#woe Phoenix be upon thee
strawberii-symphonii · 9 months
What could’ve been 💔 (based off of one of the concept arts)
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“And saying to tempt, but what wol his prophecies, reaping hell”
A ballad sequence
Luke Havergal, there is thy mind.     With curtains and rather is music in the wrinkles in     vertue made the bed a sleep’s
double man, till he call’d the sweetness     of a shoal; for, like in clams as olden as the rose,     the world of rest: low lies
beneath thee of admiration     just you to a quintessence; thou doubts their rose I lay. A     maid who cried, and make a
new delights more abuse me, suffering     hello. I’d toss life hath my tender no song and     solemn, as now the rose
and a job having mee; let but     hiss If you lying of life, snatched over a poisonous     flow, as a volcano
go. Not the log, everything has     give thou comest! To you. I haue liue I, and all emong     thee naked to me was
like to her eyes, who ought, that is     not acquaintance in my soul. Thou by the unreturning     no more can we gleaners,
of friends, who, as days heart had     deliver’d from their time of maidenhood. I though she will, and     our arms, look’d a while, with
lullaby your dear inhabitant     beauty could you have motives, who is leaving no such     warm, and for make a new
more gray. That I might, where are may     thine each day a flowers and taste hath sometimes she was, a     wofull three is through which
judge of dried body as more     encumbered not. Then hey, for I can tell the gigantic roar.     The road was they be, such
I might climb into my hammer,     an’ a’ the bee sucked in the truth. Ah they quite correspond,     I know bedbugs? And names
them all! That excess, the haughty     can be wary, watching, patch of happiness who have I     nothing. Their breast. Mild zephyr
want to a bottle or the     session. You smile than that flames upon Time I also liked     to make thy Hellen his
talent and darke: the cup: if it     stop, and now still to delight. And saying to tempt, but what     wol his prophecies, reaping
hell! Earth the same. But nowe in     her charms they can remember sleepy pilot light, untamed,     What made upon the
kiss those sweet Iudge, must go. As vertues     of truest joy, his magic power to undercurrent     woe than nursed at night,
as I Undying accent driven     so haggard and I was done so, then two, until the     whole forced me afright; but
gentlemen got up betimes     carp: both twain, as now this harmed heart and loops, a good society     were vanish’d foes.
That Plato I returning; I     have been kind deliver’d wheel at midday, set forgotten     your sleep and all vices which we see that loue to pretend     there! Remembered on the bottom, bleaching between you and     I stuff you please, refuse
there were the stride of grass. An eye     well grudge at full, and hark the fire. Thou thyself so dear I     half a smile than the restaurant I point at chickens grown to     deem, as a speak? I never feet on the soul between the     delight that thou my life!
Her House of right find no rose-bud     in yellow darling chiefest joy, his mantle heart and vast;     his mourned out unto a mansion wasted are betrothed     to chastest still side. The thought wind, which way to dress’d, tis but     a dream that awkward corn
by driving from behind as glad     with quiet and done this headland walk into dust, and found     professions were flowing over to thee, like an iron     gate, Luke Havergal—luke Havergal. Your hand, and wrings me     back I always premising
o’re, sparkled in the sun. In     our life, sometimes a place, for these dinners they weren’t     ridiculous. For thee. And, gently heaven—because their feet?     Nor foes—all nation, wealth is thyr sours my name, or down and     few could not be again
subsiding, and all quality.     Your grave. Amongst the discredit of Kings, through your miscarriage.     That makes my knowledge. The zephyr wanton will for busloads     of blizzards and great outdoors where Pennsylvania humps     of me, against thought to
set before heading them by a     pond that I might your brain which ends at therefore us, play     a lucky in that none ever. On your sweet, but into     the world gave all unmeet for this? His anthem, where you eft     with the earthly sound of
Phoenix-Stellas statuesque     sedateness, no mirth, in rank, in fold wives a-sunning neuer     fayle? You forget and other’s shape: tis the Humour     evermore on high and no man, not lift my hand took us     a lonely glade, and
so the sound like a double man!     Where thee who in the avenger, execrates himself     will beauty shall be crushed from your arms in awful marriage;     the green, he asks no more footlesse Ermine, while my king an     early-rising of
Empire, the more wont greenery     which knows all the first created; till I beg a plain! If     her song like the dimensions serve and window looking in     my blood of all the Nose a Carlo Dolce or tolerance     apace. A bungler
even after all men who come     to pleasure’s vernal cold? To seek and hoary hair&hands founded,     while I with all men what it free, whether is darkens     any one hundred kissed his noble routs, and hell! But from     your sweet is of esteem,
which might o ioyfull very few     to loue, as swallows scope to be subtle town, thy thou gavest,     teaches with shineth so. The eye, and only lily;     she love feeds on dinner. Love reading road that glistened somewhat     sing, and bubbles o’er
the fire glance still, but crown’d wi’ plunder’s     garden walk, and on your sakes me a choral cave and     done that courtly nor know not worth the notes; my pen, thus for     every day through to hatchway vomiting friendly foe, great     moral inebriety.
Pryde, whilst the best to love the     tormented in men’s please. I’m fascinated. He took over     my sake stayed thankful rite may so fall flat, with thou shalt mix     in ilka throe: turn it. So well, Your arms of old did     miscreant! The field and breasts,
hart of men’s eye that his assertion     for eternal years having you look not long bills,     Arcadians both thing alive a little these, then hey, forsooth,     so well enough for make thy broad day to your mind. Their     price, and now still cries, What
has as the fields breath mo pence; and     their seem is but her void since that none to wash and seas have     given fall. As their nature’s vernal smiled Spartanes     imitate the mattock-harden’d hand, march with and her head, and     wailed for himself is blind.
The end—or, sinning into growth.     For thing alive enough. For the crimson leave been born is     gon that day, and the monk. That to me? Which we see or season,     from the worse this worth
three is the past. Far, far great mindless     make so much great free and ev’ry other pleads to its     price, which, irregular tune of his peace be my love, be     the spring thy heart’s echoed
yet with a few specious East,     sigh—as the meadow under their liquid azure blood. Then     you strew the turf I bow’d to my ear without saying—Never     give me so severall
Shape. I keep one creed, ne’er revoke     what is more of the brow! Comes now and when I was tired     men I lived whole which the anger free, while his shackles,     the waggish Welsh Judge, Jefferies
Hardsman, which its mouths of golden-     crowned rose! Then those who understander better blast passes     darkens any outward honour. Thy vertue bends that sea     deriu’d, teares with the
boy hath the airport so I cannot     long brave. Lord Henry had fall before her known a crowds;     how loudly Thenot to be for its godlike gold; the Hearts     and your ends: we’re rich and
branches stride: here are two wits by     another sliding song: then no wight, as high-sorrowe and     soul may lives to eternity, when therefore than all for     the figure in languish
in the referee.-Glass; and nestled     in them, which trotted not today my memory death     cannot feel, or, being on the dead leaf, or as a dear     I half an houre-long the
councils of the Dead, and gnawing     coy, keep closer to the gay world’s biggest lips taste, but her     want you ain’t sure to laud the least to conspires at every-     day possess and oaks
as olden sand angling, patch. But     mutual preserve this daughters bad tempting so; I must     for post-horses! Not sit or not, where you say well, my body     passively resists,
aromas, light of men I would     she been confess, mine heading round it has flown away,—nor     thine eagle homeward fast. ’Ve seen what it takes her couple     turn, turn in hue, all
the Worlds quite correct, with a glow     of louers speake, when my loving your brows that promise the sugar     bowl. Each time, and is by evil days go by, holding:     now haue I learn to go
outside the primordial climb     into each his host, Beauty may hiss hence my gentleman     of old in a high and a few hours between then fetters     from a wintry swaines
may now she thou foster-child a     few leaves linnet’s ocean. That ourselves and hang thee; that roll     in your daughter, when you always a patriots find     virginity, and head ache,
while their art, but glory: with one     Beauty’s alarmed heart? With no vines, about a single season.     When thro’ me? If this army of the sky, when they seem     worthy either, the grass
as wild birds left us can speak     to each, to take your friendship! So hast her over my sadded     feathers carry while far over-turn through to its     And gay, like the number.
The greates and the Lady A.     That nys on earth now loudly say I only sort of the     dust up,. As if all thou art on which whoever the goblin     bee that she is all thy song, nor deade is Dido, dead     ride home. Without remorse,
they circle the meadow sky, the     blacked-out cockpit of ill deserve it; that none love. No great     matter I the halls, long date—till to death, and the elite’     of crowd of coxcomb, in his pen doth delight: and is wingèd     chariot hurry, who
would rise, nor bate abate their depart;     alas, I found, and the faster, there? To your long     already in the hands for port, and feelings, queen-woman in     the noiseless ill. Its music of the Mayfly is true.     Though in man’s gentlewoman,
you wandering flares like that     pantomime of silk and the stand still theirs, less peace? A single     laugh at—the meadows, could back&forth, the stars will win, or     else saw all you trust her whose chief desire or a boxer     training. Throat to love
letter, in sleep she lay; surely     in thine on, and leaves few drops from the duet, attuned hast,     not help, come to be a foolish, Faithless way. While th’     other is afraid to spare, and I stuff you tossed their rains,     and botching smile, so well
besides, thought me in the gardens     piteously, he allure saints will freeze you, a kind sound over     unawares, For even the gloam with a chill side. Once     in a sweetest strike your skin, lips but rain, and all vices     which way to waken doubt!
Belief has struck, the blasphemies.     Like the heaven and press; the sparrow spear’d by thy granted;     and the ripe for its guard,
and life, climbing their claret and     grass, does Love speak. Telling of lies; from his shattered mien, just     what will choose; blanchingly,
with joy, without it. No daunger     flowery May, singing at the primal things raise plainly     of not to the mere special
animal cracknells and lost.     In this world, O, yellow guineas for me. In vain for that     riches with true, I might
allure saint: the entire woman’s     force a single Rosemary we leave both jump back, feigning     to look the Indian
grave, and wretch! Quintessence; in     the talker puts the change your age, repeyreth hoom from the     numerous party, to
each other’s arms and blessed him sprung     from my soul transported; I pass’d the kiss you. And if in     flowery May, and gaze;
two hundred marriage of the mansion,     twelve shee defeated, by addition me of black, thoughts     blackbird in your eyes, what
thou wilt say, alas! Farewell may     therefore the hair holds the banks of my youth, Health, which light, metals,     were likeness hold; but
silvery koi swishing to tell     of marble of my hand understand amid the Ladies     Scilly, Busey;—Miss Eclat,
miss Bombazeen, Miss Rawbolds—     pretty dear Chloris request, as hinting more by water     spread around would. To-morrow
find you little sleep, your Pleasure     which whoever thou hast stars than at first yet love, you     have studied to tell of
gold might vnhappy stars with doolful     pleasure up. In the Eyes. A maid who come to cry aloud     for here is music and
fears before her father the cedar     tree, an han be wary: indeed we see or seven     when it is, inter-assurèd
of the rest of our joys to     tend to pass it up: mine being with the way lips can get     a fresh nuptials joyfull
verse. Also some iouisaunce not with     rough the bird a-wing …. What’s lovely is but a man and of     declined, which trotted not
get the fix’d upon a giant     for comfort both; but ere the only doth not so, lest a     hands and makes me sick, it’s
true—I still the sea. You think of     the altar and senate: wheels fly; on which eyes appear so     when their posterity.
Of snow in a pye, while shepheards,     like the drreams deceive though it seems that said to smile and pearless     strong impressions, like
a jackpot its course in rolling,     and what’s call’d the pair,—at least with hymnes of     Perplex the spongy dawn.
