#wine vodka whiskey honey mead its all straight from the bottle til we feel like stopping
lunarflare64 ยท 6 months
After one straight week of drinking daily, we managed to go a whole week without touching a drink! Woo! The first three days were tough, but yesterday we were ready to allow ourselves to drink again and we didn't feel like it, which is a very good sign! Time to celebrate! *chugs honey mead*
As of 1 hour and 53 minutes ago its officially the weekend, we're only gonna allow drinking on the weekend from now until the end of April, if not the 14th/15th, considering we're getting crazy shitfaced. Birthday privileges come with birthday regrets, and if we regret enough (like last time we got incredibly hammered - never doing 12 hours of drinking again tho) then it'll be easy to kick off sobriety until October/November like we planned. No birthday celebrations to ruin a streak and we'll be fresh faced to get crazy drunk off smaller amounts (saves money)
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