#winnie superhova
luxmagnafest · 5 years
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⛰ L U X • M A G N A • 2 0 2 0 🏔 ARTISTES PROGRAMMÉS & ANIMATEURS DES ATELIERS // PERFORMING ARTISTS & WORKSHOP FACILITATORS: Kama La Mackerel • Winnie SuperHova • Phoenix Inana LaBeija • Dame (Boston) • Mags • JUICE • Messkina: Une Art Ho • AkaNtu • Blemish • Girl Circles • BlazenBlack • Joseph Moore • Nafleri • Simone Heath • Tyrin Kelly • Hasina Kamanzi • Aurélie Brunelle • Kathy Kennedy • Dexter X #JoyeusesFêtes de la part de l'équipe Lux | #HappyHolidays from the Lux team! Poster: @PopoloPress & @Mags119 www.luxmagna.ca • (at Montreal, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6IoKQgAPNy/?igshid=1wm14thhw5g4g
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coralshort · 6 years
I moved home to my heart city of Montreal! So much has happened! I am setting up a winter studio in a cozy and comfortable place with my now husband Ryan Backer. And I am so grateful to have free health care again!
I was in a show just as we just arrived, curated by fascinating Franco millennials. I went to the finissage at le Cheval Blanc and got to meet Sophie Latouche and my wonderful curators Eli Larin and Alexandra Tremblay. It was the first show I was ever in that was named by emojis only – no text!
🍆😂🤳 [Emoji d’aubergine/Emoji de visage riant aux larmes/Emoji de bras tenant un cellulaire]
After this show I was in Festival Phenomena for my second time curated by D. Kimm on the Rialto main stage!
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We created the first Montreal edition of FAKE ORGASM CHOIR. Betty Pomerleau, Ryan Backer and I created two new songs in addition to the song the Berlin choir created.
The iteration of the choir starred Ryan Backer, Eva Crocker, Ruby Kato Attwood,Christeen Francis, Sunny Doyle, Susie, Seagrid Patterson, Ash, Kelly Rea and the amazing Betty Pomerleau. Thanks to Shayo Detchema for documenting!
Earlier in January my partner Ryan, my best friends Winnie Superhova and Natasha Hargovan, and my gay husband Troy Davis created another successful Queer Healing Event. The next one will be at an accessible venue in November– we hope! More info on the event here. Please contact any of us if you would like to be involved in the next one. I feel this event is deeply linked to my social art practice in many ways.
I managed to pull off two massive curations on the weekend of August 17 and 18th. One was a video curation, and the other was a performance curation.
Description: Coral Short deconstructs privilege within the genre of film. Videomakers decipher the notion of luck as privilege within our white cis supremacist society. This is unpacked through landscapes, ideas of heteronormative “beauty”, as well as signs and signifiers for luxury. Anti- authoritative aesthetic strategies are implemented to question the often unquestioned status quo. In this brand new program full of world premieres, playful political performance art unravels ideas, and film artists infuse old medias with intention to speak in new visual languages. From covering colonial statues with piss, to performance princesses, a wide range of different focuses emerge and visually unfold.
  Thank you COVEN for such a packed and smooth event. And to artists Imogen Heath and Tami T for coming out!  Other filmmakers on this bill included Claire Arctander, Divide and Dissolve, Sab D’Souza, Daniel Embree, Shon Faye, Gwendolyn Audrey Foster, BB Gunn, Winston Hacking, Virginia FiveNames Joseph, and Yasmeen Nematt Alla.
  The performance curation was a successful fundraiser for a 3 day event around the senses called Sensorium organized by Calu Lema, Caritia Abell and myself. Huge gratitude to all the amazing performers. Big thank you to Adi Brief and Alex Tsoli for producing this fundraiser event with me and also to everyone who came out! Included was a screening room dedicated to a magnificent retrospective of Eva Wo‘s life work.
Around this same time Angela Gabereau and I were in a show in Montreal with Future Visions yet again!
