#windex is working and i am busy helping out at home
battle-of-alberta · 4 years
Big City Brunch Update
Good eeeevening!
Windex and I have set the first two brunch answers to post next Tuesday and Thursday at 10AM Mountain Time. Depending on our schedules and how much time we need to tweak our answers, we might increase the frequency :) Look forward to it! :D
Also note: I won’t be providing translations to Windex’s answers (at least, not until I’m able to translate this into a bilingual blog lol). We realize this is a choice that limits the accessibility of this blog for non-Francophones, but it is also a statement about the accessibility of French in Canada in general. Windex will be elaborating more on this in one of her answers - if you have other questions about it feel free to message her at @randomoranges!
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
Based on the Roswell, New Mexico season 3 trailer. I’m just having some fun with it, I don’t think the second half of this fic is how the episode is going to go.
Alex’s heart started to hammer as the bus came to a stop. He exhaled slowly. He was back home. He was sure everything would ease back into place eventually.
He made sure he had his backpack and grabbed his duffel bag as the doors opened, and he stepped out. The clean, crisp Roswell air hit his face and eased some of the painful thumping in his chest. Until he looked up and found where he’d been let off.
Towering above him, Jesse Manes’ statue saluted him. It felt like mockery. Welcome home, son, it seemed to be saying. Back where I can see you.
Alex sighed, forcing his gaze down, to where Forrest Long stood with his hands in his pockets, watching him with a smirk at his lips.
“Captain Manes returns,” he said.
A smile tugged at Alex’s lips as they met each other halfway. “That’s retired Captain Manes, thank you,” he said as he wrapped his free arm around Forrest’s shoulders, Forrest’s arms coming around his waist. Alex pressed his face to Forrest’s scarf and deeply inhaled the smell of hay and fresh ink, letting it engulf him. He thought of barns and horses and pages with poetry and music notes scribbled into the margins. It made him laugh as he pulled back.
Forrest’s hand lingered on his waist underneath his jacket while Alex let his hand fall down Forrest’s arm, keeping him close.
“How was your trip?”
Alex hummed, managing to keep his smile in place even as it threatened to slip away. “Long,” he said. It was enough of a truth not to haunt him.
“But it’s over now, right?” Forrest said. “Your enlistment’s ended, they can’t ask you to talk to anymore recruits. I mean, seriously, who knew being awarded a Purple Heart meant you had to Captain America it up to all the troops?”
Alex nodded wordlessly. In truth, his enlistment had ended the day before he’d left, but he couldn’t really have told Forrest that he would be off for a year to dismantle the rest of Project Shepherd. It was a kind lie, a merciful one. Forrest was better off not knowing.
The gun Alex had taken to keeping at his hip weighed heavily, as if disagreeing with him. He ignored it.
Forrest brushed away his bangs, his fingers gently tracing down Alex’s cheek to his jaw. “I missed you.”
Alex sighed, letting himself lean into Forrest. “I missed you more.”
They smiled into their kiss, and Alex felt like a single window opened up in his chest, letting fresh air into his stifled heart. The kiss was long, and when they pulled back, Alex pulled Forrest in again to take comfort in the warmth of his jacket against his cheek.
He opened his eyes and his brows furrowed. Michael Guerin, on the other side of the street, was already walking away.
 Hours later found Alex in his garage, the door wide open to the cool autumn breeze and the birds’ chirping, as he rummaged through his many paint cans and his toolbox to look for more cleaning solution. Forrest had helped him air out his house, clean the furniture, until he had to leave no more than ten minutes ago for his work.
Alex didn’t mind it. He’d kept working, the strain on his already tired muscles a welcome relief from his mess of thoughts. He caught the scent of rain before he saw Michael stride into his garage from the corner of his eyes, his thumbs hooked in his belt. Over a year ago, he might’ve been apprehensive, but now he could only smile around Michael.
“Hey,” he greeted.
“Hi,” Michael said. His smile was too small, too polite, he was trying too hard to seem nonchalant.
Alex raised a brow. “Didn’t want to say hello at the bus stop?” At Michael’s glance, he said, “Yeah, I saw you. I assume you were there to see me? If not, it was one hell of a coincidence.”
