#wip captains log chapter 11
rexxdjarin · 2 years
Captain's Log: Chapter 11
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Series Summary: The galaxy is in turmoil. The Republic has fallen, giving rise to the sinister reign of the totalitarian Empire, led by the insidious Emperor Palpatine. The millions of valiant clone troopers of the former Grand Army of the Republic are now blindly sworn, against their will, to protect a regime they once sought to destroy. After being saved from a terrible fate by his former-Jedi ally and close friend, Ahsoka Tano, seasoned veteran CT-7567 Clone Captain Rex remains loyal to the pillars of Democracy, freedom and truth that shaped the former Galactic Republic. We follow him now struggling to deal with the personal aftereffects of survival and finding his place in the galaxy alongside the only person he has left. You. The love of his life.
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Pairing: Captain Rex x Fem!Reader (she/her pronouns used) Word Count: 9.1k Series Rating: Explicit (18+ only, Minors DO NOT INTERACT) Chapter Summary: A little rest and recoup is all they've ever asked for. But when the time to act calls upon us, the best of us choose to answer. What would you choose? Chapter Warnings: P in V sex! (return of the hoes [affectionate]), slight brat taming if you squint, Fingering, Cunnilingus, Pregnancy Mentions, Mature Themes, Language, Political References, References to Canon Plot, References to Canon Deaths
An expectant whisper filters into the echoes of a dream I’m slowly leaving, the imagined landscape disappearing into a fade-out of blackness.
I exhaled slowly, my eyes lifting groggily in their exhaustion to the sight of the soft gray light of dawn filtering into our room. We must’ve landed. I don’t remember this room even having windows.
“Mesh’la, you awake?” He whispered urgently, his voice soft and thick with sleep. I hummed grumpily, fighting to keep my eyes open.
“Am now.” I grumbled, craning my neck to search for another comfortable spot I could dig into to slip back into sleep. He laughed quietly, my grouchy quip apparently endearing to him. I turned my face to glance at him. I could just make out the golden flecks in his brown eyes, staring at me. He had inched as close to me as his broad shoulders could bring him.
“Can’t sleep.” He grinned sheepishly, the tiredness prevalent on his handsome face. The kind he hadn’t felt since his very last real mission with his men.
“So you had to wake me up to join you?” I teased, pulling our blankets up to my face and hiding myself from him behind it.
“I think I just needed to hear your voice. Talk to me. Tell me anything.” He asked, his voice quieting with such a soft request, finding the courage within him to ask for help. He was working on that. He rolled over, resting his head right next to mine and nuzzling into my neck. “My mesh’la.”
I slowly rolled over to face him, curling an arm around his back and dragging my nails along the buzzed hair at the nape of his neck. “Rex. My sun, moon and stars...” I started, muttering the words of comfort into his ear. “You’re so loved. Admired. You’re my safety. Our little family will be together soon. And we can hold our ad’ika between us every night.”
“Gonna be hard to get me to sleep with a reality like that, my love.” He whispered, a soft hum of satisfaction filling the room. His arms curled around my waist, enveloping my whole body in a shroud of tan skin and taut muscles. He’d taken his armor off and left it in the corner of the room beside the helmets of our other two companions. They’d probably long since left the room to tend to the ship, check on our position and give us all some time to ourselves.
It would be our reality soon. Whether we were prepared for it or not. Maybe we should’ve been more cautious or spent less time all over each other. But with the way the galaxy was going, who could blame us for indulging in the one thing no one could ever take from us?
I did want this more than anything. For Rex and I both. A new life. We could take Gregor and Wolffe and hide out somewhere in the Outer Rim. Quiet and safe. Raise our little one between the four of us. There were no better role models than the three men I’d found myself living beside. There were no better men than the clones to fulfill a Father’s role. And certainly no better man than Rex to actually be my child’s Father.
It was wildly unplanned and it was going to be stressful. But for the first time in months, we were happy. Truly happy in a way the Empire couldn’t violate or destroy. The little one within me was our hope growing stronger everyday.
“How are you feeling…about everything?” I asked, resting my lips on his forehead and running my fingertips further down the faded scars on his neck from all those rotations ago. “Are you worried?”
He pulled his face back to look up at me, bright eyes under thick dark lashes. “No, not worried, mesh’la, never worried. Surprised, yes. But not worried. We’ll adapt and figure out what we need. You know I’m good at that.”
“I’m glad one of us is calm.” I sighed, my breathing shaky and uneven. “I’m...nervous.” I admitted, “it’s going to be different. I’m going to look different.”
“Yeah, so? You’re going to become even more fierce and feisty to protect the little one. You have no idea how sexy you are to me when you’re like that…” He chuckled deep down in his chest, “…your little scowl. Girls at 79s were so scared of you. Some of the boys too. Course that was because if they got within 3 feet of you I’d put them on garbage duty.”
I hugged him closer, “I didn’t need you to protect me then. Not like I do now.” I thought back to that cell. Cold. Not just physically, but emotionally too. Like there was no way anything could ever be happy again. It closed in around me the longer I sat there, wondering what was going to happen to me. “I’ve never had to be afraid like this before.”
Rex sighed and leaned forward to rest his forehead on mine. “None of us have.” His fingers curled in the hair behind my ears as he kissed me softly. “Things will be different. But we’ve got each other. We’ve got Gregor and Wolffe. Maybe soon we’ll have Cody. I hope. We’re in good hands. The baby will be too.” He tried his best to reassure me, but we both knew what was at stake. We couldn’t keep going at this alone. We needed help.
“Do you know where we are?” I asked, trying to change the subject and push my apprehension aside. I squinted in an attempt to make out anything in the landscape of the planet we landed on.
“Carida. In the mountains. Should be good for a little while. Nothing’s really out here. We can regroup. Wolffe took us down a few hours ago.” Rex glanced over his shoulder at the sun slowly peeking through the window just over a mountain peak. “We didn’t want to wake you.”
“Is everyone else feeling okay? It looked like Wolffe took a beating.” I whispered, pulling myself closer to Rex’s chest and burying my face in it. “I’m not just worried about myself. I…I worry about all of you.”
“He’s okay. He’s been worse. Think it’s more emotional damage than anything. Both of them are sort of traumatized. Not being able to save Fox. Wolffe is taking it pretty hard. We need to give him some time to breathe.” He sighed, stroking my hair between his fingers and inhaling the scent of me to keep himself grounded. “How much longer can we keep doing this, mesh’la? Seems like the deeper we get into the truth the more I question the point of all of this.”
I could see what he meant. The war took its toll on everyone. Most especially the clones. After all they’d fought for, everything they endured, it was starting to feel more and more like we were entranced in a battle we’d never win. After what we’d seen the last day and a half, I’m not sure there even is such a thing as winning in war. Both victory and defeat brought us catastrophic loss, with survival hardly being a considerable enough prize under the circumstances. 
Rex, Wolffe and Gregor were three such men who barely even recognized the meaning of failure much less the physical act of doing so. But one look on Wolffe’s face as we sat on the bunk room floor last night said it all. Resolve was fracturing and those who hadn’t died already were realizing that surviving in the galaxy that was being rebuilt was a fate worse than death. It was no wonder they were questioning the point.