ELO 2018 PERFORMANCES Eastern BlocExhibition Uchronia|What if? 6 PM – 10:30 PM For ELO 2018, curator Lisa Tronca presents a selection of Uchronia | What if? artists, some exhibiting their work for the first time in Montreal. By proposing different modes of reception of hypermedia works, this exhibition questions the gaps and connections between physical and virtual worlds.
Salvador Barajas // Pippin Barr // Stéphane Degoutin & Gwenola Wagon // João Enxuto & Erica Love // Angela Gabereau, Coral Short & Visionaries // Skawennati
Right now travelling in the bay area with Ponderosa people from Berlin. I gave a workshop on my new project Choir of Emotions and performed with the Fresh Festival. I am staying in San Francisco right now with an old friend/cultural connector who I have the most inspiring conversations with called Ernesto Sopprani.
Before I left to San Francisco, I was on the french radio being interviewed by the legendary Michelle Lacombe! I did my first ever interview in french. Click here to hear the interview. I am looking forward to being on another french podcast soon to talk about Queer Healing Day.
Back to Germany in the Spring…. I am the international cultural connector of Betonest in April! Please feel free to write to me to see if we can offer you a residency there just outside Berlin. You are very welcome to come for a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or the whole month! I am running a multi media residency with Caitlin Fisher called THAW April 23-May 3, but you are welcome in April. Please tell your maker friends who need time and space to work. I also hope to create a ritual residency there for October.
WWKA (Women With Kitchen Appliances) is reforming for VIVA. It will be our 20th year anniversary and we will be performing with 10 old and 10 new members in late September!! I founded this project in 1997(ish).
      My french seems to be flowing more easily this time around which I am grateful for. I adore my francophone feminist queer community around me . I am grateful to be home and surrounded by my old and new communities in Montreal, New York and the Bay!
    Coming home I moved home to my heart city of Montreal! So much has happened! I am setting up a winter studio in a cozy and comfortable place with my now husband Ryan Backer.
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luxmagnafest · 5 years
☼ EAT, PLAY, motherland Love ☼
Jan. 23, 2020 @ La Sala Rossa Photos: kimura byol @kimurabyol
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luxmagnafest · 5 years
Un jeudi à Lux: culture et variété au menu #J10 🥙💃 Thursday night at Lux: Culture and variety are on the menu #10DaysTilLM3 💐📜
Le jeudi c’est le jour traître où tu es presque rendu au weekend, tu as bien envie de sortir mais il faut pas oublier d’aller travailler le lendemain… C’est parfait! Nous vous avons concocté un jeudi pour sortir sans se préoccuper si tu entendras ton réveil du lendemain matin.
Thursday is that tricky day of the week, when you’re so close to the weekend, but you still have to be up for work the next day… We’ve got the solution: our agenda for Thursday night comprises a wide range of events that won’t have you worrying about missing your alarm the next morning!
► Jan. 23, 2020
Pour bien commencer la soirée, viens te détendre en sortant du travail à notre lecture de poésie Qœur-à-Qœur, animée par Kama La Mackerel, qui nous présente le cœur hybride et poétique du Québec contemporain avec 8 artistes. [Gratuit]
To kick things off, ease your mind as you leave work and come listen to the poetic stylings of 8 francophone poets from across the province at our poetry night Qœur-à-Qœur, hosted by Kama La Mackerel. [Free]
Si tu préfères observer que d'écouter, nous te proposons EAT, PLAY motherland LOVE, une performance artistique très atypique entre la danse, la musique et la cuisine. [Billets]
In the mood for a more visual spectacle? EAT, PLAY motherland LOVE is a performance piece at the intersection of movement, music and food. [Tickets]
L’heure de manger est arrivée, et nous vous avons prévu une performance de flamenco devant de délicieux tapas sans que vous ayez besoin de sortir du bâtiment, et donc d’affronter le froid! [Gratuit]
How’s about dinner and a show? Join us for a plate of Spanish food and enjoy a flamenco show from the comfort of El Centro, away from the harsh winter cold! [Free]
Ensuite nous vous proposons 2 show très spéciaux.
