#wish right nooww
musicalyeetreblr · 11 months
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spouseoftherisingsun · 6 months
Youre ruining my life day by daay... the butterflies you give me are literallyyy, making me nauseous - this is Disgusting, like seriously dude? What do you think youre doing? Youre like, way older than me... And youre gross - i dont wanna do that.. Never invite me over ever again. ... Just kidding, please do, i really wanna hang out with you: unhh. Uhhn. Uhhn. Uhhn. Uhhn. Unnhh... Well fuck you! Youre so old dude, like seriously, whatdoyou think youre doing‽ Your hands are so big and youre so tall; wow! You know i kind of wish id let you do that one thing that one time BUT in retrospect, itwouldvebeena bad idea because, you dont care about me like i care about you, so. I feel bad.. Never invite me over ever again. ... Just kidding; please do i really wanna hang out with you: Oohh. Ohh. Uuhhn. Uhhn. Uhhn. Unnh... I'm really ironically pissed off right nooww.. I'm FEELing, quite lost right now... like in a really big forest like in lake tahoe or something, somewhere, big and scary cuz youre scary as shit dude, like idontreally knowwhati cantellyou; youkindof freakme out, but. We can be friends! - Never invite me over ever again. ... Just kidding. Please do - i really wanna hang out with you: Ouhh . Ooh. Uuonh. Nnnhh. Uhnnn. Uhhn... never invite me over ever agaaiin... just kidding. Please do. I really waanna make out with you: Uuhn. Uhhhn. Uhhn. Uohn. Uhhn. Uhhn. Never invite me over ever agaain.... just kidding! Please do - i really waanna hang out with yoou..... .
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