“If we don’t keep trying to save your brothers, who else will?” I asked solemnly, placing a soft kiss on the scar on his chest. Slowly I sat up, remembering the intel I stole from the command station. “We still have the holodisc. If the right people see this…maybe we bring this to Bail. We have the proof now. Of the chips, of the order..that the Empire is planning something horrible. He could find a way to help us.”
He sat up too, leaning on the wall of our bunk and cradling me in his arms. His chin rested on my shoulder and his arms looped protectively across my belly. “You remind me of her sometimes.” He muttered.
“Yeah.” His nose nuzzled into the skin under my jaw, eyes closed as he searched inside himself for the same fighting spirit he once knew on instinct. “She always found hope when there wasn’t any. You have that gift too.”
I hummed my agreement, chills going up my spine at such a compliment. I tried my best to reel myself in and be gracious about their pain like she would have. They needed time. Even if I didn’t. Even when I couldn’t wait. “I suppose…we can’t risk contacting Bail so soon after what we stole. It could implicate him.” My shoulders sagged, my hands fumbling for Rex’s, still resting on my belly. “Even with all that we know, I still feel so helpless. I don’t like waiting around.”
“That’s where having three expert strategists comes in.” He laughed softly, “we might be tired. We might be questioning everything, but we can’t stop fighting. Mesh’la, I don’t think we know any other way.”
I turned my face to rest my forehead on his, warmth beginning to flare in my lower belly again. “Well I know that’s not true. You’ve got lots of other talents, baby.” I smirked, caressing his cheek with my thumb.
“Hmm you’re right about that.” He leaned forward, capturing my lips between his and nibbling on my bottom one softly. “Pretty good kisser I think.” He said smugly, his hands on my belly beginning to walk up and down my sides underneath my top.
“Just good at kissing though. Don’t think you have any other skills.” I teased, kissing him again and slowly moving to allow him to lift my shirt off me.
“Now you’re just baiting me…” he accused, his traveling hands now cupping one of my tits in his grasp. “Want to show you all the other things I’m good at, little brat?”
I sighed softly at the contact, his hands kneading at the plush of both breasts now. “Prove it.” I retorted, raising an eyebrow at him and trying to further tempt him.
He laughed maniacally, moving my hair aside to kiss up and down my neck. “Hmph- you’re in for it now.” His roaming hands smoothed down my belly again, trailing one even lower until he brushed over my center with the heel of his palm. “Spread these legs for me. I’ll show you what else I’m good at kissing.” He whispered, his voice husky now with arousal.
“Oh…okay, my love. Show me.” I gulped, the rasped words setting butterflies alight in my core. A rush of overwhelming desire and heat flowed through me. Probably the hormones kicking in by now. I did as he asked and parted my thighs, allowing him to help me wriggle out of my bottoms. My bare cunt perfectly exposed and ready for his taking.
“Good girl.” He cooed, his palms lightly gripping my thighs as he let the cool air of the room rush past the wetness now coating my exposed lips. “Soaked already. All for me?”
I nodded affirmatively, our eyes meeting as he looked back up at me to get my confirmation. “Always for you, Captain. Can’t help what that handsome face does to me.”
He cocked an eyebrow and winked, “hmmm I better watch myself then. There’s quite a few handsome faces like mine.” He joked, sliding his palms further up my thighs toward my center.
“Uh-uh.” I shook my head, “there’s no one like you, Rex. Promise.” I smiled, “you just want to find more ways to tease me.” One of his hands pulled back up to tweak a nipple between his fingers.
“Oh yeah? You seem to be enjoying it.” He muttered darkly in my ear, “let’s see how much, pretty girl.” His raspy voice at a deep rumble in my ear, the vibrations in his chest spread across my back deliciously. As he palmed my breast, gripping and kneading it, his hand slid over the crease of my thigh, cupping over my mound.
I hissed at the contact, his fingers trapping my heat and becoming coated with my arousal. Two of his thick fingers divided, tracing down either side of my opening obscenely. “Oh Rex…” I drew in gasp and exhaled a lilted squeal. He hummed his delighted approval in my ear, kissing the spot right below it as his two fingers circled around my leaking hole.
“Yeah? You like that?” He asked softly, his thumb joining his soft petting as it slid through the wet silk of my center to rub my clit. I closed my eyes and let the torturous tingle begin to radiate outwards from my center. “Little more then.” He muttered, his middle finger gently pressing into my fluttering entrance, my hips immediately bucking forward to pull him in deeper.
“More. Lot more. Please…Rex. Fuck that feels…so good.” I whispered, my soft moans cutting the silence on the ship. His fingers curled, pressing that spongy patch inside and beckoning with a few slow flicks of his fingers. The squelching sound of my arousal echoing around the bunk was positively depraved.
“So hot, mesh’la. You’re doing so well for me. Getting you so wet, fucking you open so you’re ready for my cock.” The filth poured out of him, his fingers spreading my entrance taut around them as he pushed them into the knuckle.
“Wish we…mmm…recorded this.” I groaned, laughing softly as he languidly slowed to a halt. He withdrew his fingers and brought them to my lips.
“Someone’s a talkative little thing today…” His fingers traced my bottom lip, my arousal dripping onto it. “Suck. Taste yourself for me.” I obliged, wrapping my lips around both soaked digits and lewdly bobbing my head back and forth. Soft suckling sounds followed as I let the sweet tang of me coat my tongue. I hummed around his fingers and held onto his wrist, mimicking all the filthy things I was used to doing on his cock.
He gripped at my hip again, his erection prodding painfully into my backside now. This was turning him on like crazy. “How- how’s it taste?” He stuttered.
I popped off them and kissed his knuckles. “Good, Captain.” He released a pent up huff and without warning rolled me over onto my back underneath him. The weight of his chest caged me in and I closed my knees around his hips.
“My turn.” He smirked, his rough palms running over the outline of my waist. The ravenous look of a man starved met my gaze as he slowly sank down to his knees by the side of the bunk. “Let me taste this perfect cunt. Can’t wait anymore.” A trail of kisses followed as he slowly made his way down my torso to my center. He positioned my thigh over his shoulder just like he liked, the other hand pressing my thigh into the bed to keep my squirming at bay.
My boyfriend, looking like he was about to devour me, made every hair on my body stand on end. His expanded pupils trying their hardest to take in all of me spread open before him. He eased himself down, maintaining eye contact as he pressed a soft kiss to my clit. The pressure made me shake with anticipation instantly, his tongue darting out to flick the little bundle that could have me coming apart in minutes.
I reached my hand out for him, our fingers entwining as he received it. “Look at me, baby. The whole time. Don’t look away.” I begged, the fiery golden brown in his eyes my favorite sight to focus on as he took me to heights unknown. He arched his brow at me as if to say he absolutely already knew and relished in that fact.
His tongue pushed more pressure onto my clit, starting an ever increasing pace as I felt the tension rising in my core. He groaned, clearly enjoying the taste of the arousal between my lips on his tongue. “stars…Rex…right there.” I whimpered between sighs of ecstasy. Moving one hand to grip the edges of the bunk, the other rested on the curled blonde fuzz at the crown of his head. “Don’t know what’s…b-better, how good you look or- fuck- mmmf how good this feels.”
