#will tag from now on if you wanna filter tho I think I'll only do season roundups rather than liveblog
djservo · 1 year
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survivor s7
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seokmins · 2 years
hi elv (: i'm new to tumblr so i wanna ask, what are tracking tags and who uses them? from what i have seen it's so you don't miss your mutuals' posts, but does it serve any other reason? is it exclusive only to content creators, or can i have a tag even if i'm not one? thank you, sorry to bother you about this!
henlo <3 welcome to tumblr and dw, you're not bothering me at all :3 in short, you're right. A lot of users encourage other/fellow cc's, especially mutuals, to use a specific tag related to them so they don't miss any content! And no, you don't have to exclusively be a content creator to have one! As long as it's a tag that doesn't have any prior content, you can use it specifically for yourself... now here's where that overlaps and gets a little confusing so I'll try to break it down a bit for you :D
so, personally i do "follow" a lot of tags for different fandoms. Aka, tracking. You can do that by searching any phrase or tag like normal via the search bar and click "follow". That will simplify to a dashboard/collection that kind of cleans up content related specifically to the spelling and usage of the tag (ofc it's tumblr tho so it's a little finicky). It also pops up little boxes underneath your search bar of different tags you follow that you can just click on and not have to type in the search bar every time.
Now, here's where user tags come into play, which I think you're referring to. Because both of the functions above I mentioned break quite often and sometimes things just don't show up at all, a lot of cc's came up with a tag that's related to their blog or them for people to use :3 ofc there are different rules and stipulations to abide by if tagging content but yeah, anyone can do/use it! Anyone can look at it too tbh but it's nice for the user to specifically filter and see stuff they want to as long as people abide by the guidelines.
The best way to promo user tags is to announce it or put it somewhere on your blog that's easy to see and remind people to use it! And reblog!! people are more than likely going to use tags more if they can get traction from it I believe ahaha. Networks also use tags like that too!
Anyways that was a lot of rambling and idk if it made sense haha but yeah, feel free to come up with a tag and have people use it :3
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noyaphilia · 3 years
My Annoying Brother
a Suzuki Nao x Hinata Natsu FF
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genre : fluff
cw // protective brother trope, incase you don't like to read it
disclaimer : this is my first time writing ff in English (and English isn't my first language too), so sorry if there are grammatical errors 😣
characters : Hinata Natsu, Suzuki Nao, Hinata Shoyo, Bokuto Kotaro, Miya Atsumu, Sakusa Kiyoomi
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"So... where did my brother and his friends go?" The orange haired girl asks her boyfriend.
"Atsumu-san said that they're looking for a wedding gift for MSBY captain, he said it's gonna take some time and would be better if we go around instead of waiting for them," says the boy as he look down to meet her eyes due to their height gap.
"It's good then! Ugh, finally I can get rid of Shoyo-niichan. Shall we go there?" Natsu points at the amusement arcade.
"Sure! What are you planning to play there?"
"Umm, I'm not really in the mood for playing games... What if we take some pictures in the photo booth?"
"Cool, let's go!"
And so they're finally inside the photo booth.
"Let's take the first pic! How about... We use this cat filter?"
"YES YES YES PLEASE!!! I bet it's gonna look cute on you Natsu"
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"OMG OMG OMG IT'S SO CUUUTEEE!!! Look Natsu, the cat ears and whiskers, and the cute little dot on your cute nose, everything looks perf—"
"Ok Nao, I get it, we're going to take another picture, 3...2...1—"
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"Nao? Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah? Yeah, I-I'm alright..."
"Are you sure? You just stand still looking so flushed... Are you tired? If you wanna take a rest we can just sit on the bench and wait for my brother and the others to finish..."
"No! I'm fine! It's just..."
"Just what?"
"It's just... You look so cute winking and pouting that way, make me wanna..."
"Make you wanna...?"
"T-t-touch your lips... Wait!! Please don't get me wrong and think of me as a perv! I just think that your lips look so plump and soft and it's so—"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAH, Nao, Nao... You keep telling me that I'm cute and so on while actually you're the cute one here! Of course you can touch my lips if you want to."
"Yup! You can also touch my lips with yours."
"Did you just blush harder because I said you can kiss me? Aww, my cute cinnamon roll..."
"Natsu stop teasing me..! Also I'm not a cute cinnamon roll, you know..."
"Prove it to me then."
"Hmm... Maybe you can kiss me on the lips."
"Why? You don't like the idea? I'm not forcing you to do it if you don't want to"
"Of course I want to!!! There's no way I'd refuse to kiss you"
"Then go ahead, do it."
"Are you sure you want our first kiss... right here right now? I mean, don't you wanna do it in a more romantic place or somewhere...?"
"I don't mind share our first kiss inside the photo booth. In fact we can take pictures as we kiss, isn't it great?"
"O-okay if that's what you want..."
