#willife area
Everything you heard is true, I have only gone and bagged myself another allotment and not another half plot either a FULL plot in full sun, YIPEEEEEE!
Are you ready to meet her?
OK then, here she is……… Meet No.9 Dream…… isn’t she beautiful?
I had my name down for just over a year and the wait was truly worth it. The former owner of my new plot can no longer keep up to the management of a full plot plus a half plot next door due to arthritis so handed it back, which was very lucky for me as it’s not in bad nick at all. Compared to my other plot (No.34b) when I first took that on it was completely covered in Bindweed, Couch Grass, Nettles, Mares Tail and Comfrey and lots of Ash saplings. So the new plot was a welcomed pleasant surprise as I was expecting hell!
The new plot came with completed raised beds down the left hand side that just needed a spot of weeding, an established strawberry and raspberry bed, a wild flower patch a plum tree and a shed! This was a dream come true, I had just won the jackpot of allotments!
I signed the contract and was handed the keys, No.9 Dream was mine all mine!
After an hour of wondering round the plot with my head buzzing with ideas and excitement I decided to look a little closer at the plot. The left hand side where the established raised beds are is in great condition, there are just a few annual weeds to tackle, so I got onto that right away so I can begin growing almost instantly. I purchased some manure and sharp sand to spread on the beds because the soil is very heavy clay, which isn’t the best but feeding it will help improve that. I cleared out a waste pile that the previous owner had accumulated in the top right hand corner, in total from this corner I did 3 waste tip runs filling 15 garden waste bags.  I also had a fire with some of the left over dried out debris and added the ash to the beds too.
As I wondered around the more unruly right hand side, it was becoming more true to taking on a new allotment. Upon closer inspection it would appear that I have quite a lot of Couch Grass, Lesser Celandine and Ground Elder to tackle and unfortunately I can’t just cover the ground either as there are a tonne of random raspberry canes everywhere, that’s on top of two established raspberry beds. Someone definitely liked their raspberries!! They are all over the plot, in pathways, in raised beds, amongst the flower patch, so I need to dig these up. I have decided to just have one large raspberry patch on this plot. All the surplus and random canes I am donating to others. My brother is taking some for the garden at the school he teaches, my two netball buddies are getting some and a new plot neighbour is having some too. Yes there really is that many!
It’s a good job I have had the time spare to get straight stuck in with the graft as my council allotment contract says in 3 months you need to have 50% of the weeds and rubbish cleared from the plot and 25% needs to be in cultivation otherwise it’s keys back and pack your bags your off!! This is fairly strict but there are so many messy uncultivated plots that there needs to be firm rules in place.
  My new neighbours all seem lovely too, I’ve already got chatting to most of them and one of them grows dahlias too. Remember the one I lost that arrived rotten and had sold out, well she’s offered to give me a cutting of hers yayyy! This is why allotments are fantastic everyone is always willing to help one another, it’s such a wonderful thing to be a part of.
So I guess by this point you’re wondering what plans a I have in store for No.9 Dream?
Well the area where I cleared the debris from is going to remain the wildflower patch which wraps around the entrance, I have decide I am going to build a pond here too. I swear by installing ponds to help with pest management, those frogs, toads and newts make easy work of those pesky slugs and snails. There’s a beautiful plum tree just below this area that fruited for the first time last year so I’m very excited about this, lots of jam and fruit leathers in the near future. Around the plum tree are yep more raspberries and a tonne of Iris, that have stopped flowering. This I presume is because the rhizomes are sat in wet heavy clay below a mound of couch grass and not baking in the sun like they require. So I will dig these up and plant them around the pond area, I love Iris flowers they are so pretty, I’m hoping thias will give them a new lease of life.
I will then go on to installing more raised beds down the right hand side and making new paths here too, whilst clearing out all the weeds and raspberries then covering with membrane so we don’t get the weeds back from any missed stray roots that still maybe lurking in the ground. After this I won’t dig the ground or beds again, as I intend to have another no dig plot.
