#with sauron's character and... idk i think they kinda missed on that
essenceofarda · 1 year
so i finally finished rings of power
they really made sauron just... some dude huh
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ace-pidge · 7 years
LotR AU!
Because Miss Onions is nothing if not an enabler. I blame her entirely :3c
This is a tentative cast so it may change in the future, and you’ll notice I’m missing several key characters to fully round out the LotR cast. That’s because there are much too few characters in VLD to fill out all the roles that need filling :P Also just a note this is mainly based on the movies, because I’ve only ever read the books once and I don’t really remember everything
If anyone wants to expand on this/talk to me about it absolutely feel free!
(My reasoning for some of the choices is under the cut)
The Fellowship
Aragorn: Shiro Legolas: Keith Gimli: Lance Merry: Hunk Pippin: Pidge Frodo: Allura Sam: Coran Gandalf: Alfor Boromir: Antok maybe?
The Villains
Sauron: Haggar Saruman: Zarkon Black Riders/Ringwraiths; Sendak + other Galra commanders we’ve seen
Elves: In general, the Olkari and the good Galra (BoM, Keith, etc), which means that -> Elrond: Kolivan Haldir: Ulaz Haldir’s army at Helm’s Deep: A BoM detachment Galadriel: Ryner (OR Keith’s hypothetical mom) Orcs: Bad Galra (soldiers, drones, etc) Eowyn: Shay, which means that -> Eomer: Rax, which means that -> People of Rohan: Balmerans, which means that -> Theoden: Some Balmeran or other. Shay’s dad? idk Treebeard: Slav, because why not Leader of the Army of the Dead: Matt (lmao don’t take this seriously. Or do. Idk) Faramir: Thace maybe? Denethor/People of Gondor: ??????? No idea, I’ve run out of possible characters Arwen:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (an Olkari??) Gollum: Fuck if I know
Some reasoning (below the cut)
I started off with Legolas and Gimli as Keith and Lance because the relationships fit well (L/G’s banter is very K/L-ish to me). Then Aragorn as Shiro was a no brainer (he’s their leader, also the relationship between the three--A/L/G--parallels S/K/L’s quite nicely, especially with how Aragorn seems to have a slightly deeper connection with Legolas than with the others, kinda like Shiro with Keith)
From there I kinda built the rest of the AU around them
Ulaz being Haldir (the Elf who led a force in aid of the defenders of Helm’s Deep) is purely for angst potential with Shiro/Aragorn
I mean: Aragorn rushed to his side and attempted to brace him up, but Haldir had fallen. Aragorn looked upon him with much love and respect, placing his hand on Haldir's heart. Hearing oncoming Uruk-hai about to corner him, as he was the last one left on the wall, he respectfully laid down his fallen friend's body and escaped.
Hunk and Pidge being Merry and Pippin fits nicely cause it translates into Shiro Keith and Lance going on an epic journey to save their fellow paladins (essentially the entire plot of Two Towers)
Also I just really need Hunk and Pidge raising an army of Ents with Treebeard(Slav?) to take over Isengard
And I need Pidge to sing this, and have this playing in the background
If Hunk is Merry, it follows that Shay should be Eowyn, and then you get the two of them riding out in secret to battle, and them facing down the leader of the Nazgul(Sendak) together, which. Yes
Alfor is Gandalf cause they’re both helpful wise old guys who “die” at one point :^
Haggar is Sauron and Zarkon is Saruman because 
1) it’s my headcanon that Haggar is actually the one pulling the strings and Zarkon is but a puppet, much as Saruman is to Sauron
2) Haggar being Sauron fits nicely with Shiro being Aragorn, since they’re each other’s more direct antagonists
3) Zarkon being Saruman fits nicely with the Balmerans being the people of Rohan since he enslaved/corrupted/controlled them. Also Zarkon raising an army of Galra to march against Helm’s Deep like Saruman did with his Uruk-hai
Antok and Thace being Boromir and Faramir is very tentative, but I kinda like it. Especially Thace, he has the same kind of honourable heart as Faramir I think. I talked about finding someone for Faramir who has a special connection with Pidge since the Faramir-Pippin relationship is so important. While Thace doesn’t really fit the bill, I imagine that he and Pidge would have gotten along well had he lived. So I’m keeping it this way for now. Also Antok dying trying to protect Hunk and Pidge ;A;
Allura and Coran being Frodo and Sam is partly because I didn’t have anywhere else to put them, but the more I think of it the more it fits. Coran is very devoted to Allura the same way Sam is to Frodo, and I think it’s fitting that Allura would have the incredibly important task of carrying the Ring to Mordor
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