#william hopper will die from a massive stroke
frommybookbook · 1 year
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Paul Drake: Man at work.
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rowdywarrior85 · 5 years
(Mike starts to see how Hopper felt about him and El, as Nancy drives off to the Holloways. Once there, they discover the house is freezing, cleaning products devoured, the dining room a complete mess. Nancy and Jonathan piece together what happened, the gang then find out where the Flayed’s hideout is. Will suggested they locate Mrs. Driscoll at the hospital so she can lead them to the hideout. Once they get there, Nancy and Jonathan head up to check on her, Mileven and Lumax reconncet, while Will heads for the bathroom. He goes to the cubicle to take a piss, once he finishes, he flushes and opens the door to find Kali waiting outside.)
KALI: Yes, I’m really here.
(Will is stunned to see her in the men’s room but was by her to wash his hands.)
KALI: Oh, come now, Will The Wise, I’m hear to talk.
WILL: Can you please not call me that anymore, please?
KALI: Of course, William.
WILL: You just like complicating things, don’t you?
KALI: Oh, true right you. You could loosen up too, you know.
(She grabs some paper towels for Will.)
Come on, admit it, you are fascinated by me, aren’t you?
WILL: (takes the paper towels) Occasionally, yes.
(He turns to Kali.)
When you’re not acting so dangerous.
(moans) I’d take that as a compliment, really.
WILL: Please don’t.
KALI: Don’t what?
WILL: You know what? We’ve been through this, I’m too damaged.
KALI: So what? I’m damaged too, William. What are you so afraid of?
WILL: Afraid? Of what, you?
KALI: You’re trembling.
(Both Will and Kali are face to face, with Kali inching ever closers to Will.)
WILL: I’m not trembling.
KALI: (low tone) You’re into me because I’m dangerous. There aren’t enough dangerous girls in your life, are they William?
WILL: I like good girls.
KALI: I can be a good girl for you.
WILL: No you’re not, you’re…
(A caressing kiss meets their lips, slowly becoming passionate.)
WILL: Is this really happening?
KALI: Oh, I think we wanted this to happen since we met, and it looks like you needed this for a long time.
WILL: What if somebody walks in.
KALI: I already locked the door.
WILL: Oh, what the hell.
(Both of them barge into a empty cubicle. Kali pushes Will to sit down on a toilet, takes off her vest, hangs it up, straddles Will then locks lips with him while placing her sword on the back end of the toilet. As the two couple caress each other in close embrace, up on the 4th floor, Nancy and Jonathan find themselves battling Tom and Bruce who appear to be flayed. After a tense fight, Jancy manage to defeat them, but unknowingly unleashed their true forms. Kali notices the lights start flickering as Will kisses her neckline.)
KALI: Uh, Will?
(She looks down to Will, who seems to be copping a feel.)
Um, Will.
WILL: Hmm. OH, SH…
(Will takes his hand off her breast.)
KALI: Are the lights suppose to be doing that.
(Kalium recovers from each other and stand up. Kali mounts her sword on the back of her belt, and Will feels the back of his neck which only means one thing.)
KALI: What’s wrong, William? It’s here, isn’t it.
WILL: Jonathan, Nancy.
KALI: (dons her vest) Shall we?
(Both of them exit the cubicle.)
And William, not bad for your first go.
(Kali strokes his cheek and makes for the door.)
WILL: (smiles) Thanks.
(Out in the waiting room, the Party notice the flickering lights. At that moment…)
EL: Where is Kali?
MIKE: Where’s Will?
(Men’s room door flies open, Kali and Will run out to the elevator.)
KALI: Let’s go.
WILL: 4th floor, stairs.
MIKE: You wanna explain what you two were doing in the bathroom FOR 10 MINUTES?
KALI & WILL: (looking back at Mike) SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET IN!!!
MAX: Told you.
(The Party race up the stairs.)
KALI: (panting) Once we get there, Jane and I will take point.
