tamersmile888 · 4 years
Wolf Pack: Chapter 15 Season Finale
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Life is unpredictable. One minute you're having the best time expecting things to stay the same forever. The next day you wake up and everything's changed. You don't even see it coming.
The storm took us by surprise when we least expected it. No one had any idea that everything we knew would be turned upside down in an instant. Swept away in the path of a tempestuous thief. It took our homes, our memories...and our loved ones.
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All gone. Like they were never there at all. We lost so much. Artwork, photographs, restaurants, the museum. The storm even washed away Arcadia Bay. It took our friends. Our family. Grandpa Stephen, Trevor...Karen.
There was so much sorrow and devastation. Words couldn't describe the pain and the burdens the storm put on us. But we still had so much to be grateful for. Our lives and the world around us may look different from this point on, but thank God for the ones who were saved. In times like this, we had to be brave and uplifting. We were stronger than the storm and we were determined to rebuild. We could never replace what we lost, but we could create a brighter future. One day at a time.
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                                (Build by Starshine on the gallery)
It had been a tough time for all of us. We were all impacted in some way. For me and my friends, it was a lot to deal with. It was the end of senior year. We were about to graduate. Then the storm blew in and it took some of our classmates with it. We thought it would be good for us to get away, so we rented a cabin in the woods for a couple of days. Just to escape for awhile and take our minds off of everything.
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We settled in, made food and juice drinks and just hung out on the patio. I kept an eye on Lyla to make sure she was in a good place. After Abraham lost his parents, he joined the army. He said he wanted to honor them in some way, to make up for all the ways he messed up. I don't think he could handle staying here knowing that they weren't around anymore. We ended up losing him too. Lyla was holding up pretty well, but she could dive into her moods sometimes. I wanted to be there for her if she needed me to be.
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For the most part, everyone was in high spirits. Diaz and I talked about our plans after graduation. I was all set for art school, which hopefully led to a career as an artist. Diaz was still on the fence. He didn't really know what he wanted to do. I told him that was okay. He had time to figure it out. He could always be Oscar's busboy if nothing else worked out. He said if there was free food involved, he might consider it. All jokes aside, Diaz was smart and charismatic. Whatever he decided to do, I know he'd be great at it.
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All through the night, we listened to Jag play some mellow tunes on his guitar and had a pretty chill time.
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We laughed about old times like the day I was first introduced to the squad and how everyone was interrogating me. I didn't mind. I was just glad to make so many friends on my first day. Even though we're not as close with the others as before, I still miss them. It's always hilarious whenever the whole gang gets together. Thankfully, they're all okay too. 
We also reminisced about our parties at the drive-in. Thank God that was still around too. Diaz said he was going to tell his kids about it one day. Maybe it would become a tradition for all of us. Something to keep us together, like a family. Cheers to that.
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Later on that night, we watched a movie together.
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Girls choice. It was kind of hard to get into at first, but once it picked up it was surprisingly entertaining.
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Immediately after it went off, me and Jag went to the work-out room. In desperate need for bro time.
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June checked in with Lyla, making sure she was okay. Lyla said she was taking it moment by moment. She was managing. They talked for a while. I was glad she was opening up. That she didn't have to go through this alone.
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We ended the night binge watching Game of Wolves. I had to keep explaining everything to June who was actually getting into it. And with all the jump scares, we did way more snuggling watching werewolves than we did watching royal couples sip chamomile.
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Lyla, Diaz and I were the first ones up in the morning. The early birds. I made everyone breakfast and Diaz turned it into a competition to see how long it would take me. I'm sure it had nothing to do with him starving and this was his way of getting me to move faster. Since I finished in record timing, Lyla assigned Diaz on breakfast duty for tomorrow morning. He quickly reminded her that we would be on the way back home by then. She said she expected him at her house by 10 AM anyway and that she was a waffle girl.
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While we ate, Diaz challenged everyone to a game of Truth or Dare. I was totally in.
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Everyone else was a little hesitant to join in, but after Diaz promised we wouldn't get too crazy, they hopped on board.
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We gathered back on the patio to start the game.
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Diaz chose dare. Of course. I dared him to prank call Oscar. He was totally down. He disguised his voice and called Oscar using a phone app, putting it on speakerphone. He told him he found the “Roller Rink” money and if Oscar wanted his share he should meet him at Riverbank park in an hour. There was a long pause on the other line then Oscar hung up. It was kind of hilarious, but I really hoped no one got hurt because of it. Anything involving an angry Spooky could not end well.
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Lyla chose dare and Diaz dared her to rummage through the garbage. That was not a challenge for Lyla. She actually enjoyed grossing everyone out. She really dug in there. Making certain all of this wasn't for nothing, she scavenged until she found something good.
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Only Lyla would find a treasure map in a can full of garbage. She said she would do some hunting when she got home. Collectibles were easy money.
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Because I couldn't resist making an idiot out of myself for the sake of laughs, I chose dare. Lyla dared me to let her give me a makeover and take a selfie, which I then had to post on my social media. I think I looked pretty good in guyliner. The 80′s wig I would have to get used to though.
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It was June's turn, but she chickened out and went for truth. She said she had nothing to hide. So I asked her, “What's the craziest thing you've ever done?”
She said one time she, Asher and Shantiya were walking home from the mall. They were getting tired and they didn't have money for S-rider, so she went up to the road and stuck out her thumb like she'd seen in the movies. Some old hippie couple driving a rundown floral RV stopped by and asked if they needed a ride. They got in the back of the RV, sat on the shaggy rug, and the old couple told them stories about their college band while they drove them home. She made sure they were blocks away from her actually house, but they arrived safely. They never told anyone. Until now.  And I wished I hadn't asked.
Hitchhiking is dangerous. She could have gotten hurt. She said she'd never do again, but she enjoyed the  experience. She loved hearing other people's stories. It gave her a greater appreciation for life and strangers. 
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Finally, it was Jag's turn. He also chose to reveal his deep (but hopefully less scary) secrets, so June asked if he had finally kissed Chandler. He signed that a gentlemen doesn't kiss and tell. It was pretty much obvious from the smile on his face. His face told it all.
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Later on in the day, June and I snuck off on our own to get some alone time. I brought up the tragic issue that our friends were having trouble trying to find a couple's name for us. The majority was going for SJ, but we both agreed that was uninspired. She liked Jean. We both loved wearing jeans. Why not pick a name that perfectly described our relationship? My personally favorite was Juse. It rolled off the tongue quite nicely.
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We got a kick out of trying to come up with the silliest combinations. Then we just embraced each other and sat in silence, enjoying each other's company. A few blissful moments later, June came up with the perfect name for us. “Sun. We shine brighter when we're together.”
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We'd been through a lot over these past few months. More than anyone should ever have to go through. But having each other made it easier. I would do whatever it took to make sure I was that light for her because in the cloudiest days and the darkest nights, she was my star.
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