#with a few spots of salstrade because why not
sincerelydayyy · 7 years
🐜 - freaking cause there’s a bug pls deal with it im not touching it (For Sherlolly please?)
Of course, Captain! So couldn't really see them as adults having this issue because they're both major nerds and probably find insects fascinating one way or another. But kidlock on the other hand could be interesting. Hope you like this little thing. If anyone would like to send me another for any pairings please do. List is here. --Sherlock Holmes of course had his own pet tarantula. This shouldn't have been too surprising considering he liked to collect really scary things compared to all the other boys she had grown up with. However this was the first time young Molly Hooper had ever come across one of this size. He had just been showing off Billy as he kept affectionately calling it to everyone. Some girls would shrink away, Sally Donovan found that amusing but made no moves to interact with Billy and the young Holmes himself. She had often called him a freak. Molly had been too preoccupied with her small tabby who wanted to look at everything to pay much attention beyond the great spectacle of him introducing the spider to everyone when he had come in that morning. When recess rolled around Molly had opted to sitting under the shaded tree since it was a bit too hot for Toby - her cat - and she didn't really feel up to playing today. It wasn't until Toby started to climb her that she had any idea that something was wrong. As Greg soon pointed out as he and Sally were making their rounds the small circle if the sandbox that was nearby that Billy had taken a liken to her. Molly couldn't move. Partially because she didn't know where it was, and the other part of her was terrified. Why did the arachnid chosen her of all people? And how did Sherlock not known it had suddenly disappeared?She closed her eyes a tick, reaching carefully to grab Toby before he could get himself harmed by trying to defend her. He wasn't that large. The spider was much more menacing to her or her cat. She drew in a deep breath before yelling as loudly as she could. "SHERLOCK GET YOUR SPIDER OFF ME BEFORE TOBY EATS IT." Sherlock who was across the yard seemed to realize in that moment that he was without his prized pet. He quickly left his friend John and rushed over to her. "Hooper was it?" He squatted down so that they were eye to eye. He was a few inches taller than her. Always had been. "Molly." She said distractedly. "Where is it? It doesn't feel like it's moving?""He's not. Your hair looks like a nest.""Sherlock." Someone grumbled from behind him. "Oh. I didn't. Mean it." He gritted his teeth. "It's just very wild today."Molly frowned. "Mum was busy this morning. Dad isn't good at this. He tries."Sherlock reached up while she was talking and reached out for Billy who slowly as ever climbed onto his hand. "Would you like my brush?"He stood up once more. "Don't worry about it." Molly sighed as she began combing her hands through the ribbon that was in place. It did feel poofy. Oh Dad."I'm supposed to help people after I harm them." He shrugged."I didn't die, Sherlock."He turned back to her with a half smile. "Thankfully not. I'm supposed to ask your mum if she wanted to bring you over for dinner."Molly tried not to blush. It was hard. He kept staring at her. "I'll lend you my brush."He walked away after that. Perhaps she could get along with Billy if Sherlock Holmes was being nice to her. Besides the tarantula hadn't bothered her once. She just hadn't expected to have it on her. It was alright. --Hope that was okay.
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