The tip of his tongue circled the swollen bud, pulling back the hood of my clit with one hand while he relentlessly lapped me into a frenzy. His dark eyes flickered with a playful lust as he pulled back with a slow devious smirk. “How good you taste, mesh’la. How pretty you look when you come for me.”
My eyes rolled back as he flattened his tongue and licked a long stripe through my folds. He hummed darkly, the sweet tang of me on his tongue clearly satiating him the way nothing else could. I tried to keep my eyes shut, to focus on the wave of pleasure ebbing closer and closer. But as hard as I tried, I couldn’t look away. His pretty, strong jaw, coated in slick, his dark eyes hooding closed as he inhaled the scent that drove him deeper into his desire for me. “Oh..my…” I gasped, a high-pitched whine filling the air instead of my breath.
He twirled teasing circles around my entrance, forcing my hips to buck closer to him. My nails scraped the metal edge of the bunk and I arched off the surface, tossing my head back to moan loudly. I could feel him grin wickedly against the sensitive skin of my thighs closing in around him. “My girl…look so pretty for me like this. All spread out for me.”
With both his biceps he pushed my legs apart, his hands moving up the length of my sides and making goosebumps crest along every inch of skin he touched. His every touch was like a spark lighting me on fire in his wake. Slowly, his palms found their way around the curves of my breasts, kneading at the flesh he’d bruised with his own fingerprints probably hundreds of times before.
His brows furrowed in thought, as he squeezed both hands tightly around the roundness of them. “They’re gonna get so swollen soon. When I lay you on your back like this, I can watch ‘em grow. Feel how much they ache to be touched. And fuck am I going to want to.” He tipped his chin forward, lips connecting with my clit again while his hands worked both my breasts at the same time.
“Mmm yeah…gonna spoil you a little with them. R-Rex…let you have whatever you want from me.”
“So like always then?” He quipped, chuckling softly as he sped up the motions of his tongue between my folds. “Can you give me a little something now, my mesh’la? More of the taste of that perfect pussy on my tongue. Need you to come so good for me.” The rhythm carried my pleasure higher toward its peak.
I felt the familiar burn of bright satisfaction knotting tighter in my belly, the licking heat dropping between my folds and onto his waiting tongue. “So close…I’m so close.” He quirked a brow at me, clearly impressing even himself with how quickly he’d brought this on for me.
“I know, pretty girl. I can always tell. Know you so well.” He muttered, his tongue sliding down my slit, his nose bumping my swollen, over sensitive bud. “How your little cunt flutters…craving the way I fill you, how you whine because you need me so bad…” I gasped, high pitched cries of his name filling the room. He shifted his grip to pin my hips down to the mattress with his forearm, working me faster and harder than before. I dug my nails into his shoulder and moaned loudly, losing complete control of my lower half. “Your body trembling as you wait for it to take you…I’m right here, darling. Ready to let you soak me. Come for your Captain, I know you need it. All over my face…come for me.” He cooed softly, his words a stark contrast to the devious smirk drawn across his lips.
The breath caught in my chest as he pressed his tongue up through my folds to beat at my clit in a delightfully sensual rhythm. He knew exactly what he was doing, lighting the burning coil in my belly on fire. Searing heat tore through my nerves as I felt the blissful blanketing of pleasure surging inside me.
“There she is. Yes, mesh’la, that’s my good girl.” He encouraged flicking at the little bundle every few seconds to keep the high going as long as he could. Tears pricked my eyes at the corners as my high flooded the space between my legs, Rex humming in delight as he lapped up every drop. “So sweet. Want you nice and slick and ready for me.”
I moaned desperately, my walls collapsing around nothing not doing enough to satisfy my need. I wanted to be stretched around him. I needed to feel him spear up into that spot only he’d ever been able to reach, to pound into it until it numbed my limbs and wiped my mind clean. I could feel my hole fluttering with each pass of his tongue licking up through my folds. “More, more. I need you.” I begged, desperation breaking my focus on him.
His eyes ignited with a flicker of lust from where he looked up from between my legs. He winked and smiled happily, “what was that, my love? What do you need?” He teased, slicking his thumb up my folds and drawing the digit into his mouth. His opposite hand caressed my waist, gripping my hip bone for leverage as he pulled himself back up to hover above me. “Use your words, mesh’la.”
I bit my lip and wrapped my arms around his back, hoisting myself upright by latching onto his unbelievably strong upper body. My lips collided with his urgently, tasting myself all over his tongue as they twisted together passionately. He pulled me into his chest with one arm, rolling me into his lap as he seated himself down onto our bunk. His eyes shot down to where our centers bumped each other, signaling that he’d been ready to take me since the second he parted my legs. All I had to do was ask.
“Your cock, Captain. I need it.” I pleaded, letting my folds graze over top of it to tempt him with my heat. “Please.” I whined, rocking my hips forward and feeling his chest heave at the contact. A low rumble emanated from deep in his chest, his hands shooting down to clap onto the globes of my ass hard enough to leave a mark.
“Just wanted to hear you say it, little tease. Gods- you feel so good already. So hot for me, huh? Drives you crazy having me so close. Imagine how I feel…” he fell backwards, making it easier for me to slip myself right over top of him. His large hands guided me against his length, slicking himself up with the release he’d just dragged out of me. “You want me, mesh’la? Go ahead…sit on my cock. Show me how good you can take all of it.”
I braced myself, gripping onto his shoulders while looking deep into his eyes, the desire overtaking him just as much as me. I sunk down onto his cock, the dull ache inside instantly soothed by the pulsing of his stiff cock against my walls. My mouth dropped open and I giggled into a relieving smile, the familiar mix of pleasure and pain permeating every part of my soul. “Ahh fuck…Rex…” I smiled happily, my head lolling forward to rest against his broad shoulder.
“You feel it, mesh’la? How I spread you apart? You love it, don’t you? How it fills you…I know you do.” He chuckled, his firm hands on my hip bones as he began to rock me back and forth on top of him.
I rested my palms on his pectorals, his cheek brushing mine as he encouraged my gentle motions up and down on top of him. The width of him prodded into me deeper each time I settled my center on his. “I do, baby. I crave you. Like this. Making me whole. Filling me deep. I love it.” I rasped between exhales and reverent whispers, fading out into softly squeaked out little moans he loves so much.
Our eyes met, both burning with flickers of our ardent devotion to each other. He hummed softly, trying his best to stay in control as I pulled him closer and closer to the madness of his climax. “I can feel it. How you close in all around me, each time I move you throb a little harder. So good, huh, mesh’la? So fucking…hot for me.” He rambled, guiding his palms along the dips of my hips up to the curve of my waist.
“So…so good, Rex. You’re so strong I can’t hold it…much longer…” I groaned loudly, tossing my head back and exposing my neck, breasts pushed out enough for him to take full advantage of. The muscles in my lower belly screamed for release, collapsing in around him and seating me fully in his lap, unable to muster the strength to lift up again.
