#wildflats round 8
marmiteprinter · 10 months
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While Ivar was out, the Phillipses celebrated Jade's first birthday at home. Felicity helped her to blow out her candles...
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... and she aged up into a toddler! I gave her freckles thinking that Conrad had them but he actually doesn't so I fixed that in the next round. She still has a touch of the O'Donnells to my mind but maybe it's just the green eyes and wide mouth? Whatever, she's still sweet!
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Potty training time!
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The round came to an end that night so here's a family photo! Getting Jade in place took forever and had me tearing my hair out - she kept wanting to do an action and glitching halfway across the map. Is there a way to freeze toddlers? 😆
Anyway, at the end of the round Conrad is now 34, Felicity is 26, Jade is 1 and Ivar is 20. He'll move out next round, most likely to a small house rather than an apartment as I imagine he and Genevieve will want to get engaged and start a family straight away!
Let's have a round summary to finish off.
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
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That night was Thorn's 1st birthday. Derrick was still at work so Iris and Nimue celebrated on their own. Iris helped Thorn to blow out the candles...
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... and he aged up! Such a cutie! And I finally remembered to start rolling for glasses in Round 8... 😄 They make sense for him though and look really adorable!
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When Derrick got home from work, he was responsible for putting Thorn down. I loved Thorn's little pink pyjamas to match his hand-me-down pink crib and Iris' all pink room! Smash those stereotypes, Thorn!
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
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After finishing her omelette, Felicity found herself rushing to the bathroom and promptly throwing it all back up again. She wondered briefly if she might be pregnant. After all, she and Conrad had celebrated their engagement quite a few times the previous night...
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Putting it out of her head, she decided to just go to work. Her carpool arrived so she climbed in and went off to her job as a Power Leveller.
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While Felicity was at work, it was time to celebrate Ivar's 18th birthday! He invited over the few friends he had managed to make at school - Drew Tucker, Nimue Grimsbane, Charlie O'Donnell, and his girlfriend Genevieve Bolton.
While Conrad sat with Charlie watching TV, Ivar and Genevieve hugged and he asked her if she would officially go steady with him. She smiled and agreed and they kissed.
Charlie turned to Conrad. "Do they just make out in front of you like that all the time?"
Conrad shrugged. "Ivar's not my son. He can do what he wants!"
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Soon they headed upstairs to the kitchen so Ivar could blow out his candles. Everybody gathered round and cheered while he made a wish...
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... and aged up! Again, he chose this outfit for himself. My Sims are doing a pretty good job lately! I'm not entirely sure whether the red top goes with his red hair but maybe it works on him?
He rolled Popularity for his secondary aspiration so he is Family/Popularity, which is a fun combo (especially for someone as shy and serious as him)! He'll want to have lots of kids and lots of friends, and have difficulty making them! 😄
His Lifetime Want is to have 3 grandchildren (reduced from 6 with a mod). Definitely achievable! He'll be moving out to his own place next round.
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
Round 8 - Autumn 2 - The Phillips Family
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ROS for the Phillipses (formerly the Grimsbanes) is a power outage for two days of the round. Nice and simple. Let's go!
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The round began with Frost moving out. We'll catch up with him next.
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Iris started her morning by snuggling with nooboo Thorn. I don't blame her - he's so cute! I'd forgotten how much I missed having babies and toddlers around. We haven't had any since Sage!
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Nimue, meanwhile, moved straight into Frost's room. She redecorated it to suit her colours and much preferred the bright orange room even though she had to keep the furniture.
(Really it's just that I finally caved and downloaded a bunch of @poppet-sims' brightly-coloured wallpapers. I've spent 19 years trying to decorate houses with the vanilla game floors and walls and everything just looked so bland all the time. It's much better now!)
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
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Verity and Stephanie went up to Verity's flat. They politely asked Talia to leave for a little while and they jumped under the covers of the double bed for some adult time.
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By the end of their dream date, both women had rolled wants to get engaged and married. (Verity has six wants as I have a mod where you can buy more wants and locks using aspiration points.) They said goodbye but it looks like Verity will have someone to live with when she gets her own house next round!
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When the round came to an end that night, Talia had understandably chosen to sleep in the single bed, at least until Verity changed the sheets on the double!
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The twins are now both 22. Talia hasn't yet found a partner but Verity wants to get engaged to Stephanie Barnes. They've got enough money to build their own houses and move out next round.
The next family is the feuding Neetors. Let's see what they are up to!
