ladyimaginarium · 10 months
our& indigenous pronouns explained !
nekm - he/him/she/her - mi'kmawi'simk
nekmewei - his/hers/its - mi'kmawi'simk
nekmow - they/them/theirs - mi'kmawi'simk
ninen - we/us - mi'kmawi'simk
ninenewei - our/ours - mi'kmawi'simk
nekom - he/him/she/her/his/hers - wolastoqey
nekomaw - they/them/their/theirs - wolastoqey
nita - it/its/that one - wolastoqey
agma - he/she/it - abenaki
agmowo - they/them - abenaki
wiiya - he/him/she/her - michif
wiiyawow - they/them - michif
anima - it/its - michif
niiyanaan - ours - michif
kiiyanaan - we/us ( two or more ) - michif
kiiyawow - yourselves - michif
khondae' - this/this one/these ones - wendat
wiin / ᐐᓐ - he/him/she/her - anishinaabemowin
wiinawaa / ᐐᓇᐙ - they/them - anishinaabemowin
giinawin / ᑮᓇᐎᓐ - we/us - anishinaabemowin
disclaimer: it's always encouraged but not necessarily a requirement to add an "&" next to a name or a pronoun to acknowledge & respect our& plurality !! <3333
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ladyimaginarium · 14 days
Creator in our indigenous languages
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Kisul'kw — Mi'kmawi'simk
Kisul'kw na ni'n elia'sutmai — The Creator is the one I pray to. — Mi'kmawi'simk
Kisiyulinoq — Wolastoqey
Kchi Niwaskw — Abenaki
Li Bon Jeu / Lii Kriiateur / Kishay Menitou — Michif
Iarenda / Orenda — Wendat
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
Translated Two Spirit into my& other indigenous languages &:
nisonul pisuwin — Wolastoq
deu lii zisprii — Michif
tëndih oki — Wendat
aguaso chibaiskweda — Abenaki
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