deathisanartmetzli · 2 years
TIMING: The 13th Hour​
SUMMARY: Metzli runs to the center of the town and completes the ritual to stop the chaos from reaching the rest of the world. 
Living an ingrown life was never easy. The fact of that is constantly ignored solely for the benefit of never having to take the risk of connection. Decades of solitude and a firm belief that meaning nothing and having nothing meant happiness was something Metzli held onto like it was their lifeline.
Maybe it was. 
As their car jerked and hammered against the jagged road and raced against the hurricane winds, Metzli thought about it all. The beginning and how they got themself into such a predicament. Just two years ago, they would’ve left the moment they heard the town was a goner. But there they were, driving toward Vorhees Tower so they could give their life so everyone else could live. The irony of that was not lost on them, prompting a dry chuckle, their hand tensing on the steering wheel, and a roll of their eyes. As they did, their ending point was on the clock. Twenty minutes left.
So, yeah, that old belief was their lifeline. It would’ve kept them alive if they still held it. Back then, they avoided the risk of having anything. Like asking for someone’s hand in marriage. Now that ring would go left unused. That was unless Eilidh wore it like they asked in their letter. The very thought made their heart ache but they wouldn’t alter a thing because everything was so different. Their mind had changed from believing a life long lived alone was supposed to be better than one lived too short with company. They were proven wrong, and they were so glad they gave that gallery tour a chance. If not for that small, tiny decision, they wouldn’t have realized the beauty of loving. They loved many and they loved hard all thanks to that seemingly insignificant choice, and to their surprise, they smiled. 
It replayed over and over again in Metzli’s mind, and they supposed it was true then. Your life really did replay for your viewing and heartbreaking pleasure when you were about to meet your maker. They scoffed out a chuckle and it quickly turned into a small, choked sob while their anxiety ticked like the watch on their wrist. Sixteen minutes left.
Tears streamed down like a heavy rain, and despite that visible vulnerability, a smile began to ease its way to Metzli’s lips. That tug remained there even as the car could no longer continue and they had to move by foot. The car boomed and screeched to a halt, and they leapt and they climbed and they didn’t stop. There was no time to hit the breaks even when they tripped over a sudden burst or crack of earth.
“Come on, Metzli. Come on!” They chastised themself quietly, tumbling and rolling back to their feet as they checked their watch and listened for the tolling bell. Twelve minutes left. 
At the sight of the clocktower, they picked up the pace, encouraging their legs to comply with the urgency of the situation, of the end. They were so close to it that it nearly gave them pause. Nearly. Metzli didn’t let their hesitation get the better of them, and before they knew it, they were only a half-breadth away from their destination.
A tired smile painted on their face and they sighed, a hint of a tremble attaching itself at the end. Their fear got to settle then. They were going to die and being engulfed in the darkness that reigned over most of their life made their knees buckle. An infinite void to fall into was not the most ideal exit, but it was one they would face time and time again for the people they loved. To honor everyone that sacrificed everything only hours before them. "Made it.” They sighed, “Anything for you guys.” They muttered to no one, as everyone was long gone and unable to hear. “Anything, always.” Placing a shaky hand to their chest, Metzli could’ve sworn it beat for a second. If anyone could cause such a thing, it was definitely their loved ones. They sniffled and shook their head, taking their time now that they had it. Eight minutes left.
As Metzli stepped into the center of town, the tremors grew. Like each step was akin to a notch on a dial. Death was such a finite thing. An end and a beginning in its own right, but the slate would be clean. They’d have no recollection of what they were at that moment and what they had lined up. There was so much left to do, but there was also so much they had already done. In a short amount of time, Metzli had created a family from dust. The dusted pile of their master that had been decidedly the moment they truly began to live. No more running. No more torture. No more isolation. 
“Wow.” Metzli said with soot and dirt streaked across their face. The tears created a multitude of trails, making them look like a soldier set out for war. In a way, they were. They were fighting against the biggest tantrum White Crest had ever thrown, but they could say with confidence that it would end there, never reaching the rest of the world. Swallowing, Metzli took a seat in the rubble and looked up. The sky was a shade of gray that practically felt as dark as Metzli felt, and they decided to lay down, fully resigning themself to their final decision. Three minutes left.
The tremors grew with an intensity that startled Metzli. For the first time in a long time, they screamed in fear. Like they were a teenager in a haunted house they regretted paying good money for. Then, for some reason, they laughed. In desperation, in terror, in anxious anticipation? Who knows. Certainly not them. Maybe they didn’t want to sound scared. Maybe they wanted to find a battlecry appropriate for such a roaring ending. So, they roared with laughter. They became a daydreamer and turned the gray sky every other color, on cloudless days. 
Like the dusks they spent with Eilidh planting the garden, painting the land with an array of color that spelled out their love for all to see, leaving a big, gapped-tooth smile on her face that they adored.
Like the mornings they spent walking to the gallery, a new sweet treat for Aylin in their bag and coffee struggling in one hand for Abigail and Ceyda, who were somehow always there before them even though they didn’t even sleep.
Like the afternoons spent under the shade of trees to train Cass to land heavy-handed blows and Muhammad-Ali combos that would give monsters who dared to underestimate her pause.
Like the dawns they spent with Teddy watching movies and helping him reconsider the way he coped with the helplessness he took with him from childhood. Watch his relationship with Emilio bloom.
Like the nights they would try to sneak into the lighthouse to scare Correy just because they loved to annoy him. He caught them every damn time, and threw them over to the side, only for them to head on to see Marina.
Like every day they spent existing and living the life they were told they would never have.
“In your fucking faces,” Metzli muttered under their breath with the biggest shit-eating grin. 
Zero minutes left.
They closed their eyes and controlled when the darkness took over, and they weren’t scared anymore. How could they be when everyone they loved was so good at fighting their monsters? They defeated the one Metzli used to be, after all. Their amazing family paved the way to the person they were always meant to be. With renewed enthusiasm, Metzli outstretched their arms and felt themself sink. A painful heat enveloped their whole body, but they didn’t scream. They laughed with pure joy, and didn’t dare open their eyes so as not to taint the last beautiful images of the family they made. Not even the earth-shattering and ending splits of White Crest could be heard over their battlecry as everything dissipated. 
What a way to go out, Metzli thought. It may have been an ending that was too early, but it helped, if only a little, that their life ended outside of the darkness that plagued their beginning. Eilidh, the first and only love of their life, would be okay. Cass and Teddy would be okay. Aylin and Ceyda would be okay. Nicole would carry on their newfound traditions with Leah, and Vic would move with Rosie and find Eilidh, and…be okay. 
Everyone would be okay. The statement became a chant parallel to the bell in Metzli’s head, and they found themself able to relax and let go, finding peace in the midst of so much chaos. 
A light broke through the black behind their eyes as their final moments trickled near, and they sighed a goodbye. All there was left to do for that little light, from then until forever, was to grow.
And it was all yellow.
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tiktoks-we-like · 5 years
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