“You looked busy,” was all Michael said on the matter. He sniffed. “So, where’s Long?”
Alex had turned his back to Michael again as he looked through his things. He couldn’t help the smile that split his lips. He knew that Michael must’ve waited to make sure Forrest was gone before he set foot in here.
But all he said was, “Work.”
Michael hummed. “That’s it, huh? Project Shepherd’s gone?”
Alex’s smile fell away at once. “Yeah,” he said, and even he could hear the dark satisfaction in his voice. “It’s dead. You should be thrilled.”
“It took you away for a year,” Michael said, seemingly unable and unwilling to hide the longing in his words this time. “I just hope the death was long and slow.”
Alex said nothing to this.
“You need any help?”
“Uhh,” he found the Windex he’d been looking for on a top shelf. “No, I’m good.”
He reached for it, and felt his shirt ride up.
“Just ‘cause,” Michael was saying, “I don’t really have to . . . be anywhere . . . what’s that?”
His words were stiff, suspicious. Alex looked over his shoulder and saw his eyes were narrowed at something on Alex’s back, where his shirt exposed naked skin. Naked, scarred skin.
Damn it.
Michael came up to him, reaching for the hem of his shirt as if planning to push it up and get a better view at Alex’s new injury.
Alex turned at once so that Michael’s hand met his stomach. He tugged his shirt down and said, “Nothing. It’s nothing.”
“That was a scar,” Michael said. “Did someone do that to you?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Alex insisted. “I’m fine, really.”
“Alex –”
“I got into a little trouble with some of my dad’s . . . more loyal soldiers.” He managed a smile. “I’m okay, really.”
Michael stared. “Then let me see.”
He gaped. “No!”
“Why not?!”
“Because I don’t want to talk about it anymore, okay?” he snapped, and Michael looked startled. He stepped back, hurt, and Alex’s shoulders slumped.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, an apology on the tip of his tongue, just as a sudden CLANK went off somewhere in the corner.
In an instant, Alex had turned to shield Michael, his gun raised and aimed . . . at a disturbed paint can lid that had popped open. He was shaking.
It wasn’t until he heard Michael’s shocked and quiet, “Alex . . .” that he realized where he was and brought his weapon down. Neither of them moved for a long time. Alex was frustrated and embarrassed, but beneath it all, he was still tense with nerves.
When he spoke, his voice was hoarse. “No matter where I went . . . there was an attack.” He shook his head. “The scar, I . . . I was sleeping, and one guy with a knife tried to . . . I found a vet who was willing to stitch me back together. I was hunted, Guerin. I had to stop them. I did things . . .”
His shoulders slumped and he holstered his weapon. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “I’ll be fine. I am fine.” He turned to face Michael who was watching him with an unreadable expression. “I’ve been through worse. I just need a minute to – to readjust, okay?” He sighed again, and it was steadier. “Okay?”
Michael visibly swallowed, then wrapped his arms around Alex, pulling him in. Alex stood surprised against him, the scent of rain engulfing him and filling him up without any effort. Michael slid a hand into his hair and pressed his lips to the crook of Alex’s neck.
“I’ll stay outside your place tonight,” he told him. “In my truck. I’ll guard you so you can get some sleep.”
Alex’s eyes burned. “I don’t need you to.”
Michael held him tighter. “I know. But I’m staying anyway. No one will touch you, Alex.”
Alex clenched his jaw to the warmth of Michael’s arms around him, his strong chest, the scratch of his stubble against his skin, the scent of his curls. All the windows in his chest opened, letting in the raging storm that came whenever Michael was around.
He’d spent a year beating down whatever was left of Project Shepherd, away from his brothers, his boyfriend . . . his Michael. He didn’t believe in rewards, but he would give himself this much. He wanted Michael to stay.
Alex melted against him, wrapping his arms around his waist as his lower lip trembled and a tear escaped down his cheek. He nodded, and Michael nuzzled the crook of his neck.
“Thanks, Guerin,” he whispered, and Michael’s hold turned unbearably tight.
Michael breathed, “Anything for you.”