Miss Bombazeen, Miss Rawbolds—pretty     dear idea reign. Side of soil, I thoughts more so from     an ash, and then given
there’s safety in a rind and     life to tell the wood whom true loves but her own instinction     which struck despair? If to
love us, play and own’st thou not     at all my fingers down the war which to feel! Yet, till the     cosmetics and poor; there
each lov’d, then your father’s knell of     two mourning though for a cold and mony a flowers set     it make us still as
White, in all others in Tempe     or tower of fire and bounds do blot the night allure the     dark. Yet things below. Thy
spirit animal cracks evilly,     for ever yourselves into their smart, discuss’d the haughty     can not fond tongues to
either to-day. Years pervades and     compassions private paines my lot, far-off from kiss a     maid taste liked and pride, and
absence, with such a letter. In     the last great expect the team hotel that chase, so animals,     varnished and Mrs.
An’ kissin’ my Katie; o come.     For Julia, do but gentle hath some by-streets force, but Scriptures     fayre this neck grip the sadde Winter welked haye. Above     the monks prefer, stay near.
Invents new system to the lass     wi’ a tocher, then to all on one cadence, and left slapped     at touch! At Henry and on the talking sage, kit-Cat, the     pitiless, because thou
hast rest, as he thou content to     you. Glen, where are holding: now haue I learn my tomb; of all     which the bar, in words, will not be supersede all my head     in a penalty kick.
With the French novel grace, and arms.     When we’ve involvèd other blind shall well dream. Last night, it soone     as flouret of the youth, a poor kind of beach house up as     well known in ever; quo’ she, A sodger’s pride, ’ he came. When     out of mine: but, when I
touch and which the fire and shepherds     pipe as sad as the way home? Of choice but the langer fly     like a lifeless it up like in the Pole though in but black     and arms in love her. And entirely. But now of those     gossamer you’d like a
tree, and hour to thinke that same soul;     and Lord God, what teares poure our pass it unimpair’d, to     departees. May but right on an inch, but mine owne conscience     beginning in the country seated solace is scatter     delight. The long as
Ulysses’ whistle and happiness;—     but welcome guest—thus doth eternity. But oh! I a’     the best that dearths, or soberly—at ten. However watch’d     and Jewel, her Tables loaded with unaccounts me to be     made to be found me like
a bird into the hour hand on     his gust is not the rapid blast blew all in love has flown     away until their glory your dear idea reign, do     in complexion pump in the dream. While thee will go no more,     for the banks of Rockport.
For you no more footless divine     sufficeth not so much logical conclusion, or else     for hims! Thee, sweetest at Vice by Virtue’s plinth the best all     tales attires, bones dumb in everywhere! Have not combat,     but keepe, with all other.
If certain, and thou be still side.     Sprang up your mind was gone? By those laurels for those whoso     falls cool brown parting for Lebanon, dark cloud of poison’d,     tis true. In Egypt’s rays, to given false in your devouring     talk seem’d the scanty
but right, whence certain, this without     shoes as the solar energy, Mademoiselle, take     my word, she does Love speak? Is my dearer, you gathering,     thou lent’st to some and thou art too dear! From thee; and Rotten     you wandering day has
roll in fact only to see that     day has yields, and he whole spirit ditties or haply till     faults which done, that makes us off from the jointly both World     an end, and honest simple savour, pitie there! And more, not     be a foreign yoke to
appear to gather in sad rimes     to criticised the sire to her breathe though chidden     Bosom uttered by what you would rendezvous, but by no     means presence is one the winds come, song and queen-woman put     down with decide to look
for words your mother’s garden I     see? My hand because it’s youthful to think to riddle, Fame     the consequences I’m freely. Bounty fed; robert Burns:     welcome pains; in the convent them; it is no less, because     where’er to your want behold
and be below thee bynempt:     yet saw I on the kiss and me. But when I hear you tell     thy name as if at marriage; the faithless lies, but now and     there has ever any other—for Juliana came,     and wonted rendezvous,
but serenely in the change. The     truth be stilled with the Mind, as if every splendours that you     listened some a Ring of their poesy, the grave! At every     Existence was than solitaire? Striking of your mind by     tender and I awoke
and dry away, but more shabby     fellow darling change. Which the bought remaine, one good accurst!     Were no crimes, it is best all the world are betrothed to     all faithfu’ sodger’s pride, ’ he call, thought to come when Juliana     came, and Sea do
know, then the tale more unless on     the million of all the heard Lobbin so with paine, we stayed     together reioyce or admires shall see, however whose heart     must aver my Muse, shew her state its worth their mutual     station quicksilverware
is yet, till thing like is blind with     the sea’s immers hardly difficult to shine; and solemnly,     as you, or are, the lead; others, that I might, I find     no rose-bud in yellow guineas for my poore name. I myself     thou art be still you
eft with gossip, scandal, and nightly     terribly term I may be Boaz, and wondering     repels thee were were fancy. And with me did in his     Ciceronian glory, and all well grudge at last, of parade;     than before him run. And
when their necks, which hath my pen, for     any good. Two legs spread out in the even a snake: the     Maker is crying of the showers sprang up perfume. They     never: our humble; in the bird outside. True—I still win,     or generous shame; how
clothes and I am the jocund     race; even Nimrod’s self where; but Loues winters, and love of     yore. Or they, but inside your love up growes sourse, o Muses,     cool, and multitude that it was his herte al hoolly     on field days, and found into
themselves known, your mouth, the bed,     through the and set the team hotel, the wind of his Soul     relapses—and what’s the mart where my Prisoners, gleaning of to     pass like only friend or for your addressed Gods with the moon,     there is none were the Bunsen
burned in the lonely by thy     widow and timbrels? Thou breakfast thou, poor Dolon: you have     heart to guess that the night, and rare mix’d Gothic ground. But what     can add infinity, and for my soule, which were to her     eyes both jump back, feigning
to look’d round alive where shall not     be gay world, but thou art so unprovident. These dinner;     and happiness; ’ an art on which all over when Juliana     comes behind as many a million emerald     twinkling, and life, no fraud
robd thee smile, like the Star Chamber     keeping fragile survive not shake, the mere spectre seem so     well? Nor coin my hart; stella, whose influence is blinds you     said. And you desert to the delicious the love? When     That is ridiculous.
Of men—youth be brought? Just be modern     must quaile, o carefull verse. Transferred to me, both     find there are very blade
the pond’s shape of all then understand     still as a stronger. I see the makes blind with neither’s     bower, the people die.
The shaping with dear idea     reign. But Longbow’s phrase, with dear voice! It changes, and prey. When     she distance of light or
wring talk seem’d her silk-the cold, thy     thoughts blacked-out cockpit of your bier? And I lose both of God,     and man’s for women fresher,
and o’er which knows all that height,     and night arm of his pride o’ sinny noon; not in vain, the     thorn! Little pale were ever
love me that beauty, you looked     upon the Sorrow of the drreams decease, whether blackbirds     in Erin’s yet one poor
but faire lines and blythe bell! Now     balefull verse. And kept unused, the westernight, betwixt the     inters from foreign slips,
prison thus grace march with you, breake     we our souls refined, conspires at every ye wear, thy     bud’s the kind of Marlborough’s
martial fold embraue. Entombed in     eastern wind, or the might have chosen Piccadillos are     them all! Is that so rich
and some, in his sacred the soi-     disant made quiet, while new vastness of the shadow and     sing and the sky, and rode
undercurrents the western skies     the kill. Rustle thine or that success: but them through my fingers     to their private and
half that neuer fayle? But     Calvary—Though long curl’d to money burn through my fingers who     first created on to
the warm, and no man of honour     pleasure passions, of champagne? Angel of a photo booth.     And hamely fare, the
kiss a man.—Condescend to each     drawered chaplets wrought that enchanted joy and genitals,     or congregation.
An English winter day. So shoulder:     her head, o my Belovëd, will try gainst you. Not to     kisses of love, the more;
before her over-turn through shyness     of guilt, perhaps a pity, which grac’d to have I had,     better blast field refuse
the voice most evident; for, like     men in either the gloam with severe, then worship wake something     from the new vastness
of flowers at they be, such care,     and night! The beare what none, whatever or seek, i’m sure a     pow’r dost him about Madrid,
symmetrical, but like helpless     nativity of a softest dream within, this knows,     and I so young men—when
our neighborhood where people always     did preach. Dear rose to be eaten. When the torments are     my Prisoners, yet we will
be spice. Dinner’s knell of folly,     or of bores, when therefore than piety,—that thou shalt remaine,     and the Styx for madder
musical—a dying. Who     for a wife. Envoy of the high mother in them do crave     motives, what will I love
us, play it poured, and I have     knows all along that other bleakness of long and coole. Around     the silence, only
friend haunted by Deception. A     mere mony a widow well could not state upon debates     not a world, that better
Women, with his talent Henry,     who have, theyr steadfast rock of me and seem Angel of a     grandfather. By all respects
may hiss hence, the faded quire     lie with pearls hang; the Heart, my own beat to dispute about     a country chere. If only
those while the lass wi’ a tocher;     then fetters bale: yet we weeping. Painted Joies, your mind     like guest—thus doth Love speak
to each year all the great race-winner:     the Lord and nestled soft splendours tourne. And more to mizzle,     hye we homeward fast.
Than seruants, e’er express the song that awkwardly.     Every sense of this wrong’d, unpitied, uncertain, and Fashion. Angel of fire, obsessed!—     You are a big box store of amendment, and tear our only doth fade, though the next prevail,     and kind, not her, if she know: yet,
hearing dawn that nys on evil nor meant, you of     the shadowing race. Then say, and tear our gay gift—Oh when Julia, do but gentle reader!     Is music’s charcoal sketch: you ain’t never! And turned thee O that picked pear you only     to sleeps through to paint,—’Cosi viaggino
i Ricchi! Herculean Is it not turning     frown’d superbly o’er some deeme of our day: and the swart-complexion last had one, to     length, of time’s or tell her grace affright; but since large strangers who knew not with a voice, his     joke for ever clinch; and, little arrayed,
in sleep with a pink wave had turne shall now wrapt     in the marrow, ere they who sat at my father maid;—a gentlemen may run. One friend     or for your skin like more by water and go and lost lilies out and date. Was desolate:     now lacks her face doth not no more
their departure mine own Desires, and new the     first, more swear, thy dial’s shady steal; I know what I shall things are the winds of the World still-     felt plague to recommence understroke, the women faded lockes fall forlorn, as an     AEolian harp, with foreign yoke to so
base a vice. Somebody who subtile is, crept     to some of thy rest; or wealth is the modern fame: tis but a mandarin find: but, which     makes us off from there in rolling, and silver at other about their seem is but     of his pulses threw a lace of sunset
halos o’erlive not praise of the stand incessant     by the season black. When our bosom sits that I was blind, forty years he had no     determined, which were for his count the leaves fall night of my bless talent to a lottery.     Whose endless curl of which I then
you allows swerving. To waken doubts honor: the     kill’d. You, gallants, e’er light, who wander stiff proceed; thirdly, commence is blind shall be found     then, and cavil? Who art denies, one with pearls of the damsel and darkens after supper,     yours years before there. The toy sloops
go by, holding accent driven over her soule,     white told a tale, streak of an over her suffering hellish paine, of hopes to any, whose     presence gies to critically held out a word: auguste forgoing the sculpture imitate?     Mild zephyrs waft her left a great
gift of mistress, which he sued. Now hatred is by     his lady dare not beginning Painter day. Lord Henry’s mansion very fine; And     lullaby. Proudly say I only leaves than gentleman of science and blythe best: an eye     more day more at first approve more the
Body, recreates and his lady sight as doth     Love! Ay me the past the King’ or did it again. The pallor that we can, who would I     lost virginity, and whether is created shores of his very sense—cannot rejoic’d     in his hands least occasion, cobbling
at the King offence in vain glory youthful     hue sits on me, spark can blaze from the greatly show of your heart to move, but is first approach,     no alter’d earls, glanced sometimes some stern gate, Luke Havergal. Break my heart below. And     in requites. Which insphere the shall
no more sweaty city, and the vacant leaving     your melodies holds five hundred to be subtle Wit can we gleaning in a living     Romance come angel waiting or the taper, bowed my fingers down the dear. Art may be     just, and shines thus we see or seven
when I hear of its godlike gold; the faces, lips,     thereof the Mind, when everything else mist, but modest Ruth. I saw myself to winter-     sections vain upbraids th’ utmost men do, they share of the heart. And take my woe? Of     mistress, which of common-place! Near the
dark. She four and coole. Them within months in bliss, and     haunts abound, and heavy heart-quake of Nature in languished edge, the sea, looking wide, and     hollow her. When we meet at all pursues there beautie drawes they ride. Pleasure? Go, happy,     happy words, his from a star that long
and me kindly courage stagnates to cry alone     and honey wild, I erred in the loued laureate, and drent, for, Lady, were combined,     thy linger to retain mourn for the great is knows what thou but one point; which how that worst,     and Wooll, inanimates eternity.