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marmiteprinter · 11 months
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On Sunday, Lucas decided to take a well-deserved day off from the diner and hit the town. He went to Evan's tiki bar and met new townie Ahmed, with whom he shared two bolts. Unfortunately, no one was manning the bar so no one hung around for very long and Lucas went home pretty quickly.
Side note: I swear, sometimes owned businesses are more trouble than they're worth! Is there a mod that makes business owners actually do the thing that makes their business functional? E.g. tend the bar or work the cash register? It never seems to happen for me unless they have an employee assigned to the role!
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At home, Buddy had been making a nuisance of himself again by digging holes in the garden. Lucas filled it in, annoyed at his pup. Well, at least he peed in the bushes today!
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And nothing much else happened so the round came to an end the next morning!
Lucas is now 52 and his round has been a bit uneventful. Hopefully he can find someone new to love in the next round because I feel a bit sorry for him now, all alone in his house with only his pup to keep him company!
Let's hop over to his ex, Pietro, and see what he's up to!
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marmiteprinter · 11 months
Round 8 - Autumn 2 - The O'Donnell Family
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Oh, ROS. You want to ruin Sims' lives, don't you? This is typical after what Ramona and Hob'rth got up to in the Hudsons' round. *Sigh* Okay, let's get on with it.
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First things first, Evan moved out to his own place. Bye Evan! We'll catch up with him next.
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Ramona left bright and early for work at the new Town Hall.
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Almost the second Ramona was off the lot, Bethany ran over and kicked over the bin. Look, I get it, but Ramona wasn't the instigator of the kiss so maybe leave her bins alone? Anyway, Megan was outside and saw her despite being preoccupied with thoughts of the burglar. Getting caught means a §100 fine added to the Neetors' taxes when it's their round.
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marmiteprinter · 11 months
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The next day, Cheetah aged up into an adult cat! That was quick!
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The family took advantage of the last bit of Autumn warmth and spent most of the day in their pool playing Timla Tourneau.
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Then, when Elliott went inside to shower and change for dinner, Monique and Jennifer hopped into the hot tub for some adult fun. They've been all over each other this round - I don't have ACR; they just keep rolling Woohoo wants!
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And the round came to an end that night as the season changed. Just for fun, have a posed family picture for the first time ever! I was inspired by the various Simblrs I read (@rena-sims and @keoni-chan in particular) to download poseboxes and give it a go because I think they're cute. I wish I'd had them sooner but never mind! I think from Round 9 there are some photos around the houses as well!
Anyway, lots of progress this round! Monique's business reached Rank 5 so she will join the Business career at the start of next round and start working on her LTW. Jennifer reached the top of her career and unlocked the ability to finance a connection to Downtown. If and when the town has another §100k handy, we'll fund that so that we can finally visit hobby lots and open businesses selling things that haven't been handmade.
We also added another community lot, which unlocks one more CAS point bringing our total up to 7. I need to add another family soon!
Jen is now 54, Monique is 44 and Elliott is 10.
Okay, on to the Hudsons!
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
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Conrad went into town. Thankfully, Kyle's Craftables was still open so he rushed inside and grabbed everything the nooboo would need - a crib, a changing table, a potty, and some toys.
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Next, he went to Witchy Wearables and bought a dress and, as he was there, some new curtains to add to the one pair of curtains Felicity had brought with her when she moved in. Then he rushed back home.
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Pop number two!
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When Conrad got back, even though it was the middle of the night, he asked Felicity and Ivar to come downstairs. He presented Fliss with the new wedding dress he had just bought for her at Iris' shop and asked her to go and put it on.
"And Ivar, go and get your suit on. We're getting married right now!"
The pair were a bit bewildered, but happy to do so. Felicity put on the dress, stretching it a bit over her large bump, and they pushed aside their dining table and said their vows right there in the kitchen. Ivar applauded as they kissed to seal the deal.
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Ivar took their wedding photo before retreating to bed and letting the couple celebrate together.
They may be married and expecting, but I'm not so sure this marriage will last... after all, Conrad is a Romance/Pleasure Sim and he only got married because of an ROS roll... we'll have to just wait and see!
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marmiteprinter · 11 months
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Kyle went into his store to earn some money. Evan popped in and started looking at desks and nursery items. Uhhh, Evan? I know you need to furnish your new apartment but I'm not sure a changing table should be your first priority!
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Back at home, Tanner aged into an adult dog! Not sure what his breed is but he's cute! We need to start adopting some large dogs now!
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Charlie came home from school with the new guy, Ivar.
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They became fast friends, with Ivar mostly feeling appreciative that someone else was finally willing to take him on after his first round in town feeling quite lonely and unloved! Poor guy!