(Upstairs, Tom and Bruce’s bodies break down to regular sized blobs of flesh, blood, muscle and bone. They combine to form a TomBruce Flayed hybrid. The beast chases after Nancy into a room under construction. Nancy closes the door, but the TomBruce hybrid oozes its way inside through the crack and vent of the door. All seems lost for Nancy, but El blasts through the door and takes TomBruce for a ride across the room before throwing it out the window, down to the parking lot. TomBruce escapes through the sewers to join the B.M.F.)
Well, there’s something you don’t see everyday.
(July 4th, Hawkins gears up the Independence Day celebration. Meanwhile, the Party regroup at Hopper’s cabin. El tries to locate the Flayed in the Void, much to Mike’s dismay. Nancy, Jonathan and Will try to find the Flayed through the yellow pages, with Kali listening in. Then…)
MAX: OK, can you guys settle an argument for us? Who do you think should decide El’s limits? Mike or Eleven?
MIKE: The way you frame that is such bullshit.
(Kali’s obviously had enough of Mike’s bullshit. So she flings out her sword and threateningly puts it to Mike’s throat, prompting him to shut the fuck up. Everybody backs up, except Will who’s obviously calm around her.)
(She then looks to Mike, Mike nervously looks to her.)
Bullshit? You don’t see it, do you, Michael? That’s the same aggressive yet possessive ‘tude that lost you Jane in the first place.
MIKE: And for the last goddamn time, Kali, her name is El.
KALI: Like I give a fuck.
NANCY: El dumped you?
KALI: Royally, I might add.
MIKE: El dumped me because these two high and mighty bitches conspired her against me. They’re corrupting her.
KALI: See? You’re doing it now, and you don’t even realize it.
MAX: For the record, we’ve been enlightening her. The fact is, she’s not yours. She’s her own person, fully capable of making her own decisions.
MIKE: She’s risking her like for no reason.
NANCY: For no reason? Mike, the Flayed are out there doing God knows what.
LUCAS: Killing, flaying…
WILL: Transforming into monsters.
NANCY: And El’s not stupid. She knows her abilities better than any of us.
MAX: Exactly, thank you.
NANCY: And she is her own person.
KALI: Too right, you.
NANCY: With her own free will.
MAX: Exactly. El has saved the world twice, and Mike still doesn’t trust her.
MIKE: You want to talk about trust, really? After Kali took her around Chicago on her Government killing spree.
(Kali raises an eyebrow at Mike.)
She told me.
KALI: Of course, she did.
MIKE: (to Max) Not to mention you making her spying on us.
LUCAS: Wait, what?
MIKE: Oh, she didn’t tell you this? Your girlfriend used El’s powers to spy on us.
MAX: No, no, no, I did not make her. It was her idea. And why are even talking about this, seriously?
WILL: Yeah, who cares?
LUCAS: I care.
MIKE: Yeah. I guess girlfriends don’t lie, they spy. Yours, too, Will.
KALI: Now your just being mean.
MAX: We were just joking around.
MIKE: Wouldn’t it been so funny if I was taking a massive shit or something?
(Will and Kali smile at each other.)
MAX: You weren’t.
MIKE: But what if I was?
MAX: Then, gross.
KALI: When are you going to learn, Michael? It’s not always going to be about you and what you want.
MIKE: I’m just trying to demonstrate how careless Max is with El’s powers. In fact, how careless all of you are. Especially you, Kali. You’re treating her like some kind of machine when she’s not a machine, and I don’t want her to die looking for the Flayed when they obviously vanished off the face of the Earth. So can we please just come up with a new plan, because I love her and I CAN’T LOSE HER AGAIN!!!
(The Party are godsmacked at Mike’s closing remark, especially Kali.)
KALI: Well, shit, mate.
(Kali withdraws her sword, and sheathes it.)
That’s all you had to say.
MIKE: Oh, shut up, Kali.
(El opens her room door.)
