#woman&039;s wellness guide
paularoseauthor · 9 months
Navigating Wellness in Your 50s and Beyond a Guide for Women
Here's my guide tailored to women over 50, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Entering the 50s is a significant milestone for women; it certainly was for me. Hitting 50 marked a transition and change in various aspects of my life, including health and well-being. After all, 50 is half a century, so let’s care for ourselves with knowledge and make it fun! While the ageing process is inevitable (sadly), adopting a proactive and holistic approach can contribute to staying…
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survivingmexico · 5 years
Wellness Month
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In honor of Wellness Month in August, A Woman’s Survival Guide to Mexican Healthcare is free for the next few days at Amazon.
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Negotiating the healthcare system in Mexico is challenging to say the least. You can read about one woman’s current struggle to get adequate healthcare for cancer treatment in Mexico, you can go here.
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bulkyphrase · 3 years
Everybody & the Avengers Team
I've got a new fic rec list for you!
The stories in the "X & the Avengers Team" tags focus on one person's relationship to the Avengers team as a whole. Courtesy of AO3's tag browse and Excel, here's a ranked list of the top 20 most popular pairings:
Tony Stark | 2470 total, 240 OTP
Peter Parker | 2255 total, 85 OTP
Steve Rogers | 602 total, 56 OTP
Loki | 387 total, 26 OTP
Natasha Romanov | 308 total, 35 OTP
Clint Barton | 268 total, 46 OTP
Bruce Banner | 244 total, 15 OTP
Thor | 209 total, 7 OTP
Avengers Team | 174 total, 24 OTP
James "Bucky" Barnes | 156 total, 7 OTP
Wanda Maximoff | 143 total, 4 OTP
Phil Coulson | 105 total, 9 OTP
Darcy Lewis | 91 total, 6 OTP
Matt Murdock | 60 total, 8 OTP
Sam Wilson | 53 total, 5 OTP
Nick Fury | 41 total, 5 OTP
Harry Potter | 40 total, 0 OTP
Pepper Potts | 31 total, 1 OTP
Vision | 29 total, 2 OTP
Stiles Stilinski | 25 total, 0 OTP
In chart form, if you like charts:
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The numbers after the names are the number of stories tagged with that ship. OTP means the number of stories where that is the only relationship tagged on the story. Numbers are accurate as of July 2021.
Story Recommendations
For your reading pleasure, included below is at least one fic rec for each pairing except the crossovers from non-Marvel fandoms (apologies to Mr. Potter & Mr. Stilinski). Most are gen fic, and even in the ones with a romantic pairing, romance is not the focus.
Tony Stark
As Subtle As Cognitive Recalibration by petroltogo (Teen, 8949) tumblr: @tonystarktogo
Standing inside his penthouse, listening to Rogers, Barton and Banner explain to Fury how they just happened to stumble over the Tesseract on a routine security check of Stark Tower’s roof and wouldn’t you know, they’ve managed to fight off the looming alien invasion before it could really start and secure the missing overpowered nightlight is one of the most surreal situations Tony has ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
Peter Parker
the worst field trip ever by shrill_fangirl_screaming (Teen, 3420) tumblr: @i-am-having-an-emotion
"We're on a field trip," Peter said. "To here. And Tony decided to be our tour guide and absolutely embarrass me, so can you please help get him under control?"
Which is how Peter Parker, architect of his own destruction, ended up with not one but two superhero pseudo-dads being annoying on his school field trip.
Steve Rogers
Do You Remember Being Happy? ('Cause I Sure Don't) by GalaxyThreads (Teen, 11022) tumblr: @galaxythreads
That seems about right. He doesn't know how he knows that, though. He does have vague memories of an annoyed fondness at finding peanut butter in some sort of jam. Thor's doing, because he doesn't see the point of using two knives when one works just as fine. He knows that. How does he know that? He knows all those little details, though, almost innately. How can he know these strangers so deeply?
Everyone else below the cut!
Proprietary by TheThirdMarauder (Teen, 7639)
No, Loki simply wants the Avengers conquered. The details of whom, how, and when matter not. Unless, of course, said details interfere with Loki's plans. Then, well, then none can fault him for protecting his own interests.
Loki has always been exceptionally good at lying to himself.
