#witch from mercury season 2
adracat · 1 year
G Witch and Norse Mythology
I think we all know Okouchi harks to both Utena and The Tempest with the writing, but an influence that's underexplored is Norse myth. The following will be a quick mention and breakdown of these references, starting from the blatant to obscure.
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Show: Hidden laboratory inside an asteroid. Under the control of the Vanadis institute and where the bloody events of the prologue occur.
Norse: Field ruled over by the goddess Freyja where half of those that die in combat go upon death, whilst the other half go to Odin in Valhalla.
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Show: The institute which pioneered the GUND-format and gundams. They were disbanded and violently stopped in their medical and military operations.
Norse: Also known as Freyja, Vanadis is a goddess of war, fertility, and witchcraft/magic. She has dominion over Fólkvangr.
Gundams Lfrith Ur and Thorn
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Show: Gundams piloted by the witches from Earth; Sophie and Norea. Sophie pilots Ur while Norea pilots Thorn.
Norse: Ūr or Uruz is a rune meaning the following-
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It governs shaping and forcing fortunate circumstances creatively through will and inspiration, self-healing and maintenance of good mental and physical health, assertion of home ground, personal space, independence and freedom, strength and tenacity, courage, persistence against all odds. Uruz is a symbol of the wild bovine, a reminder that cattle were once wild creatures. Uruz represents young warriors. https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/uruz
Thorn or Thurisaz-
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It governs destruction of enemies, curses binds and fetters, awakening the will to action, breaking resistance of blockages in body, mind and spirit, Increased potency and prowess in romantic relationships, and understanding of the division and separation of all things. Thurisaz to be described as a thorn that is most sharp, a grim and evil thing to take grip on or touch. Thurisaz is also a fertility rune in the sense that it breaks down the barren and hard, rocky realms into workable soil as to bring fruitfulness to crops and wombs. https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/thurisaz
These are just the ones I caught so if you see another, feel free to comment! The next will just be speculation based on my own knowledge.
Yggdrasil and Odin
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It occurs to me as I drink in this image composition that it looks similar to Yggdrasil, or the world tree in Norse myth. Aerial forms the trunk/branches while the people are its leaves. Considering all the norse references thus far, it feels intentional. And I fully believe it is when you spot Miorine falling towards the base.
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Her fall to the base of the 'world tree' is relevant because of this image. In Norse mythology, Odin has one eye because he sacrificed it to the Mimisbrunnr (Mimir's well located beneath Yggdrasil) in exchange for a drink of the well's water. It grants Odin wisdom and insight. It wouldn't surprise me if Mio is forced to make a similar trade during S2, either to solve a problem or make an escape. (from QZ maybe?)
I'll likely add to this if I notice anything else
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ferhog · 1 year
How every G-Witch Season 2 episode ends.
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scarnemo · 1 year
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but Chuchu found out Nika lied and proceeded to chu-punch her (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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imdcathsmeow · 1 year
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Every time I see posts like wishing for a SuleMio reunion soon I get reminded of how much longer Eve and Aoi have been apart 😭😭🥺
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examorhca · 1 year
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🧙‍♀️ G witch season 2!!!!
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This week in Gundam
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the symbolism and visuals in the absolutely STUNNING G-Witch ED 1 is so much more meaningful with the discoveries us viewers have made in Season 2.
ESPECIALLY this scene. This. fucking. scene that has made me explode whenever I think about it.
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With the very likely theory that this ED is from Miorine's POV, directed to Suletta, it'd make sense that the visuals are Miorine's perception of things as well.
When all we had was s1, this was more of a cute, but ominous and foreboding moment with the two lovers. But now this scene stands for Miorine's twisted and hurt perception, influenced by years and years of being used as nothing more of a trophy piece and exploited for corporate purposes, and her sheer desperation to make sure her beloved wife is safe after learning of what Prospera wants - Miorine's view that SHE is the chain that Prospera uses to bind Suletta, that her and Suletta are trapped together because of her, that the only way for Suletta to be free is to shatter the glass and their bonds.
(this also relates heavily to Miorine's character structure and her chronic self loathing, how she believes everything is her fault, how even though she presents herself as apathetic she cares way too much about everybody around her. Which also supports my HC that she is neurodivergent!) Oh my god. The writers were so sick and insane and cruel for this. I'm so delulu about this oh my god. Oh my fucking god I'm biting my arm off. Sunrise I'm begging you PLEASE get Sulemio back together, if you make them kiss, I will literally leave my firstborn in your office's PO box.
