#whyyy did it delete my spaces between bullet points
leafened · 4 months
spotify's algorithm is turning music tastes into homogeneous goop, here are some other ways to find new music. if you're looking for something totally anti-spotify it's not this, but there are non-spotify options too
use google to find playlists on spotify that contain at least two artists or songs you like. works best if the songs are not that common but you have to try out a few things ex google search- "cherushii + sally shapiro playlist site:open.spotify.com" this will return links to spotify playlists containing songs from both artists, . not all results are relevant but a lot should be
4chan's music board. don't go to /mu/ outright, no one sane wants to do that. go to the archive and search "sharethread" / "favorite" / "recommendations" / "underrated" etc. my favorite method is to search 4x4 (a term for graphs of album covers of weekly last.fm stats) and browse the last.fm threads since it's really easy to look at the graph of 16 album covers and see whether that poster's taste aligns with yours at all
link your music player to last.fm. last.fm matches you with users with similar tastes, and has a homepage with decent recommendations for artists/tracks. you can also compare your music taste with any other users and see your areas of overlap
look up interviews from your favorite artists. not just musicians but writers and visual artists too. interviewers love to ask about listening habits. i've found some of my fav stuff this way
make a separate youtube account solely for music. get high and click around. youtube has a higher concentration of music nerds than other streaming services, and a lot of people uploading underappreciated or forgotten music. great way to find actual albums instead of singles
check your fav artists' spotify profile, many make public playlists
chatgpt. I've had best results prompting it for recommendations based on a groups of artists/albums that maybe have some similarities, but are not in the same genre/cone of interest, otherwise it will just give spotify tier recommendations. if you try to make it find something similar to albums/artists that span decades or genres, it will get more creative. I've gotten some really good recommendations this way
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