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sixfeetbalow · 3 years
New Projects
My therapist suggested I try to find some hobbies, which is harder said than done. Up until this past May, I had one hobby: softball. Since I was 12, all I ever did was play softball. Where was I pretty much any and every weekend from the months of February to November? You’d find me at a ball field. I missed out on a lot of things, but I didn’t care. Softball was my one true passion at the time. I loved the long practices, intense games, and hard workouts. Even though my love for the game began to diminish in college (that’s a story for another day), I still found comfort being a member of a team. I had accountability and purpose. I’m sure I’m not the first college athlete to experience this, but once you hang your cleats up, you feel lost. The one thing you’ve dedicated 15 years of your life to is suddenly gone.
Now, as an old, washed up DIII athlete, I’m trying to remember the hobbies I set to the side for softball. I started with something I can thank my brother for getting me into many years ago. My brother has always been my hero, and I wanted to do everything he did. More specifically, I wanted to be able to play guitar like him. Several lessons and frustrating sessions later, I’m not a half-bad guitar player and really enjoy doing it. I find it’s a thing I can do when I’m stressed to relax, sad to perk up, and happy to bring even more joy. There’s always a song to fit my mood. 
Lately, I’ve been playing nearly every day for an hour or more (picture to prove it). There’s nothing better than coming home after a long day to let myself get lost in the music while also doing something manual with my hands. I can’t say I’ve become any better of a guitar player despite playing so much, but that’s not really my goal. 
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Along with guitar playing, I’ve taken on a little project that I’m afraid to say might be a bust. A few months ago, I helped my hoarder of a grandfather clean out one of his four shop buildings. I’ve been waiting for the day he was ready to start going through his stuff because no one really knew what we would find inside. After hours of moving tools, car parts, and random assortments of shit, you would have thought I’d struck gold when I found an old record player tucked away in a corner. 
Covered in dust and rat shit, I was bound and determined to see if it worked. I stopped all cleaning efforts to find the nearest plug-in, and I was shocked when the local country music station came through clear as day. I asked my mom and aunt about it as they were there as they were assisting with the clean-up job. They told me that was the family radio/record player they would listen to in the 70s and 80s. How fucking cool. I’ve always wanted a record player, but to have one passed down like that would make me feel like less of a hipster. 
Knowing it at least turned on, I needed to see how functional I could it. We knew one of the speakers did not work and the eight track player refused to open, but all I was really concerned about was the vinyl player. So one night following a bad weekend, I decided to do something to try to take my mind off of everything. With three damp wash clothes, windex, and a power drill, I went to cleaning my little heart out. For hours, I took the damn thing apart as much as I could and cleaned it inside and out. Fun fact: dirt dobbers are capable of getting inside speakers. 
Anyways, despite my best efforts, one speaker still does not work and I am confident any eight track would be ruined. Good news, the vinyl part appeared to be fully operational and only required a new needle and mat. A little shopping trip on Amazon and I was in business. One small problem though. I had no vinyls to test my hard work. I typically would look for vinyls at flea markets and thrift stores, but with my work schedule and the holidays, that was not feasible and I am not patient enough to wait. So this called for a trip Wal-Mart. I was on the hunt for Olivia Rodrigo’s SOUR, but unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. I went with the next best thing and took it as a sign as I was not expecting it to be there: girl in red’s If I Could Make It Go Quiet. Another fun fact: my mom is not a fan of hers just based on song titles. “Hornylovesickmess” and “You Stupid Bitch” didn’t give her a good vibe. Oh well. 
I ran straight to my record player as soon as I got home. She would never admit it, but my mom was excited too. I think she’s getting to relive a little bit of her youth. Despite our best efforts, we’ve decided 30 years of sitting in a garage created problems neither of us could fix. We got it to play, but it was rather shitty quality and took a bit of elbow grease. A little upsetting, but I gave it a good college try. I wish it had worked, but like playing guitar, my goal isn’t to be the best, or in this case, get the stupid thing to work. It was the sheer act of getting my hands dirty and giving myself a purpose no matter how small. 