In a flash his hands shot up to knead my breasts in his palms, his tongue laving over the buds until they peaked with hardness all over again. He kissed sloppily up into the hollow of my neck, biting and sucking a deep bruise into the silky, untouched skin. “Don’t hold back then. Let go, mesh’la. Come right here on my lap. Let me watch it take you. Show me how pretty you look coming all over me, my perfect girl.” He urged, his kisses now trailing up my neck to just below my ear, his nimble fingers tracing over every mark he left in his wake.
I rocked into him just once more, my hands struggling to grasp onto some part, any part of the safety of his warm chest. I let my head drop to his shoulder, my palm sliding up his chest to settle against his neck. I sang out a loud, desperate moan, pressing my face into his neck. The tension in my core finally broke, dissolving into star dust that tingled outward through every inch of my skin, through every drop in my bloodstream.
His firm hand gripping my waist seated me perfectly in his lap as I writhed in ecstasy, my hands scrabbling at any inch of him I could grab and scratching my nails down his skin to mark him like he had me. “There you go, darlin’. That’s a good girl, let it take you. Love feeling that little pussy pulse all around me. Fuck! That’s so good.” He groaned, his thrusts up into me speeding up erratically as he chased my high with his own.
I tried to catch my breath, tightening my walls even more to increase the tension. He practically winced as the drag of my walls against him siphoned every last ounce of strength out of him. “Now you…come for me, Rex. Fill me. Show me how much you love when I’m your good girl.” I seduced, whispering the filth in his ear and leaving trails of hot kisses down the corded muscles in his neck. He was straining the longer I spoke, his grip on my waist a bruising one as he drove himself deeper and harder.
“Fucking love it. My perfect…filthy girl. Don’t want to ever…” He gasped, three erratic snaps of his hips following as he held me down in his lap. “Don’t want to ever stop fucking you…mesh’la..fuck…” He moaned salaciously, the death grip I’d locked him in finally becoming too much. With a final drive into me, he rocketed his release up into my waiting belly, the soothing warmth of each rope coating my walls.
“Rex.” I whimpered, panting breaths of heated exhaustion across every little kiss I’d left along his jaw and cheeks. I curled my hands on top of his on my waist and turned my hips in circles around him. His chest was heaving as he watched my breasts bounce in front of his face while I coaxed him through an intense climax.
With a final shiver, we both collapsed backwards, splaying both of our overheating bodies in a tangled mess over the wrinkled white sheets. Both of us twitched as undercurrents of pleasure and aftershocks took turns rocking us. His fingers intertwined with mine in a desperate lock on my hips, each of us feeling our hearts pounding out of our chests and into the others’.
“Mesh’la.” He muttered, his hand cupping my chin to guide my face up to his. “Been wanting to do that since before…”
“I know, Rex. Me too.” I brushed my fingers across the worry and anger furrowing his brow, relieving his fears just as I had his need. “No matter what happens, my love…we will always have this. Forever.” I promised, cupping my hands to his cheeks and softly kissing him.
“And longer.” He replied with his signature little side smirk. I could feel myself blushing, my cheeks getting even warmer than they were before as we came down from our highs. His big brown eyes twinkled with a spark of admiration and devotion and I could see the happiness he felt in the way he gazed at me. I leaned forward to brush our noses affectionately and he inched even closer.
With our foreheads pressed together, we exchanged kisses. Soft, fervent, affectionate and tender, lips pressing together and parting only to take in the breath we needed to continue. I stroked the stubble on his jaw and closed my eyes, each breath we shared sealed with a kiss. We fell asleep just like that.
The swaying of trees silhouetted by snow capped mountains came into view as we lowered our ship in the remote forest of Alderaan for the second time in just a few months. Gregor rested the ship down in a small clearing in the trees only a few clicks west of the Royal Family’s palace.
Luckily, we didn’t have to break in this time. We were to be met here in the woods by Bail to escort us into their home by nightfall. Alderaan was quiet and peaceful, its people asking only the right questions and never hesitating to step in to help those who needed it.
We were in desperate need of that help now.
Wolffe and Gregor took some mild convincing. They were skeptical that any high ranking senator would be interested in seeing clones infiltrating their home planet. They understood that people were going to be afraid of them. They had a right to be. Even if the three clones in our little company posed no more of a threat to innocent people than I did.
Bail of all people understood that. If not solely because of my convincing. And because Rex showing up to grieve over the news of Padmé’s death beside us both proved he wasn’t still affected like the others were.
I could trust him. We could trust him. Hopefully, after we left here, we’d have a plan in place to get more people to trust us.
“Still not sure this is such a great idea.” Wolffe grumbled, he being the most skeptical of all four of us. “From what I hear, Appo and his men…your men- scared him into fleeing the Capital. Wouldn’t blame him for thinking we’re all a bunch of unhinged lunatics.”
Gregor snorted, “he works in the Senate. He’s around a bunch of raving lunatics every day.”
“Yeah well Senators don’t carry DC-17s on each hip.” Wolffe retorted, rolling his eyes clearly self-conscious about how we’d come across.
“You sure about that?” I smirked, pulling one of the weapons I’d claimed from our ship's makeshift armory out of my pocket and brandishing it in the air.
Rex laughed, spinning his own blaster into his pocket as we prepared our stuff for departure. “Careful, cyar’ika.”
“Great, she’s got your penchant for showing off too. You two are quite a pair.” Wolffe’s mouth curled into a wry grin, his hands fumbling around to close the pack he’d filled with supplies. Guess a Commander doesn’t like to be unprepared for anything.
“And that’s why they’re going to be a trio soon. Stars help us all.” Gregor giggled, “bet it’ll be one cute little bug tho. Last time I saw a baby was on Kamino.” He ran his hand over his hair and scratched the back of his neck nervously. “What’s gonna happen to all the little ones?”
I frowned, slinging my bag over my shoulder and holding the puck with the secret intel in my hand. “They didn’t say. But I’m afraid of what we might find out. Maybe we could ask Bail.”
“I doubt he’d get the clearance. Things are becoming harder and harder to gain access to. The Empire controls who knows what intel now. To maintain order and control.” He spat, his lip curled in disgust and his signature perma-scowl deepening in anger. “That’s the kind of galaxy we live in now.” Wolffe explained, shuddering as he looked out the starshield at the landscape in front of us. He sighed, trying his best to keep his emotions at bay. “But I don’t think the little ones are going to live to see any of it. The cadets either.”
Rex shot me a pitifully anxious look, fiddling with the gauntlet plate on his hand. An unspoken signal that meant the same applied to our own little one. I gulped down the knot in my throat and subtly nodded in understanding. He stepped toward his brother, resting the same hand on his far shoulder and pulling him into his side. “Not if we have anything to say about it, right? We can stick up for them. And if we don’t, then who will?”
Wolffe closed his eyes briefly, letting his shoulders sag under his brother’s comforting embrace. He shook his head as if to shake off his apprehension and anxieties, looking between Rex and I before he spoke again. “I think you’ve got a little too much politician in you now. Both of you.” He turned, shrugging Rex’s arm off his shoulders before stepping forward. “Let’s go. Before I find the sense to change my mind.”
Rex opened his mouth to interject but I raised my hand, urging him to drop it. He nodded his understanding and let me follow after Wolffe, knowing he wouldn’t put up as much of a fight if I was the one to coax him forward.