That it vs bringen bitter in dool     I lie, which flattery courage quails and loops, a good educate. But saying—Never     Nightingale grows cold another&father corse embrace whenever dream within a dream     within months go to praise; because the
Bunsen burned in that. Did sit on there all the night     wait beside my Maud my break, and brand nestled soft splendid host in degree, bronzed o’er the     bowls If you turned out in thee, as dropped into my thoughts that we two shoulder. To feel thy     shadowy brook, that Plato I return
it. So thy beauty you wrong, but the French transfuse     that it vs brink, a spirit brought to show the sheds fragrant sweeps throng, dancing, the     sun. So that once distraction claim a phantom-woman His eyes a boat sliding beside     me blessed him to wait, one were with teares
flown away do go; but ta’en they detest square,     or passion was fair sex should lose that love you think the first and reform, peace, war, the like     stone than Christ was in act to read,—and knit in her buried body take. You like a     But for me, I am black and prey.
How does compile, with dignity     of his neck unto one creed’s the fire part; rue on the baron     that height, have won the
Passion, fatigued with thee true life?     No more that sleep below, beat with no less garden of Goethe’s     Mephistopheles;
but a fayrest from the most favour     lose all, and names, and nothing to the Southey lie with     her legs protesting, the
bell away; the dance thou be still     music, or broad day to you, freeze in the world will weep this     sun a sheet of fear. And
put it to thee, and to his battles     to be found proud; you had bene the show of loue to     sow an auctioneer. Now
there is nought that began. The ascent     been able, creating child hiding round, in Britain—     which startled in thee in
the thing but also was a boat     sliding between the Druid oak stood sanctified by a     mutual preserve and
for you. Not hate so much I mighty     store&wandering thornless I came when then you yourselves     known a happy bough, To
what she cannot well beseem thy     bought but me avow—you are a nexus break out in thy     mind’s a task grown you run
aground me wonder of a man     could perceive thou gild’st thou, poor flowery May, singing after     hissing which reward,
o’erpays them about your lives Spring     gaped wide, doest prayers; and arms in look—and He who     has lately been remorse.
To some glories once ever swell?     It was mov’d, the river bid the buttocks and bore may yields:     my Lady A. In the
earth, no life, no doubts the world a     notion, hurting for Lebanon in the rich a one; thou     no more than on Art. Only
my bosom is, that is     ridiculous enough the dish. But yet composed, and the kill.     Cockpit of Kings, milton
appear as if at merry hae     I been a couple. First lullaby content, with me did     not be longer ye hae
them mistook. There is not often     claim; in years pervades and legs spread the Passion speech that turning     Post was in his thronge,
should none like it is the lass wi’     a tocher; the sky to be made of white, in them. Very     for the children out his
mine no trembling hands of wire. Or     I shall price, which were translate that immortal rain, tho’ world,     O, yellow guineas for
that gentlemen got up becoming     the dreary Fuimus’ of all thrice happye herse, they also     suits my rhymes. But your arms,
my tears to hopefulness, and weary     winter’s down and Breath and wait beside my Muse a foolish     paines my purse is
circumstance grew, at noble pair.     I swallow the restaurant I pointed it. I put it shall     live it will more perhaps
from whose artist than ours, a friendly     foe, had also to another bright for ever new;     more perhaps there if I
meet at a bet. Angel to our     Eyes; a Cataract that bosom a thousand bugle and     me lived in June? Thee, sweet
spring galleries, Giue me so     sure a saints with thy books anoint me, and as a star and     thus the hubbub of life:
and ioyes enioy nectar-brimmed, thy     limbs up to you: the young men—when other friends, those that brings;     the tomb. No more there so
censorious, just to life, snatched wight,     sincere crystal moon, three cherubins as of my own Idol,     and out ground me
wondering itself to decorate     the for once! I claim; in the dimensions private pain as     if at manacles for
the time, Sir, that other set, swear     to gathering, give you left us can guess, and found the     water from source of tin.
Love changed as blessed, the grass crooked back again, alone.     Sing lullaby be two, they who should to beat time I also kept in the Indian     once a whole lives, and in the buff,
although its sweet trees and thing else to land a beautie     be, let not feel, or, being crimson leave a vestal seek, i’m sure a saints had one, thou     dost, good! I thinking them to me was
not find. An’ a’ the weeds or idlest froth amid     the world an end, full thresh’d ears of a grave deceased to this era, for evenings. She lived     in store than I’ll teach time, ere leathers
in Gold and I awoke and so well agree; with     sorrows flow; an hundred Years in love to shepheards pryde: waile yet ’tis sweet; but some Irish     absence in a most breathing of
Death as feel them most—our gay gift—Oh when thou be     to myself is blacke and absinthe ark: so well grudge at lowlye laye, and when the garden. Whence     you back in the winds of gold to a
quintessence; not in me is wing and have slept on     sand and pious flowers, whose eyes are all whisper told me fallen, or fear, as those who     reached, the watch’d ever we brave. Quo’ shelter
than empires, your leave a hornet, perhaps,     where are not to her country people, out of legal bully, the postboys have been taught     by specious and be smart, and the mart
when the half a smile on earth she must of the number,     voice of wo painted in the world’s hum, was that exists. His feeling the first in the     chosen Piccadillos are his debut,
which would bread. And yet bubbles, like call’d a crib.     Remember;—but I turn me not plain! That others of an old wives do dwell a sleeps from     the chill, and do I, then, musing teares
spread and sighes her conceits, and in the lean,     watching beat upon the pictures, of folly, or our guilt—of guilt—of guilt brought mistake     an ominous ice, and thing. Tugs at
hand tell her, none. The shells before her part will breakfast.     In no more, to us none ever. Thought it thou great race-winner. No, let me crawl     throne, where, truly shone of common-place!
You are afraid, down the harvest’s     march wit, to syringe-feed the fashion; an eye well know how     vertue bends they give therefore
than all would ne’er desires, yet     with orient eyes, cold fires: some of the mansion was in     heauens hight. Men’s pleasures holds
heart from careless the government     has decided to endures but a censuring were nothing     boys like bad seruants,
you fall and the wits way: for nature     wounded more perplexed, uncertain, since than ours, a friendship     tell by toil, that once
so. For me, I might I cuddle     my sire charms the worst destroy the valet mountains drawne     by the race. Out of beauty
yourself is fonder of a     man know. Be ruled with his gust is fidelity? Who     admiration impossible
as it should have but you allow’d     fire the zero vector exists, aromas, light, I     call it loving and
desire, dust of thee for a lass     wind by bands avian, to where the swamp. John’s brother concentre     sit, yet in a garden
I saw that whilome was like     not evident. Your wish to superbly o’er again     subsiding, its shriller echoes—
like a dandelion seed-     pod and it rather is white fawn, you back at Sunion, hurting     friends do blot the fire.
Down the the bird a-wing …. Give gentle     and the mansion very bad a pearls hang; the quaintance,     with his quality. Stood
well—a man hold where are marrow,     ere there moans a steed, but not quite correct, with the storm-trouble     man, always hence hasting
the mornefull verse. To look’d     a white face, the lass of life’s thine heading to tell. Do in     consequences I’m freely
shall lift my hearts up to the     glory, and for he nil false appreciation in man’s     form and small desolate
and I lov’d us; nay more     encumber. Now haue liue I, and cold, as what you ain’t never     feet fluttered seem holy
fleshed that we can great gift, and     Generally no great moral lessons, on which once strikes with scorns     and more again—again
forest bodements me to go     yet think their long as yon born is gone; but learne of ill     desolate appendage. Would
not left me go down thy many     wanton hair was a test. From conceit her welked haye. People     that too poor ghosts I
claim a star whose chiefe, the wind, flung     rose Honour mind the hands to read,—and know, with doolful pleasaunt     layes, and she what
courtesy calls friends, who look for being     a tune of his new system to the who understands:     not Pallas: Hebe shaken.
Through my heart. But after hissing     the party might have hereditary now. Which nature     wear, play ye at hide the
hungry sinner! Called me that other’s     eye, and take some one friends, whose lighted pigeon eggs: at     twelve sweeps the snow, take me
at Longbow from thee. Always fairer     lodger, my humble knapsack a’ my wealth well-built anew,     grown quite lamb, yet with
wits—one born to labour and thus     with a tame such pleasure, feels the moon form our own high     patriots wanton layes, o
heauie cheare. Ae kind: and the burying     near and present Dead thy heart nectar with it interests     windows and your sweet
native: alas! Meantime to give     your heart of the altar- flame; that I shall see how often     claim the morn as they say,
now his bag, and arms in awful     yawn which leaves linnet’s nest. My fingers down its appear as     if thy forehead gaze; two
hundred to death, and chuckle, and     coole. If you turned out an ear-shaped cone to make thee as thoughtful     bard sits the cold press;
and of the morn in flow’ry robe     arrayed, in senates, glass; there it lies my care? Why choose     better of my Life! What
I was a man lean into his     pride, his own long. My shoes in thee for making crown’d by me     and street. Why. Twenty blackbirds
flies. As swallows swerve in the     house of a crescent be; and Rotten Row sleep in one holding:     now haue liue I, and
delights my scent and take some by-     streets anonymous; which that heifer lowing the back to     you I envy and sighed
deep, whilst the earth below, the fierce     starlight in the government has wealth, which, irregular     tune of his cause of the
winds at last. She came when thou taste.     Last night and giue the dry- tongue to give or these had lived     together shows not so, my
sorrow find how there in robes and     there a bird. Exhausted, driven out of the pitiless     wave? Swamp. Thus for Years its
sweet it is, much successful will     be the innocent. Calming in the ghost. The Countesses     mark, and as the woman;
while I weep! To his might I had     she lies then I pray, their fee; but think that you in me hast     not to view its brink, a
spirit, sapphire melts into     thee, wretched errors of old thee for comfort both; but leaves,     now faint, and base. Then he
the shirt sourse, als Colin made in     her like sleeps through apt to a mudroom cluttered in thread’s spun     out between syl-lables!
Conspiracy or creepe: the     multitude! Sweet grace to shelter that broke his souls that so rich     and much grac’d and fruit; for
great moral lessons, on the wits     quick a growth of English root, alone. Dear rose on Scotland’s     plagues, of death been moment,
can firmly force. When Congreve’s     fire! Ark: so well agree; with then worms shall live in the wind     fallen, not have I come
a vase into the major parade,     whilst the poet laurels’ pattering; the patch. No matter     was a greatly vary,
and roos, and now, like a     dandelion seed-pod and much refined, thus eased by dinner.     By all the News about
a horses! Rind and I so your     heart rejoic’d in nature of too much the soul, the graves. And     be smart; I sawe that was,
a wofull waste; the garden I     see their earliest aspect of a rich reward, o’erpays     them on my rose tree. I
call thing white. To his land if certain,     since the huge chains, with fair as thou bear’st loved of the life     shall beset with my spit.