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marmiteprinter · 11 months
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On the last day of the round, they decided to visit the playground and hope for a calmer day than the previous one. Sage and Oak played on the equipment while Daisy lazily mooched about on the swing.
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A little while later, townie Jonty showed up looking very formal in his tux. Daisy swooned and farted hearts for him - as I thought! Blonde hair!
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She introduced herself to him and they got to chatting. It didn't take long for them to become friends and for Daisy to start laying on her charm. Crush achieved! Pity it's the last day of the round but hopefully they can bond more next round before Daisy ages up!
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marmiteprinter · 11 months
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The next morning, they received word that all of the buildings they had commissioned had finished construction already, so they decided to move house straight away. They gathered outside to say goodbye to their old house.
Jennifer got a little teary. "Goodbye house! I can't believe I've lived here for 25 years!"
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They headed over to the new house and their jaws dropped.
"This is our new house?" Elliott gasped. "It's HUGE!"
"Well, only the best for the Mayor, right?" replied Jennifer.
(The house is my slight redesign of 105 Sim Lane from Pleasantview.)
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The movers had already moved their furniture in so they took a look around. The ground floor had an entrance hall with a small WC, an open-plan living room and kitchen, and a study where Jennifer would work from when not in the town hall.
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Upstairs there were three bedrooms - the master for Jen and Monique, a blue bedroom for Elliott and a pink nursery which would sadly stay unused. There was also a large family bathroom.
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Outside there was a pond, a swimming pool and hot tub, and a climbing frame for Elliott.
They did need a pretty big loan for this house but I'm sure they'll pay it off eventually!
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
Round 8 - Autumn 2 - The Phillips-Volden Family
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This family used to be the Phillips family, and originally I thought I would rename it to the Phillips II family when Derrick and Iris got married and became the prime Phillipses, but then Ivar moved in last round so now it's the Phillips-Volden family!
ROS is exciting - adopt a dog or cat and get married! That spices things up, especially as it's a small house and we don't have much room for all of those additions, but we'll try!
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Ivar started the round by doing his homework. He didn't want to be caught out again by Mrs Neetor for not having done it so, even though the school bus was waiting for him, he sat down and made sure it was finished before leaving.
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Conrad went into work and was extremely busy. He managed to get his business, now known as Conrad's Curios, up to Rank 5 and chose a wholesale discount to help him out.
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When Ivar got home from school, he decided to start playing some chess and discovered he was actually a bit of a nerd because he loved it! Science was his One True Hobby!
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Conrad still wasn't home by dinner time so Ivar fished around in the freezer and found a frozen ready meal that he could put in the oven with minimal effort. He managed not to burn it and sat down to his rather sad dinner alone, deciding there and then to learn a bit more about cooking for the future so he wouldn't have to eat like this again!
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
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Frost went off to work as a Getaway Driver and... does it make sense for him to need a carpool for that? Wouldn't he need his own car? Ah, The Sims, you do befuddle me sometimes! 😆
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Anyway, he came home with another promotion meaning he would need to go straight to work again the following day! Try and get some sleep, Frost!
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After catching a few Zs, Frost woke up and realised that he really needed a Body skill point (among other things) if he wanted another promotion any time soon. Luckily, he had his ballet barre for that purpose!
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And off to work again! Frost is a busy man!
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
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Iris spent the rest of the day at her sewing machine whipping up stock for her store.
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Nimue came home that afternoon with some homework and a townie called Thomas Reid. They had two bolts (most likely because Thomas is a Fortune Sim as well)!
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Nimue rolled lots of wants to chat and eventually flirt with Thomas...
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... so it wasn't long before they had crushes on each other! Good for you, Nimue!
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Derrick, meanwhile, was taking the opportunity to bond with his nooboo before leaving for work. Tickle time! Honestly, he hasn't really shown much interest in Thorn and Iris has done all of the parenting so far - perhaps he's still worried about Thorn becoming a lycanthrope?
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
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Hob'rth had to go to work yet again the next day. Life in Law Enforcement doesn't stop, especially when you're Captain Hero! He had to fly into SimCity today so he made sure to take off extra early.
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He got a chance card almost immediately - the notorious Llama Queen was causing chaos. Thinking carefully, Hob'rth decided to handle the Giant Robot and leave the Power Plant to the nuclear experts.
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He was rewarded with §50,000 for his efforts! That will certainly come in handy!
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Back at home, Tavie and Beth were having a lazy Sunday in their PJs on the sofa. I need one of those!
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