I fell into step with Wolffe, leading the way with Gregor in tow and Rex at the rear. As we disembarked from the ship's docking ramp, I could see the outline of a tall hooded figure waiting in the shadows of the tree line. I motioned the boys toward where the figure stood clearly waiting for us.
“I see you’ve made progress.” The familiar level baritone rang out in the cool forest air. As we finally approached, he removed the hood on his coat, the welcome soothing grin and friendly dark eyes of Bail Organa greeting us once again.
“Not enough, I’m afraid…” I responded, looking up at him with fear in my eyes that I hoped he could read. He stood tall and firm, a powerful statue of justice in a galaxy becoming increasingly corrupted by evil. The concern grew the longer he looked over me, wear and tear clearly evident. Without further hesitation, I lurched forward and hugged him tight, happy to be truly safe for the first time in weeks. He softly patted the top of my head.
“And yet still a significant enough ordeal.” He sighed, holding me by my shoulders as he settled me back on my feet in front of him. “Who have you brought along with you?”
I stepped back beside them, Rex’s arm curling protectively around my waist to steady me. Both Gregor and Wolffe stepped forward shoulder to shoulder and assumed their usual positions of formality. Not out of necessity, but of a desire to seem less threatening.
“I’m Gregor, sir. 212th Attack Battalion, Foxtrot Group. And Imperial Academy defector.” Gregor responded first, a clever smirk drawing across his now stubble covered face.
“Ah, a Clone Commando. Impressive.” Bail nodded graciously, “Especially the imperial defector part.” He reached out his hand and shook Gregor’s, who looked at his hand like he’d been given a great honor. Bail turned to Wolffe next and asked, “And you are…?”
“Commander Wolffe. 104th Battalion.” Wolffe stood rigid, his apprehension only obvious to us.
“The 104th? Jedi Master Plo was your General, correct?” Bail asked softly, Wolffe’s serious scowl breaking in deep anguish at the memory of what happened to his beloved General. Bail rested his palm on Wolffe’s shoulder and bowed solemnly. “I am deeply sorry for your loss. He was a respected colleague and a trusted friend. We mourn him and all Jedi we lost here on Alderaan.” Bail finished, patting Wolffe on the shoulder in an effort to comfort him.
Wolffe looked away, the deeply rooted pain of the loss still a very sore subject for him. “Thank you, Senator Organa, sir.” He said quietly, clasping his hands behind us back to help him keep his composure.
Bail turned on his heels to face where Rex and I stood eager to get a move on and gestured for us to follow his lead. “Please follow me. Let’s get the four of you settled in. We can talk after you’ve all gotten cleaned up and been fed. You’ve all come a long way.”
We exchanged glances to confirm quickly before following him to the well-hidden transport he had arrived in. The ride was quiet as the boys and I huddled together for comfort, the reality of our situation finally starting to dawn on them.
This was not the Republic anymore.
There was no Republic escort on bright, shiny starcruisers and transport ships to bring us to the surface. There were no more welcome committees or fancy banquets. No carefully negotiated treaties or scheduled shifts with down time for every clone in the squad.
Never again.
Now it was smuggling ourselves on and off even formerly friendly worlds. Making supply runs and intel exchanges under the cover of shadows. Negotiating or doing odd jobs for spare credits or rations. Sneaking into safe places in disguise and riding in broken down crawlers and speeders to dissuade suspicion. This was what a rebellion looked like and the jury was still out on how involved we wanted or were even allowed to be.
For what it’s worth, the Organa family palace was stunning. Clean and elegant in a simple and sophisticated way. There was more focus on greenery, life and the beauty of the elements than there was on garish ornate showmanship like back home on the highest levels of Coruscant.
In a lot of ways, the Royal Palace of Alderaan reminded the three boys so much of Kamino. Their first and only real home. But without all the emotionless sterility constantly being reinforced in the smooth white walls. And luckily without all the rain.
The weather had grown colder since the last time Rex and I had visited. Their summer had come and gone, the leaves on their trees beginning to fade to amber, scarlet and gold under the waning power of the planet’s orbital sun. Though, the orange rays streaming into the windows right now did a number on the sunken, malnourished, and scarred faces of Gregor, Wolffe and Rex.
All of them sat around a large banquet table, each on their fourth helping of warm nerf stew, a delicacy in a time where food was starting to become more and more scarce. The waning warmth of daylight glinting off the bridges of their noses provided just enough essential energy to freckle and bring color back to their tanned faces. As if spending even just a few hours here could add years back onto their already sinfully shortened lives.
The sight of them huddled together, interacting domestically the way normal brothers should, brought a level of inner peace to my heart that I myself had never even known. Family. It’s all they ever truly had. A brotherly bond that innately came before all else. A higher duty to their own that they were slowly discovering was their only true purpose now. 
Something I never had growing up alone and in constant survival mode on the lowest levels of the most populous planet in the universe. Being surrounded by trillions made having no family an even more isolating and lonely experience. I was glad that despite everything they’d suffered, at least they didn’t have to go through it alone.
That simple fact was precisely why we had to come here. We owed it to the rest of their brothers across the universe to not abandon them, to not allow them to suffer anymore than they already had. Even if Wolffe and Gregor didn’t like the odds, even if they were aware of the mighty risk, it wouldn’t take much convincing to remind them that we were the best chance the clones scattered around the galaxy had for being freed. Somehow, some way. We had the tools at our disposal to make our best effort.
Rex reached across the table for my hand, holding onto it loosely as I watched them all interact. I couldn’t help but smile. This was our family now. This was our little one's family. In its immediacy, it was small. Though their true family numbered in the millions. And, amongst the four of us, it was irreparably damaged, the scars of battle and loss too deep to ever fully heal. But it was our family and there was love here that would never lessen, even as the size of the entire family inevitably did.
“So what are we doing here on Alderaan? Why here?” Gregor posited, scraping up the remaining broth from his bowl with a sizable piece of biscuit.
“Bail Organa was my mentor. And he’s a friend. He’s watched over us from the beginning of all this. And from what I can tell…seems like he and his wife Breha are not content with just sitting around as the Empire siphons all the happiness from the galaxy.” I responded, looking around at the excess of furniture filling the open palace room. It was intentionally exorbitant, having more than they needed looked like the pinnacle of luxury. Yet, a closer look would tell you that that was not its true purpose.
Every piece littering the room was a place to lay one’s head. A resting place. A safe bed for weary travelers. There was far more than necessary for just Bail and his partner or their visitors. These were beds intended for life forms on the run from the Empire. The palace on Alderaan wasn’t an example of the height of the galaxy’s richest, most well connected elites.
The Royal Palace of Alderaan was a safe house for the formation of a Rebellion.
A galaxy wide resistance effort unlike anything they’d ever seen before. Bail understood that people, livelihoods and entire planets were fractured by the Empire’s squeezing fist on the galaxy. He knew that people would need to be rescued under the guise of charitable work or educational retreat. This was his masterful way of recruiting lifeforms to the cause and joining them together in an organized yet untraceable way.
I think he’d hoped there was a part of me that wanted in. That with three well-trained, brilliant strategic Republic war heroes and a rule-breaking, former whistle-blowing crime syndicate mole turned Senate aide, we could become vital pieces of a growing effort to make things more difficult for a terrifying fascist government.