EL: What’s going on?
KALI: Oh, nothing, Jane. Just clearing up a few things here and there. Any luck?
EL: I found him.
(The Party stand by while El searches for Billy in the Void. El removes her blindfold, informing the others that Billy sitting in his room. At to which time, they formulate a plan, while El and Kali are in the kitchen recuperating. Suddenly, El spots the Lucky Charms box, more specifically the rainbow on the box. She remembers finding Kali using what was left of her Mom’s memories. She then relays the plan to the others.)
MIKE: El, I know you think you have to do this, but you don’t. It’s just you only done this before once. And your Mom, she loved you, and wanted you to know what happened. And Billy’s mind is… is sick, diseased. The Mind Flayer is in him.
EL: He can’t hurt me, not in there.
MIKE: We don’t know that.
EL: Mike, I need you to trust me.
(Mike looks to Max, then back to El.)
MIKE: Yeah. Just… be careful.
KALI: She will. Because I’m going into the Void with her.
EL: No, I can’t ask that of you.
KALI: Jane, what have I always said to you?
EL: Mother brought us together for a reason.
KALI: And Funshine said that one day, we would need each other before the end. Today is that day.
(El nods in understanding. Both girls sit closely across from each other. They grasp left hands, covering their numbers, then grasp their right hands.)
Boys, blind us.
(Mike and Will grab blindfolds and stand behind their significant others.)
MIKE: No matter what happens, Kali, stay with her.
(Mike blindfolds El.)
KALI: I intend to.
(Will blindfolds Kali. Both boys sit with the Party, as the sisters prepare to enter the Void. In the Void, they find Billy sitting on his bed. They approach him with extreme caution. El walks up to Billy, with Kali right behind her. El then takes Billy’s hand.)
EL: Billy. Can you hear me? I want to see, I want to see what happened.
(Billy looks up to El, while Kali looks with intent. Suddenly, Billy take both hands to El’s arm. Kali frantically tries to break his grip.)
EL: Stop! NO! NO! NO! NO!
(Kali then drop kicks him in the face, breaking his grip. The sisters fall backwards, landing on a beach, surrounded by seagulls. The sisters relay what they see. They’re on a beach, where they see a woman. She’s cheering on a boy who rode a 7ft wave, she calls him Billy. They realize the boy in the vision is Billy as a boy, the woman was his mom, and the beach is in California. They’ve successfully entered his mind. El then sees the source, a red storm down the coast. El and Kali stare down this hurricane of anger and violence, the wind blowing at them from the right.)
Well, we didn’t come all this way for nothing.
EL: No.
KALI: Take my hand, Jane. Don’t ever let go.
(The sisters continue their way to the storm. As they make their way to the center, they see Billy’s descent into anger and violence. They see his father berating Billy’s performance in Little League, the domestic abuse Neil unleashed on Billy’s mom which drove her to leave Billy with his father, the fights, and of course integrating Max for the first time. Finally, they made it to the eye of the storm, which is the Brimborn Steelworks. The sisters try to escape, but find themselves back to the cabin, without the Party.)
EL: Mike?
KALI: Michael? William?
EL: Mike?
KALI: Maxie? Lucas?
EL: Mike?!
KALI: Nancy? Jonathan?
BILLY: (deep resonating voice) They can’t hear you.
(The sisters turn around. Kali draws her sword, ready for anything. They see Billy stepping out of Hopper’s room, putting out his cigarette).
KALI: Well, shit.
BILLY: You shouldn’t have looked for me. Because, now I see you. Now we can all see you.
(The Mind Flayer is speaking through Billy, as the girls try to keep their distance from him.)
You let us in. And now, you are going to have to let us stay.
(El looks to him in horror, as Kali keeps a straight face.)
Don’t you see? All this time, we’ve been building it.
(El starts sobbing, as Kali points her sword at Billy, trying to keep him away.)
We’ve been building it for you.