The back end of the plot needs clearing as there are more weeds and raspberries, another pile of debris and a Hawthorn tree, which can’t stay as it’s not on a dwarf rootstock. The plan for the back will be to have 2 compost bins that I will make from pallets and a wildlife area which will consist of a bug hotel, log and stumpary and maybe another raised bed too, I will keep the blackberries that are growing up the fence and just tie them in so they don’t root elsewhere on the plot. I think I may pt in another fruit tree down here too, but I’m still undecided on that.
So that’s the grand plan, for now at least. I’m pretty sure these will change over time or I will have to make changes to include something else, but so far I’m happy with my choices and over the moon with my new plot. I want it to be my sanctuary where I can relax when I’m not grafting on it, take in the sunshine and enjoy the lovely wildlife.
What are your thoughts, is there a vision you see that I have missed for No.9 Dream, please share with a comment below, I’d love to hear them.
  Thanks for reading and please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!
Brightest Blessings,
Bo x
Introducing My New Lottie! Everything you heard is true, I have only gone and bagged myself another allotment and not another half plot either a FULL plot in full sun, YIPEEEEEE!
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falamri · 4 years
How to Streamline the Travel Experience
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Whether you are flying for business or for pleasure, the airport can be a difficult place. The most recent security constraints keep us safe but at the same time are making traveling more inconvenient. Here are some techniques to help streamline your next travel experience.
Pack Lightly
Maintain your bag neatly packed with some room to spare. Jamming in your items will only make matters worse if your bag has to be opened. Don't bring anything suspicious. Constantly check your airline's online regulation list so you are prepared. Hold a tiny carry-on tote with you in case you might need it. Be certain you bring liquids in the correctly sized containers or you will end up throwing them away.
Know Where to Park
Parking can be a hassle at the airport. Not only can it be crowded, but it's also quite expensive. To keep parking simple, use an offsite parking lot. These lots offer a great deal of features which make traveling easier. By way of instance, you can book a parking place for the precise day and time you want it. You may also prepay your parking. You'll also have the ability to use valet parking, which makes the experience easier than ever.
Get Through Security
Heightened security measures can make traveling more difficult. Getting through security is simpler if you are properly prepared. Look up the most recent security regulations so you can follow them. Don't attempt to bring anything that's not allowed. If you are bringing gifts, make certain they are unwrapped. Otherwise, you'll need to wait while security unwraps each and every one. Wear loose clothes and empty your pockets so you won't set the alarm off. Pare down your handbag or carry-on so it is organized and easy to consider. Wear sandals so you can more easily take your shoes off to go through security.
Wait Patiently
Unfortunately, there's a whole lot of time spent waiting in the airport. With increased security measures comes the mandate to get there even sooner than ever to your scheduled flight. There's absolutely not any point in getting stressed out over the procedure. Instead, know you will surely be waiting at the gate and on the airplane also. Bring along lots of things to do. Grab yourself a book to read or a paper and magazine. Airports have WiFi so you will have the ability to use your laptop or Blackberry while you're waiting. Bring along a sweater or jacket which you can use to hold your seat in the gate waiting area. Arrive at the gate and select a seat which has a fantastic view and a great deal of space around it.
Be Organized
Keep all of your travel papers neatly in 1 place. You'll likely have to refer to them frequently and it is a lot easier to find them if you've got them organized. If you made your own travel arrangements type out your itinerary so that you'll have all the information you want on a single easy-to-read sheet. Bring your passport and driver's license with you for identification.
Kerala Backwaters - The Unforgettable Traveling Experience
An Indian vacation without the backwaters of Kerala is virtually pristine. In the northern portion of the nation, the Kashmir valley is only a perfect picture of backwaters while at the south Kerala has the most astonishing backwaters of the nation.
With exotic beaches, backwaters, monuments, temples, hill stations and a lot more, Kerala emerges as a great traveling option for those visitors all across the planet. The famed backwaters of Kerala attract thousands of travelers each year. This coastal region of Kerala has broad network of waterways, inlets from seas, many rivers, canals and lakes together.
Informally, Kochi can be termed as Gateway to Kerala. It's the most perfect point of research the unfathomable diversity and beauty of this state. The location has excellent transportation system such as the world class port and of global airport that makes the traveling much simpler and comfortable.
Alappuzha is popularly called Venice of East. It's some of the highest pilgrim centers of the nation.