Yet, here we sat, injured, traumatized and afraid for our lives. All of us completely unsure if anyone would ever believe what we had to say, proof or not.
“Sounds like he intends to start a Rebellion.” Wolffe muttered, wiping his face with a cloth napkin and sighing. “What does he need us for?”
“He doesn’t. We need him. At the very least, I can tell him what I found out at that Imperial compound. Show him what’s on the holodisc.” I pulled the puck from my bag and turned it in my hand a few times. “Should at least alarm them enough to discuss what to do about the remaining clones.”
“What makes you think anyone will care what happens to us?” Gregor questioned, the tiniest hint of a waver in his voice.
“Because you’re innocent. You were all pawns in the Emperor’s plan.” Bail’s voice rang out, reentering the room from his personal quarters on the other side of the palace. He wore a pleasant grin, one that held the promise of progress behind it. “And now you carry the proof of this. We can show the others.”
Rex spun around in his seat and cocked his head, “others, sir?” His gaze bounced over everyone at the table and then back at Bail.
Bail laughed softly, gliding across the span of the room toward the last empty seat at the elegant banquet table. “Yes, Rex. There are others who share our disdain for the Empire’s increasing chokehold on our personal liberties. I think you’ll find you recognize some of them.”
I concentrated hard, trying to remember the names and faces of people who had come and gone from his or Padmé’s offices or meetings we’d held. “I can think of a few who were always friendly with us. Not sure who is still around or- alive anymore.” I admitted, resting the puck on the table between us.
“Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila. Though that should come as no surprise to you.” He smirked, resting a flimsi filled with names on the table in front of him. “Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora, Cham Syndulla leader of the Free Ryloth movement, Senator Lux Bonteri and Saw Gerrera of Onderon…just a few who have agreed to hear what you have to say.”
“Saw, eh? Trained him myself. Heard the Imperials did a number on his men recently.” Rex looked down at his plate, picking at the still sizable amount of food he’d left behind.
“And Senator Chuchi was uhm…close to Fox. She’s been a big supporter of clone rights from the beginning.” Wolffe added, perking up as a little more life entered his rugged frame.
“They’ve all agreed to meet us at a safe point. Where we can discuss the intel you’ve provided us on that puck and further steps…if we all come to an agreement.” Bail explained, looking around the table for more enthusiasm than we were giving him at the present moment.
I closed my eyes and thought for a second about the experience of each of these leaders during the Clone Wars and afterwards. A few of them would be well within their rights to refuse to speak with three members of the group of men that ultimately destroyed their worlds. “That’s a big If, Senator Organa. Do you think they have any sympathy left for our cause?”
Bail looked away out the window at the sun just starting to dip below the tallest mountain peak in our view. “They may.” He turned back to me, resting his hand on mine. “But many will require some convincing. That’s where your passion, your skills and all you’ve learned as our aide all these years will come in. You have to find a way to influence them into believing that this is doing what’s right by all of these men. There is no one else who will do it for you. Are you up for the task?”
The three men at the table whose very lives I held in my hands looked at me with more hope than they’d been able to muster in a long while. Probably since the worst day of their lives derailed everything that they’d ever known. They had faith that I could make the right people believe the truth. With all the love I had for my partner, his brothers, my friends, my new found family and our future little one, I could do it. I could use everything I know to be the real truth to communicate the very real and present danger imminent not only to the loyal, innocent men we’d trusted for years but to the galaxy as a whole if we let them continue to suffer.
“I’ll do it. But I’ll need all your help.” I replied, pressing play on the puck to start up the message I’d stolen. “We all need to listen to what this Rampart...is saying. We will have to connect the dots of each of our stories into one succinct truth.”
Rex looked at me in a haze of admiration and pride. “Mesh’la, you’ve got us all until the end. What do you need from us?”
“Let’s start with your stories. What led you here? How do three decorated former Republic clones defy a mandated order with no side effects? What makes the three of you immune to what so many others cannot control?” Bail wondered aloud, examining the scar on Rex’s hairline.
“Well, sir, that’s a long story. One that’s going to be pretty painful for us to each tell more than once.” Gregor admitted, rubbing the side of his bicep to assure himself. “Maybe we should each record our accounts of the situation. Document it so we don’t have to physically attend. Don’t think it’ll be safe for us to get emotional in front of people who are already scared of us.”
“Agreed.” Wolffe uttered sternly. “Don’t want possibly the only three survivors of this…order…to be in the same room with dozens of people who could sell us back to the Empire at any moment. Even if they mean well.”
Bail hummed his understanding. “You both make a good point. Perhaps only one clone is needed to attend with her to be a representative for your experiences.”
“I’ll go. I have the most to say anyways.” Rex said decidedly, “though, there is information that even I am not at liberty to share. There is also intel that I cannot access without clearance. Irrefutable proof from a reliable source is what saved my life. We can tell Fives’ story. But we’ll need his report to do it. It’s likely encrypted by now. Locked away under a secret passkey. The only other shreds of proof are the scans of our brains and the chips in our heads. We can provide all this too…if necessary.”
“All information is pertinent at this point. Is there anything else I might need to know?” Bail exchanged glances between Rex and I, like he knew there was some piece of vital information we were leaving out.
Which of course we were. The two most important pieces of information.
One. That I was actively carrying the offspring of a clone. That his survival as the baby’s Father was always going to matter to me more than to everyone else. Which made my interest in the entire matter more personal and more biased than the political sphere of influence would particularly care for.
And two. Ahsoka.
Ahsoka was the reason Rex survived the chip.
A jedi was the reason they gained access to Fives’ file with enough time to extract Rex’s chip.
Ahsoka was alive.
And as far as we knew, there was no one else aware of this truth. And no one else could ever know. The protection of the whereabouts of any jedi was a secret we would die to uphold. Many others, even the best of senators, might not be as noble.
“Nope. You know all that we do. Likely even more.” I replied, tapping into my former undercover operative training to remain calculatedly coy. Wolffe and Gregor squinted at me curiously, somehow able to tell that I wasn’t being entirely forthcoming about something. They just didn’t know what.
The baby was obvious to them. But what else it could be left them puzzled and Rex’s lack of suspicion made them even more aware that something wasn’t being fully communicated to them. I knew them both well enough now that I was sure they’d be itching to find out as soon as we were out of Bail’s earshot. The annoyed look on Wolffe’s face was enough to tell me we were both in for a stern talking to once this meeting was over.
“Fair enough, my friend. Now, I’d like to know your stories. We’ll record on my holocomm. This is going to be a long night. Don’t hesitate to let me know when you want a break.” Bail tapped a few buttons on the holopad and the blue projection ray began recording.
Wolffe stood up from his seat. “I’ll go first. I have several things I’d like communicated. Permission to swear, sir?”
Bail laughed out loud, clasping his hands together. “My permission is not necessary to be truthful, Wolffe. But swear you may.”
“Right…now where the fuck do I begin..” He rolled his eyes, folding his arms and starting at the beginning.
We only had the night to explain months worth of traumatic experience after traumatic experience. Each a bit darker than the last. We were to ship out the next morning to the Atrivis sector for a meeting with every known supporter of a future…rebellion as they were calling it.