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iamnotalemon · 1 year
Witch From Mercury ED2 slaps so hard.
I cant wait to see what can of shenanigans await them.
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anthurak · 2 years
So I think I’ll just call this now...
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In G-Witch Season 2, not only are we going to see the other major leaders of the Benerit Group get killed off, they are going to all meat their end the same as Vim Jeturk did:
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Dead at the hand of their children whom they’ve worked so hard to mold.
Sarius will be backstabbed by Shaddiq in a very ‘you have outlived your usefulness’ moment. Probably via poison or sabotaging Sarius’s life-support. Shaddiq seems to type to always want to keep his hands ‘clean’ so to speak.
And the four Peil CEOs are probably going to meet a much more painful end, like being thrown out an airlock or just unceremoniously gunned down by either Elan Prime of Elan 5, or perhaps both of them working together. Whether or not this involves one of the Elans immediately backstabbing the other is still up in the air.
Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if DELLING winds up meeting his end at the hands of Miorine.
And of course, I think we can all agree that the most likely fate for Prospera by the end of the show is a death at the hands of Suletta and Aerial in the show’s final battle.
Basically, this show has already established a theme of shitty parents molding and manipulating their children. So I’d say it's a pretty safe bet for this theme to conclude with set parents meeting their destruction at the hand of those very children.
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arcane-shadow · 8 months
I don't think I'm ever going to get around to finishing this, so here: my attempt at a witch from mercury AMV set to Pet Body by Miya Folick.
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adracat · 1 year
The Possible Significance of Notrette
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Notrette Rembran is the most mysterious figure in G Witch, beating out even Prospera. We only know her from second-hand mentions and those are threadbare since it's a topic neither Miorine or Delling are keen to dredge up. She's a vast unknown but we do know one thing for certain.
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She 'made' this specific breed of tomatoes. This doesn't mean she was a farmer, Mio clarifies that her mother genetically modified these specific tomatoes to taste better. So a scientist and geneticist. But why is this detail important?
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Because in the second cour, we're treated to the reveal Suletta was never Eri. We naturally wonder where Suletta came from and why does she look just like Ericht Samaya, but the obvious answer would mean cloning (or Elan surgery but I doubt it tbh) We know from the Prologue Elnora is a deft pilot and engineer, but for all her talents she isn't a geneticist.
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In Episode 14 we're treated to the revelation that Quiet Zero was initially Notrette's project. But how did Prospera know that and was she at one point affiliated with Notrette? This exchange seems to point in that direction. That would give Prospera access to a geneticist, of whom would be interested in her plans for Aerial aiding QZ's end goal. I wager a specific pilot would be needed to make sure Aerial could operate as planned; a pilot with Eri's brain pattern and a familial bond so A(Eri)al doesn't reject them. It would also make the symbolic significance of Suletta and tomatoes quite clever. Remember how Mio explained her mother creating them while the show focuses on Suletta feasting on one? (like a feral raccoon but that's a different problem)
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In episode 12 we discover a few details about Notrette's death. Delling's words imply it was a failed operation of some sort and both couldn't escape. So Notrette sent him to live for Mio's sake. Since both her parents were involved with QZ you can safely assume this fatal incident (and maybe Prospera) are linked. Considering the brief snippets we get from Aerial in Cradle Planet, this might be the same incident causing Prospera to seek refuge on Mercury.
Take note, the youngest Suletta is stated to be is the same age as Eri was.
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I'll be anticipating the rest of the season to see whether any of this is true!
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corvus-corvus · 1 year
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what if our hands embraced after not seeing each other for a long time in a seconds-long animated sequence that emphasizes feeling one another out before finding the way we fit together and we were both girls?
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wondrousmay · 1 year
*G-Witch spoilers*
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The updated OP to show Ariel and Quiet Zero was so cool!!! Always love it when shows do this!!!
The build-up from last week’s episode paid off in today’s episode!!! Lots of really good stuff! Suletta and Miorine’s reunion was the highlight but I also loved Suletta reaching permet score 5 (Miorine’s relieved reaction was emotional) and Calibarn’s entrance!
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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fang gang
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torisaysyeet · 1 year
MAJOR G-Witch from Mercury S2 spoilers
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