Premièrement, une soirée de jazz spécialement composée et arrangée par nouveau label Florafone Records pour Lux Magna. Parfait si vous voulez vous remplir les tympans de non pas un ou deux nouvelles musiques, mais bien le dévoilement en avant première de toute une soirée musicale! [Billets]
First up, an experimental jazz night comprised of and curated by new local label Florafone Records for our festival. A perfect sampler platter of new music to whet your appetite before what’s to come! [Tickets]
Si cela ne vous convient toujours pas, vous pouvez aller voir Big | Brave a la Sala Rossa qui n’a pas fait de show à Montréal depuis un long moment! Son dernier album a reçu une très belle critique. Si vous ne l’avez pas encore fait, aller l'écouter, cela vous donnera envie de venir vivre la musique avec nous. [Billets]
If you’re still looking for some more excitement, don’t forget: Big | Brave, after a successful tour and being away from the city for a long while, will be headlining at Sala Rossa! Their last album was critically acclaimed, you can visit their artist profile, listen to it on your platform of choice, and get excited for the show! [Tickets]
10 JOURS AVANT LM3 | 10 DAYS TIL LUX ➡ Billets / tickets ⬅
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luxmagnafest · 5 years
EAT, PLAY, motherland LOVE
Lux Magna présente/presents:
☼ EAT, PLAY, motherland LOVE ☼
Créé et incarné par Winnie SuperHova, Phoenix Inana Labeija & Hanako Hoshimi-Caines 19h - 21h à la Sala Rossa [Billets]
EAT, PLAY, motherland LOVE s'agit de renouer avec nos racines par le plaisir de travailler avec des aliments/recettes (c'est-à-dire la cuisine de nos mères) issus de nos cultures et de notre patrimoine respectifs. Nous interagirons avec les ingrédients et les aliments de la tradition chinoise et égyptienne en recueillant des échanges oraux de connaissances avec nos familles et en travaillant à travers nos différents degrés de diaspora, de liens et de confusions avec nos ancêtres respectifs.
www.luxmagna.ca Twitter / Instagram: @luxmagnafest La Sala Rossa se situe au 2ème étage (il y a 38 marches au total). Les toilettes sont de genre neutre et ne sont pas accessibles aux fauteuils roulants. Nous disposons d'un Système d'Aide à l'Audition disponible sur les ondes FM 101.1. Toute personne désirant une assistance pour accéder à notre salle peut nous contacter. C'est avec plaisir que nous tenterons de répondre au mieux à ses besoins.
☼ EAT, PLAY, motherland LOVE ☼
Created and embodied by Winnie SuperHova, Phoenix Inana Labeija & Hanako Hoshimi-Caines
7 PM - 9 PM at La Sala Rossa [Tickets]
EAT, PLAY, motherland LOVE is about reconnecting to our roots through the pleasure of working with foods/recipes (i.e. our mothers’ cooking) from our respective cultures and heritage. We will be interacting/connecting with the ingredients/foods of the Chinese and Egyptian tradition through gathering of oral knowledge exchanges with our families and as well as by working through our own various degrees of diaspora, connections and confusions to our respective ancestries.
www.luxmagna.ca Twitter / Instagram: @luxmagnafest The Sala Rossa is located on the second floor (there are 38 steps total). There are gender neutral washrooms which are not wheelchair accessible. We have a Hearing Assistance System on the FM dial at 101.1 FM. Anyone needing assistance accessing our space can contact us as we are more than happy to try and accommodate people to the best of our ability.
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coralshort · 4 years
Last January I did a workshop a performance at Fresh Festival in San Francisco as a part of Ponderosa On the Road curated by Adi Brief. Thank you to all my brave workshop participants and performers who did the somatic release of Choir of Emotions. We unfortunately don’t have a lot of documentation of this but here is some documentation I found on line of the project which I also did in Athens Greece at the wonderful festival Sound Acts. I’m so glad they documented this project so well!