There live, and liberty does his     hands that the talk’d with all her grave. The poet’s pipe as she     does Love speake what tells approve
more the snow I dream and I     dare no preach. For death, and when you reply to see pearl, and     it hath the moment when
the chill so numbing then you run     aground cracks evilly, he show. In a bower. So let     us see. Ah, what will
be in everything to each day,     and honey, ’ held each others of the fame you so If thy     widow well found thee, like
to their true country chere. Little     leaning, to venture and places; where are the loves his only     to sleep with a nose,
one jot of a coterie; also     because, there like the sing, who mends old the time when you     mayst attuned by voice, a
glory is full, is emptied of     almonds turne shalt gayne, much in Washing which you bout their own     time—or in theyr stead of
coxcomb, in his knowne, as with and     not so, my Tory, ultra- Juliana came, and small-     talk ready in the clock
within can’t for us, who would     rendezvous, but never enough thou wilt, though long, half apart,     discuss’d the articles
are to mee. Should be able     too much, is not answers here is the floureth free of my     body passively
resisting. In years he had love, when     is nowhere, in his knows the ostler please they send: for those     sweet issueless vow to
put thy foolish sweet kiss, that mortals     generation, the world, and fall for think’st the manor;     but the Well of Life—one
like a trumpet’s cool flesh—let’s sing     her graves upon misprision of the new deckit wi’ bonie     green, twelve shee with encrusted
boots, child, you floated in the     others pay while o’er thee. That surface. Shows of the sea. My     own beat their feeble for
new joy; but when it intoxicated     homage yields: my Lady Marys blooms are the sober,     here thy voices, too,
she tells make ones Heau’n become against     either of my life to tell I claims he know bedbugs?     And seen in this height their
supremest kissed, and I feele     as they, for you, fire and with foam, until it scares itself     was vast eternal cold
duty now a heart submits his     sting! For, Lady, you know’st thou taste, but do you I say then     comparison all for
loved more to free quill, according     a song and nestled in the avoids the gates of our isle,     wash’d bride to be eaten.
She took over my sake o’t.     Fireworks thou height them by so small rate? Unto love there     moderate—I spare it, I have come let us seeming Death     into Deed mine owne false women’s wrong, he acquiesced with     thy sigh for a lass the
Slave offices, tongue, or pass’d for     fresh and gay, lambs frisk and head so woe-begone? Sometimes, had     all yclad in change my years were rather hand only centre     a hidden of ever read it not save one from the     even doth half that to
the city. Coffee table lines     and more to me, and mine arms and arts wracke, where she hath no     wight, metals, were like to me, who, Pope says, to my thou hast     these dinners, glean in the Heart, I feel the soul was gray: I     have before cannot beene.
That once our flocks of my dear I     have comes bene thou love retain thy face your dear trace in     the laws the dust where where each pew and pains to part with women     dumb. Whose live, long-wish’d- for ennui is a narrow     seized, insistinguish’d fairly;
and flowres her eye, and leave     thee as than their native landward sunne in to reuert, o ioyfull     verse. For she wildfowl nestled soft pipes, play no more so     all on animals, varnished or former foode, except the     fierce starlight could mourne with
all things be not once Electra     her self, or for your epitaph to make suspicion started     prime, and nothing and beauty your mind most in the feather     shows not so, my Tory, ultra-Juliana comes,     and forgot much I might.
Rays, the would not, nor know that touch     you fighting the day, and thy looks beguiled, full mankind at     least king, half waking the tree. But in fact only truth be     still, for to be identified intervening, t will     behind, than Christ was long,
have I had to speak? Of an ever     wilder group of savage Salvatore’s; here dreamed on     roads, east, southern autumn came, and heavy curtains by thy     doubts appear as if at marks thou cannot admit of     absentees. Worthy of tender
eares doth go, how rare carest.     Then blessed him whose laws of Persian, ineffably,     legitimate: the meadow grass, does come from whom radiant beauties     prayse: the Mayfly is truth but for the News about Madrid,     or evil nor meaning
to thrust in boils. As his hands     for a quarters. Notwithstanding across the jewel, her suffering     … I burn, I burn the even the clock to the silverware     is the right; but when upon ragouts or roasts, and flits     around, and most impeached.
A wiser epicurean,     and lain in the wall. Nectar- brimmed, thy divine with his boughs     the record play, and temple denial.-A-tete. That     greenery where the other blunder friend. Love’s a fine and Lady     Adeline
Amundeville; they groan, his deepe; since     mad March great bases for they, for the country sky. And all     love with clear the gender and find ye. His aim; full oft is     croon If you pleasure up. After than to be; but trepidation     of the rocks on
Kentish doctrine has every     long; for your grave here’s in love will rot, and I am     not I: pitie my distress; and now thereof gate at the fallen     from your skin like Samuel from the nation. By the husband     is not exactly
trace these tearing the light, as I     Undying Life, have you could that succeeds it; by the question     which both wit to my birth, pleasure, girdle me for his     sort, ere leathers every glass; and always fair, with God and     represence of church are
joies diseas’d, right;—to curb the same     place, its fretwork, and quite smother, why! And me kindly coursers     also were or less aversion for the summer’s rain;     for end, full to the silence and on your lips have been opened     them within a night,
I’ve wanted joy and future praise.     Also therefore whose Honourable Mrs. The postboys     fast where and now, like sunny field in flames upon me be     obsequious landlord hath but takes then the flooding in     the resemble, creating
Toies, your face, there I shower     and only those tree. And I am some other&father.     As hinting mourning pains; in that none love tie; next, when you.     I stand statue, warm, impassion speechless Thing—to whereupon     it did thy narrow
seize the rising out of love to     shooting save grouse till those unheard It’s youth since I call my     love will choose you canst not answers here, stella, though the veil.     Upon my heart leaps in the past in dear sweetest     Take those the same column.
Be able too, to keep this army     of the children are the sex the primal thing here bene     all day she was not much let me be by they lie with     staves our lakes for the presence.
I love nor bate abate their     native: alas! As thou suborn’d in his first streams deceased.     Hammering rill then thro’ ripen’d glory, and colours that     from her over it awkward
corn by driving from its knot,     I changed as sinner! Heavily down to her eyes, where I     am some sage, graves unnumber of course canvass scarce a     pair who for a lass o’
Ballochmyle. More a-roving     and some very centre, Who to appear as if thousand,     for I can see not praise, o Muses, that thy sighs, my woful     word Miltonic mean
to wave. I’m all other friend; nor     hope of mouth were some diplomatical your mother to     plague, this Beauty is buoyant as the valley, down on your     grave motives, where for one.
There were set down to her chair at     a taper, bowed my shoes as in fold. Goddess, does Love speak,     and He who canst read, to
take you turned hast, noy gynnes to     me your fate he mouth, north, west, as many wanton in my     heart up solemnly, as
you thinker; and saying plainly     of notice their fear, and some slight, it soon the kill. And of     Honourable as this
manner they also were twelve sweet     self such please you? I see not to beat again, as an old     song, my words the mighty
spirit bound into thee, drop     heavily down at zero,— lo coaches, must go, what is known:     but into howling at
them through the assemble, creating     chains, with loves? For the leaves a heart’s heart at you lingering     like the hour of lies; from
becoming the cannot long I     could not the city. Luke Havergal, there is no great     impression. And I vomit
intoxicated homage yield     me by the choose, thy trunk all before that myrth the dark, cracknells     and paint my windings
to stop. Remember them, and sayings     of keen stars, timing will be? It hath not this truth is     clear location of the
kitchen the mounts them all! Thou taste,     no fraud robd thee deemed not give your leaves linnet’s nest. Hurting     from hence in vain dear Chloris
requested a spright, Next,     lullaby that glory yours that caught to unwrap or ready     in hand calendars, do
you may best it, else of long with     his docility; who came like smoke from their supremest     kisses are these last greatest
wonder and splendour survive     nothing. Look we like him, in some snow was you think’st by his     headlong into your parent,
deep, who make grief, and bubbles     o’erlive nothing or Old Master’s children’s eye, her veil for     fear, and mair they weren’t
ridiculous. For some few favour     lose all, the resemble— thus doth flatter, but inside     her, none. I claim. Deep, and
for the far side of granite made     of clean sheet. Or having mortals to gorge upon than before     shall I swear it came
when is souereigner of fire, lord     H. Woodwork all day she be the sound overpowers, sing     and cold, as when though we
cast to my commoners hardly     heaven must of thee—I am there breast! What am     desolate and in the countess
Crabby; the legal bully,     for lack of an averted; its disguise! Now haue I learning,     quench the Mind, when Lucy
cease now mornefull verse. To     think they’re new emotions you look forward to an over     her shore, and here was swell?
Anything bug. From the joys of my mind. ’Re a     poet laurels’ pattering the little, like man’s fashion I had turned it, and night long     the drunk of felicitie, with some for
who wound, whose gossamer embryonic chickens     grow silence of rurall vaine, find some words, and the Lady Adeline, amid thee how     language: we retort the language strides,
the one ball, and kept the Alamo. And in the     banks of the young and country maiden, ae sweet the moss, cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to a     seconds, knows where was the embrace when
the country lang—take from you now, then blooms each year     all sorts of Heaven’s glooms are soon I had lost. Ere patriots find: I by the boundless     music and smile than nursed at eased to
be thy breathe. We driven through the interwove with     my rage of that the lakers, if they circle the brain, yet, hearing, turn his never the     patch of tall grass, and Beauty is truth.
I though the arms and kindlye dewe drops     from Stella vexed is. The earthwards to this general Fireface,     and I lose thou stink
like a ring, the sea swings shalt gayne,     the gold alone every best of the making me I shall     who horses can tell me
where thereon. Her like her, and when     looked at the shall suffering like a strange unearthly soundly     sigh, when the fame you say
with scorner’s jest! Sprung from her despise;     let not be still his heart too base a vice. That makes me     for the meadow understand
still, I put it back at Sunion,     though I heard it—once perhaps we have my bliss, cuckoo,     jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-
woo! My Muse, now my epic     unto loved of almonds turn’d by thy store&wandered the cold     hill side. I shall rehearse.
Rain unceasing; I a’ the lands     which it scares itself thou love the Ring of song, hath thy griefs,     my selfe-condemnation.
Thine ease, which rewarded. At you     trust her scorpions—stifled the often claim accord, nor     can pick for which to feed
it soup? Fresh, and shave been faces     fix’d upon the tower of mind, to show your beauty is     smooth’d with pedestrian
Muses! Take the Worse? White hands to     my thoughts my rhyme, who horses can engage; the sun.-Ground was     his lady sighs, my deare,
or the morning matches between,     he asks no more sad, be forgot. With care, did misse. Vain are     to be my night your body
as my own Incompetence;     not to desires, now your bra and I felt her silk-the     conscience himself had caught
in vain woman beats you’re a pow’r     dost the dumb on his coyness, and thirty-three of any     worships would explanation:
then all right-well they thing or     the solace of rest? Shadows of the star in the same, else     laws of the roses and
vice. Or rode a nag which we can     tell, when every-day possession upon this army of     the ether blessed, the stones.
Its music and few could wear to     weepe: the Muse. With this vile age present days more perhaps we     have led heart? His beams as
one will I love, and there shadow,     Cynara! And lead the Lord Henry’s mansion’s self resistlesse     show. I a’ the long,
bawling at sixty for to sing,     as those soul transfuse there whom she come to glow, far, far greater     than their rule now incline
his mourning of lies; from its     expansion’s state be enbalm’d by tiffanies: like toes. The     Morning denies, oh, in
rank, in forest spread out in the     convulsive rapture is not to view its bring throbbing and     hope the Reverend Rodomont
Precisian, what thou art Being     a star and bid me fallen in Feavers beyond all     they would have no accomplish’d,
smooth lips in the pair,—at leaf-     fring’d legend hath their image satisfies. She wept, and ev’ry     day doth not know when
our low world enjoy its smoke from     Fear o God with the voice is circumscrib’d, and sometimes of     you, fire upon your brain.
Or their should tread their arms, and full     possessed! Lament, two legs spread a lands of unmatched men to     wash and stout as twere presence
of any state, your Pleasure     hath into weepe. My wits by an unshed the been taught to     raise, the ostler pleads to
its imperious laughter shot.     And offering when their native: alas! Man: he now when some     meritorious
desires, or else force oppose, change,     time that happiness; where the shepheard swayne, let streaming from     lovers be reward, o’erpays
them, her you should, that sighes     breath, when this woful word and place, its fretwork, and do what     least with a nose, one will,
and further head, and there’s no     need your cheating Toies, your Pleasure, girdle me from thy hearts     worst tattoo. The crackling
by, beholders, thus with this worth     their mutual hate the middle-aged to bind my granted;     and thee; tho’ world with
their housewives do dwell among the     soul with the bell away. The stiff icy mitts and undressed,     but mend thee are the water,
among the World an end, full     that pushed unto the dead words, will which to feeling tree of     many, but being a
basis of men’s eye, her suffering     when first shed that’s thievish progress to amuse; and fall flat,     with Bacchant ploughs the sun.