"Hold on, let me set the timer first... It's taking 3 pictures in a row, get ready Nao~"
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Just like the beeps getting louder with each passing seconds, so does Nao's heartbeat.
First picture already taken before their lips meet. He's too nervous for his first kiss, he needs a moment to calm down a little.
"Okay, let's do it for real on the second take!" Nao says to himself.
This time their lips almost touch with one another. He can even feel Natsu's warm breath from here. Nao's heart beats more faster.
Just right the moment he about to kiss her lips, he hears a sound of footstep walking toward their direction and enter their booth.
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"Nao?? Why are your lips not—"
"Hinata Natsu, Suzuki Nao. WHAT. ARE. YOU. GUYS. DOING. HERE?!"
It's a familiar voice that even with both eyes closed, Natsu could know who is it.
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"Yes, it's me. Now explain what you two are about to do just now."
"Well, as you can see we're going to kiss, if only you didn't interrupt us all of sudden tho. Now that you know would you please leave us alone? It's kinda awkward for me to kiss him if you're watching—"
Shoyo just casually picks up Natsu, carry her somewhat like a log on his shoulder.
"Natsu, forgive me for now I can't stand up against your brother... I'll sure come and get you back once I'm not weak anymore, my lady..!"
And so they're separated dramatically.
"Nao-kun, what's happening here???" It's Bokuto.
"Wait, why did Shoyo-kun and Nacchan leave first??" That's Atsumu.
"Hmm, maybe because of this..," Sakusa takes the picture that finish being printed since Nao-doesn't-know-when because he's too caught up with the commotion.
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"You guys didn't kiss?"
"That's bad", Atsumu and Sakusa say in unison.
"THANK GOD!" Only Bokuto feel glad they didn't kiss. He's with Hinata Shoyo in this case.
"Uhm, sorry," says Bokuto.
"Anyway, did you all found the wedding gift for your captain?" Nao tried to break the awkward silence.
"Yes we did."
"Shall we leave now too? We can't get back to the athlete village too late if we don't wanna get some scolded by coach next morning."
"Let's go~" Atsumu puts his arm on Nao shoulder as he drags him out to parking lot.
"Aww, poor Nao-kun... Omi-kun and me already buy you some times but sadly you couldn't have your first kiss with Nacchan yet..."
"It's fine Atsumu-san, thank you anyway..!"
"Better luck next time, okay?" says Sakusa as he pats Nao's back.
"Thank you Sakusa-san!"
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Special tag for @maku-chan my fellow NaoNatsu shipper 🥰💖💖
Credit to picrew
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siren-virus · 3 years
ok, It's been a long while since I've sent an ask, and though that can be atributed to life being life, that can only go so far and these previeous 3 days I've been lazing around mostly XD So, in order to compensate, here's the asks for Free and SWUP that have entered my brain and I haven't filtered out yet that I'll send you. Answer as you see fit for I might send repeated questions or some that have already been aswered before in another form.
For SWUP, would SWUP (Does she have another name? I can't remember) ever try a work somewhere? She has to get money somehow if she wants to be able to buy food, clothes, a home, and pay for all the medical expences she might have to go through. What other friends would she have other than wine aunt and coffee barista? I remember you said there might be a third one who's not really relevant, but whos father is, and you were still unsure on wether to include them or not. Also, the humans in this Earth, how much do they know about aliens? The Unicorns and Dragons? I imagine that considering the amount of damage they can do when they fight, and considering that apparently their experiments on abducted humans that they leave on Earth for like a month before taking them forever, would make them fairly known, and have something like a world agency looking out for different cases or something, however succesful they actually are.
Now onto Free, Is there any chance that we could get to know of any of the friends that the rag-tag group would make along the way of the travels? Like, there HAS to be someone who they befriend without any shennanigans involved at the very least, or with minimal ammount of them, just as there HAS to be a friend made after a disaster of cataclismic proportions happens that inebitably onvolves the found family. Also, how long was Leo outside on his own before bird friend (forgot his name) found him and started to get them back to the Domes? Considering that they have a long adventure, I imagine that he spent at least a month outside without an idea of any direction he was going, and getting lost along the way because of course he gets lost, before he was found. Would the team find anyone else who was part of the Domes but left of their own volition too? Another traveler similar to Leo, but that doesn't want to return to those places for X or Y reason? Would there be anyone from the Domes that they meet that DIDN'T want to leave the Domes in the first place but got out regardless? This could be for whatever reason, from kidnapping to exhile to attack to the Dome to simply escaping from a bad situation.
oop sorry for taking a bit to get back to you,
youre questions make me realise how under developed my stories are wheeezee so i rlly appreciate your questions!!