Natasha Romanov
What Girls Are Made Of by enigma731 (Teen, 4613) tumblr: @enigma731
She rolls her eyes but does as he’s indicated, using his shoulders to leverage herself up onto his back, her arms around his neck and her legs hugging his waist.
“You know,” he says blithely, “this isn’t really what I tend to picture when I think of a hot girl riding me.”
Natasha groans, deciding that if his sense of humor gets them arrested, she’ll kill him herself. “Just go.”
Clint Barton
Dear Clint Barton (circa age 7) by pollyrepeat (Teen, 4221)
With a normal person, this might count as blackmail material, but a) this is a case of mutually assured destruction if ever there was one, and b) Fury is immune to embarrassment. Not just in the regular, Tony Stark way, either, oh no. Things that could possibly end up being embarrassing to Fury get somehow warped and changed until they go from mortifying all the way over into useful and/or good for his image. It’s like a superpower.
Carrying Clint’s small child self around on his shoulders more than once has probably already hit the interagency rumour mill as an example of Fury’s innate awesomeness: good with rocket launchers and small children.
Also available as a podfic!
Bruce Banner
They're Not Wrong by Trumpeteer34 (Teen, 10163)
As Tony began to pace around the hole in the road to keep himself from shooting repulsors at the nearby buildings in a fit of rage, Thor began to study the nearby area. There was no sign of either the Hulk or Bruce Banner beyond the crater. The surrounding area, aside from the rubble of the fight, held no clue as to their friend’s location.
“Guys, he’s gone,” Tony growled into the communicator on their private line, drawing Thor out of his darkening thoughts. “Someone tranqed him and took him. He’s gone.”
Honorary mention goes to the Responsible Science series by @letteredlettered - the stories don’t have the "Avengers Team & Bruce Banner" tag, but they could, and they are amazing. The best Bruce Banner writing I've ever come across.
Fortunately, I Am Mighty by onward_came_the_meteors (General, 3062)
Steve was the first one to speak. “Are you okay?”
Thor nodded. Which was a bad idea, as it turned out, because now there were little gray lights flashing in front of his eyes. “I’m fine.” Absolutely everyone narrowed their eyes, and he added, “But, uh. Could we possibly not get back in the car just yet?”
Avengers Team
Civil Wasn't by onward_came_the_meteors (General, 7123)
"We're having an ideological conflict here," Tony stated with disbelief. "Are you telling me you still want to go out to dinner?"
"It's a standing engagement, Tony," Rhodey reminded him.
"Not you too—"
"We already had to reschedule from Friday when Natasha was..." Rhodey frowned. "What were you doing?"
The question was directed toward Natasha, who shrugged and said, "Spy stuff."
James "Bucky" Barnes
You Know How I Feel, aka, The Adventures of Bucky and Muffy the Dinosaur by ifeelbetter (Not Rated, 4511) tumblr: @ifeelbetterer
“As you may have heard, Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, recently rescued a tiny part-robot dinosaur during the Avengers’ battle with Dr. Doom in Antarctica,” the other newscaster explained. “Pictures of Barnes and the dinosaur were posted on twitter by fellow Avenger, Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, and immediately made Barnes’s new pet America’s sweetheart.”
“Her name’s Muffy,” said Steve."
Wanda Maximoff
and the woman was young again by Mira_Jade (General, 3669)
Tony Stark called them the Cap's Kooky Quintet, and sometimes the term amused her – causing her to lift a sardonic brow where someday a smile would truly smile. She enjoyed the presence of comrades – true comrades – and she enjoyed the way their minds wove and bound together about each other to fluctuate against her senses as one. There was something soothing about being in their midst, and even when their loud and brash ways – their painful Americaness - rubbed her raw and drained on her, it was ever the knitting of their minds that soothed those moments over, and made them inconsequential.
Phil Coulson
Coulson's First Day of School by storiesfortravellers (Teen, 3055)
Coulson looked up at him. “I like drawing pictures with Mr. Rogers. I like having tea parties with Ms. Potts. I like it when Dr. Banner reads me books, and I like it when Natasha teaches me things. And I like when you play with me. You do really good voices when we play action figures. And you’re the only one who lets me do stuff like jump off the high diving board at the pool or eat three cupcakes or play tackle with kids at the park.”
Clint didn’t realize that. He was pretty sure that meant that he was doing something wrong.