Its countless streams, channels, lakes and ponds make it feasible to drift along in a houseboat and enjoy the panoramic view of the Kerala countryside.
Kollam- Kollam district that's a veritable Kerala in miniature is gifted with unique attributes - sea, lakes, deserts, mountains, rivers, streams, backwaters, woods, and beautiful picturesque beauty.
Kasargod- Kasargod is a place where you'll see beautiful ancient Temples, Mosques and Churches. The area has a rich cultural heritage and is recognized for art forms of Yakshagana, Bombe-yattu and Theyyam. Traditional art forms of Pulikkali, oppana etc adds color to festivals and parties.
Kozhikode- This historical location (where Vasco Da Gama landed) is famous for its excellent beaches and Beypore's historical shipbuilding market.
These are a few of the renowned places of Kerala that can make your traveling experience for this terrific state of India much more exciting and thrilling. Several travel agency and tour operators arrange tours for Kerala. Some of the frequent tour packages of Kerala includes Kerala Honeymoon tour, Kerala Backwater Tour Kerala Willife tour, Kerala beaches tour, Kerala Culinary tour, Kerala ayurveda tour and Kerala Hill station tour packages.
For enjoying all these excursions, an individual ought to anticipate any well-established and renowned travel agency. For this, we urge you the title of India backwaters.The agency is a component of Capital City Travels and tours, which has been organising well thought out tours for the past 3 decades now. The agency is approved by Ministry of tourism, Government of India and advocated by the re-owned title of Lonely Planet travel guide. These attibutes distinguishes the agency from any other travel agency.
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Children at Heart
A/N: A request from @thehonoraryamerican for something fluffy and Willifer-like. :D This takes place on one of the weekends they visit each other while they’re dating prior to the team finding out about them at an amusement park with all types of rides and games,
As JJ looked toward the sky, where yet another rollercoaster was waiting - her stomach began to churn. Despite his good-old-southern-boy demeanor, Will was a thrill seeker when it came to rides. He was a rollercoaster junkie if you will. “I think I need a break,” she said, doing her best to smile despite the bile churning in her throat. “My stomach might come out on the next ride. How about some games?”
Granted they’d only been dating for about six months, but that didn’t matter. He knew months ago there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for this woman - his stunning and sweet beauty, with a heart of gold and determination to match - whether it be take a bullet or take a break from back-to-back rollercoasters. “Then maybe we can get some disgustingly greasy fair food.”
All of a sudden, JJ’s stomach started to grumble. She hadn’t eaten since this morning. “Maybe that’s why I’m feeling sick to my stomach. I haven’t eaten since 9.”
“Hell, JJ,” he said, looking at his watch and clocking in the time. “It’s nearly 3:30. That’s why you look so green. Let’s get you some food.” After grabbing chicken gyros, they decided to split a funnel cake with a mass of powdered sugar and hot chocolate syrup.
Will couldn’t help but laugh as JJ went to town on her half of funnel cake. For a woman in such good shape she sure could eat. Powdered sugar might have been delicious, but it was utterly messy, and there were bits and puffs of the sugary confection at the corners of her mouth. 
After she finished, she began licking her fingers, determined not to leave anything behind, but the powder was still sticking to her delicate smile. Leaning over, Will dipped his napkin into his fresh water bottle and wiped the corners of her mouth. “Maybe I was gonna lick that off later,” she laughed. Will wouldn’t past her; she did love her sweets.
“It was getting in the way of your beautiful smile,” he replied, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “I’ll by you more later if you want.”
“Deal.” Getting up from the table, JJ linked her fingers in his and pulled him toward the gaming area, where every fair game imaginable was set up with all sorts of unattainable prizes. “We should only play a few though, because almost all of them are rigged in some way.”
“No way,” he laughed, pulling her toward the water gun race. “I’ve won some before.”
