#with this there are 7 pokemon left to design for my violet ocs
rubynymphyy · 19 days
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Tangyuan [he/him, hasty and alert to sounds] and Rasmalai [they/them, calm and somewhat vain]
A famous [and infamous] superstar and his hypercompetent manager. bitch on bitch violence - can you guys just do that and not drag any of the rest of us into it??? companions in life and death, but in an absolutely platonic and also kind of evil way
tangyuan enjoys lifestyle hanfu but also has to slut it up a little. his name is a pun because he's white and soft on the outside and black-[sesame]-hearted on the inside :3c
it might not be clear, but rasmalai's wearing jade chains on their eyeglasses. they're very short, but the sound of their heels clacking makes a lot of people flinch.
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