#without murder mystery monday updates it's just a friday evening's mordeposting lol
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@scriptrix-eclectica oh fun question in that in answering it we can find a) he's not and b) the mention of him being left-handed is an inference of gracie's that in turn, in retrospect, implies mordecai was anticipating being disarmed
b/c yeah he is always out here using his right hand for shooting or writing
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and the mention of left-handedness is this:
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which, since he's not....a page or two later, gracie learns the gun he took off mordecai here is inoperable, and mordecai calls it auxiliary (backup / not the main one) and gets his gun from nico, which he then indeed shoots with his right hand. so what seems to have happened is: mordecai left his main gun with nico, left his sabotaged backup on him, and gracie found that gun somewhere on mordecai's right side, thus easier to draw from within a jacket with your left hand, which gracie notices b/c he's actually left-handed, implying in the absence of another gun that mordecai favors his left. gracie could've noted it as contradictory that mordecai just used his right hand to take off his glasses, but a) not like that proves he's Not left-handed, or ambidextrous, b) gracie's already generally suspicious, c) he's now more confident for having seemingly disarmed mordecai and d) it would also be a lot to Deduce like "ah so he must have taken another gun off his person, in anticipation of being patted down, and also disarmed, which means he plans to retrieve it, which means he also plans to attack us unawares" and e) it's pretty much too late even if he Was more suspicious about handedness; they're planning to kill him and if he made any earlier moves that still would've happened....but it's a fun teeny giveaway that Something's Even More Up than he thought
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