#will maybe edit this in the future but for now it will doooo
stcrforged · 2 months
teleportation: unlike many teleporters, michelle doesn't need coordinates or images to move from one place to another. she can also teleport very long distances without any trouble. however, it's rather exhausting for her to teleport several people. it's harder to teleport longer distances when there's more than her and another. her teleportation abilities consumes a lot of energy when she teleports more than one. she becomes rather hungry and will eat a lot. teleporting too much might also give her migraine.
thanks to her ability, michelle has never needed to fight. she doesn't even likes to fight and would be terrfied, needing to actually end someone's life. when her life is in danger, she often teleports on instinct and in those moments she rarely knows where to go, so she will end up somewhere randomly. it can be very risky, but it has also saved her countless times. red and black smoke which smells like sulfur appears when she teleports and it's rather noisy.
time manipulation: she has accidentally stopped time on a few occations. strong emotions such as fear or love are usually involved when this happens. however, this power does not come without a price. when she tries top stop time, it feels as if the whole universe, time itself, rests on her shoulders. it's heavy and damaging, destroying her. it starts with a bleeding nose and smaller injuries to harming vital organs. it gets worse the longer she stops time. depending on the universe - she gets a special belt from forge which actually helps her quite a lot with her time manipulation abilities. she can stop time without getting completely destroyed. she can also slow down time, speed it up and travel through time. michelle has read too much abot the butterfly effect so she will promptly refuse if anyone asks her to travel through time. time manipulation is very hard to control for her. it's difficult to control several objects or enemies and large areas.
decelerated aging - michelle ages slower than the average person. this is not something she can control. she ages normally until her thirties. she won't know that she has this ability until she notices how those around her becomes older, but she still looks the same. she doesn't age as slowly as mystique but if nothing horrible happens, she can live until she becomes around 200 years old.
night vision: michelle can see in the dark without any problems up to 60 feet. her eyes glows when it's dark.
prehensile tail: allowing him to grab onto objects with relative ease
mutation: michelle has three toes on each foot. two forward-facing toes and a larger backward-facing toe. this allows her to grip better with her feet. ears are pointy and her skin is red. unlike nightcrawler, she doesn't have fur. she also have fangs and long black nails. her eyes are completely yellow. has a two headed prehensile tail.
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yafookinboi · 3 years
YOOOOOOoooooo I’m fucking drunk void lol but time for another update!! I’ve been focused more on capstone shit lately, so I’ll probs have the most info on that shit lol Also I should come back and edit this later lol I’ve been drinking by myself on a Saturday night and just straight having a dance party by myself in the house all alone. Kinda fuckin slaps not gonna lie lol but yeah
- so Carl and I are doing well :) shit with getting intimate is complex and something we’re figuring out, but it’s not bad :) I just have to keep reminding myself to not let my insecurities fuck it up— be understanding and recognize that not everything is a reflection of my actions or peoples’ attitudes towards me :) But yeah, he’s perfect and amazing and so fucking caring, it’s scary how much of a future I can see with him. I hope this one doesn’t hurt
- capstone is a vibe! I gave my first end-of-month presentation and it went ok???? My PowerPoint kicked so much fucking ass oh my gosh I spend 22 hours working on that bitch lol it was the best looking one for sure, and honestly I hit on all the important info too so that’s chill. I stuttered a few times and said “umm” and “so” too many times but like— fuck it? I’m working on my presentation skills I know I’m not that good and am a work in progress, so aside from that the actual presentation bit went well :) Feedback on the other hand, HA not so much lol the first 2 people who gave me feedback didn’t understand the development methodology we’re using so like, their feedback was useless but they both managed to make me look like a dumbass in the process. So that’s a vibe lol The first one was hella intentional because he’s a dick and everything is a competition even though it isn’t, and the other one always gives feedback that amounts to just bullshit anyway but I still looked like a dumbass answering his question too (because of the dev methodlogy we’re using I didn’t have an answer to his question, and to the first guy really that question was meant to embarrass me and should really have gone to one of my leads whose responsibility it is to know that shit). But anyway, my faculty advisor (idk if I’ve had a pseudonym for him yet, but we’ll call him Robert) Robert was hella pissed lol His feedback to the team after me was basically a critique of the criticisms I got from the other faculty advisors lol Daddy Robert coming to save the day lol im o fucking drunk if I was moving my head would be swimming lol Anyway, my man Daddy Robert after the meeting was like “disregard all of their critiques it doesn’t fit with our dev methodology” and I was like “ok but I still feel like a dumbass” and he was like “yeah that’s because _______ wants you to feel like one, that was his intention” which like— fucking same? 😂😂 But so Robert was kind of short with me and I was hella worries about my team losing confidence in me as a leader and I thought he was mad at me because he’s been hella short with me since then, but I /think/ we’re ok. We had a team game night last night that like half the team (including myself) came to and everyone seemed like they were having a good time, including Robert :) so that made me feel better, and also gave me a chance to show everyone that fuck you tom I can’t be torn down that easily, we’re still kicking ass and taking names you piece of shit lol So yeah, Robert came and had a good time and was pretty supportive of me in the games so that was really cool :) I have a call with him to go over how my presentation went tomorrow morning (lol here’s hoping I don’t have a hangover 🍻) and I’m hoping it goes ok :) Here comes the fun analysis of my relationships with male mentors and shit, yay!!
So yeah, I’m a little bitch and don’t want to disappoint people and like, got damn Robert is good at his job because one fucking meeting and mans had me not wanting to disappoint him already (reference to the time he was like “you’re on my radar”) lol So yeah, I— I don’t want to disappoint him or fuck it up. I think that can be attributed to the fact that im a people pleaser and the fact that, Hi my name is Skylar and I have Daddy issues lol So really any strong male mentor figure in my life who even says they see potential in me or that they’re proud of me or that I’ve done a good job it’s like “daddy?” 😂😂😬 and I fucking hate that because like, I think it gives me unnecessary anxiety when I’m worried that some people are mad at me when a) they aren’t and b) I shouldn’t give a shit anyway lol But yeah, so he was being short with me so I was hella worried that he was mad at me, but now that we had the game night I think he’s probably just stressed with shit? Idfk, I shouldn’t be worries about it, but —> dad? Lol Ha I’m a piece of shit lol But yeah, apparently he has some family shit going on and he let me know about it and of course I was supportive and 1000% ready to cover for him, because fucking duh? That’s my job and I’m a nice person????? And he was like “for what it’s worth it’s nice to know someone has my back” and like *fucking dies because someone trusts me 😭😭😭* So now I’m extra like “fuck I can’t let him down, we’re close now”; anyway, all of this to say “lol wow I have a knack for finding father figures in my life and getting way too attached to them way too quickly and holy shit maybe he’s a little attached too and haha aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh what the fuck do I doooo?????? Lol I don’t want to fuck it up but also want to have normal mentor-mentee relationships????” I’m more than likely waaaaaayyy over thinking this lol But also 👉🏻👈🏻 senpai Robert 😂😂😂 I’m a dumbass and need help lol and I’m drunk 😂😂 anyway, Carl wants to call so I gotta go, but it was lit fam, thanks for listening 😊😊😊😊
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