I took over Betonest for the last incarnation of my artist residency program there. Caitlin Fisher was my steady collaborator and many waves of artists came throughout the month including our largest residency called THAW. I hope to create residences in Germany again COVID healing allowing, but next time I will be doing them at a smaller space called Quecke. This location is located near a forest and a beautiful Creek. I have collaborated with these hard working queer feminists before and their space is gorgeous.
Here are some photos of this residency time period April 2019. I don’t think I have worked so hard in my entire life, but giving time and space to the artists was worth it. To carve that space and time for conversation, collaboration and pure creation is so valuable.  I just wish there was more resources given to what I do. My gardening actually funds these residencies! Canada Council for the Arts has told me that there is no funding for running residencies. If you have any ideas around this let me know. It’s been four years now of running successful incredible international artist residencies with no funding.
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Also my dear friend E Hearte helped me apply to be a Media Artist, A Visual Artist and a Curator on the new Canada Council for the Arts portal. The curator bit was the most exciting for me to be acknowledged by Canada Council as a curator after over ten years of radical curations at all sorts of venues all over North America and Europe. Most queer artists have heard of me or I have curated them, so it was nice to finally get some professional recognition. Now I just need to get a grant! In all these years of art making Canada Council has yet to offer me one, so if you are a proofreader let me know.
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A beloved curator to many of us Mary Macdonald from Eastern Edge created these pins ART = WORK which I wore for many years until it eventually fell off. But now her foundation has now created these toques! Buy one here and support artists in Newfoundland and Labrador. She was a shining human full of support and love to all who knew her. I am sad she has left this world.
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Last April I was in this curation by my longtime friend Kimura Byol.
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This is the work that was screened. I filmed it in my kitchen holding a black sheet and my sweet ex boyfriend Logan Curley is the model.
While I was in silent retreat my partner and my distributor gave permission for my film Arrangement to be screened in Korea a country that I lived in and love dearly.
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FLORAL SLEEP grows and grows!
 2 radio shows, 2 WORKSHOPS and 2 SHOWS last year!
Last July Ryan Backer and I performed our project Floral Sleep at my work’s 10 year Anniversary party in July. And then we performed in October for True North Insight’s Birthday party for our founders Daryl Lynn Ross and Pascal Auclair. And then I gave a workshop for adults with Winnie Superhova and one for kids with Lari Jalbert. Thank you Studio XX for paying us well and giving us an ample budget for supplies. Goddess bless that feminist organization! And a huge thank you to my dear friend Lucas Crawford for writing about my work.  Thanks also to xx files for interviewing us about the work which you can listen to here.
WELLNESS is the Watchword
“This word appears everywhere as the reason for us to slow down, most often attached to a product that promises to save you hours of time via speed. Paradoxically, if today’s wellness discourse were a slogan, it might be: hurry up and slow down!
Coral Short’s new project engages ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), in which exposure to everyday stimuli (usually noises, eg. nails tapping; eating sounds; whispering) induces tingling sensations and euphoria. ASMR seems built for speed, given its extreme popularity on Youtube. But where high-tech folks seek the latest watch to capture their running speed, Short’s technology of wellness here is like good BBQ cookery: “low and slow.” They move plant boughs around a circle of laying participants, stimulating them gently with plant sounds.
Corporations market WELLNESS as a series of inward-looking products. But Short’s work redefines wellness as the connective, outward-looking potential of queer pleasure. The tingling of Short’s plant-based ASMR isn’t about a romanticized notion of stopping to smell the roses – even if it is about listening to the breeze of leaves. The tingling is literal; ASMR is often described as arousing, and Short describes this project as “eco- sexual.”
We buy cutting-edge quick-fixes. Short’s project is slower and more direct: it provokes bodies to feel better on the smallest scale. This is wellness redefined as feeling good, undertaken at the level of the goose bump.
Coral Short has long thought about wellness in exciting ways. Where foodie blogs luxuriate in the slow self-care of “stress baking,” Short tuned up queer rhythms via an experimental band, Women With Kitchen Appliances. WWKA didn’t take up the ‘time- saving’ kitchen tools of gendered domestic labour as escape, but instead as slow public experiment.