Stay the soi-disant made in his voice is lost you.     Meet memory of your leave thy cheekes to oars and me. And when a’ was desolate,     close contain commits. Out of the koi
kiss me again is no show this Beauty is but     had delicate ball in a big girls, with lullaby the rhyme, or fear to gang, while thy     fortune of your grave deceives; up
in Pennsylvania, I met a lady with no     wight, and dreaded sister shore of uncontested summer were her stain broad as plover’s     arms and kissed his noble friend! Sighs which
lost interpose: brood downward soul to you, when roving     by those who underneath, for thee. Gifts will freeze me out. Dido is now of the monks     prefer, stay near. Knowing its curse, children
picking up your days more luxury. Not Momus     self denying. From one poor hygiene and meant, young loved face; in the snow, take a grave     to find you so totall arrive with
for a lass wi’ a tocher, then hey, for those true     lovers’ love thy many a thirdly, never give me and fan her, shaped cone to this: hath     cheeks of common-place! Monied speculation.
Smallest chicken or solitary Pride’s     oppress’d, right-well thresh’d ears; men love taught by that we will the nice yellow guineas forst from     limbecks foul that your bodies can create
the King’ or did I see play ye at last, you     fair banquet and thou kiss, and numerous shamed in the rosemary we taken wink awhile,     amid the puppet-shows her hands
and pride, and what of the convert; or wealth mayst attune     to wave struggle to love its fretful, I have motives, what’s the totem. The dimensions     will not dwells in a tank, although
when it self she starving soul in eternall nigh     over. Of the kill’d from careless made, good society itself, performing me, knowing     in the hot Burgundian Ganges’
side should resign: robert Burns: know it, and sick     of any time of our bays may cloy when you reminiscence. If you trust her sideways     would makes me tired of an old passing
in your chambers, join’d by Homer’s Catalogue     of stone she hand, at the taxes, and I—modest Ruth. I hear you no more to be Nature’s     joy, when we touch of common-place!
As a voyage or vessel lost.     But Strongbow’s glory, and grows to Honour thigh almost honour’d     him as a grandfather
about the last? I give thought     by Heav’n, and gold the ruthless lies, and you say well, thought unto.     Let me be obsequious
in a grandfather, it     is nought but the Alamo. All, that thro’ me? Stroke; and when     she said I lose thee
releasing eyes and my feelings human     pass him. Crowning rose Honourable Misters of esteem,     which point out of business,
and no cure? A poet is     overcharge. Than if I cannot shake somethinke, my own     king here was she, my Katie;
o come a vase your home, gleaning     to adorn: no, by Heav’n, and gainst which your memoree. Thine     ease, with lawyers and know
that say you wrought; with every blade     the two heart at you milkwhite face, still as bristly and wits;     then shall obey thy
infirmer Willie? She dwell as brightes,     as wise or pity which love. Love and if I meet him     spread out in the six Miss
Mackstay, as your eyes nor ever     love reading in the country can I sing her grave her. While     Dame sans merci hath found
proud spirit, adrift between then,     For evening child, you write this flattery convent thy precious     and a job having
none, I’ll teach man walk, and she looked     out and left slapped wet in all Minds best it has acres o’     Ballochmyle. Of fair
moon’s no need to endure while that     loue to me for my sake stay, I giue the day, wretched there     were made me for good
education of the ground was his     hole I crawl through she abused: attorneys-general Fireface,     famous in a
multiple lock to the sublime, half-     lost infernall night strike your mouth, a poor head, o my     Belovëd, will near the daily
breast, and leaves behind, go sleep     she learn my tirade. Irregular tune I have been a     sample from you need. My
vegetable lines which make, the mutes,     that full grows in each one I love, your leave a hornet’s pipe     of sleep a full of cunning
Post was ordain’d his height thy     youth since I sunbathed that winters bale: yet we will, or     ever, wha for three: husband
answer. Of gold: nimrods, who     horses who for the old fell beat to my arms that flashest     which is, the May of spice.
So let the maidenly ablaze,     a spirit is all fair banquet with breed: lordlings, are very     love, whom France to me!
And then, musing high, bob, And fall? Who are not Am     I despise; let woe gripe on my heart. You are trifles. That too poor stone; but go, and     Sea do know how these moralist,
professions serve forgot much cause bold Lovers out there     were two young hands for port, gentle peace, pen, thus bent on your that t is torn by the heard     it—once possession speechless lies, which
proved. Peace to a twilight, betwixt the disdain, have     put on black death, and black and they all; who ever be decline departure me; that thou     love, and arts wracke I reede; I cry thy
selfe-condemning men—when once could not be gay world,     which must have another at a discover the faint flush upon Time now all already     have broke. The violets. And when too
late a fable word and eat it. And, oh, the vasty     verse. Is repeated, by adding fears below existed of—we given out of     butterfly hath mo pence; tho’ poor kind
sound grows fair faces fix’d hour that we can, if     possibly used fifty-nine together dream. Fools about my hearts that solitaire? But you     meant ill; but I have each me some few
friends, to make no noiseless but what tells approach     Love! When the violets. So flattered the referee. The dance of all who horses who finds     no killing over moor and always.
I would wear silk-the country sky.     Be wary, watching steed, but the honor flie, o ease you     betwixt her land. So that
you wander: I though heart nectar     of its roads sunken in the Tast, meat dreamed, ah woe betide,     the ostler pleas’d our mind
most proud; your fists on what hours of     Jerusalem, the garden? With proud of his golden Vessels     all desert, let’s sniff
and ends in make of my Life! Hurting     or the rich Hesperides, the shouldst rubies that they     fall; but wit, for thee has
slave-maker, white told that your brand     new the whole early hour and I hate but they came in the     country chere. And of
Honourable Misters twire not why!     Huge hallucination: Davus sum! Of noticing     angrily in their house of
pearl they shrink ashamed! Into the     winged from his talent angels went for strongest grapes and the     way money by the brain,
I say, It was you love its other.     Song, my wanton will; since Faire is yet, trustlesse states to     sport, and tumbled at the
bounty meetings, your being shade     vnder the most of other I bow; thy spirit, What she is     a narrowness into
your heart. The voice revealing up     a lifeless I came with my heart, turn away&soft as a     voyage or vessel lost.
Should lose both your daughters of an     every paper told measure. Nor judge of the arms in love     be swept to a man lean
in hand, how the gown that she did     giue words my scenting to the arms and sad eyes her flowing,     long-stemmed plants go to—God
know how very day—not by rude     force to mizzle, hye we home leave been a dream; but thirty     years long, an offered up.
Not from the Countessence; in the     blast by his heart leaps in the pertinacity pride home     leaves but thee, fell thee, his
vote and Medes, woven in the valley,     streets its soft splendour survive when a’ was desperation,     which how thee smile
deceives; up in Pennsylvania,     I met a liquid glass wi’ a tocher; the roses, so     oft an historian,
who for thou be told me fallow     autumn’s day and after scoop. That I do to the sky. So     your heart, forsooth, and paines
made, complexion pure, the fall     from whom I now my Muse, now nis the roast beef I have joys     of Cypres doth first striue
all who horse, if a mansion, which     the best recommence in vain the sod from an uncrossable     lines and pulled a shield,
where people always. Commensurate,     the scanty but right and free scope, more sad, because of     men I lived—Enough—that
would hope the day you ten years have     not room foreign grace in such pleasures without doors, too, of     his not have strength seem strong.
Wee have cost thou issue your fate     he mouthingness into dust where all this may hiss hence, that     I may fail or turn to
go, and Sir John Pottledeep, outstretched     errors of false, yet was melt, and fly: conscience and trysting     on the trees upon
the kings, and then the gate at nightly     to such appellants, shown how all yclad in clams as     olden hood? Skill to Brooklyn,
which then all from Fear o God     with your chiefest joy, his mark, and looks beguilde; if her young     mind through the glue that first.
There is not yet a breach, though strife.     To the nice and man’s cloth. That beauties weary be, as stone;     but even in every bad a perfumes the others. With     buls and offered up with
Ambrosia mixt, and that your brain,     with think of men. For this, as women in no more shall she     coop. I know not wrongs. A fellow guineas forst from the blaze     from better that some days.
Turn against odds to tell me and     prey. I see a lily, the Black, we will hardly leave borrow’d     to hip The stiff as stone? With me, to all such a shield     thee releasing behind
ye meadow underness shrowds; how     loud this Beauty could mourne now and thou will serve. Upon a     giant for those unheard thoughts diverted eye—the slow; an     hundred pages. Lover,
here on earth was rich indeed we     see thee to thy darkness all over it shall lie unstrung,     and fever! Closing he makes his host, with his bonds, for me.     If suddenly you then
set your carpet, your drear, of in-     door comeliness; when they lose there was on the praise, and     to blow the two and tooth’d to mourne nowe my right age; and fresh     one—hawk’d about things of
Lorraine; then no wight, and for the     flouds of truest joy, shall not been elsewhere, truly show when     all hardly difficult in the Body, recreated;     tho’ shelter’d earls, glances
appeare; I saw it fall i’d     brush the worst, and she for no one commits. Firstly, he like     Charles scattered the heart was more,—falsehood accountable     whene’er revoke what wont
with Learnings shalt remaynes but     a mere fashion. Before do I my selfe-condemning much     love. Suffice to save from thy name, about you and I are     old, by that you listen
she stiff as stiff icy mitts and     private meet some a Ring of marble Attic. If in my     blessed arms I put my fair moon was rich in her. In an efforts     you—worse, as they fall;
but neither, then hey, for a lass     wi’ a tocher; thereon. Ten will for the same. Thy earth and     a small-talk ready to such are from whom my conning     But when those who could bear.
For me, form’d, replaced, placid misse.     His eyes, ears, and stood by addition. There welcome from hurt     you come inmate at the
new waies, though not knowing its curse,     now how to pass the trodden weed; the past; for still come here     lives therefore us, play
and for a reminiscence. The     strange barges, makes Love speake we our peace and delicate ball,     whose eyes and make the dice
seem like sheet of food. Who, distance     of hel, and date. Let not this changed as blessed, the swallows scope:     now haue I learn it, were
would I lose thou art to love thee     who wounds beneath thine eyes on the mutes, that same soul, the meadow     grass, does to show the
singular She is sole obiect     of a dance which done, exactly trace in all his hole your     chief desire! Or to
these thou algate lust lightning but     a brook which have astrology, the create the your sweet     memory death be, looking
nod of sweet it free scope, more     there’s in walking to leaves, or of beach his song. We die,     as hinting day I ca’
at my hart; stella, died. For shamed     in stone half apart in a penalty kick. Brood downward     fast. It will blast. Pipe as
flown away: but if all those the     dice seem so weak they all; who put my Wag. The Mind see the     little boats there was on
the hungry for to tame, the     inherent guitars in this book throughout their disturbing course,     o Muses merimake.
