myycamp · 3 years
What's Sleep Away Camp REALLY About
Today I got asked to answer these questions for an upcoming magazine article about camp--sharing my answers here, too! (BRING ON SUMMER!)
1.     Sleep away camp is a great way for kids to meet friends and build independence - in addition, what is the BIG purpose behind sleep away camps?  
Overnight camping started in the late 1800s as a movement to get kids out of the industrial/city environment and back to the fresh air of nature. In many ways the purpose is the same today—unplug and connect with each other, oneself, and nature, while building leadership, friendship, and confidence.
 2.     Why do parents and kids choose sleep away camp over local camps or why do they choose sleep away in general (some do both!)
Going to camp really is the best way to get out of your comfort zone and into the “challenge zone”—while being supported by enthusiastic role models (cool camp counselors) to try new things and celebrate achievements in a community where you belong. Parents, too, need camp—as a break from scheduling, cleaning, driving, etc, and can benefit from the taste of independence their camper gains from camp.
 3.     What are some of the main reasons you find that kids love sleep away camp? How have you seen kids grow/change from when they came to when they left? 
Kids come for the first time for the exciting activities and love to return year after year for the friendship and acceptance. I have seen kids grow leaps and bounds in confidence, self-advocacy, leadership, self-awareness, curiosity, and so much more!
 4.     Name some challenges kids face in sleep away camp, and how have you seen them overcome them?
Most of the challenges come from having to navigate advocating for themselves. At home and at school they have their family and their teacher. At camp they have to quickly figure out how to find the trusted adult and let them know what problem they are having, from feeling a little homesick to getting annoyed with another camper, or simply not liking what’s served for dinner! This is a critical turning point in a kid’s life and so empowering—when they can learn to identify their needs and speak up for themselves and affect change on their own.
 5.     If you had to explain to a parent who is new to sleep away camps what they are and are REALLY about, what would you say? What other advice can you give to parents wanting to know more about sleep away camps? 
Camp is youth development at its finest and camps are ready to partner with parents in this great adventure of raising empathetic, curious, kind kids!
Look for a camp that is accredited by the American Camp Association (standard of our industry) and run by professionals who are trained and up to date with best practices in the fields of child protection, youth development, teamwork, facilitation, mental health, inclusion, and social-emotional development.
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you-know-what-bruh · 7 years
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Cub Camp: A place where you meet new people, find confidence, and play games
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thnkfully · 7 years
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#WhyCamp Because Camp Adams can make your college experience 💯💯💯WHAT'S CUB CAMP? Msg me or visit @uhcubcamp to find out!!!
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uhcubcamp · 7 years
Andie Fernandez, Counselor from Camp Fuller, speaks on why she joined Cub Camp and the benefits of going to Cub Camp 2017!
At first, I joined Camp because I was looking for a cool organization to be a part of. Later on, when I started going to meetings and trainings, I found out why I had to stick to it. Cub Camp is so much more than just an organization. It is a support system, a family. As an international student, I understand the struggle of being new. That first feeling of “not belonging” is the worst feeling one can get. I believe it is very important for freshmen to find their home away from home and I know Cub Camp is the best way to do that. Students don’t have to be international to feel out of place. Everyone is starting this new stage of their lives, leaving home, moving cities, states and maybe even countries; and Camp is the best way to fall in love with the amazing University of Houston. That’s why I joined Cub Camp- I want to show freshmen that they are at UH because this is where they are supposed to be. I want them to fall in love with it as much as I did and what better way of doing it than learning UH traditions and culture with all of us Counselors who are obsessed with being a Houston Cougars.
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thnkfully · 7 years
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#WHYCAMP bc look at how gorgeous #CampAdams is
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thnkfully · 7 years
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#WhyCamp Because we all look like Pokémon trainers who can help you be the very best
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thnkfully · 7 years
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#WhyCamp Because Camp Adams is your little family for your first year at UH
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uhcubcamp · 7 years
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Meet the Directors 
Cielo Marte, Director of Training, lists the top 10 benefits of being a Cub Camp Counselor!
1. Become a better leader
As a Cub Camp Counselor you will be in charge of facilitation a group of Freshmen and lead them through various Camp activities. They’ll be looking up to you as you help maneuver their first college experience and introduce them to the the U of H community. You’ll not only learn how to work with a team, but also to become a leader and take initiative in the many projects you’ll be creating.
2. Test your limits
And we don’t mean just because you’ll be pumped with adrenaline for three whole days. We’re talking about pushing yourself mentally, constantly learning from the different obstacles,lessons,and self-progression you’ll be making.
3. Learn about yourself
In Cub Camp, you’ll learn about your own communication, working, and leading style. You’ll learn about how you work with a team, as a leader, and how to improve on those skills.
4. Learn about your university
Did you know that the giant bell we ring after every Football touchdown had a name? Me neither. Learn about our wonderful bell Carol and our many Cougar traditions. As a Counselor, you’ll learn about our world-renowned faculty, tier-one programs, and many other benefits U of H has to offer!
5. Make friends
If your Counselor experience was anything like mine, you’ll instantly gain 50 (or more!) of the coolest friends. That’s 50 (or more!) snapchat buddies, confidants, and partners-in-crime!
6. Be a part of a family
With Cub Camp, we’ll be your home away from home. The friends you’ll make at Cub Camp will last a lifetime!
7. Create memories
The Counselor experience is filled with tons of laughter and learning. We guarantee that by the time you’re done with Camp, you’ll have hundreds of crazy stories and even more selfies to prove them!
8. Make a difference
For incoming freshmen, Cub Camp is the first step they take in their journey through college. These are their first steps towards independence, adulthood, and learning about themselves. Naturally, it can be a little tough. Your guidance in leading these students can lead a lifetime impact on how they approach the next four years. Trust me; your welcoming smiles and college advice creates the biggest difference.
9. Because it's fun
Did I mention that you’ll be gaining friends? Making memories? Yeah, the cherry on top is the amount of fun you’ll be having. Seriously, there’s not a day in Cub Camp where the whole room isn't filled with laughter or smiles.
10. You’ll never be the same
Everybody’s journey is different. You’ll learn so much and have so many things to look back to that you’ll wonder why you didn't sign up sooner.Try it for yourself. 
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uhcubcamp · 7 years
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Meet our Directors! 
Hello! My name is Valeria Vital and I'm the Director of Leadership for Cub Camp! I joined Cub Camp as a Counselor in 2016, and I immediately knew that this was the organization for me. I love the atmosphere that camp provides for incoming freshman. I think that the transition to college is extremely difficult and hard to make without a little help, Cub Camp provides necessary information that allows incoming students to succeed in their first year!
As Director of Leadership I get to be the primary contact for our Co-Chairs, which are the members that shape our camps! I get to work closely with all of the Directors and I am able to see that everyone is progressing adamantly. I have big plans for camp this year! I'm excited to announce that we've decided to add a 5th camp to our program this year, which allows us to accept more incoming freshman, and also to have more close knit individual camps.
Cub Camp is already so much fun, and I can only hope to include more activities, and more opportunities for the freshman to create friends. Cub Camp is the place where you can meet your next best friend, and I intend to make sure that our environment is as welcoming as our great university!
Go Coogs! 🐾
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