It was our first real step toward progress since we’d saved Gregor from the Imperial Academy. It was messy, impromptu and disorganized, but I suppose Bail preferred it that way. The less we all looked involved with each other, the better we’d fair.
As excited as we all felt that we were finally getting somewhere, there was an underlying current of danger that I couldn’t shake. None of us knew what was to come of this. It was all or nothing now.
And let’s face it, it was three clones' words against millions. No matter what the truth really was, I didn’t like those odds. 
real authors note: can you tell andor has done much to politically inspire me right now lol? this fic has basically become an unnamed/physically undescribed oc...if you want to know more about her check here or send me an ask!
taglist (please let me know if you'd like to be added/removed):
@literallydontlook @sleepingsun501 @moonstrider9904 @thefact0rygirl @fett-djarin @starwarsmeninhelmets @zinzinina @kaminocasey @pinkiemme @queenquazar @galacticgraffiti @loversoncsilla @ashotofspotchka @rexandechosandwich @calkestiis @jocastaslibrary @twistedstitcher27 @wild-karrde @patchmates
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shadowsprodpresent · 5 years
Monthly Self Rec, October to December Edition (2018)
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“Read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river.” - Lisa See.
The idea came from @lastbluetardis. I've seen a lot of people doing this lately and I thought that it was a pretty good idea for authors.
► Ghost of you - Human!Nine/Rose Tyler, Human!Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
► First volume of the Ghost of you story.
► AU verse, Mature, WIP.
Twenty-seventh day of September 2017. Day 1741 since the infection. Maxence Spitz video log. Still no remarkable results in our researches for a cure to the noctiuagus virus that had spread across the world five years ago. On the 20th of this month, we received twenty new subjects to another variant of the cure. Only five of them are currently being used. Subjects J and K had been inoculated with the virus with the virus yesterday at 8pm. L and M were the sane patients. L was left in K’s cage and J’s in M’s. Subject J died thirteen hours after it got infected and subject M was infected only two hours after it got in contact with J. Subject K is clearly infected but it’s struggling hard against the virus. L doesn’t show any symptom so far. Our patient zero still doesn’t show any symptom though the virus is in his system as the last blood test revealed. Subjects A, E and F have died in the night after days of struggle. The virus is getting more violent and contagious with the time passing and we don’t know how it spreads from one person to another.
► Total of words: 2,295 + 4,097 + 3,694 + 759 = 10,815.
► 31 days of Whumptober - Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness, Thirteenth Doctor.
► 31 days of whump.
► DW verse, Mature.
► Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17 || Chapter 18 || Chapter 19 || Chapter 20 || Chapter 21 || Chapter 22 || Chapter 23 || Chapter 24 || Chapter 25 || Chapter 26 || Chapter 27 || Chapter 28 || Chapter 29 || Chapter 30 || Chapter 31.
“Run!” His cry echoed in the night. This was supposed to be a quiet night. He had taken her to this club Jack had recommended them. For once, the Doctor had made an effort and followed them – he remembered all too well how Rose’s nights out with Jack ended. After all, he could do with a break too. They had been running all over time and space since the Captain came on board and it was nice to have a small break to breathe. Plus, roleplays were kinda fun. This planet was a replica of the famous American Far West with all its cowboys and Native Americans that were called indigenous at that time. The cowboys look suited Jack and Rose very well. As for him, he wasn’t sure about these clothes he was wearing. He was rather uncomfortable in these pants and shirt with a blue scarf around his neck and this Stetson on his head.
► Total of words: 794 + 747 + 875 + 901 + 662 + 681 + 860 + 778 + 804 (7,102) + 698 + 646 + 724 + 647 + 763 + 558 + 683 + 775 + 720 + 570 (13,886) + 503 + 691 + 606 + 847 + 757 + 705 + 807 + 680 + 692 + 591 + 738 + 572 = 22,075.
► Year Zero or how I have found myself crowd surfing
► Third article for Shattered Thoughts.
► "Year Zero".
Obviously, my “real” musical education had to start soon or later. In other words, I’ve been initiated to the metal music and I absolutely love it. My little favourites are Powerwolf and Nightwish. I’ve seen Powerwolf live once and never regretted it like you’ll be able to read later in this article. I never went to the Hellfest but I’ve done another festival, a smallest one.
► Total of words: 3,068.
► Total of words: 35,958.
► Ghost of you - Human!Nine/Rose Tyler, Human!Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
► First volume of the Ghost of you story.
► AU verse, Mature, WIP.
Twenty-seventh day of September 2017. Day 1741 since the infection. Maxence Spitz video log. Still no remarkable results in our researches for a cure to the noctiuagus virus that had spread across the world five years ago. On the 20th of this month, we received twenty new subjects to another variant of the cure. Only five of them are currently being used. Subjects J and K had been inoculated with the virus with the virus yesterday at 8pm. L and M were the sane patients. L was left in K’s cage and J’s in M’s. Subject J died thirteen hours after it got infected and subject M was infected only two hours after it got in contact with J. Subject K is clearly infected but it’s struggling hard against the virus. L doesn’t show any symptom so far. Our patient zero still doesn’t show any symptom though the virus is in his system as the last blood test revealed. Subjects A, E and F have died in the night after days of struggle. The virus is getting more violent and contagious with the time passing and we don’t know how it spreads from one person to another.
► Total of words: 3,017 + 3,968 = 6,985.
► (Un)broken humans - Maxence Spitz, Rose Peters, Olivia Baxter
► First volume of the (Un)broken humans story.
► AU verse, Mature, WIP.
► CHAPTER 10 (Not posted yet) || CHAPTER 11 (Not posted yet) || CHAPTER 12 (Not posted yet) || CHAPTER 13 (Not posted yet) || CHAPTER 14 (Not posted yet) || CHAPTER 15 (Not posted yet) || CHAPTER 16 (Not posted yet) || CHAPTER 17 (Not posted yet).
He was just an homeless man who was trying to disappear from the society and all its rules and people. However, nothing was ever the way you wanted it to be. One day, he was arrested by the police and brought to Rose Peters, a young woman working as an art therapist. A young woman who immediately had a certain effect on him. But would it be enough to bring him back from the Hell he had fallen into over the years?
► Total of words: 7,207 + 6,323 + 6,745 + 5,141 + 7,168 + 4,662 + 6,364 + 5,680 + 2,094 = 51,384.
► 5euros.com or how I'm trying to build my own business
► Fourth article for Shattered Thoughts.
► "5euros.com".
I’ve gotten my literature degree earlier this year and am now fully entitled for some important tasks in the French language and my English level is excellent for translations. My dream job is to be a proof-reader in a publishing house but it means going to Paris and I absolutely don’t wanna move to this city that I particularly hated. So I’ve found out about this website called 5euros.com where you post little adverts and people buy your microservices when they need you. And this is the whole reason of this post today.
► Total of words: 2,470.
► Total of words: 60,839.
► Ghost of you - Human!Nine/Rose Tyler, Human!Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
► First volume of the Ghost of you story.
► AU verse, Mature, WIP.