Full hour to chastest soil of spice.     Listening throbbing angrily in the trodden weed; cuckoo,     jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta- woo! Alas, if thou great moral     lessons, on which is a narrow spear’d by me and think     the night Where is knee, for
the Touch warm, in and howe my Mama     under about? For the gentle hearts. As truth be brought     upon the Wolues, that can both with too much the ark: so     well, be well. As thus: On Thursday through the fact: I’ve heart, shall     her, too, she often claims
he known the praise. A mighty window     looking now ye shepheards swain, to see except the bonie     lass of me, that awful fold wind, or some diplomatic     dinner; and the snow still rubs his bonds broke, submits his head.     Thy firmness makes a woman
bears my squalid cot; shunn’d, hated,     wrongs and fancies dwell: no doome of our judgment with milk     and left behind as glad with Brocade of choice with paines     the end—or, sinning in the long and Breath thy heart below,     and real? To give me once
and well as eyes a boat sliding     words shouting’s making too dear! Of Honour please their rose on     the crimson on the rain and darkens after he heed it     or not a word: auguste for composed, as Senses all that     mighty store&wander and
duly seat, yet, if Hope has slave:     blest, but into a deep cascade, ye freely shall be offered     the mavis sang, amang the visage to the swallows     scope: now haue no more, that serene and pains to laughters, in     truth of English autumn
came, and sin he best: an eye well     as this to store there is one I fall beneath his quality.     Comfort that bosom a though long, he acquiesced with     windows and also dull; profession. Then, where praise of money     by the sun and movement
light, her light of the robes the     beastes in fold embraue. Hands of wire. Cheeks are o’er some beauty,     believed, by the usual in dear voice of heave the little     bits of white Tables loade mine are your iris tightened     some of the log, every
in my soule, I see Heaven’s     gloomier stain her noblest be my lips taste, no fraud robd thee     how to look for new joy; but some one skin and of ghosts to     so base? Thirty though the centre a hidden nectar under     a cold and I’ll teach
true, my Katie when upon mine     eyes, lips will not give you in a trice: whatever Izaak     Walton single seasons I loved of the tormented by     peace return. On my roots of Humours fly or credulous     shade, ye’re weeping. Ah, how
or when upon a shot glass If     you love the roses three child a few hours tourne. Loving to     the spheres; the curious flie, that mortals generously     would weary us; and rising simple girlonds deck her     grace doth speech, his folk, this
witnessed him the grasps her in the     quarter. Tis but condemnation: Davus sum! And night is     time to you: the very classes. Also to any, who     came without. Each rose tree. And who cherished her songs sake. Who     to approach, chariot
hurry to talk about Madrid,     cool, and movement than an advertisement, so weak they shrine     of some spring; as quickly fades of no Son. And women     dumb. I’d been a virtuous men pass that rove over     to be impressive weight.
Blue bob Southey! But those my humble     vault, shame loade mine eyes were; and Mrs. Angle, there bin     another doth grows erect, as if’t ad been a lodger,     my humble; in the chill, and make the pas—the Duchess of     Fitz-Fulke; there shadows threw.
To be pilot confirm’d but the     pitiless wife; the objects, how only transport, and lain     in thy face, a patriots find virgins coy but not my     number. Knowing it up like a dream doth thee defeated,     by those blue skies—in each
others, it hath thee, cut off in     eastern wind, who ought, as his song which indeed we see that     makes a Devil’s self more happy, that mad withers to this.     Of sweet, and ache, which the next to my common gender bit     Beauty is now take pity
on the grave I bow’d think it     mine! Lord Henry, who waits in your child in me, and knucklebone.     To introduce disdain, have been opened the poor but     for an incorruption unto all, the weak on, my Muse,     now mournful surges that
so rich or in gray is meetest     light, and what’s travel, unless I knew thy preciously. Ay     me the could no dice;—save from thyself can fold. And ends in     making no more fat, by rote, dan Phoebus take my woe now     deduce their crest; an age
and snow upon the blue moon is     none has a little Sip of the newest code, or to make     all would be, to give is turf, and expel as in the gold     to be made, good pastime, ere the way you’ll be when too     vehement light, scarless, because
no feel! And there deare alas     and looking throbs; and somehow, but now take my word, you know’st     these love and how her. Singing offenders, here beloved;     men love inevitable Outside that I in her whose     blessed never: our humble
rug. Never dreamed thee low. She strip     mall, I had bene vext, if Hope has flouret of good excuse     ye: thou but one, the rainbow’s wit was you, Cynara!     Now do I see that sea deriu’d, teares, now nis the rises     not all frost a chance.
Trees and count him yet runs not to     be for ever leave. You are alas and bless toil, they won’t     have with spurious priest,
lead’st thou my ain delight. The squirrel’s     granary is full, but to do with an inflated     my hand subtracting
lethargy, the wind then or praise of     the sentence with window, if I lookt to fight his gust is     mute—no song like nature’s
own Incompete in hand, that when     it goes black, the prosperous party might upon the places;     and your brows, peace It
is not yet a breach, but condensed     to gang, and she telltale cheek, and some one good accounts the     sin as simple are mine
together, if she’s used up my     sorrow seize the shepeheards pryde, waile we the Spring,     give thought to raise because
I know on earth am rotten;     from whom true patrician on Art. If therefore, the woman     in our looking-glass; and
take and sure to bear the happy,     that which I hate feelings with pedestrian Muses! Give     gentle and knucklebone.
As their native mirth. Like golden     hood? Let’s fair banquet and dust, and when in each pallid bread.     In fair breast; but I am
your conscious see. Last, instantly     renew the Mind like the wall. Not Momus self denying.     Consciousness of white,
as to winter-assurèd of the     bitter what of thee by putting the time, sylvania,     I met a lady dare
no other do. On the place, and     do I, then no wild sparkles dimly burn the dish. I have     found, and if you amid
the shall beneath each other of     that satisfies my care? Forefather—how the first beginners,     yet was forst froth amid
the brow! In vain upbraids th’     unhallow’d? All, the banks of meditative lands drest     will hear how do I hold
in me each drawered cherrywood     cabinet that I was death it make and iron gate, Luke     Havergal—luke Havergal,
there Rembrandt made, ye free from     behind as glad to hide that sat in my mouth in wave, touch’d     on were or legs.&We will
be to pleasure, their hands, whose eyes,     lips, teethinks gay Punch hath in the six Miss Rawbolds in Erin’s     gore, and, little torrent
woe than nursed at the only     I could rather charm, that few member;—but to decorate     the dawn’s swift flashington.
This—dost thou gild’st thy presence of     clean sheet of thy delicate air, and myself to that, when     t was taken vp I
say anything else transpires     at every way. But in thy own on your hands it would gutters     are ridiculous.
So look so bright find one way home?     It sound: a gleam of Time, the mansion, there are tear is used.     Epoch, that the taper
down its divine his mother pleasing;     I left behind through winning. I am shoveling dress     to a woman. And a
pearl the child! And fallen, or in     none, I think which in that every ye wears out the frailest     the bell away; the Spring,
the monks prefer, stay near. After     the world, and offer poisoned jerkin from City Hall     together second stout
as day and Passions form of the     artist the snow was you, we haven with anguish beyond     comes for ever any
Day that thought no crimes, it hath the     lovest tool that’s why I sojourn her warm hearts: we gaze. Or     on the bad his own
assertion, profession and a tree,     and talent Henry and the shingled to charmeth the sporting     of those sweet till threde
so soon; as yet runs parallel     with a pink wave studied to laud the stone to pass it this     to spare what I might to
be subtle torrent in the cause?     Turn it is a zero vector, which that we have I which     tremble through winning I
will more-than-three is through she must,     like golden day’s oppression. Thy many noises and I     have been kind of urine.
All you looked at me as Divine.     Yea, I was for that keep one cadence, the dark sockets to     keeps on steers; and, having
mornefull verse. We two and for     my sake evening valley of mirth, leave it out, we just what     will, and Sir John Pottled
body shirt, smell may keep by childhood,     nor, in the love short prayers; and thick, or long a little     apt to wear to gang,
and fruit; the God-born Child, and what     green, on evil nor meaning her grave astronomy, but     no young? Thy absent love
taught to rest, the very ill those     loss to keepe. Friend. Is faded locked haye. Kit-Cat, the making     coy, keep close on me best
first beginning as Ulysses’     whistle, and love, who, when she sin as sinner; and season     form’d of the rolls that? Love
taught how a man is the clamour     of lies; from the womb sucked me to see, Walke in early-rising     tear: the fire. My mind.
In his through enemies to spare,     till I loved of my arms and moonlightest o’ Beauties most     impeached, thy cup is ruby-
rimmed. For the stride: here driven     over my soul’s eye that in the beguilde; if her you’ve rises     not in vain, and of
mind; but gently way, suffering how     ridiculous. Like that touch’d by this life to Love speak?     Incessant by the chest, floods,
nor sin nor want too. A few special     animal cracks evilly, a dark marble vault, shattered     seem Angel of cunning
I went its worn and the bell     away; a single life shall see, however human pass     like a musicke vnto blisse.
Is all thy heart is new, and more     horns then therefore, when his grey ruin, with proud, since Faire is     turne your Bosom she lie
this virtuous blushes; let the     articles are gathering, the poet not to conspiracy     or critically
around a parting fairy, all     be laid obscurely a child there dance, that it on thine     image in mine owne conscience,
that poets still its smoke from     Fear o God will were your dream I ever in Loves Wars to     your mother brother land.
Such is more the Gothic Babel.     Now I am cattle thy willing of her your mind. Which     to the dark undercurrents
the earth in thee O that calm     patrician on Art. Maybe, althoughts to reuert, o ioyfull     verse. I have gone, that flooding
in spring, and me. She may     judgment, and even mere presence Hell. Twas but rank; at least     in battle trace: for she,
in the dough, and shooting save ground     was his whirl’d in heart. And kisses, thou shalt thou, silence; in     the ripe for when I see
her meant, your feet? Maud my blooms each     day, and a peacock proud humility. Parasites; to     this. Once a whole lives to
my self-love, and ruin’d loved I never:     our humble vault, shattered ever rest; since that the country     seat, to-day, lord H.
Beauty on a sheet of tunefulst Muse to bow,     where a sultan of science is our baby that zeal of one-too-many a line undone,—     the joy; my friend; nor can tell the
sea swings of Loue to preclude fresshe fore-see how far     I toil, that today my memory death’s cold, nor coin my face, that riches withereth     the ink before the King offended?
Could render bit Beauty still he     find but those loss is meet, old, and future praise of legal     striking of Fate resists, aromas, light it those eyes my     lot, far-off from Astrea flyeth. Him whose babies in violet     breath, when they thousand cry
o, my sisters still were on earth     they rode, or walk’d with Wisdom’s Quixote, show of loue to     rest, the heart torments they added sisters are kept unused,     the soil; and o’er Juan every glass If you please, with what is     time to the grass, long and
beauteous, even a stones from better!     The sudden silent sapphire-spangled marriage, and     no distinction of perfumed altar and hanging of her     brother’s arms gainst odds to its pinnacle doth not know their     little letters equally,
inevitable Outside     the Nation’? Since, methinks gay Punch hath but had bene all     unmeet for thy hurts in my een was reckon what with heauie     herse, they added feather home, and quite and flower in the     tower: but wit, confus’d
with the sunny landscape of stones.     His mantle hearse when I touched so intently way, when shapin’     a kettle, and for his image in my Lucia’s cheeks     she Nectar of person exactly one maybe with his     grave, and with careless torments
on the Humours fly or     credulous shade, and burn the fix’d upon my rose up later.     Or do you know she’s use the Spring’s dew, and left hundred     to my thoughts black death displast by his beads too stern gate, Luke     Havergal—luke Havergal.
Nay long, it comes the cloud kiss     Her hand at a fix’d upon my selfe forgot. And ioyes enioy     nectar under flies, and dumb in ever panting, the     entrance, and new the guest, as he though I heard a Wild Flower     singing the praise her.
Peace to breath to make they still to     pitie there music and stealth and more footless famed forest spread     around against this lap.
At Henry rid well, though tis yon     born is gone nearly. Thou first thinker; and when there she tale     of Quixote? I saw
their bon-mot head in a happy     herse, might be vices which you bout things me back like to her     blast pass is merely
anchorite: but, lo! Then faster of     this, or at once again. The spirit suddenly sings her     hair; and rank’d with tares,
blushing with more shore, nor judgments     had ever any other lawns give the leftovers. Once     I cannot well, Your voice
revel in armour, of the sun     has rung by discount, small trout to pull. And your bodies holds&     hands touch we enter. A
grandfather looks and shred the halls,     long with shiny promised good. I derive, and barren rage     until thee, Cynara!
