#with a formerly detained pirate squad
teen-spirited-away · 4 months
"Sister. See. This time I knew you."
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vampenzo · 3 years
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                        𝚃𝙴𝙻𝙻 𝙼𝙴 𝚆𝙷𝚈 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝙼𝚈 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝙱𝚄𝚁𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝚆𝙰𝚈                                          𝚆𝙷𝙴𝙽 𝙸 𝚂𝙴𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴 . . .
                                    LORENZO VICARIO  |  VAMPIRE  |  ALVARO RICO
𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒 birth name:  —  gabriel lorenzo de vicario, fifth duke of bivona. nickname(s):  —  enzo. gender:  —   cis-male.  |  he / him. dob:  —  october 31st, 1647.  |  scorpio. age:  —   eternally 26.  |  biologically 374. orientation:  —   homosexual.  |  homoromantic. place of birth:  —  valencia, spain. current location:  —  new york, new york, usa. species:  —  vampire. education:  —  undisclosed ( high school ).  |  columbia university ( undergraduate ).  |  harvard university ( graduate ).      occupation:  —  winemaker ( culliford brand ).   |   shop owner ( sip by sip ).
𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 ( + ):  —  adaptable. methodical. ( – ):  —  malicious. vindictive. moral alignment:  —  lawful evil. mbti:  —  entj, the commander. hogwarts house:  —  slytherin.
father:  —   sebastian felipe de vicario, fourth duke of bivona.
relationship:  —  formerly estranged ( deceased ) .
mother:  —   catalina isadora de vicario, fifth marchioness of villena.
relationship:  —  formerly close ( deceased ).
eldest sister:  —   carmen pilar de vicario, second duchess of bivona.
relationship:  —  formerly estranged ( deceased ).
older sister:  —   cayetana maria de vicario, third duchess of bivona.
relationship:  —  formerly close ( deceased ).
grew up in a noble family and as such was afforded the best teachers money could buy back in the 17th century. as he got to a certain age he noticed his attraction to one of the knights that was roughly around the same age as him. the two were close, in fact enzo would request to have the knight to be part of his protection squad. the two would frequently meet up to talk, paint, train, or any combination of the three. after months of spending time with one another enzo grew bold and kissed his closest friend, which was special to both of them. unfortunately for them carmen saw the encounter and told their father during breakfast the next morning. the knight was killed in front of the family by his father and enzo was punished to his quarters while his father tried to decide his fate. before any further punishment could be given enzo slipped into the night.
eventually enzo found himself on a ship that was headed to france to give supplies to the spanish soldiers that were fighting in a war, but it did not make it far as it was boarded by pirates. seizing an opportunity he joined the pirates as it was either that or death. he found himself well aligned with this life as it offered him the freedom he sought. eventually he became the first mate of the ship and often devised successful plans for the captain and the crew. they eventually sailed to the new world but were ambushed by spanish war ships, and were captured. 
they were taken to spain where they were held captive until their trials. the night before he were to be executed a woman who seemingly commanded the men around her approached lorenzo and told him that she was watching his career and felt as if he deserves to get a second chance. she then explained what she was and offered him a vial of her blood for him to drink so he could cheat death, but also what the next steps were to be if he does drink it. the day of his execution he drank the vial as planned and was killed for his crimes of piracy. later that day he awoken to find the bodies of his former crewmates on him and they were being carted somewhere, but he didn’t want to find out where they were headed so he escaped from the wagon and slipped into the night.
he eventually completed his transition into become a vampire and met up with the woman who turned him. she had a witch enchant a ring for him that would allow him to walk in the sun. he then rounded up a new crew and stole a ship to set sail, doing what he did best, pillaging the ships in the open waters. as time went on he reinvented himself and took on the alias john swann, an englishman, who sailed exclusively in the indian ocean. he met another pirate by the name of robert culliford and the two felt a strong attraction to one another, which led to them eventually dating. it was lucrative for both of their crews when they worked together and together they amassed great wealth. the two eventually made a life for themselves, having a home together, but things eventually come to an end.
they had this life for a year before it got old to lorenzo. robert urged him to follow him back to the red seas and the indian ocean, but he declined. with the vast riches he earned through the years, he did not need to go on anymore adventures and his crew felt the same. he paid for them to go wherever they wanted and they usually chose to head to america or their home country. eventually the british army found them on their little island town and instead of emprisioning them they were royally pardon and free to do whatever they want with their lives. the two lovers parted ways, with lorenzo headed to the caribbean and richard getting the short stick and was detained after enzo left.
with that life behind him enzo continued his eternal life with him seeing his fair share of war, famine, and death but still he persevered throughout the centuries. he would help people in need during this time, but he also resorted to doing things that only really served him. he made sure he never stayed in the same place without at least fifty years in between and in this time he would often have different personas. towards the 1960s he found out about the vampire clan and eventually joined their ranks. since he was in their good graces he asked them to crafted him an identity as lorenzo vicario. they chose his birth year to be 1994 and when the time was right he was presented with the proper documentations. he applied to columbia univerity where he got his business degree after four long years, then onwards to harvard for his masters in business, these years he spent in college was rewarding since he actually earned these accomplishments of his own accord without having to compel or hack his way in.
he already had a business in mind and decided to get into the lucrative world of winemaking. he bought a vineyard in burgundy valley that specializes more in grapes that will produce pinot noir and chardonnay. he eventually started production of his brand culliford, named after his pirate lover that he learned died weeks after they last saw each other. his business was basically on autopilot so he decided to start another business in the cutthroat city of new york city. it took a while but eventually he was able to buy property and named it sip by sip, making it a place that offers mostly european varieties, artisanal beer, spirits, and bubbly, as well as his own personal brand. he is eager to see what life has in store for him now that he’s setting himself up with roots.
sire.      it would be great to have his sire back in his life. i would say that they did come across each other at least once every century. it should be noted that his sire is a woman. ( 0 / 1 )
familial.     perhaps one of his siblings was turned into a vampire at some point? probably not going to happen, but thought it would be great to have a ghost from his past pop up again. ( 0 / 1 )
hookups.        self-explanatory. in the case of more than one person takes this connection slot, the hookups don’t know of the other people enzo is hooking up with unless explicitly told by him. ( 0 / 3 )
child of the wild.        a muse that was turned by enzo at some point. ( 0 / 1 )
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