#with hints of platonic Mena and Face XD
avictimofthejazz · 2 years
“  i’m not letting you go alone.  ” Amy to Face
“Amy—” The protest dies on Face’s lips when he takes one look at the reporter. She is not taking ‘no’ for an answer… she usually doesn’t. He remembers all too well the way Murdock described how she forced herself onto the plane with him when the team got hauled to Borneo. The pilot is still in admiration over that. The only other woman to surpass Amy’s actions in his mind is probably Kelly, when she tried to bluff him with a toy gun instead of turning him into the bounty hunters, all on the strength of Homer liking him.
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Instead of fighting with her, Face slips his Colt into his shoulder holster, and pulls his leather jacket on to cover everything up. “Fine… I won’t go alone, but you have to wait for me to catch up!” he protests.  “Why are you charging headfirst into my crisis, and leaving me behind?” Long strides catch him up to Amy, and then he grabs the door before she can go marching out. “Now you know I haven’t brought Hannibal in on this one, right?” He asks worriedly. “BA knows, and he knows where to go if I don’t check in by six but don’t expect immediate backup.” Face knows that logically he should bring Hannibal in, but after all the trouble he went through getting help to go find Leslie, he feels a bit tentative about bringing his boss in again… especially since a lot of explanations are needed on this case. Leslie was just an ex-girlfriend who vanished out of his life abruptly. Mena is a whole other situation. It was difficult enough admitting the basics to BA and Amy, though the latter demanded the information. He does not want to explain this twisted tale to Hannibal if he can at all help it.  
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