#wikipedia lists it as a political thriller and as a political thriller enjoyer im offended on behalf of the entire genre
brother-emperors · 6 months
Have you seen the show Medici?
I have! I dislike it and complain about it endlessly because the narrative drama sucks, and it commits a worse crime of being visually boring, it's almost offensive to me how bland it is lmao. the costuming is dogshit too, and I don't mean that in an 'this is historically inaccurate' (it is) but in a 'this is some real party city bullshit.' for a show about one of the most effective visual propaganda builders of the era, it sure doesn't have any aesthetic or thematic literacy!
that said
I've fully watched season one three times now (brunelleschi the love of my liiiiiiiife, and the plague stuff was almost good. close enough to good that I specifically re watch those episodes when I'm thinking about historical plagues) and season two uhhhh like eight or nine times for matteo martari's portrayal of francesco de' pazzi alone.
in a way, it's just bad enough that it cycles back to being interesting because I can see a very clear outline of the show I wish I was watching, and every time I go back to it, I end up writing another 50 pages of a medici family comic script out of sheer frustration. which is. a kind of compliment. sometimes bad shows are just bad, but i medici is a bad show that could've been good.
season 3 committed an unforgivable sin so that season is dead to me.
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