KALI: Billy, I know you can here me.
BILLY: All that work, all that pain, all of it… for you.
KALI: Listen to me. The Mind Flayer is using you for your anger just to get what he wants. When it’s all over, he will destroy you. Please Billy, you have to fight it.
(Kali conjures up a wall of flames to separate Billy from her and El.)
Fight the darkness inside you.
(Billy starts chuckling.)
BILLY: Your illusions won’t save you. Or her.
(Billy walks through the flames, much to the girls’ disbelief.)
KALI: Fuck me.
BILLY: And now, the time has come. Time to end it. And we are going to end the both of you. And with you out of the way, we are going to end your friends. And then, we are going to end… EVERYONE.
KALI: (lowers her sword) Not if we can we can help it, you unearthly motherfucker.
(Billy growls, then roars. El throws up her hands.)
(El throws Billy across the cabin. The sisters bail out of Void, El screaming in fear, Kali trying to calm her down.)
KALI: JANE!! LOOK AT ME!! LOOK AT ME!! Look at me. Look at me. It’s OK. We’re alright.
(As the fireworks go off in the background, El and Kali explain to the Party what they saw in the Void. Kali messaging El’s shoulders to calm her down.)
EL: He said that he was building something. That it was all for me.
MAX: Building something. Is he talking about the Flayed?
NANCY: He must be.
LUCAS: So, he’s building an army, just like we thought.
MIKE: Yeah, but he’s building his army to spread.
WILL: He’s building it to stop Eleven.
MIKE: Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off.
LUCAS: Like, royally.
MIKE: And the Mind Flayer now knows that she’s the only thing that can stop him. But if she’s out of the way…
KALI: Game over, for all mankind.
EL: He also said he was gonna kill all of you.
MAX: Yeah, well, that’s nice.
KALI: You weren’t there, Maxie. You didn’t see what we saw in the Void. We saw it vividly. A single tear falling on his face. It was like he was trapped deep inside this monster, and he couldn’t get out.
(Suddenly, they hear a faint screeching noise outside. Nancy moves to the noise.)
NANCY: Do you guys hear that?
JONATHAN: It’s just the fireworks.
NANCY: Billy…
(Nancy turns to the sisters.)
When he told you this, it was here, in this room?
(The sisters nod. The screeching was followed by heavy thudding. Will starts feeling the back of his neck.)
KALI: William?
WILL: He knows we’re here.
(The gang dart outside, where they see thee B.M.F. storming its way toward their location.)
KALI: Everybody inside, batten the fuckin’ hatches, and arm yourselves.
(Nancy grabs a pump-action shotgun out of the shed and starts loading it. Jonathan grabs an ax outside. The others cover the windows and bar the doors with whatever’s in the cabin. Kali finds Kentucky Bourbon in the liquor cabinet, and a matchbox.)
NANCY: Hey, get away from the windows.
(The Party gather up in the center of the cabin. They wait anxiously as the B.M.F. approaches, its thudding shaking the ground.)
WILL: It’s close.
KALI: Jane, back to back now.
(El and Kali go back to back, Kali draws her sword, ready for anything.)
(Japanese) Death before dishonor.
(All is quiet. Then, a single tentacle bursts into the cabin, reaching for El. Nancy and Jonathan try to stop it, but to no avail. The tentacle prepares to kill Nancy, but El stops it. Kali takes note, and lops its tip off, forcing the tentacle to retreat. Two more burst in, El stops them.)
(English) On your left.
(Kali lops the tip off the tentacle on her left, El snaps the tip of the one on her left, forcing them to retreat as well.)
(B.M.F. answers with a tentacle from the roof, biting her leg and reeling her in. Mike nabs her in time, the others join in, trying to keep El from being eaten by the B.M.F. Nancy reloads the shotgun and tries to slow it down, but to no avail. Kali eyes the bottle of Kentucky Bourbon on the counter, and goes for it.)
NANCY: You’re picking now for a drink?
