go of you, and you make eye contact with the lucky student as he shifts his weight to better balance with you, before planting you down on the ground. He stays holding you for a moment, allowing your breathing to steady, and for you to stop shaking so bad that it seems you’ll collapse to the ground. You’re jolted back to reality as you hear a familiar voice give a apology - it was the wizard that pushed you, not that he meant to use that much force. It must've been divine intervention that allowed the lucky student and the firefighter to reach you in time to play catch, as most of the other students seem to be just realizing there was a issue.
Immediately you’re swarmed, all kinds of Super High School Levels rushing in to check on you, the spaceman visibly panicked, the hostess hugging you tight,  almost hitting you with her braid in the process. The invention from earlier is used (in some odd process that only makes sense to the quartet that made it) to get your belongings from the bookshelf you were up at. With your notebook back in hand, you look at the half-finished article, and quickly jot down all that happened, the broker praising you for being so dedicated as the psychologist asks if that should be your priority here. 
You think about it. It being the story, and what you should prioritize. You are the journalist, but maybe it'd be nice to go and join in with one of the groups. Everyone disperses, calmed at the knowledge that you're alright. A new page of your notebook is written on, stained black with ink as you write the date, and other valuable information. As you set off to go talk to your classmates, you struggle to push one thing back into your head. You’re the journalist, you only spread the truth, what you know to be the facts, so you know what you should do. You sigh, then head off to spend the rest of the day bonding with your classmates, and....
You try and convince yourself that the shadow you saw outside the window just before you fell is a figment of your imagination. 
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