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caffeineivore · 7 years
Headcanon Meme: Zoisite
Headcanon A:  realistic
Okay. So, more often than not, through various incarnations and AUs, my Zoisite tends to be of Irish extraction. First of all, I have a habit of putting the shitennou in their various manga “kingdoms” (i.e. King of the Far East, King of North America, King of the Middle East, King of Europe). And, because I am somewhat lazy, I write what I know, and I’m decently versed in the Irish/Celtic tradition. Furthermore, it seems to fit in a lot of ways-- the fair skin, the colouring, the friendly and charming but also feisty and temperamental personality, etc. Plus, hey, Zoi + Irish accent is just fanservice so WHY THE HELL NOT amirite?? Furthermore, Ami would definitely agree that he’s full of blarney :P
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
I shall have to credit Lilian for this headcanon because in some ways, she started it years and years ago. BUT...
Zoi has this unholy love for fruity drinks at the bar. Like, the more ornate and ridiculous, the better. Served in a coconut shell? He’s down. Garnished with pineapple spears and maraschino cherries? All damn day, baby! Little ridiculous cocktail umbrellas everywhere? YAAAAAAAAS QUEEEN! He sneers at Jade, who he says subsists off of horse piss beer specials and Windex vodka and Red Solo Cup libations because the latter apparently is an uncultured swine who doesn’t know better. Jade retorts back that at least he doesn’t have to shell out an arm, a leg, an eyeball and his left testicle to get wasted. Kunz rolls his eyes and keeps every cab company within a 20km radius, ditto every ride-share situation, on speed dial. Neph is too busy yelling at the game on the TV to bother dealing with those fools, or alternatively hustling someone’s life away at the pool table. (Neph, though, for all he’s fairly low maintenance in a lot of ways, drinks good drinks. Bold red wines and craft beers, generally, though he’s also fairly fond of good Bourbon, straight). 
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Okay so since I have like 293874987 incarnations of Zoisite, I’m going to go with Police Procedural fic Zoi, aka Detective Cecil Callahan. Some may have noticed, who might have read said fic on this tumblr, that Cecil seems to have the appetite and taste of a 12 year old: greasy junk food, 7-11 slurpies, McDonald’s breakfast, sugary cereal, etc. And one might wonder, WHY does this guy seem to want to eat like a teenage manchild who doesn’t know better?
Answer: Cecil grew up in the bad parts of Chicago, in a broken home, with his mother in and out of jail, shuffled between foster houses, etc. etc, and was perhaps on his way of getting into the wrong crowd-- gangs, drugs, violence. He was likely picked up a few times by the local beat cops for truancy or minor mischief as a kid, but... one of the officers that he got to know happened to be named Officer Callahan. For whatever reason, Officer Callahan seemed to get through to him, and acted like he cared. He’d keep Cecil from skipping school, and occasionally would buy him McDonald’s or maybe some candy from the gas station. For a kid who lived off of donated canned goods and frozen TV dinners, it was a treat. And a bit of motivation to keep out of too much trouble.
When Cecil was in his teens, his mentor was shot in the line of duty. Domestic dispute gone wrong. He visited his mentor in the hospital, secretly, and vowed to finish school and make something of himself, and never get in trouble with the law. Officer Callahan never knew; he never woke up, and his family took him off life support the next day. He would never know that the kid he probably just helped out without too much thought would legally change his name a year later and go into law enforcement like a kid following a nonexistent father’s footsteps. And, many many years later, Cecil still associates the greasy fast food with perhaps the only positive figure in his childhood years. And so, he still eats like a kid. Thankfully, he seems to have a high metabolism and works it all off!
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Zoi and Minako are best buddies. They get together and go buy out Lush and Bath and Body Works together (let’s be for real, they probably tie in the beauty and hair products stakes). They also jam out to bubblegum pop and will totally be found belting out Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift songs with the radio. However, he Does Not Approve of ANY guy she’s interested in. Ever. Not even Kunzite. Maybe especially not Kunzite like seriously that guy needs help he has NO GAME WHATSOEVER he’s ALMOST WORSE THAN MAMORU like Bless his heart he’s the type to give a girl a fucking Roomba for her birthday. Maybe throw in a GPS navigator if he’s feeling particularly frisky and ambitious. LIKE MINA WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHY DO YOU LIKE EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED CRABBY MCGRUMPS??? Not that he would ever say this to Kunzite’s face. He is quite aware that Kunzite could break him in half, and he’s too pretty to die. But there will definitely be some snark. And by some I mean a lot.