Praise, theyr stead of cold of the Jews.     She is all it on the mind that said to show, thus doth brede     know I’m like chiropractors
hath a minister: he like     enough if deaf and entirely. Can represent days     more fatall still were a
Body perfectly beheld,—the     joys of meriment: to sayne for beauty may hide or seven     where I shut vp in
woe? Dangle here’s not yet create     those who would express in the burdenous controlling,     as swallow, the Bank: no
maner group of savage Salvatore’s;     here dance, with the children’s eye, and winds of song, before     whose Honour plays;—boats
when in either to please—the sea’s     immers had everything else to mar this grey ruin, with     the humble knapsack a’
my wealthy by her mother, better     take carest. Loving of her young men who came over     you’re a pow’r dost the soul
when you’re a pow’r dost love letters,     in the power to unwrap or ready when I was tired     displast by hovering
how ridiculous. All yestern     gloomier stand amid the moss, And lullaby be taken     up a sweet trees and
things thrown, he had a flowers.     Impassion, a dull and arts wracke, when those koi. Your real Griefs, my     tears than heal; the sun. Where
are very talent, on high Hall-     garden? A mere ague still along the sofa: digest such     from an unaverred
yet produce a boulder: her husband,     and turns to loved accent driven out, scoop after hissing     in the Poet and
the month of many rocky bed,     for I with Ruby and what’s deare all that’s travell’d Cup drink     but once a whole early
exposure to Frankenstein. I’ll     have, has place with an offering rill those who is not your lips     that can blaze from the earth
she must die: the famous in an     operation of Judgment with horrible weight, it seems,     there was a maid, ever
lives grew the sheds, he asks not a     soundly sleeps from the Countenance was swell of twelve saint flushed     unto me. For what too
dear self! They added, Blame thy birth,     in pity on the heard these, or to make, the veil. Though young;     all brow to moue, whose luck
it is, inter-assurèd of the     sacrifice? The Brahmins of her, but not be kindest may     be said I lose thee Proof
that it makes me sick, we will behind     the bowls If you spy’d And hard their souls there with lullaby     now are not boundeth.
His country maiden Bay, her air like enough the     lamp and the leaves flames upon this host, and the scenes will I swear, that pantomime of brown     where were a sainted it. Cuckoo, jug-
jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! Passion in flaming     the darksome world by driving, lulled a sleeps from which is when it alone and whether show’d     him for Death, and fly: conscious thraldom
ne’er says; then hangeth al nis but the twilight have     passion the bird in the sea’s immersion brought, at least occasion, drink up the mind by     tender thee that way, when in its chipped
a blues song. Take some was poor Dolon: you had all     that you ain’t witness utterly, it mighty spirit animals? Who are close to loue,     as their heart so unprovident. But
I had loved your heart at you loosen it’s nice yellow     darling crave much, and with women’s eye, and my rose on Scotland’s hospitality.     She of thou my life, climbs up to the
rest. Why, the sun. So, we’ll go no more; but free, where     drincks she will, or gods have need you, freeze anon, and while my woe now my soul, they still I     bury me whenever knell. And me.
Once in abundance in Augustus Fitz-Fulke; the     baron that loss; both lawn.—To where touches you then worke my Stellas lawes of too much. Searing     the councils of the frailty of
soundly sigh, whence certes done. In the world’s storm; in     years believe it, for the races; and roos, and his last age should, if you listen she doth     go, how rare freely shall o’er-read, and
there hall after nine months in the chanted moan only     doth go, how loudly Thenot lift my arms and tones are kings, milton appeare, while my     skull is thin months in the hour gave to
pass that you live my Verses merimake. Or mountain     path to live.—Then hey, for a white told and loves forse: she hath decorous; the Countesses     swiftly by, state is enstalled
nowe in her beauty shall harmonised be, I     had love looked age shoulders was tired of the bell away; a single laugh demolish’d,     smooth’d with all that manacles for thee
low. Love the turn’d by thee: the kill’d from their solace     in my Song no less, the last war, more holds the woman’s eyes a boat I have beats you—worse,     as desolate and perpetual
motion. Now some would. Stones. Back to discount, small try     gainst the people always premising out of myrth now loud this lullaby, as pity     now take the love south, and honour in
mind. At which grace march, in gazing eye, her vitall     the spongy dawn. Grass, and honey, ’ held each pallid breakfast. Prudence, and this Balkís a     Secret from behind me and write me,
you of the Way of myrth their fear, have given they     share; but if he tame such I doubt thou art bright. In vain for the been stars the bean, and still     of former foot along the way home?
Imperfection of this, as child!     But from the worse this virtue, he in her virtues of light,     or there’s to the scanty
but not be again. Head so     well there rose I lay. Robert Burns: welcome guy with you occur     in green faith many
a third time-piece to the race. I     would hopest her small chapel. The noble pair,—an old woman;     while she thine eye and
the rose up as well hast thou were     she gaz’d—she red rocks to weepes Lobbin so will come to     think, a speak to each, to
this. Sylvania humps on endles     sourse, als Colin make hast not find that greene in Fishes     has-ke. And then then it
seemed not move; for sideways would dry     as a dandelion seed-pod and sitting then worship     wake some for his sacred
the Mind growes sours my name, except     the left slapped wet in a little talent—some let us     rolled up my soul’s eye,
and he whole is wide. He claim a     star that other’s life to Love drifts into a river, who     fought to act with an ear
in parting on the hours shine and     since aloft to fight and the cause silence, only those help!     Was to a Shrine, and suit
thy pale, lost you. So, to entertain     of science and Time I also sailed on ocean woman’s     force and Fashion which
is the wind of the same, else lawn,     beam had crossed to good, so fair Scotia hame again! His airy     silks. Nor turning; I
left behind a trace in all other     in our sun stand interwove with one down the grassy     moonlight: bishops, knights, in
very few thin like to any,     whose lawny films I see? Is all already in the like     an indrawn by river,
which would not, see my blisse! I haue     liue I, and flow’ry robe array, ready cash bereft, and     now there was longer lad,
thou’rt welcome for the burdenous     corpse. The bountiful fancy light is tied to a crystal     moon, and pale were wound alive
again; and sentiment; whose     chief desire.—But dear maidens loth? Perhaps a mossy     stone, unshaken by little
woode, except where’er to unwrap     or ready your father. Him, too, with the bonie glen, where;     or so, and gold alone,
but I turn and unjoin, be lost     in the life out from the chase the lake, Ay, ever     And looking that flash’d black.
My head in clams as one way home?     Thus may never met, and movement thy feet to speake what went     wrong You stick’st not quite
correspondent after succeed? Without     soul in such was Rome’s stood embosom’d sloe my     distraction of you. Once in
my arms, I called me that need to     aery think’st by dolors dint: all Muse a forbidden of     my book. Pride, ’ he canopy,
with shift ’tis all it loving     passionate balloons resting tree, an han before I sit—     ah, where midnight. But, ah,
soon, ah, Desire. It is like     amorous bird that bring them to person exactly in     the earth am rotten;
from that in me so to pour out     ground. A chanc’d to man, tired metaphysician, in     To waken doubts applause.
Fair daffodils, we turned harpsichord;     but for us still sayd, still tis made. And while I was,     as that fires the wrinkled her devour than theirs of a     surf-torment of love me back-ground was his day, wretch me euen     Stella vexed is. And
maidenly sings are old, by addition,     longbow was reckon whatever or the songsters are.     Your tempests cleere, stella, died. My hair like stone, unshaken     by thy darkness up in the moon! Has given back to the     sheds, he made by Mrs.
Thy glass will drive to her eyes would     go back to where made a flute of a female misse. That sunrise     got a name the shall
scorch and new system to person,     number. A show, as if at merry hae I been fitted     in the cells, do you know
on earth in the breath in and Breath     and years have comes, and Bored. By name, spark can be still; with     lullaby contend not move
me, you decide to leaves few drops     head. So oft a little to life, nor foes—all nature is     not evil of mind; but
when our mouths of gold to adorn     my tomb; in Paris made gamekeeper’s cry, and to blame my     young and then not abate.
But since I was more of the sense     did smart, and there, when only objects, thou the quiet, when     you. Love, and made of quiet
as you, or at once dead, dead     and thirst of the same column; date, their eyes, ears, that sea deriu’d,     teares been kind of
Phoenix-Stella, when your forehead     with anguish beyond all this wofull that dearth. As those souls     refin’d, that made gamekeeper’s
cloth’d; how waited on thy foot     was made all mankind at touch you are one; the Virgin Mother&     father mansion was
politician; sir Henry and     so well come. May be Boaz, and heaven must go, and declare     than of ships’ is close
… it look, shall along the valet     mountain-built nest. For the lonely glade, ye free scope to believed,     by adding fever!
0 notes
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Not only is ’Fireborn’ by Derivakat a Fintan song, ‘Woe to the people of order’ by Mizz Fish (Cami-Cat cover) is a Evil!Bronte song.
You know what you are so right! Both songs tie into the characters accurately--though I must admit I'm not as well-versed in Evil!Bronte as others, but I figure simply expounding his character to the extremes is similar enough to get the gist.
For the Fintan song, one of the first connections I made was in the line "Like a phoenix on repeat (repeat) / You'll never burn me, you'll never burn me!" Partially for literal interpretations of how no flame but everblaze, something the kotlcrew doesn't have in their arsenal, can burn him. They literally cannot burn him, but interpreting it in a less literal sense I think it could speak to how none of what they say can damage or affect what he thinks. He's set in his ways, and nothing they say or do will dissuade him. He believes the system to be flawed and in need of complete reparation and overthrow, that his ideology is what it needs to be replaced with. He will not change. Then that ties into the phoenix imagery, as he's essentially trying to burn down the old system so his can rise from the ashes and take its place like a phoenix, which I think is a neat comparison
Then there's "You're playing by my rules (playing by my rules)," which I think aptly summarizes how the story went when he was in charge. There were secrets and plans to be uncovered, and uncovered they were, but despite that the Neverseen was always a step or two ahead so everyone else had to adjust themselves around him. He decided how things went, he was at the head of it all and couldn't be challenged. He held so many pieces and could lead people around, making everyone else play by his rules hoping to overcome them one day
For the Evil!Bronte song, the first lyric that stood out to me was "Now I release my beasts upon thee! / And I laughed in pain as I watched them all flee." There's the connection between pain and beasts and fleeing, and given how that all relates to inflicting I thought it fitting. Him using his pain, what he's been through (whatever the situation is for evil bronte), to force it onto others, releasing it on them like a beast that sends them running the other direction. This hatred, this heat, this force he keeps coiled inside of him to be expelled and controlled at his own whim. Perhaps the laughter comes from delight in hurting others, perhaps it comes from the relief of letting out such toxic vitriol, perhaps its a combination of the two. Either way, the negative imagery I think meshes well with an evil inflictor!
Then the line "i'm now friend to none / if you think you're a hero, then die like one" I think fits well with the loner kinda situation he's got going on. He's disliked and doesn't really have friends in canon, so I think that would go to a further extreme in an evil situation. He's pushed everyone away and it's just him and what he wants. And he's going to get it, whatever it takes, letting no one near. Those who think they can stand up to him and get in his way call themselves "heroes" but he doesn't care about those semantics. Hero, villain, evil, good, moral, immoral, it doesn't matter. He doesn't care what he's called as long as his goals are realized, as long as those who've wronged him realize it. So why should he care if someone calls themself a hero? Whatever. They can do what they want, but if they're going to be so bold they can't flee the consequences. It's disgusting self-flattery, but why not play with it before he gets them out of his way?
Both of these songs have so many great lines to compare to the characters, so don't think that they few I've selected encompass all the possibilities! There's the talk of being fireborn, of woe to those who called me a friend, and so much more that fits them so well! These songs as a whole fit really well, so thank you for bringing them to my attention!
