wgabry · 4 months
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On 26 July 1898 in Bavaria's capital, Munich, Sophie Adelheid married Count Hans Veit of Toerring-Jettenbach.
Source "Das Familienalbum von Kaiser Franz Joseph und Elisabeth"
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wgabry · 4 months
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Princess Louise d'Orléans,  the daughter of the French prince Ferdinand, Duke of Alençon, and his wife Duchess Sophie Charlotte in Bavaria.
Source "Das Familienalbum von Kaiser Franz Joseph und Elisabeth"
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wgabry · 4 months
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Maria Theresa Henriette Dorothea of Austria-Este the last Queen of Bavaria.
Source "Das Familienalbum von Kaiser Franz Joseph und Elisabeth"
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wgabry · 4 months
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Duchess Sophie Charlotte Augustine in Bavaria wife of Ferdinand Philippe Marie d'Orléans, duc d'Alençon 
Source "Das Familienalbum von Kaiser Franz Joseph und Elisabeth"
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wgabry · 4 months
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Ludwig III the last King of Bavaria and his future wife Maria Theresia, Archduchess of Austria-Este.
Source "Das Familienalbum von Kaiser Franz Joseph und Elisabeth"
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wgabry · 4 months
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Duchess Amalie Maria in Bavaria
She was the only child of Duke Karl-Theodor in Bavaria and his first wife Princess Sophie of Saxony.
Source "Das Familienalbum von Kaiser Franz Joseph und Elisabeth"
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wgabry · 4 months
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The family of Karl-Theodor, Duke in Bavaria 
Source "Das Familienalbum von Kaiser Franz Joseph und Elisabeth"
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wgabry · 4 months
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Duchess Sophie in Bavaria
Her parents were Karl Theodor, Duke in Bavaria and his second wife, the Infanta Maria José of Braganza.
Source "Das Familienalbum von Kaiser Franz Joseph und Elisabeth"
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wgabry · 2 years
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Infanta María de la Paz of Spain was a daughter of Queen Isabella II of Spain, she married her first cousin Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria.
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wgabry · 3 years
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Princess Rupprecht of Bavaria Marie Gabriele Wittelsbach 
Source https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/kfa1912_1913/0013/image
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wgabry · 3 years
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Francesco V Ferdinando Geminiano d'Austria-Este and his wife Princess Adelgunde of Bavaria. They were the last reigning Dukes of Modena before the duchy was incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy.
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wgabry · 3 years
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Marie of Prussia was Queen of Bavaria and the mother of Kings Ludwig II and Otto of Bavaria.
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wgabry · 4 years
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Il Principe Leopold di Baviera con la neo moglie Gisella Arciduchessa d’Austria e figlia di Franz Joseph e Sissi. 
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wgabry · 4 years
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La Principessa Luisa di Baviera, moglie di Alfons (figlio del Principe Adalbert di Baviera) e nata Principessa d’Orléans, figlia di Ferdinand Duca d’Alençon e Sophie Charlotte Wittelsbach. 
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wgabry · 4 years
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Il giovane Principe Ludwig di Baviera figlio del Principe Franz e di Isabella von Croy
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wgabry · 4 years
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Il Principe Leopold di Baviera, figlio cadetto del Reggente Luitpold
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