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csrgood · 5 years
SC Johnson and Milwaukee Brewers Team Up to Take on Plastic Waste; Stadium Cups to Become New Scrubbing Bubbles® Bottles
In a first-of-its kind partnership that provides a local solution toward the global crisis of plastic waste, SC Johnson is teaming up with the Milwaukee Brewers to create a new market and new recycling model for one of the biggest sources of waste at their ballpark – the more than 1 million plastic cups used each season.
Starting with the 2020 season, fans at Miller Park will be able to place plastic drink cups branded with the SC Johnson logo in specially designed receptacles to separate them from other waste. SC Johnson will collect the cups and use the recycled plastic in Scrubbing Bubbles® bottles. 
This is the first U.S. professional sports team to link a waste stream to a specific product, closing the recycling loop and tackling one of the biggest barriers to plastic recycling in the U.S. and globally – the lack of markets for recycled material. Today, only 13 percent of plastic packaging in the U.S. is recycled, and much of what is placed into mixed recycling bins is not recyclable at all.  
“We all need to work together to help close the plastic recycling loop, and I hope this first-of-its-kind initiative with the Brewers will serve as a model for other major league teams, companies and even other sports leagues,” said Fisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO of SC Johnson.
SC Johnson’s partnership with the Brewers is one of many actions the company has taken to tackle plastic waste focusing on three separate fronts: reducing plastics in its products, reusing recycled plastic and creating compostable plastics.
The partnership officially kicked off today at Miller Park, where Rick Schlesinger, Brewers President of Business Operations, and Fisk Johnson joined Brewers pitchers Brent Suter and Corey Knebel. Suter, who holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from Harvard University, recently launched his own initiative, Strike Out Waste, to help his teammates reduce plastic use inside the ballpark and in their personal lives. 
“I am excited that the Brewers and SC Johnson are teaming up to bring greater awareness to important issues like recycling and ocean plastics,” said Suter. “We can all make a positive impact in our homes, our communities and with this program in place, we can now make a direct impact at the ballpark.”
SC Johnson and the Brewers will continue to partner throughout the 2020 season, with additional promotions including organized “Clean Up Days” and philanthropic contributions with select players for heightened education and awareness. Further, for each save recorded by a Brewers pitcher, SC Johnson and the Brewers will make a donation to the “Players for the Planet” initiative, which works to reduce ocean plastic.
“The Green Sports Alliance commends the Milwaukee Brewers MLB leadership team and SC Johnson for demonstrating the power of collaboration in creating a closed loop business model that decreases landfill waste,” said Green Sports Alliance Executive Director Roger McClendon. “This sets a great example for sports and business industries to pause and evaluate the traditional mindset of the ‘make, take, consume, and throw away pattern,’ and move toward a zero waste circular economy.”
For decades, SC Johnson has been incorporating post-consumer recycled plastic from a variety of sources into its packaging. Since 2015, the company has used 100 percent post-consumer recycled plastic in its iconic Windex® line, and last year it announced that Windex® packaging would be made entirely from 100 percent recycled ocean-bound plastic. The company’s offerings also include liquid concentrated refills, compostable plastic bags, recyclable paper bags and fully reusable silicon bags.
For more information and supporting multimedia assets, visit https://www.multivu.com/players/English/8677851-sc-johnson-milwaukee-brewers-plastic-cup-recycling/  
About SC Johnson
SC Johnson is a family company dedicated to innovative, high-quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. It markets such well-known brands as GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF!®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE® and RIDSECT®. The 134-year-old company, which generates $10 billion in sales, employs approximately 13,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world. www.scjohnson.com
About Green Sports Alliance The Green Sports Alliance leverages the cultural and market influence of sports to promote healthy, sustainable communities where people live and play. The Alliance inspires professional sports leagues, sports governing bodies, colleges, teams, venues, their partners and millions of fans to embrace renewable energy, healthy food, recycling, water efficiency, safer chemicals and other environmentally preferable practices. Alliance members now number over 400 organizations and fans representing 17 leagues in 16 countries. Visit http://www.greensportsalliance.org for more information.