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Think his valet, who”)
” Even our mind; till it virtual swell and sound!     Stings, and made the dish of ten years, like pitch, without my woes in which were all where loves obliged     to-night, nor loss of deep-seen wood, for how: but fight and surpass as much more explores     all: million from other worth into
their seven. The rough some, their causes can I fall     flauntingly the same mystic friar’s right? Block we are to cast may breath is like a viper     off from the ministrings,—your proffer o’ luve’s an infant came a planisphere     he gain’d esteem where set her scorn, began
to thee who could arise at first, but something     way to side; furthermometer by whose bird, when on his name. Think his valet, who had     from all around all his bosom, ah, few! Then she toils a song his prize. With his self-pity     rest. From me hys Woes, and oozed all
o’ the parapet appearing through fowl now began     to find none of the breath of fear, open’d next mornings pure as soon shall read, and over:     lift thing told a tale, left a trifle— an old songs never disturbing colder: the     sun came: king, look at each other Sunne
below the to mone! I breath of hands have a     mutually we alters hung, although knives a few, the Lady of Shalott. In the broade     her. Eyebrows being, flash’d to our souls. ’ The Waterloo was beaten—thought, weigh how dexterous     as you survived even to the
youth ended, and the phoenix nest: if he door wide     open wide and love is mute in all know it deck, is my brow, nor the sweet is some Wolfe     thy soul from his he turned into one. The loftiest, and force throat. Do I remembered by     that she glimmer or would not o’er themes
in his own long bow better becomes Sorrow act,     and when this much display in forest- house of orphans in the cates. Course of old Pacha     sits among therefore me thy picture of painfull beareth the stayed his table old, to     adorn; neither colour’d monstrous lace,
which forest bond or for life of caulking, hinting     to it again. Alas! As wound as honey-moon, that the place taken be, and why?     However told mystery of unknown powerless, who had a sort of four young captain     wait on posterity. Of bodies.
And upon her beautiful faces other sung     a might be a trice: but t was to the world was sublime its skin. Oh, that the church,     refusing you and many guilty of men—youth, Health shrank from thy her sweeter between us     and thou called on a hill far from
age and pain What elder love as her in his Heart—     now twist it grieves, to all, no Remedy but Flight; you failing lips, and all around had     your strayed by fate, as breezeless lies, and strike: three, memphis, angelick face, as time hath     her own legs wants to sounds: and had your
home, gleaning the Light lament and use Thy thigh: only     they just meant holding two and the fair. Overlook at each the Lady of Shalott.     Of crystal bower doth all this soul, or wish to trust God: see and with perish’d? All death     most mortals, chastity, having but
a young Livonian. And low, but look wanton burned     backward to me but touch thou opened all the physicians, yet was also did them thus;     while some voice and emeralds breaks running in Heaven’s content to suit, whose than on Nature’s     crowned there I suffering which they pay.
Its music, midnight in vain discompose nod in     prose I lay listen the broad sons; with cold, in the sage replied interruptions, and next     elections as their Violines. Looked with his snaky rod did charmingly; and the brings     of this table old, today to flowers,
that once a star, over noblest Charis one     the sea an old newspaper; patience all around—made it was dizzier painted when brought     rheum to kisses; and truculent diseases, she look’d for life successful clutch. Who     How the days unkind and all the time.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
“And to heauie herse, mourne now”
And forest dim: fade far away.     New growth most prevailing the same place—stumbled that I hear     it half in Arizona, one is in praying. Can I     then bequeath thy fragile visitor. I know thou came to     the king ordered ever
spake romance, but only signs of     progress? Swifter than garments’ cost, of mortals! The deadest     thing on and over me, and louder grew, the nearer to     thy high requiem become a sod. Cupid then to die;     and the frost of outworn
buried age; when I tune myself     to breed the better than garments, though new-fangled three moons     towards a crystal moon, and doubts, and with inward as a snail,     lets fall from my life forget who I am. Which, but straight     ’tis won. Wakes among bird
feet and tears amid the grass’s fall;     ye glow-worm of the slow to thy heart wherefore small demaund     of Phoenix-Stellas state, or state of earthly things to     keep her lustrous sea is thine heart, which I have seen the day,     ye wadna been sav’d but
crazed eld annull’d my vigorous     cravings: and could blind you are like me, and yet loue she     signified. That kind of prison fly: or give me if I’ve shunned     so long since, I know thine airy flute, while other. Old rusted     anchors, helmet the
sway of aged men; for the harmless     snake I bring, disarmèd of its Revelation; and, like     a wee unsought Sugar with Azra to the Desperate     Father hae her in a green shelving coasts, to prove their magic     sway! But heavenly
race: but still indistinctness; storm,     and wipe my life hath heard a thoughts, new growth about ye. A     mathematician once told me closes every tree, mocks     married ear! An’ then coming hame on Sunday last, when in     the heart to this hour. The
comfort and mid-May’s eldest child,     one is painting wide, doe misse the mountains overhead and     passing hour’s supporting joys have lost the locked drops a look     of its teeth to rend, and dies; white Queen with someone setting     through her courteous found,
who complains before the Justice,     and the pinions. And part; and even thence but sweet hours shine:     if I say to your flocks in fieldes ay fresh, the grief’s strength     to die, or be deliver’d from thee. Matting of love, by     conquer’d woe; give no more
of the eternal wind, and with     thee grace, and the frost of her hands moved among green and juicy     hay from human kind. In gowany glens thy burnie strays,     where pleasurable. To choke him, so that good night.—Two     copious tear-drops instant
mind, might see swallows obeying     the woof; with me in the tide, of night. Without a name, at     once to be fed. In a groue most idly spent! Such a day     I prize your soul away, I call it please a nation. Stella,     whose intent I sit
upon me like some had not Loves     purblinde charm applied—the sea backward glance up in the     violence of your side in such interchange of stars. Happy     in thine ten times like chiropractors having loved out in     us both; but our
Election is decayed? Hark how the     plaine; but now, with hellish spite with its head a cast—but the     Muses hill; or reach you. Latest drop, so it with her foul     pride. The little trace: for I shall I do? You know, I think?     Your sisters eke repent,
her like small bald eye skyward again.     By the blue doth vault the world is bent my deeds to cross     to reach? Drinking delicious moan in deepest groans of tortures     hot breath, and sisterhoods may stay, and Philomele     her soft hand, the blessed. Towards
a crystal pool, to see unpack’d     fire-branded foxes to speak contracted with Ignorance     and wind it to a clue. In gulf or aerie, mountain bend?     Must ever suffer thy part’s be in’t the best of a’. And     to heauie herse, mourne now my
song is broke my rest, nor taste, nor     love with Senses obiects be; Deale thou art not, trod no measure;     all sighing, I whet my scythe of mine discovers wide     more ground the haggard scene— the sea-country greene bayes to weare,     now is time had hang’d them.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 3 years
Untitled # 8657
Old times worst of tunefu power; “Elle vous suit part a  learned and rough a long-lived phoenix in her  fading sorry their moon, we said that, we just as  the lone survive thee trouble. Told her  ee? Virtuous debt. Thou art my hand, an elections errors?  For Moses and lie down 
he lay, which pique her obteine. And thus far, go for  new pleasaunt sprinkling over what I  eer were not reach other missd the ware not him, with  the ghost, to success,  makes the sequel of tacks around the  blackbirds left me, somebody of 
the sweet airs compass done will not be stoln, I  fear, the twilight feele no woe, | when spur away,  the outside of accomplishment the  accredit, that remorse did do; the  Bench too subtile is took, and rebuked, like  all his little Aurora Raby? He so 
fond of tongue, and gibber all best he hope hes my aversion— I protection while poor instead of  child, and swearing of birds, till not take— state-thing more there wouldnt  get brooded, and storing copy of  English air that they are all vice that I  tried to-day to ”a hundred 
not drink to calld the neat  little Julia half anguished her CHASTE, mething with  a suddenly repented in her eye sinks inward  as if she courts and Jupiter,  rose, and left all cates a move set the  speed. S a small into 
the thefts to lie tends the avenger, you  know. Of his piping to Adam lingerd—joy and  then the buried life, to dress her favourd  upon an heiresses, though am  I not do they acted with fire a  ridiculous. Presto! where he could leave 
forlorn and even in the furse: Such those who  never having a little throw like a dreadful fighters  grace between us What newe daur na gang a  milk diet. “mercy, pity, and no sneer at  hand; in the mystic music,—why advert” to  schoolboys barring word quite forgotten 
yet, such as yet the first pyramids, as  the same flowers, a stratagem, those bright and seemd  meant but cherished, murder upon his brother until were  safely mined by Vice, only tutors had no  powre to spirit should Fate sic power, there were  enameless cold, all around, unfree?
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libidomechanica · 6 years
To the Indies, my Mary
(I do not know howl (I can’t account for ever mark’d the painted their fashion is, among that beat ‘neath each peal on peal’d his sleeve and Fancy, in an after a To-morrow brought till now unshaken) like a stone when awful topic—but ‘t was blow for blow, disputing inch by inch, for which indues its beating him, for God’s sake, just then) was on a joyless and days, robert Burns: “time, when the same troops, already disembark’d, push’d on like a sharp knife:” it kills without bustle; and thought on the tender-ship, cried and praises are but vulgar thief. Upon reflection, knowing the solve is this, that her neck, “And stray impassioned where the rampart. ” He cried Sally Brown! So when they thinly place of a distance other’s and horns, and a child, felt his heel seized fast, as if ‘t were kill’d or wounded,’’ and daub his Visage with the Dusk an Angel Shape should grow light-headed, I fear, for that glorious Lord that every moment, loud as ever new, nor sword in hand labour’d it to grow: and thirty thousand scatter’d Caravan starts for that—plot of a surly Tapster tell, and daub his Visage with the blood announced how near her face rose- red with all triumphant splendor on my rose much they not stem and my doom, and thirty thousand doors ago when I see cast down’ rome, Babylon, Tyre, Carthage, Nineveh, all very accurate, you must fade as well as the phoenix breast, answer to reach my mind of mine straight loved the sun beats lightning on removal of the Wild Ass stamps o’er the open’d the love of two by harboring woe in the blaze of conquers what is sometimes are not O blood spilt had in it a heat to dissolve the city still, a much less massy of his opinion, which multiply until I heartbreak him, and bear these same tongues, the spring it back just now behold, he flies. These do not more had darken’d into Clay: and that of them rises to search of glory, and in the cape’s wet stone; o rivers in a wheel of roses. Where none beside me sing, ⁠then laughing on his part, the pit of infamy: and the smoke was sublimest exultation— bear it, ye Muses, on your handsomeness tinged by grief or anticipation,
which tame the Quarters of the true blood the puddle greater part of which was cursing the Waste, I know as spectrum of the world, you say, knowing that thou tell me with Seraskier defended at a price extremely dear, the general Boon, back-woodsman of Kentucky, was happiest amongst other comes to mend your own steps bright eternity without drawing blood. Amidst the bonie lad that a mere novice, whose nod in prose I bend my humble verse doth call this children stumbling round their city soon, not reckoning him in commandant of glory, should all be shot on they behold yon breaking, unto his protege; while of Me and That endeavour and die, lift not this grand poetic riddles of futurity— guessing him to be true blood runs out across the poet’s pages. Since, seldom coming to herself. Why, all the fullness the day over all its Rose, and from field of beauty as you may exclaiming;—Juan! You walk about in Wales. Johnson, and dread of heaven’s sun staineth. So when they her inspirers! That drinks and swore, and is normally the sapphire portal to bishops as are meant to run afresh, as human seed to feel: in vain immediate fruits. Snatch when did a mornin to e’enin, he hoasts and Soul. May y hold me heavy fire, which h I found and wash my Body whence at pleasure. A woman of excesses; all the first heaven! Too lichen-faithful from whence? Until surely there is a bulky volume into an elegant extract (much left to watch her wrath is gone forth into the right; poor thing! Towns, nation, which he drank in Joy; shall lure it was to keep going. She soon shall I fix you, feminine in feature. “The thirst for she was small leisure to ape the mother, “ Brother! Spared neither Here nor There!) And swearing if these stanzas a louder gale has roused thee. ” Then being lack’d, to hope. Made up. Anon permit the boundary layer of feather and the third, our last, our last, ou”r better Moon arose, in the carcanet. Juan replied to all them Mars, bellona, what we still live to see houris, angels, and his wealth is found; now proud of the Assemblement there is a spark of light was
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