#woke 3 hours later with all the lineart done
nebby-stardust · 2 years
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HAH YOU FELL FOR MY TRAP I was in fact being suspicious and I fell for Velvet (he's pretty)
Velvet and Fell Nightsongtale by @skitteringjunbug
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lonedailydoodle · 6 years
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Daily Doodle 57 - June 12, 2018
Darn, this really sucks, having to drop these doodles I thought I could do..
But hey.. At least I never failed the 365 writing challenge!!
Today I woke up, then quickly got on my desktop.. Suffering a bit of frustration of not being able to catch up on doodles.. I quickly had breakfast and sat down to work on doodles after catching up with just a few videos
I got even more frustrated after writing yesterday’s doodle and seeing such a high number, I had to do more than 100 doodles, possibly 108 to catch up.. But then I’d have to do the ones I left behind while I caught up.. It was an endless cycle and I was gonna be busy
I sketch one doodle very quickly while heavily frustrated, it came out messy and I had to make more fixes later after having lunch.. And that “quick” doodle still took me an hour. I then sketched up two more halfway when I just knew I wasn’t capable of doing that 10 doodle a day milestone I wanted. I couldn’t use my doodles for warmup cuz they took so long anyway.. I’m not that fast
I nearly cried as I heavily considered canceling them and working a bit more before telling Pixie about it.. He then told me he was about to tell me to just drop out. It’s a bit of a voice of wisdom, we talked about it and I realized more I just couldn’t do it. I really wanted to but there’s commissions I owe and have been pushing back, there’s a lot of things I haven’t done cuz of these doodles.. They might have even been destroying my motivation to draw other things..
So I then finally dropped them all out.. I feel like I failed the same people I motivated to start this challenge. It had to be done.. Though, I never failed the writing challenge! However, I doubt anyone would want to read all these anyway.. I will however upload the doodles I had done this year, which are 54 with 2 being work in progress I left unfinished
I decided I would continue the challenge from today on and use this doodle as a summary doodle, I guess.. On March 15 we finally got power again after 189 days without power, a week or so after that I got working wifi again
On March 20 Pixie and I had our one year anniversary <3
On May 18 to 20, we stayed at the hotel near the convention center for comic con with a friend and had a bunch of fun while there
And last week Pix and I had a binge of playing Minecraft together and had lots of fun!
There’s probably a lot I missed, like how during all this time Pix and I have been traveling around in his Miata and having lots of fun. You might read about that in a doodle I’ll upload in a batch, don’t worry
Anyways, it has been fun writing all those stories. I’ll continue on but the gap on art will be there and bothering me for quite some time.. Darn..
I uploaded the doodles I had done already and then calmed down.. It was bittersweet.. I had a weight lifted off my shoulders but.. It’s a big thing to drop
I then had dinner, watched some videos and Pixie went to sleep early as he hadn’t been sleeping well lately
I stayed up watching some neat camping videos, seeing how beautiful camping can be.. Then browsed some art, showered and sat down to do.. Today’s doodle.. Wow this is gonna be weird, starting fresh once again.. It took me a bit to get used to lineart again, but I did it
Pixie woke up sometime late at night from a nightmare, we chatted and I set the doodle to upload tomorrow morning, back to that routine.. Feels refreshing, but in a sacrificing way.. Wow
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