(windnights-bakers; Alterverse) Jolie stared up at the sky. “Y’know...I think the sky is darker blue here.”
(The girl looks at her) Do you think? - Kagami
(He plays with the cat) - Dokou
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Jonathan's Question
A short character study of Jonathan Joestar.
You are Jonathan, and you probably should have seen this coming.
Not the whole ‘vampire’ thing, of course, you can be forgiven for not realizing that a folklore monster was not only real, but created in a completely different way than the tales said. That’s the sort of thing you only expect after you’ve confirmed that fate has it out for you, personally. It’s Dio you should have seen coming.
You’d grown up with Dio. You knew he was an asshole. You knew he hated you, and you knew he had no standards. You should have expected him to try to murder you. But no, even after you’d seen him drive away your friends, forcibly kiss Erina, and burn your poor dog Danny alive, you were still surprised when he shoved that mask on your face and bloodied it.
The night after that was a blur of red and pain. Turns out burning alive hurt. But it didn’t kill you. How could it, when you were already dead? Dio had already killed you, it’s just that you came back. You didn’t want to, at least not like this, but it’s not like you had much of a choice. That night, Dio ran away and so did you. You don’t know exactly what Dio did (only that involved learning a martial art that mimicked sunlight), but as for you, you hid away, fearing the harm you could do. 
You thought that would be the end of it, but then Dio happened again, showing up with the one thing more uncharacteristic of him than a moose- an apology. You hadn’t believed him, naturally. You’d tried that during your childhood, and look where it got you. But then Erina backed him up, and things changed. You didn’t know how he managed to sway her, but it clearly hadn’t entirely worked. Erina was more quick to injure him than you were; if he were to try to finish the job, you were sure she’d stop him. And she promised help with your cravings, something which you desperately needed.
And so you settled into a bizarre new status quo. Sometimes, they’d come over  to Windnight’s Lot, sometimes, you’d stay at the rebuilt Joestar manor. You have a nephew, now; whatever you think of Dio, you know little George is innocent. Erina still supports you, even if she has no romantic interest in you any more. And then, there’s Dio. You keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but ever since that apology, Dio’s been acting strangely friendly, as if he had suddenly decided that he wanted a brother after all.
It’s not a bad life at all, especially not compared to how you thought it would be after the mask. But there was always a lingering uncertainty, a whisper that kept you back, growing weaker with the passing years, but never silent.
You are Jonathan Joestar, and this is your question:
What would hurt more, Dio having been lying… or telling the truth?
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podkins · 7 years
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Looking for a free knitting pattern that’s straightforward and easy to follow? Search no futher!
Azzu's Shawl
by Emma Fassio via Ravelry.   This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download. 
Emma says:
Thank you to kuaikuai for preparing a helpful worksheet for the pattern:)
Thank you to milimani for the German translation:)
Thank you to windnight for her Russian translation:)
This is a top-down shawl, worked from the top center back outward. It is lovely both worn as a scarf and as a shawl on the shoulders. Happy knitting:)
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