#with his short-ish (shorter than loki's) blonde hair
iamanartichoke · 2 years
Rumor is that filming on Loki season 2 has started, so ... uh, do we know the status of Tom's hair vs. wig, or ???
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murasakikagekitsune · 4 years
Vali & Narfi’s Lookbook
(Firstly, thanks a lot to everybody who liked and reblogged my last post The Twins. I honestly didn’t expect that much praise!)
 Disclaimer: This is a post describing how Vali and Narfi choose to appear to me. You have to keep in mind that They’re Sons of Loki, and that means They’re shapeshifters (Vali is particularly gifted at it. Ever wonder why Afi chose me instead of my sibling, hm? Now you know. Now you all know..); They can choose different forms for different people. This is, as always, UPG.
He has hair that’s sometimes snowy white, sometimes crimson red. I saw Him as a faded blond too, once, but that was when Narfi looked the same as Him, so I couldn’t tell the difference between Them. His hair is nearly always long, apart from that time I just mentioned.
His eyes, so far, have been one of three colours; red, purple, or green. He seems to favour the last one the most. 
He’s quite tall and pale, but not skinny;  He has a lean build, like His Pappa. One that is, dare I say, very graceful looking. I wouldn’t put it past Him to like contemporary or ballet; He’s already shown me that He’s got a thing for the arts.
Vali always wears this cloak too. it’s midnight blue, with gold used as the finishing touches. When I argued with Him, though, It was black and red, with a little silver. He always goes barefoot. Vali usually wears a plain dark green shirt and trousers with His blue cloak, but His oufit’s all black with splashes of silver on it instead if He decides to wear the black one. Weirdly, He loves chokers too.
 Narfi is a bit shorter than Vali. His head only reaches to Vali’s shoulders.
His build is a tad stockier than Vali’s too. He’s got a little more muscle to him. Narfi’s skin is a deep, natural tan, with copious brown-ish freckles concentrated on His face and hands,
His hair is a shade that I like to call ‘Burnt Orange’- not a true ginger, but a few tints darker. It’s partly bleached blond at the roots as well. It’s a lot shorter than Vali’s; it only reaches the nape of His neck, and it wavy at the ends. Narfi’s eyes are a strikingly rich blue.He wears round-rimmed, bronze glasses too.
Narfi prefers modern clothing like the stuff you’d see on people at a beach- blue, short-sleeve t-shirts, beige khaki shorts.He also likes retro polarized sunglasses- Think Tony Stark. Once, He wore a Seattle Seahawks varsity jacket over Hs t-shirt; it was a sky blue colour.
Narfi doesn’t like going barefoot,though, like Vali does. Narfi wears those velcro strapped walking shoes instead, in an earthy colour.
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