KALI: Not exactly.
(Kali lops the top of the bottle, takes a swig, and spits the Bourbon onto the blade. She then lights a match.)
(She ignites the alcohol-soaked blade, the sword is ablazed in fire.)
(Kali runs to Lucas at fill speed, as Lucas preps his hands for a boost. Her foot connects with his hands, sending Kali flipping with a half-gainer towards the B.M.F., lopping off the tentacle with her flaming sword special. The Party finally gets El back, with the tentacle head still embedded in El’s leg.)
Don’t move.
(Kali takes her flaming sword and stabs the tentacle head, forcing it to let go of El, and flings it back at the B.M.F. She holds the flaming sword at the B.M.F., as El recovers and proceeds to rip its head apart, immobilizing it momentarily. Kali then sheathes her sword, putting out the flame.)
(The Party breaks for the Station Wagon and race away from the temporarily weakened B.M.F. They later break into a convenience store to tend to El’s leg wound and of course gather ammo at the fireworks stand for the B.M.F. Suddenly, Mike hears Dustin on the walkie-talkie. Dustin tries to warn Mike and the gang about the Russians invading Hawkins, but the battery in his walkie-talkie was dying. So, El has to go into the Void to locate Dustin, who’s at the movie theater in the Starcourt with Erica tending to a drugged Steve and Robin. Dustin, Steve, Erica and Robin are being chased through the mall by Russian guards. One of the guards believe they’re hiding behind an ORANGE JULIUS, which they are. Before the Russians engage, the car alarm on the Chrysler goes off, and starts floating. They looks up and see El is moving the Chrysler with Kali at her side, the Party behind them.)
(Russian) Need a lift, comrades?
(El sends the car flying, killing the Russians, and saving Dustin and his crew. Both parties reunite, exchange intel, including the Russians invading Hawkins.)
(English) Hang about. You said Russians in this mall.
DUSTIN: Yup. This mall is a front for a secret Russian base.
KALI: My God.
MAX: What’s up, Kali?
KALI: When I was hiding out in LA, this Russian agent I tortured told me about a secret Russian base here. I thought he was dicking with me, but it’s true. Bloody Hell, it’s all true.
DUSTIN: I’m sorry, who the Hell are you again?
MIKE: Dustin, this is Kali. El’s sister from the lab.
DUSTIN: Holy shit, El has a cool sister. Please to meet ya.
(Dustin and Kali shake hands.)
KALI: Oh, likewise, Dustin.
LUCAS: And she’s also Will’s new girlfriend.
DUSTIN: Shut the fuck up, Will. You’re hitting that?
WILL: Well…
DUSTIN: NICE!!! It’s about time for you, Will. So, Kali. You got any cool, kick-ass powers like El?
(Kali looks to Dustin. Just then, Dustin hears a guttural growling behind him. He turns around and is delighted to see his Demo-Dog pet, Dart. He kneels toward him to pet him, but his hand passes through him. He turns to Kali in delight of her illusion skills. Just then, she notices El falling to the ground.)
(Kali slides to her side, followed by Mike and the gang. El starts complaining about her leg, which is infected by the B.M.F.’s bite. Now, a part of the M.F. is squirming inside El. Jonathan rushes to the Teriyaki stand kitchen in the food court, grabs a butcher knife to heat up, a wooden spoon and plastic gloves. He brings them over to help cut out the Flayed piece inside her. She bites down on the wooden spoon, as Jonathan dons the gloves then cuts into El’s leg. He then reaches his plastic covered hand in her leg to try and reach for the Flayed piece. El starts screaming.)
EL: NO! STOP IT! STOP! STOP! I can do it, I can do it. Kali, help me up.
KALI: Right. Jane, listen to me.
(El attempts to get the Flayed piece out.)
Remember all that I taught you. Use the one memory that truly angers you, let it fill you up. Then, let it right out.
(El struggles with the Flayed piece.)
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