JJ sat down at the machine and got her gun aimed and ready. Considering they were both law enforcement, this was truly going to be a race to the finish. “Well, take this one. It’s easier to win because it’s more difficult to rig the mechanical parts of a game than it is the practical one.” The two quickly tied, the sirens going off while other patrons clapped. Both won a pair of bunny ears, which they decided to give to the twins sitting next to them; they’d enjoy them more anyway, and their smiles were priceless. “But that one,” she said emphatically as she pointed toward the most traditional or carnival games, the milk bottle toss, “they almost always pitch one of the bottles on the bottom forward, even slightly to absorb the blow for the rest of the tower, and the pieces on the bottom tend to be heavier and made of lead, and that one,” she chuckled, glancing over toward the basketball hoops.
“How can that be rigged?” Will exclaimed. “It’s basketball.”
“The hoops tend to be slightly oblong, just enough to make it harder without being noticeable. And that one-” She said as she spun around.
Will laughed at her enthusiasm. “Okay, okay, I get it. They’re all rigged. But they’re fun anyway.”
JJ just laughed and grabbed his hand as they walked over to the balloon dart toss. This was so needed. Work had been crazy lately, and all of it had been weighing on her soul, but a weekend away with her secret boyfriend was exactly what she needed to take her mind off things. “Now, I know I haven’t met anyone on your team yet, but the way you just went on and on made me think that that’s what your friend Spencer must sound like.”
Her mouth dropped open and she stared at him blankly before the corners of her mouth twitched up. “Actually yea, but like ten times as much and about anything and everything.”
“I can only imagine. I do look forward to meeting them at some point,” he said. He was very much enjoying the thought of meeting them, but JJ had wanted to put it off, so he hadn’t pressed the issue. One of these days he would, but not when everything was so perfect right now. “Let’s try this one. This rigged too?”
“Balloon toss,” she laughed. “Absolutely.”
Will pulled a five-dollar bill out of his pocket for a set of 10 darts. There was a giant, stuffed soccer ball on the wall; he had to win it. “How is this rigged?” He asked as he threw a dart and watched as it floated right in between a bunch of balloons. She was probably right, but dammit, he was going to win this. He needed to win three times to earn the soccer ball.
JJ picked up one of the darts and felt the tip. “The tip is dulled, and the balloons aren’t filled to full capacity, which makes them harder to pop.” As if to demonstrate her point, she threw it directly at a lone balloon next to a bunch of popped ones – it skimmed the side and did nothing.
“When I meet Spencer, I’m going to tell him that you encroached on his territory,” he laughed. After 10 darts, he’d popped one balloon. He needed two more. A second five-dollar bill, ten more darts…and no balloons. “I’m going to win. I swear. I’m getting there. I’m getting better.”
JJ giggled and shrugged at the woman running the game. “But how much money are you going to drop to win?”
“It doesn’t matter. I have to win for my girl.”
She was pretty sure she hadn’t blushed that hard since high school. As the sun just barely started to set, she felt a breeze start to kick up. It was 25 dollars, a totally of 50 darts and a sum total of 4 popped balloons before Will was declared a winner of one of the large prizes. He flashed her a proud and winning smile before signaling that he wanted the soccer ball. “For you, my love,” he said, handing her the stuffed soccer ball.
The two fell into a comfortable silence once they walked away from the games, wandering around the carnival and the rides, watching as kids and adults alike let loose from their respective troubles, either maintaining their childhood or becoming children at heart once again.
Finally, the sun was truly setting, and JJ and Will found themselves sitting on the curb and taking in the peaceful colors that played across the sky, while noises and lights flashed from the games and rides behind them. “So before…” JJ said, smiling as she turned to her boyfriend, “You said, ‘my love.’ You love me?”
Will leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek before speaking. “I do. I love you, Jennifer Jareau. Is that a problem?”
“Not at all,” she whispered before kissing him to the soundtrack of children giggling nearby. “I love you too. And your love thanks you for the soccer ball.”
@coveofmemories @sexualemobitch @jamiemelyn @unstoppableangel8 @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @yoinkpeter @the-slytherin-ice-queen @marvelfanlife 
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zephyrvos · 6 years
🔥 +Criminal Minds
Elle/JJ is a ship but also an opinion, and it is underappreciated :P
I’d say it’s unpopular to love Will and Willifer as much as I do, at least given the areas of fandom I tend to run in. He’s not perfect, but he’s a southern gentleman at heart, and he’s a wonderful match for JJ, given her small town roots.
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