The Next Day...
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Felix-a, that's amazing! You never fail to impress!
Thank-a you so much!
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"Ehehe... Oh, Felix! How's your day been? Y'know, just Tikal is fine. No need to be so formal!"
She laughs weakly. "Just... I promised to help someone I was scared of at first work through some issues, and now I'm remembering why I was scared of them..."
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vonschweetzracing · 12 years
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whymustifixeverythingitouch replied to your post: whymustifixeverythingitouch replied to your post:...
(( And they aren’t labeled? Wow… ))
(Not as NSFW, they're mostly labelled Suggestive...)
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(( Felix! ))
( Aaand here we go agaiin... ! 
How I feel about this character
HE'S A CUTIE. ASDFHVSDFCGJHRDFG. Oh, man. Where do I BEGIN?! Just... he's such a sweetheart to everyone he meets and just-- tries his best to make everyone happy which I can relate to on so many levels. He's got a lot of potential as well -- heck, ALL of the characters do -- and he'd probably be one of the best friends you could ever have in life. Because he'd do his best to be there for you no matter what. ;w; 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Calhoun; like I said before. Only her. And they DARN WELL DESERVE IT ASFHGSDXFCGVH.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
RALPH. VANELLOPE. His bond with Ralph; oh lord. They're total bros and it's so cute. While Vanellope? Totally sort of a 'same-age brother' figure of some kind. .. If he isn't fatherly or anything like some people have guessed with the idea of Calhoun and him somewhat adopting her. 
Just.. augh. ;3; 
My unpopular opinion about this character
... I actually think he could be able to fix ANYTHING with his hammer, even other people? So long as it's a PHYSICAL fix anyway. Like the windows, or his face. MENTAL fixes? Heh. Talk to him for a bit; I'm pretty sure he'll cheer you up. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I don't exactly wish for more screentime, I think he got plenty of it somewhat; but I wished the subject of his dad was touched upon, or something. I'm not even sure that the idea that he hasn't seen his dad in years is official or not; but if it is, it wouldn't surprise me. 
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(( Calhoun! ))
( I see what u did thar. Alright, here we go! 
How I feel about this character
She's one of the main four cast that I call the Wrecking Crew that I honestly cannot decide between them all on who's my favorite character. But I will admit that is actually took my second (Third, actually; if you count watching an online cam rip) showing to have her stand out to me so much to want to RP her. I LOVE her character and how she's developed to get over a part of her programming that she actually CAN overcome (Unlike, for example, Ralph's short tempter or Felix's unability to be mad.) and also do a huge 'Take that!' to most female character stereotypes. This movie pretty much stabbed stereotypes to death, but moving right along; her design is sleek, simple, yet perfect for her character. Her battle armor isn't skimpy to the point of ridiculous, and yet simplistic enough to where it doesn't slow her down. I think what I like the most about her, though; is her sweet side. How it's such a contrast to her harsh and strict programming, but at the same time,they both make sense since they're both fueled by (personal?) passions in her character. 
She's got a lot of potential. And she's my favorite Disney female by far. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Juuust her hubby. |D I like the bonds the characters have in the movie; so I'll say outright now that I don't ship anything apart from them. I normally have a hard time shipping this hard at all, but DAMN did they tug me to this point. SDGsdfhSDFGJHDFGJ 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Vanellope and Calhoun. I see her becoming rather close to Vanellope if given the chance; like a mother and a daughter somewhat. With some sisterly values added in. I actually see her as being overprotective with EVERYONE in the wrecking crew, Ralph included. Hey; they have their spats from their attitudes but if he got scared while trying to give Hero's Duty another chance, she'd jump in front of the Cybugs and shoot 'em dead. Then tell him to never say a word. Unless it's Felix.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I'm... not entirely sure I have one? Most of the opinions about her that I've seen floating around are pretty popular and I agree with 'em. dfgjhgsdfhgsdfh So... whoops. Guess this place is pretty dull.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Whoo boy. More development, digging into her character, and screentime, really. But I'm fine with what I received; it's my favorite movie ever for a reason. It's quite literally just a 'Man, if only' thing.
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▼ ?
You are:
[] A piece of trash
[] Alright
[] Average
[x] Cute
[] Beautiful
[xx] Handsome
[...x] Sexy
If you kissed me I would:
[xxx] Kiss you back
[] Throw up
[x] Smile and laugh
[] Push you away
[] Slap you
[x] Tug your hat down or steal it
If you asked me out I would say:
[] That’s disgusting
[] No, sorry
[x] Yes
[xx] Oh my land yes
Can we cuddle?
[] Don’t touch me loser
[] I guess
[xxx] Yes
[] Just no.
[] Eh sure
[x] Maybe; since it's a two person deal, sweetums.
[] Do it
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Um - um - Tammy? You're okay, right? There's nothing gone wrong, right?
... Those cybugs are getting stronger, by the looks of things. 
I need to slap Wreck-It upside the head again...
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She nods, letting out a soft sigh.
"I'm fine..." She didn't sound it, not really. She sounded like she was trying to downplay all the negative emotions and pain she was feeling. How could someone hate another so much over dating? Especially for events that transpired 4000 years ago? "Don't worry about it, okay...? It's not the first time someone's done that... I can handle it."
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"Goodness, anons! Why are you being so rude to Felix and... Ah, oh dear... I never got her name... B-but anyways! Leave them alone! It's rude to make such threats!"
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[ Another snort from behind her hand. Her armor gives the fact that she's laughing away. ]
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whymustifixeverythingitouch started following you
Ohhh, where was she now?
If there was one thing the magicked echidna had learned from being six years old, it was not to mess with the warp belt she had been given. Of course, currently being six years old... The temptation to go on a zone hopping spree was irresistible.
Looks like she was stuck here for now, though. No matter how many times she attempted to warp back home, nothing was working. Had the belt broken...?
She'd look, but it was securely hidden under her dress and this place was oh-so-very crowded with people she didn't recognize! Looking around, there were several shuttle terminals with people passing in and out. It reminded her of Station Square's train station. Seats were littered around where even more people chatted. No one took any notice of the little lost puggle; it was as though they expected her to be there.
So in short, Tikal was lost, scared, and alone. Not even Seibal, her little Eevee, was with her; The Pokémon had been napping when she'd warped. The situation becoming too much to bear for the child, she slides down against a pillar and begins to cry quietly.
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