Twenty-seventh day of September 2017. Day 1741 since the infection. Maxence Spitz video log. Still no remarkable results in our researches for a cure to the noctiuagus virus that had spread across the world five years ago. On the 20th of this month, we received twenty new subjects to another variant of the cure. Only five of them are currently being used. Subjects J and K had been inoculated with the virus with the virus yesterday at 8pm. L and M were the sane patients. L was left in K’s cage and J’s in M’s. Subject J died thirteen hours after it got infected and subject M was infected only two hours after it got in contact with J. Subject K is clearly infected but it’s struggling hard against the virus. L doesn’t show any symptom so far. Our patient zero still doesn’t show any symptom though the virus is in his system as the last blood test revealed. Subjects A, E and F have died in the night after days of struggle. The virus is getting more violent and contagious with the time passing and we don’t know how it spreads from one person to another.
► Total of words: 2,739.
► Our last winter - Human!Nine/Rose Tyler.
► Prequelle of the Our last winter story.
► AU verse, Mature.
► Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17 || Chapter 18 || Chapter 19 || Chapter 20 || Chapter 21 || Chapter 22 || Chapter 23 || Chapter 24 || Chapter 25 || Chapter 26 || Chapter 27 || Chapter 28 || Chapter 29 || Chapter 30 || Chapter 31.
This thought was what made him move from the bed. He sat on the edge and glanced at the alarm clock. A bit over nine. For someone who always got up around 5 in the morning, this was oversleeping. He scratched his head and got up slowly. He walked to the bathroom, stretching his tall body on the way. The smell was getting stronger as he was getting closer to the kitchen and his stomach growled loudly to blame him for the lazy pace he had adopted this morning. His body was demanding food and it wasn’t coming. His mind was all on his next move. He washed his hands, rinsed his face. He needed a good shaving. Maybe Rose would do it for him. He knew she liked shaving him. It was relaxing her, she said once. Her hands were so soft and gentle on his face when she was doing so.
► Total of words: 1,815 + 1,717 + 1,403 + 1,474 + 1,381 + 1,552 + 1,453 + 1,462 + 1,347 (13,604) + 1,346 + 1,252 + 1,778 + 1,515 + 1,252 + 1,666 + 1,688 + 1,440 + 1,757 + 1,804 + 1,535 + 1,628 + 1,494 + 1,402 + 1,535 + 1,563 + 1,588 + 1,511 + 1,455 + 1,574 + 1,640 + 1,502 = 79 794.
► Heart of stone -Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor
► Submission for the dwsecretsanta.
► DW verse, Mature.
► Heart of stones.
Well, I have to admit that this is a new one on my long list, thought the Doctor to himself as his body was helplessly hanging head down and slightly rocking. It was rather uncomfortable too and he felt really stupid for falling into such a simple trap. One foot in a barely hidden snare and he was hung like some piece of meat in a butchery. It was almost laughable. Almost. But the Doctor was in no mood to laugh at the moment. He needed to find a way to get out of this situation before someone could see him. It would be humiliating to be caught hanging that way. It would be complicated without sonic screwdriver. He just remembered that he had left it in his jacket, a jacket he had lent to Rose because she was cold. He swore under his breath: he had told her to wait outside while he was exploring the surroundings and making sure her young human ass was safe.
► Total of words: 4,836.
► 2018 or the end of a once in a lifetime year
► Fifth article for Shattered Thoughts.
► "2018".
As the clock is slowly ticking away the end of 2018, I though that it was time to do a small recap of the most memorable moments of this year before turning the page and starting a new one. 2018 has been full of surprises and laughs and tears and heart attacks. It was full of ups and downs but the ups are the most important since they wouldn’t exist without the downs. So, before midnight hits, here’s a recap of my year in six points.
► Total of words: 1,156.
► Total of words: 88,525.
► Total of words: 185,322.
0 notes
rexxdjarin · 2 years
I wrote a lot of chapter 11 and I’m really happy about some particular bits of imagery I’ve captured so far. I hope to have it done by the weekend 🥰
Also I’m trying my best to make them a liiiiil bit shorter for readability. I know you guys would probably appreciate that
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
Rex in CL ch 11:
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
heheehhehehehe guess what’s done?😈
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
hehehehe me posting chapters randomly:
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
Plot mapping chapter 11 🥰
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
Vee thank you for tagging me bby 💙 @thefact0rygirl
Rules: write the latest line from your wip and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
this is from captain’s log chapter 11 - that’s right …reader and Rex are back to being whores🥰
The width of him prodded into me deeper each time I settled my center on his. “I do, baby. I crave you. Like this.”
No pressure tags: @fett-djarin @galacticgraffiti @baba-fett @nahoney22 @moodymisty @gotomarvelgal @janghoefett @queenquazar
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
WIP Word Search Game
thank you @ariadnes-red-thread and @samspenandsword for the tags 💙
Rules: Find the words in your fic, post the section, pick new words, and tag more people!
My Prompt Words: Armor, Star, Connection, Red, Jump, and Whole
Your Prompt Words: Heart, Pretty, Watch, Golden
NPT: @kaminocasey @zinzinina @galacticgraffiti @twistedstitcher27 and anyone else who wants to try !!
From my 30s Empire Era Boba Fett WIP
He stood in front of me, both hands pinning me by my hips to the cold metal hull of Slave 1. He took several deep breaths, his armor plated shoulders rising and falling like he was charging up for a fight.
From Captain’s Log Chapter 11
I slowly rolled over to face him, curling an arm around his back and dragging my nails along the buzzed hair at the nape of his neck. “Rex. My sun, moon and stars.” I started, muttering the words of comfort into his ear. “You’re so loved. Admired. You’re my safety. Our little family will be together soon. And we can hold our ad’ika between us every night.”
From the still unnamed Captain’s Log prequel series about the first time Rex and Mari met.
But those big, desperate, golden eyes of his. Maker how could I resist? He needed this. He needed to go home with someone who understood him, who had a real connection with him. Who could take his stress away and remind him how fucking good it would feel to be cared for. This wasn’t even about yourself. You wanted it for him. And you didn’t trust that anyone would take care of him better than you could.
From a little Rex drabble I wrote, he and reader having a bit of down time in a beautiful field on Naboo
He tilted his head at you, remarking all the ways your face shows beauty he swears could’ve only been made for him. He leans down to brush his thumb along the redness of your blushing cheek and smiles. “Come here. Can’t wait any longer to kiss you.”
From mine and @literallydontlook HoloNewsNet Reporter!Reader and Rex post-interview meet up ask/thot
You peaked out of your room, sliding your arm down the length of the doors entryway and leaning up against it in all your seductive glory. “Over here, Captain.” You replied, watching him turn around and stop dead in his tracks, his heart practically jumping out of his chest. You swore time froze, planets stopped spinning, stars exploded as his shoulders lowered and his jaw dropped open at the sight of you waiting for him.
From a Daimyo Boba x Reader cries when your upset drabble I wrote hehe
“Come here, little one.” He muttered, reaching his whole gloved hand out to guide me into his lap. I took it, collapsing into him, wrapping my legs around his waist and laying my head on the broad plane of his impossibly strong shoulder. I tucked my face into his neck and sobbed pathetically as I let loose.
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