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/43433-SC-Johnson-and-Milwaukee-Brewers-Team-Up-to-Take-on-Plastic-Waste-Stadium-Cups-to-Become-New-Scrubbing-Bubbles-Bottles?tracking_source=rss
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Spring Cleaning
A time of year that rarely anyone looks forward to. Right? You nodded your head. Yes, I know. Me too.
While everyone is outside enjoying the sun and nice temperatures, you're stuck inside ... spring cleaning.
In my personal opinion, the process can be broken down into no more than four steps.
1.) DeClutter 2.) Clean Part 1 (walls, cabinets, carpet shampooing) 3.) Clean Part 2 (wooden/glass furniture, dusting, mopping) 4.) Organize
I'm going to go into finer detail here in a minute, but for those of you who just want the basics to then venture on your own, here is a checklist of everything that I personally recommend be on hand for when it comes time to actually clean.
✔ Disinfectant Wipes ✔ 10 Quart Plastic Bucket ✔ Liquid All-Purpose Cleaner ✔ Utility Cloths (such as hand rags) ✔ Sponges ✔ Carpet Shampooer ✔ Swiffer 360 Duster & Refills ✔ Swiffer Wet Jet (with appropriate liquid) ✔ Utility Cloths ✔ Wood Cleaner ✔ Glass Cleaner ✔ Paper Towels
If you're comfortable with the two lists I've created above, then good luck and happy cleaning! Hopefully the steps and supplies listed help you find your way to that squeaky clean house you're dreaming of.
If you feel you need a little more guidance with the process, then here are the steps explained in detail as well as why I recommend the supplies listed above. They will also be listed again and broken down in detail.
Step 1 – DeClutter
This is probably the most difficult step for people for a couple reasons. One, because the first step is always the hardest. And two, because no one ever knows where to start.
This is how I decide where to start: think of a jigsaw puzzle. If you're anything like I am, then you'll want to start with the easiest pieces, which are the four corners. Now, obviously you can't be working in all four corners at once, but the point is to pick a corner of the room. And if you're really struggling and don't know what part of the house to work on first, this is how I would approach it.
Multi-floor Houses Top floor to bottom floor because dust settles. Gravity at its finest.
Mobile Homes/Single Floor Houses Left to right or right to left. Up to you, really. It's all going to get done regardless.
Now that you've picked your starting point, what happens next? Well, it depends on the room you're working in. Are there a lot of things on the floor that need picking up? Perhaps a closet that needs to be sifted through? This would be a great time to decide if there's any clothing you'd like to get out of the house.
The point of this step is to get rid of anything you no longer feel you need. We all have those few shirts we don't wear anymore. So why let them clutter our closet? What about shoes? They could be perfectly fine, but you're just not feeling them anymore. Or that lamp your relative got you for Christmas five years ago that's just really not your style and it's probably been long enough now that they'll never notice it's missing from your house.
A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if the item in question serves you any real purpose anymore. And if it doesn't, then it's time to part ways with it. And remember, sentimental value can be considered a purpose.
Step 2 – Clean Part 1
Now that all of the clutter has been set to the side to deal with later, we can move onto the next step. We're ready for the cleaning supplies. Because looks aren't everything. You look clean, but now you have to feel clean. Below is a check list of what I would personally recommend be in your spring cleaning arsenal.
✔ Disinfectant Wipes ✔ 10 Quart Plastic Bucket ✔ Liquid All-Purpose Cleaner ✔ Utility Cloths (like hand rags) ✔ Sponges ✔ Carpet Shampooer
Disinfectant wipes are important because of any possible mold that has had time to form over the winter months when it was cold outside and toasty warm inside. That contrast in temperatures can create tons of moisture and moisture can potentially turn into mold or black mold. So disinfecting is super important when spring cleaning.
