#wof arbutus
confusedlittleguy · 5 months
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rat-with-coffee · 2 years
I judge the names of humans in WoF’s Dragonslayer
(Disclaimer: pls note this is based entirely on personal preference. If ur queer and u chose one of these names u rock, don’t even worry about this list. if a name makes you happy then use it)
Stone: 0/10 uncreative. not very pretty
Leaf: 0/10 same criticisms as above
Root: 1/10
Pine: 3/10
Grove: 3/10
Foxglove: 5/10
Heath: 6/10 didnt know what this was (it’s an area of uncultivated land), so I think that makes it both more creative and more likely to be a real name. but it’s not very pretty
Rose: 6/10 a solid name, but real ppl r named this so it’s a bit boring
Violet: 6/10 same as above
Daffodil: 7/10
Ivy: 8/10 the same as criticisms I put for rose. but ofc my friend ivy likes it so it gets a higher score, plus ivy isn’t as popular irl as rose is
Cardinal: 8/10
Laurel: 8/10
Rowan: 8/10
Azalea: 9/10
Wren: 9/10
Camellia: 10/10 a flower, probably connotating the character’s perceived beauty and sweetness. Pretty and unique
Aster: 10/10
Arbutus: 12/10 Sounds like a wizard. enough said
Undauntable: Either -100/10 or 100/10 I can’t decide, no in between
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