Where fitness media often dangle a fat-phobic wellness carrot – the self-pride that supposedly follows when we can wear the new (smaller) shirt or new (sexier) boots – Short has again flipped the game in advance. They have sculpted and wore “Butter Boots,” aptly named. Similarly, at a Vancouver arts show, Short and their team of servers moved through the crowd, offering the show-goers fudge: “How would you like your fudge packed?”
Whether laughing or crying – witness “Crying Machine,” in which attendees sit next to Short while they chop onions – connection and wellness happen queerly in Short’s work.”
Lucas Crawford
Coral Short (Montreal) makes art with landscape, performance, film, costume, and bodies.
Lucas Crawford (Fredericton) is a trans/fat/queer academic and poet.
Here are some photos of Floral Sleep.
During the pandemic my much anticipated spring residency BELTANE at Ponderosa has been canceled much to the dismay of myself and the 20 artists who had bought plane tickets to come. Looks like we may have to skip a fall residency with COVID and return hopefully in a year for our next residency.
During the pandemic Winnie and I created an online performance experimentation curation from the visual arts and dance communities we are a part of internationally. There was no audience just creators creating for each other – trying to process what is happening in visual and movement based practices.
You Do You
Zoom Screencap by Kimura Byol
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Alexis O’Hara (Montréal) Cait Fisher (Berlin) Cindy Baker (Lethbridge) Coral Short (Montréal) Eddy Levin (Berlin) Eshan Rafi (Toronto) Eva Wǒ (Philadelphia) Holly Oakley (Chicago) J’ean Park (Berlin) Joachim Magdalena & Gambletron (L.A.) Kimura Byol (Montréal) Lailye Weidman (Turner Falls, MA) Londs Reuter (NYC) Magdalena Hutter (Berlin) Rebecca Ladida (Eastern Townships, Québec) Sarra Bouars & Kristianne Salcines (Berlin) Winnie SuperHova (Montréal) Andrew Tay (Montréal) Lara Oundjian (Montréal) Sasha Kleinplatz (Montréal) Justin de Luna (Montréal) Nien Tzu Weng (Montréal) Lenore Claire (Montréal) Zi Ro Buch (London) Thea Patterson & Jeremy Gordaneer-Paintings/Sculptures (Edmonton) Anouk Thériault (Montréal) Aisha Sasha John (Toronto) Kinga Mi (Montréal) Pam Tzeng (Calgary) Maxine Segalowitz (Montréa) Moe Clark (Montréal) Ralph Escamillan (Vancouver) Nate Yaffe (Montréal) Benoît Lachambre (Montrèal) Victoria Hunt (Australia) River Halen Guri (Montrèal)
              A year in the life Last January I did a workshop a performance at Fresh Festival in San Francisco as a part of…
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luxmagnafest · 5 years
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LA SALA ROSSA, JAN 23 2020: "EAT, PLAY, motherland LOVE": Winnie SuperHova • Phoenix Inana LaBeija • Hanako Hoshimi-Caines $10 / $12 • (at La Sala Rossa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7JEf5ZACVv/?igshid=1r3fgz7yip0wv
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luxmagnafest · 7 years
2ème Teaser + nouveaux détails sur les artistes et événements! 2nd teaser trailer + new details on lineup and events!
Terminons l'année en beauté… deuxième annonce des artistes qui participeront au festival Lux Magna! Let's leave 2017 on a high note… second wave of artists added to the Lux Magna lineup!