The bucket, liquid cleaner, cloths, and sponges are like the dream team in the game of spring cleaning. I'm sure there's an infinite number of liquid cleaners out there, but just make sure it's usable on the surfaces you have in your home. And if you're lucky, you might be able to find some that are antibacterial. The three brands that I've been most exposed to are Mr. Clean, Clorox, and Lysol. Since it's not something that we do often, my mother and I will usually go for any of those three brands. But you most certainly don't have to.
Now that you have your cleaning supplies and we know our starting point from step one, we can begin scrubbing! But what exactly should we be cleaning with this stuff? Good question and, honestly, it just depends on how adventurous you're feeling this spring.
Some people go all out while others just want to do the minimum. It also depends on how often you clean your house in general. Some people clean once a week, some every two weeks. And then there are those who clean maybe once a month. Everyone is quite different and that's okay. This is why there's spring cleaning, right? You're grumbling at me; I can feel it.
If you really have no clue where to start, here's a small list that might help you decide.
✔ Walls ✔ Windows ✔ Cabinets ✔ Carpet
That's really all I can think of because we aren't quite to the point of cleaning furniture or mopping.
WALLS If you're a pretty clean and hygienic person who's a stickler about cleaning the house, then you could probably get away with not washing the walls. Unless you really wanted to wash them. That's up to you. But you'd probably be safe with just spot checking your walls like I do. Because sadly moisture does draw in certain parts of the house where black mold tries its best to form on the walls and I have to scrub it off. But it's nothing too drastic.
WINDOWS Regardless of how clean a person is, I personally believe it's a good rule of thumb to clean the windows. Why? Because windows are a huge target for black mold. It's where the temperature of outside meets the temperature of inside. It can create that condensation that can potentially turn into mold. None of us probably notice it in the winter because we're too busy whining about how cold it is and how excited we are for warmer weather. But it's very important to check your windows for any mold. This is where those disinfectant wipes will come in handy. And if the disinfectant wipes aren't strong enough to get rid of the mold, I highly recommend you stop at a store and grab some cleaner that's tailored specifically to removing mold.
CABINETS Honestly, the cabinets are for those feeling super energetic and adventurous. Or those who have a lot of free time on their hands. They're a lot like the walls. If you're really clean and tidy, you probably don't have to wash them. Probably a good dose of Pledge or something would make them shiny if you have wooden cabinets. But that's it. And you can always wax them later in step three.
CARPET Again, if you're someone who regularly vacuums your carpet, then you probably don't need to shampoo it. Now, say there was a spot here and there and you repetitively said something like: “Oh, I'll get it next weekend.” And it's now three months later .... It's probably time to get that shampooer out or rent one. But that's just my personal opinion. Because if you're someone who has guests over or if you're in charge of the yearly holiday gatherings, you'll want a carpet that looks spotless, right? Not saying you have to move all the furniture out and into neighboring rooms, but if you want to just clean the spots here and there that matter most, that's totally okay, too.
Step 3 – Clean Part 2
Now that you've washed the walls, cleaned the windows really well, washed the cabinets, and shampooed the carpets, it's time for the fine tuning. This includes cleaning any wooden and/or glass furniture and mopping the floors.
✔ Swiffer 360 Duster & Refills ✔ Swiffer Wet Jet (with appropriate liquid) ✔ Utility Cloths (different from ones used in step 2 ) ✔ Wood Cleaner ✔ Glass Cleaner ✔ Paper Towels
I specified using Swiffer products instead of just saying any kind of duster or mop because I really think they're worth investing in. I myself own a Swiffer Extender Wand for dusting things like ceiling fans and the top of the refrigerator. It really comes in handy for us short people. But if you just can't stretch those pennies, then it's not the end of the world to get just any old feather duster along with a basic mop and bucket.
And then the wood cleaner and glass cleaner are for if you have a lot of wood and/or glass in your house. I personally use products like Pledge and Windex. But you can use any brands you want. That's entirely up to you. As far as the paper towels, that's really for when you clean the windows and any glass furniture. I'd recommend using the utility rags when using the wood cleaner.
Step 4 – Organize
Once your home has been washed, vacuumed, mopped, and dusted, you're now ready to put everything back. Without the hassle of the clutter. We've set aside what we no longer want. Now we can work on organizing what's left from the mess. The world has come a long way in terms of products designed to help us stay organized and making our busy lives easier. They make organizers for just about anything these days, including shoes, jewelry, and even your entire closets!
