#winning attitudedeterminesaltitude mindset gogetit focusontheendgame
5 Steps To Win The Mind Game
1.Why. You have to know your why and your why, can't be lame. The guy who starts a business because he “needs” to make half a million a year is a guy who opens the doors to close soon thereafter. The best “whys” are often found in relationships. A business started because you love people and being free to give back is a great why. The person who loses joins a gym and started eating healthier because he wants to be around for grandchildren and wants to be able to do stuff with them, he has a great why. It is the why that will have you work 18 hour days to see your customer's needs and wants are met. It is the why that will have you able to say no thanks to the junk food because the goal is real and it’s personal. Take your time and make sure you have a why that will stand the test of time.
2. In/Out. The what goes in must come out principle. Be very mindful of what information you take in. What convos you are apart of and what entertainment you absorb. With that in mind be very intentional about planning out your mind vitamins. If all your mind is being fed is success....you are more apt to be successful. And that success bleeds into everything as the mind controls it all. "I think, therefore I am" is not just a cool saying but a proven tool.
3. Gratitude. Gratitude has been so underutilized of late that those that practice it now seem fresh and innovative. Every single person longs to be appreciated so when you bring that longing to fruition they want to be around you more. Whether you have a message to get out or a product to sell, gratitude is the magnet that will have them wanting to be apart of anything and everything that you do. We must also understand that gratitude isn't just about those around us but it is about YOU. Who you are and how you got here. Like it or not the hardships that you have faced in life have had a lot more to do with making you who you are than we are often comfortable admitting. Be thankful for it. The longer the road trip, the more special the arrival. The harder the fight, the more special the victory and the harder the climb, the greater the summit. Be grateful for it all.
4. Mentorship. Select a mentor. One or more, but at least one. I think it is wise to select a mentor for each and every aspect of our lives. There is a lot to be said for mentors and few focus on their importance and "gains" that you can get out of it. If you are a parent, get a parenting mentor. Someone you look up to as a parent and how they have handled various parenting situations. Select a financial mentor. Someone who has managed to break the credit cycle and live within their means. Someone who can actually save money. Select a mentor for fitness. Someone who wasn't just born with a great physique and has the ability to eat whatever they want but someone who takes health and wellness seriously and involves it in every part of their life. Whatever parts of your life that are of great importance to you, select someone to mentor you in it and keep you focused and accountable. Don't be afraid to give back by offering to mentor someone in a part of their life that they are struggling with that you might have seen some success in.
5. Resolve. This kind of goes back to the "why" because if your why isn't strong enough you will find reasons to quit without even looking for one. I believe that it is the intestinal fortitude showcased in people like Steve Job's, that leaves us in such awe and feeling so inspired but I am leery of those inspirational stories. I have seen so many and yes even in my own life, I have been motivated and pumped up to make a needed change and it fizzles out just as quickly as it originates. So if you are looking for something lasting and something that will not fade, make a decision to do it regardless of your feelings. Feelings are often liars and can't be trusted, so fall back on your stubborn will to not give up no matter what. One step at a time, push, press, scratch and claw your way to the goal. Then write a book about how you did it.
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