aloof hipster • Andrew Tay • Brontë Poiré-Prest • Caroline Gravel • Chârogne • Emma Oudé • GAJU • Jubeleena Bing-Bing • Karen Chung • Karla Etienne • Kim-Sanh Châu • Koliane Rochon Prom Tep • Lonely Boa • Sérénade Obsolète (Xarah Dion) • Sophie Corriveau • Sovann Rochon-Prom Tep • The Van Hornies • Winnie SuperHova
Et plus de détails sur les événements dévoilés / more details on the events revealed: ► Friday, January 26th
○ ☼ Battle of the Brass Bands + Contemporary Dance ☼ @ La Sala Rossa
○ ☼ La Fièvre • Mich Cota • Annie Sama (APigeon) • Lonely Boa ☼ @ La Vitrola
○ ☼ DJ Set at Casa Bar: Sérénade Obsolète (Xarah Dion) ☼ @ Casa del Popolo (bar)
► Sunday, January 27th
○ ☼ Family Style: Edition #1 Free/Gratuit ☼ @ La Sala Rossa (15h30)
○ ☼ DJ Sets at Casa Bar: GAJU • aloof hipster ☼ @ Casa del Popolo (bar)
 [Achats de billets et plus d'info / For tickets and more info]
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luxmagnafest · 7 years
Battle of the Brass Bands + Contemporary Dance
Lux Magna présente/presents:
Battle of The Brass Bands Le dance party acoustique le plus bruyant -- the loudest acoustic dance party
T.Dot BANGERZ Brass (Toronto) https://www.instagram.com/tdotbb/
Fondé en 2017, le Bangerz Brass est le seul groupe de cuivres Hip-Hop et Trap de Toronto. Rassemblant 4 des jeunes MC les plus en vue de Toronto et une section de cuivres à force d'ouragan, les Bangerz apportent la chaleur du vrai hip-hop dans l'esprit de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Le festival Lux Magna marque leurs débuts montréalais. Vous n'avez jamais rien vu de tel! Founded in 2017, the Bangerz Brass are Toronto's only Hip-Hop and Trap brass band. Bringing together 4 of Toronto's hottest young MCs and a hurricane-force brass section, the Bangerz bring the heat of real hip-hop with the spirit of New Orleans. The Lux Magna fest marks their Montreal debut. You've never seen anything like this before!
Urban Science Brass Band (Montréal) http://urbsci.tumblr.com/
Avec des MCs aux mégaphones, des cuivres brûlants et des batteurs qui ramène les grooves de hip‐hop au rue, le Urban Science Brass Band, natif de Montréal, est le seul groupe de cuivres au monde qui ne performe qu’exclusivement avec les plus grands succès du Hip Hop et du Soul. Formé en 2016. Le groupe est connu à travers la ville pour leurs apparences impromptues dans les rues de Montréal, créant un pont intergénérationnel à travers leur animation de rue vif et interactif. With MCs on megaphones, fearlessly blowing horn players, and marching band drummers bringing hip‐hop grooves back to the street, Montréal‐based Urban Science Brass Band is the world’s only brass band specializing exclusively in classic Hip Hop and Soul. Since its inception in 2016, the band has been known for their impromptu appearances in the streets of Montréal, creating a common ground for crowds that grew up in different generations through their lively and interactive street animation.
The Van Hornies (Montréal) http://vanhornies.ca/
Fanfare accouchée dehors ! The horniest Brass Band in Montréal!
Et invités / and guests
Danseurs contemporains / Contemporary dancers:
Sophie Corriveau • Jubeleena Bing-Bing • Kim-Sanh Châu • Koliane Rochon Prom Tep • Caroline Gravel • Winnie SuperHova • Brontë Poiré-Prest • Karla Etienne • Andrew Tay • Sovann Rochon-Prom Tep
Portes: 20h / Musique: 20h30
$12 [Billets/Tickets] / $15 [Portes/Doors]
Twitter / Instagram: @luxmagnafest
La Sala Rossa se situe au 2ème étage (il y a 38 marches au total). Les toilettes sont de genre neutre et ne sont pas accessibles aux fauteuils roulants. Nous disposons d'un Système d'Aide à l'Audition disponible sur les ondes FM 101.1. Toute personne désirant une assistance pour accéder à notre salle peut nous contacter. C'est avec plaisir que nous tenterons de répondre au mieux à ses besoins.
The Sala Rossa is located on the second floor (there are 38 steps total). There are gender neutral washrooms which are not wheelchair accessible. We have a Hearing Assistance System on the FM dial at 101.1 FM. Anyone needing assistance accessing our space can contact us as we are more than happy to try and accommodate people to the best of our ability.
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