This is also a great opportunity to decide if you want to put things back the way you originally had them when you first started back in step one. Maybe it's your year to mix things up and rearrange your furniture? I'm not saying you have to, but it's something to think about. Sometimes we can trick our brains into thinking we've obtained something new if it looks new. And they say the modern day human feels good if he or she acquired something s/he didn't have before. Psychology. Such an intriguing topic.
I just went through the four steps to spring cleaning, including helpful lists along the way that contain recommended products based on my personal opinion as well as what to clean and where to start cleaning. Hopefully this guide has helped you in some way, shape, or form. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your own mission in spring cleaning, shoot me a message or email me and I will help you out to the best of my ability. In the meantime, happy cleaning!
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csrgood · 6 years
SC Johnson Is One of the 2018 World’s Best Workplaces
SC Johnson today announces it has been named as one of the 25 World’s Best Workplaces by the largest global annual study of workplace culture. Out of more than 7,000 eligible organizations, SC Johnson earned the 18th spot in the 2018 ranking by Great Place to Work®. It is the company’s sixth year on this prestigious list.
“I am proud of SC Johnson people around the world who contribute to making the company a great place to work,” said Fisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO of SC Johnson. “In each of the countries in which we operate, SC Johnson teams are characterized by a genuine camaraderie, a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to solving problems. We’re honored that SC Johnson has once again been named a World’s Best Workplace.”
Since 2011, Great Place to Work® has identified the top organizations that create great workplaces in multiple countries in which they operate through the publication of the World’s Best Workplaces list. To be considered, companies must appear on a minimum of five national best workplaces lists, have a minimum of 5,000 employees worldwide, and 40 percent of their workforce must be based outside of the country in which they are headquartered.
The results of those national lists, in addition to extra points awarded for the number of countries and regions an organization surveyed employees in, and the percentage of the company’s global workforce represented by those surveys, are combined to create a top 25 ranking of elite, multinational workplaces. More than 7,000 organizations participated in this year’s survey process, representing the voices of 12 million employees worldwide.
“Congratulations to the World’s Best workplaces,” said Michael C. Bush, CEO of Great Place to Work®. “It is a big challenge to build a high-trust culture that is great for employees in many countries across the globe. These organizations have bold leaders who have risen to the challenge – they are the vanguard showing millions of organizations worldwide that is possible and desirable to create a great place to work for all.”
Best Workplaces Around the World This recognition is the latest in a series of recognitions that SC Johnson has received from Great Place to Work®. The company earned awards in the following countries/regions between September 2017 and August 2018:
Central America/Costa Rica
South Korea
United Kingdom
SC Johnson was also included in Working Mother magazine’s “100 Best Companies” list for the 30th time in 2018, and received a perfect score of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index in 2017.
About SC Johnson SC Johnson is a family company dedicated to innovative, high-quality products, excellence in the workplace and a long-term commitment to the environment and the communities in which it operates. Based in the USA, the company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of household cleaning products and products for home storage, air care, pest control and shoe care, as well as professional products. It markets such well-known brands as GLADE®, KIWI®, OFF!®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, SHOUT®, WINDEX® and ZIPLOC® in the U.S. and beyond, with brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, TANA®, BAMA®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, KABIKILLER®, KLEAR®, MR MUSCLE® and RIDSECT®. The 132-year-old company, which generates $10 billion in sales, employs approximately 13,000 people globally and sells products in virtually every country around the world. www.scjohnson.com
About Great Place to Work®: Great Place to Work® is a global people analytics and consulting firm that helps companies of all sizes produce better business results by focusing on the work experience for every employee – our research shows there’s a clear and direct relationship between employee engagement and financial performance. Emprising™, our unique Software-as-a-Service survey platform, enables organizations to assess and improve their culture and has proven to help them achieve business success. Through our certification programs, we survey more than 100 million global employees each year to recognize outstanding workplaces in over 60 countries.
source: http://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/41456-SC-Johnson-Is-One-of-the-2018-World-s-Best-Workplaces?tracking_source=rss
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