bezeniths · 1 year
relocation ft. @wiildgeese ↪ 𝐏 𝐀 𝐒 𝐓 𝐓 𝐇 𝐑 𝐄 𝐀 𝐃
if there was one thing zurie ouypron had always hated, it was the frigidly cold sting of loneliness that often clung to her skin like a sheen of invisible grime. if no one was gracing her with their presence for even a second, she became unable to function. the haze around her would dissipate, and she was at the mercy of the real world once more.
when she had first come to daegu, her new surroundings only served to thicken that layer of loneliness, at least in the beginning. she didn't really know anyone; a lot of the friends she had made and the only semblance of family she claimed were back in laos, awaiting a portion of the funds she'd promised to send them from her new job at sunset galleria. she owed them far beyond what she'd earn in commissions, but it was quite literally the least she could do for essentially taking care of her on her trek through the small nation.
her small studio flat had never felt like home, so when another sunset employee she'd become friendly with, kang nara, mentioned needing a roommate, zurie couldn't jump at the opportunity fast enough. nara and zurie could vastly differ from one another; nara was somewhat introverted, where zurie couldn't have been more sociable. nara had this bluntness and honesty about her, whereas zurie was more prone to keeping her true feelings inside and becoming something of a doormat. still, the two forged a fairly strong friendship and got along quite well despite being so different. perhaps it was down to zurie having learned to respect nara's boundaries and being fairly skilled at reading people's energy.
maybe that was why the atmosphere inside their apartment struck her as odd when she'd stepped inside, fresh off a shift that had been wrought with its own tensions. she found nara home already, and for the first time in awhile, she couldn't seem to get an exact read on the situation. "hey ! what's up ?" she greeted the other, placing her ladybug themed raincoat over the designated hook.
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bbiwon · 1 year
the last thirty minutes prior to the moment of clocking out tick away in a way that they make themselves painfully noticeable; ticking against jaewon's ears in a rhythm that is, to a point, infuriating. he counts it away, too, every second closer to the moment of closing and walking outside of barracuda's doors, fiberglass helmet held tightly in one hand, other waving away 'hellos' and 'see you tomorrows'. he thinks of the leftover bulgogi awaiting him inside his fridge, of the fan that will blow away at uncomfortable heat stinging his body. it has him nearly giggling —- jovial at the idea of what is to come after a twenty minute drive.
life wouldn't be life it wasn't throwing bricks at your every ste, aiming them with the strength of goliath.
he enters the garage & the light flickers, as if it were awaiting just on him to arrive. a curse escapes past his mouth, but he threads on, passing through the slate grey pathways, until his attention is caught by a shadow in the corner of his mouth. subsequently, a wave of fears traverses down his spine; but jaewon, for the better or worse, changes his course in … its direction. slow, at first, tentative and with a skein of fear to his step, only to fasten his pace, only to —
"hello?" an echo of his own voice greets him back. "is anyone there —"
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ghostycore · 1 year
REDHANDED — in the cards for @wiildgeese!
danyi isn't always looking to make a quick buck. sometimes, it's a dishonest buck, too. and jvyeon's coats go for a few hundred thousand won that would fetch a price if resold for sure, so is it her fault if their security's faulty and oh so tempting?
the woman in question tries on a sleek, matte navy coat that boasts of new! goretex pro, 100D! and pricetag that costs a bomb. weighs a bomb too, with padding and pockets aplenty. but hey, the pockets are wonderful for packing a little extra—she glances at the staff behind the counter from underneath the handy hood, hiding her face. the other woman doesn't seem to be looking... so the sticky fingered customer swipes a couple of climbing knick knacks into those pockets, zipping it up.
the coat rustles as she moves, fabric brushing up noisily against itself. terrible for a quick getaway, no matter how much water and weather this coat is supposed to fend against. danyi sidles up to the entrance, looking back at the staff to check, one last time, and makes direct eye contact with her. oops, eh, whatever. time for a getaway, as she snaps her head back and crosses the sensors in front of the store. alarms go off half a second later, the culprit already halfway to her kiosk.
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