SWUP aka Vicky her human alias. or I guess the unicorn is the alias. AH SHIT I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT!! Originally when i made SWUP she was supposed to be in high school. But as i grow I also like my characters to grow with me. Maybe I'll get her a job as one of them gym buddies (it has to be a job that allows for some form of freedom, enough to like be able to do th vigialnte thing- (i forget the name) Medical expenses aren't too bad, I'm basing it off aus medical- which means medicare! Plus she doesn't need the hospital all that often, she can regenerate.
In terms of friends she doesn't have many not because she socially inept (like myself)- she was very popular in highschool, but there isn't many people she can relate to. Her best friend James (pending name) comic book nerd that loves super heroes is all she's got. And some gym bros, but they're just friends at the gym, outside complete strangers. I really do want James to be relevant to the plot and not his dad and daddy issues, but he's a bit hard to squeeze in. Maybe if I sat down to actually do some writing, maybe--- ALAS I am but a creature of laziness, and poor attention span. (im barely focusing on Flee atm and I rlly wanna try developing GECKO again fml)
Humans know little to nothing about aliens (excpet for like the government and so wackos who a really into scifi) So even though SWUP is doing her best to help ppl, she's seen as a horrifying villain that is stage one to an alien invasion. (the scifi wackos play a part in that.) Although most Police officers appreciate the help... most.
Suprisingly no, most humans who were mutated into unicorns almost seem to disappear, SWUP is an exception. Why is that hmmmmmmmm? this is kind of a big moment, if I ever plan to push this idea to the webcomic/animation stage, youll see.
There's not really an official .org agency or anything like that, but some wackos who love space, and an actual scientist or 2. So far they have deducted that unicorns are evil space creatures who prey on humans and consume their flesh to get stronger so they can lay eggs and take over the world. There's not a lot of truth to that. Some parts tho... but which part? At the moment I'm really into mystery- so maybe I'll add some mystery elements, or I'll give it to GECKO. first i gotta redesign Mac, poor lad is not a looker I'l tell you that.
FLEE I barely know their friends either- haven't gone about developing them. HOWEVER. I do have a villain in mind. I remember making him for my illustration class back in uni (sigh uni days...) I dom't have a name, but I have a face. He's a big leader of this village known for killing the hybrid/mutants. He and his crew, a rag-tag gun loving, truck driving, share-a-brain-cell, lot. How they've managed to become successful hunter bunch is unknown.
But one the friends I have developed enough is Bolt, who also comes with their own shennanigans and an old rusty bus. Techincally they don't need it because they're fast as fuck, but it helps to have around incase you get a goliath sand bobbit on your hands.
Tristian is the human, Leo is the bird friend. Actually Trisitian was out on his own for three days, he didn't cover much ground when he finally met Leo either- dumbass didn't bring enough food and water to last. He didn't even have a plan, just wanted to go out. The only reason Leo didn't send his ass running home was because something- or someone- pushed them far. far away. Oh my who could it be?
Tristians kind of a rarity, not many people leave the domes unless it's through underground passageways to other domes. Most people are blissfully unaware of the outside world. Not to say Tristians the only one who escaped, but he's the only one who's survived outside for so long. (dome people don't have any survival skills) The only reason Tristians gotten so far is dumb lucks and a hot headed bird friend.
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one-abuse-survivor · 3 years
hi, it's the milky way again
it's been a while since i've dropped something in your mailbox
i've now finished the school year and the grades and reports are coming in tomorrow or the day after. i'm kinda scared of them because i know they dropped a lot since last year but i'm pretty sure i passed most if not all of my courses so i think it'll be fine.
i started working a summer job a week ago and i'll be working the next week too. it's mostly because i need the money so i can replace my broken phone but also because we had to do some kind of job/workplace experience thing because of our school (that was voluntary though because of covid). the job pays really well so i might also get a new binder with the money since the one i have now is falling apart. on the other hand, working 8 hours a day for five days straight has really taken all of my energy and i can't listen to music while working which makes it a lot harder. the last week i've mostly been coming home in the evening, maybe eating something and going straight to bed.
(also i got my period last thursday and i hate hate hate it so much it makes everything so much worse even without the dysphoria it's just so messy and annoying to deal with)
a week ago i finally jumped over my shadow and talked to my mom but it was a huge disappointment. i'm pretty sure i couldn't get my point across in a way she'd understand and she kinda just admitted not being able to help after saying a bunch of things that really hurt. i removed myself from the situation by "going to bed" aka going to my room, locking my door and crying myself to sleep. i was just really pissed off and talking to her was kinda my last resort for when i realized i couldn't help myself anymore.
anyway, the day after that was monday (when i started working) and me, running on barely any sleep because the night before was a disaster, had to somehow survive work and i'm pretty sure i ignored or snapped at a lot of people that day which i feel kinda bad for.
on wednesday after work i talked to my mom again because i was pissed off and couldn't let it sit. she said the same kind of bs she had used on sunday and we got nowhere, since then i've probably been a lot less friendly to her but i'm just not ready to give up so much energy for her.
her favorite arguments we're things like "but others have it a lot worse" (which is a mindset i've worked on getting away from for quite a while) (also my mom was referring only to my grades with this but little does she know that the only reason why my grades aren't dropping that badly is because no matter how bad i got mentally, i yeeted stuff like self-care before school because school had always been structured and mostly clear while life in general was just. not.)
other arguments she used were "just get off your phone and set a timer for 45 minutes and concentrate on what you wanna get done" and "just pull yourself together, it's not that hard" (those were about me saying that i struggle with starting tasks and getting shit done)
lastly she also said that my expectations are just way too high and that if i didn't expect only the best from myself (this was about grades too) i wouldn't get so disappointed if i didn't get that great grade i was hoping for. and like, she's not wrong but if you've only ever been good at one thing in your entire life and you were really good at it, then you'd just expect nothing but the best from yourself because you know reaching that isn't impossible.
and she ended it with "what do you expect me to do?" and "i can't help you" and i realized later that i just should've said that she should help me get someone that *can* help me, like a therapist or something.
anyway, i'm proud of myself for finding a summer job and finally talking to my mom and not so proud of my grades and the fact that i can't seem to get the point across to my mom
thank you for creating this safe space for people like us, i wish you a happier time than the one i'm having :')
milky way here :|
got the reports and grades and stuff yesterday and i'm just :| about it. like, yea i know i'm still somewhere at the top of the class and that i'm more than one and a half grades better than some others in my class but i'm still upset about my grade in maths for example but my parents laughed/chuckled at me when i was upset and that really hurt
and afterwards my mom said something along the lines of "yes you're allowed to be stressed but because of your good grades you don't have the right to complain about being stressed" which is absolute bs and i still don't understand how having good grades disqualifies one from complaining and i'm sure as hell not gonna ask her
i just wanna scream in her face but i'm pretty sure she'd slap me if i did that
i'm almost done with my summer job and since monday noon i had the chance to work in a different part of the factory which is a lot less uncomfy to be in because it has AC and since it's not in the lab itself, i don't have to wear a hair net, an overall, steel-toed boots and rubber gloves.
today i set myself a few goals for the summer break and for the next school year and i really hope i can get through with those because it'd make future-me extremely happy
have a great great time :D
and PS: since tumblr has been eating a lot of notifs lately i missed a lot of your posts and i tried filtering by the milky way anon tag but only one post showed up. i'm not sure what's up with that tho
Hi again! Don’t worry, I got you. Here’s a link to all the asks you’ve sent up to this point: first, second, third. All of them are tagged, but the tumblr search engine isn’t exactly known for its accuracy. I use the tumblr original post finder site for this stuff, but I just realised by looking for your asks that the site takes capital letters into account, so the ones that were tagged with a capital M in Milky weren’t showing. They all do show now that I changed the M to lowercase. So I’ll have to try to be more consistent with that from now on 😅
On to your asks. First off, congrats on finishing your course! And I really hope you can replace your phone and your binder :D sorry about getting your period, though, that really sucks :(
I think the conversation with your mom that Sunday is the one discussed on the third ask I linked. I'm really sorry the same thing happened on Wednesday. It's not your fault you can't get across to her—she's the one who should be open to helping you and offering possible (actual) solutions to the problems you're bringing up to her, and not you who should spell out every single thing she can do to help you. You're not being unclear to her—she's being obtuse and refusing to listen.
You're not meant to know how to just "pull yourself together", and you're absolutely right that your grades not dropping all the way doesn't mean you're not struggling, and you still deserve help so you don't have to jeopardise your mental health for your grades. And while she's right you don't deserve to be so hard on yourself or to expect perfection from yourself, that's also something that you deserve professional help with. Again, you're not meant to know how to just turn off those emotions and thought processes.
*hugs* sorry your math grade wasn't as high as you'd hoped. It's okay to be upset and disappointed by that, and I'm so sorry they laughed at you. You do have every right to express your emotions, and you're not being unfair to anyone else for being unhappy with your own grades. I often feel the same! I get really good grades (as I think I've already said), and I also often feel disappointed when a grade isn't as high as I'd hoped. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. I'm really glad you know what your mom says is bs, because it really is. It's no wonder you feel like screaming in her face—she sounds incredibly frustrating, exhausting and invalidating to deal with. You deserve so much better than this 😔
I'm so glad you're proud of yourself! I'm really proud of you too for everything you've accomplished despite her being so unhelpful and invalidating, and I really hope you're enjoying the rest of your summer holidays and you can reach your goals! And if the occasion arises and you do end up using the "you can help me find someone who can help me" line, I hope it goes better. But if not, again, please know this is an issue of her refusing to listen, and not of you being unclear about what you need.
Sending a huge virtual hug ❤️
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