Darcy Lewis
Beginner Yoga for Dummies (Darcys) and Sad Hobos by chailover (Teen, 3434)
Darcy had a theory: crazy attracted crazy, working kind of like gravity. It was pretty much her explanation for her life after Thor. And if she had thought the type of crazy Thor attracted was bad, be it Loki or the Warrior Three and Sif, or the dark elves and the Convergence, it was still nothing against what the Avengers manage en masse.
Matt Murdock
Double Blind by smilebackwards (Teen, 2381) tumblr: @smilebackwards
Stark snaps his fingers. “You can’t see half of my inventions. This explains so much about you and why you’ve never been properly impressed by me.”
“Does it?” Matt says, ambiguously.
Sam Wilson
Bystander by scribblemetimbers (Teen, 52029)
“I just want you to know,” Sam says loudly, cautiously raising his hands, “That I’m very poor and very sleep-deprived and literally the only thing you can kill me for right now are my notes.” He pauses. Wait. On second thought: “Please don’t steal my notes.”
“I’m not—I’m not a mugger,” Not Mugger rasps out, and for all that he looks about to keel over and die, the man actually manages to sound offended.
Nick Fury
Bedtime Story by dixiehellcat (Teen, 2532) tumblr: @deehellcat
Fury snorted. “I have to check in with the duty officer. I’ll be back in, let’s say twenty minutes. I expect all of you to have whatever your pre-bedtime routines are completed, and be in here pajama’ed and ready to be read to.”
He tapped the book under his arm, then left with the usual dramatic swish of his long coat. Bruce scratched his head. “Did…he just say be ready to be read to?”
Pepper Potts
Pepper and the Avengers (Which She Knows Nothing About) by rebelmeg (General, 6696) tumblr: @rebelmeg
The Avengers, that mismatched group of hurt and heroism, was one of the most important things in Tony Stark’s life. So, naturally, Pepper had made them an important part of her life too.
039. Intoxicated by aimmyarrowshigh (Teen, 100) tumblr: @aimmyarrowshigh
It might be nice to fit in, just this once. To lose a bit of composure.
Vision floated over to the refrigerator and, with some timidity, pulled off a magnet. He stuck it to his forehead.
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jandeelstra · 8 years
Blog Challenge Day 23 Making Mid-Life Magic at Any Age
Blog Challenge Day 23 Making Mid-Life Magic at Any Age
Making Mid-Life Magic A Woman’s Guide to Health, Wealth and Happiness After 40
Would you like to feel more alive? Are you ready to re-ignite your passion for living? Would you enjoy taking control over your life?
Today, I am truly honored as well as super excited to bring you a big announcement about an up-coming event….
Making Mid-Life Magic, with the incomparable, Dr. Sandra Bevacqua, is an…
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glopratchet · 4 years
"She sounds like she's dying " You think as panic starts to set in and you have no idea of what's going on Getting to the bedroom door is a struggle in itself since people are coming out of everywhere to see what the hell is going on The door keeps swinging open from the rust on the hinges and because of that someone ends up getting their leg broken in the melee as people were trying to get away from what ever was in there "Its Bad!" "Did she convert?!" "Let me through! I'm a doctor!" All this you hear as you finally get the door shut to keep more people out and then to add to the chaos one of your manticores tries to get through as well, the only thing that stops it from bursting throught the door is that the hallway is narrow so all it can do is stand there roaring at the door Fantastic Of course this is not the most worrying thing, what is worrying you is hearing Naji in there screaming in pain like someone (Who was obviously trying to kill her) was assaulting her with a red hot poker banging on the door shouting at her to stop screaming because you thought she was hurt and needed immediate help As it turned out however that's not what was happening at all! Naji it seems had just finally managed to master her powers like she said she was going to do and as it would happen, she decided to try them out by 'converting' you And, as for all spikes, they cause immense pain when thrust into a non-believer and head-banging wasn't the same as this and she wasn't Crucifer so you didn't think she'd be trying powers like this When she made the door burst open and you saw her, you nearly screamed because your mind thought she had been gutted like a fishery and her entrails were falling out all over for bizarre people is a blog, featuring artists, musicians, designers and other creative weirdos eating in the bistro! Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is occurring by the people and for the people But as with all things there are always those who wish to manipulate and take advantage of Others - and sides! ! It's hard to say what the motive is sometimes (and if you ever figure it out, consider yourself on alert) Without reason or logic, a woman (or man) decided to ignite some of her own pubic hair Well congrats for dating a zero! unfortunately non-ow my eyes today my dear!! hilarious!! Let's hope someone picks your story! Of course hair would go up in flames! I mean come on, redheads our prowess on cheap elite jerseys We are not unfamiliar with the alligator, though perhaps a bit larger than normal! Thanks for the contribution to our diet!! Personally I wouldn't want to be rooting through a gator's mouth cavity given the shape their teeth and jaws are in, although I suppose there are far worse things to be stuck in! , Be it eggs, gators, fowl or gator food Thanks odd wad's! It reveals that video is complete and ready to share You have the choice to 'Save' or 'Delete' Upon this revelation, you mull over the possibilities "I should just save it Who knows when I'd have a chance to do something like this again " My sister will be so jealous! stop being complacent with your life This guys cheating on your sister and you have the video proof! But what would i say if I confronted him? The conversation would start with some idle small talk about his recent trip to Miami then turn to the boyfriend, as he hoped (The conversations would be short because he can only speak for so long before he falls asleep) The boy is holding a full pint of liquid cocaine in one hand and a Cuban in the other chris rubs a hand full of wild alligator fillet and cuts it into smaller pieces before tossing it into the skillet The wine and the dark seems to bleed into your vision before turning red You taste metal and feel anger pulsing through you like never before, causing the black to drop away and bright reds, oranges, and yellows flash behind your eyes, even the backs of them ! you sense someone guiding you gently by the hand Through your blurry eyesight you can now make out architecture that is vaguely gothic with a touch of modern, possibly a bit like dublin's castle? drunks lay all around but one of them is on the ground vomiting You recognize the voice as your little sister and accept her help as you stumble towards a bench where she sits beside you , catfish, or the meats on display? recommend jeffery ernesto's new masterpiece for our eyes to enjoy Now let me just take in the full experience of this peice His head throbs and he no longer feels or hears the sound of music, euphoria fades and leaves him with a feeling of awkwardness and nervousness, if only for a second or two It has really set the mood for me breathes a sigh of relief I was hoping to get up the courage to talk to you sooner or later but i was having second doubts that it would be later You are so beautiful and the thought of you not being mine chills me to my core You've waiting for this night just as long as i have why not enjoy it? You quickly reflect on the animal and think about how delicious it is as you chew with an accompanying "Ding!" instead of the normal "Thank you, come again!" to oblivion It really allows one to think Now imagine that, only a few hours before these cute little scaly fellas were playing outside with their siblings and now one has been consumed by the common man Attack on baby gators! Shut it harrison If you weren't me i would slap the sh out of you Hey where is stupid , I do believe he is too busy eating to ask if you've seen this movie or that maybe it's not the healthiest but at least people know what's going on here, in the real world fuggedaboudit Herbal medicine has been used for centuries and yet most people have already forgotten it Nowadays everyone just wants a pill or a shot and sadly they'll get it too, i wouldn't be suprised if one day years from now chemicals would replace all food they want a tablet i saw it on discovery Granted we don't use pills but it still holds true to the concept Time for some good ol' reality tv Let's watch plumbers yarn,bitches! One day the hairs on the back of you hand stand up Everything seems as if in slow motion, like a Matrix movie when everything bursts into code Your skin crawls and small hairs raher than hair cover you whole body like packaging peanuts ? Are they not living? Fish are living too but that fishery was shut down due to poor conditions in which they were kept Crickets egg ovarian juice and chicken testicles would suffice if people actually had to eat those Your stomach growls so you decide to inhale buttermilk pancakes sprinkled with blueberries and smothered with monkey& 039;s orange honey syrup to acquire full stomach Your belly inflates like a character in a bad Disney movie due to purple gator and although its not appealing to the eye it certainly is to the taste buds You rest your full belly and begin to swetocratically wipe your mouth as you pat your thighs You think he's gotten his point across when they fulfill your needs The cliched phrase nobody is perfect is used on yourself or the boogotis reatarding use of sapacities? first Yeah you want to know more about how your watchamacallit works Are you interested in attacking your education or just rest on your laurels and be a good for nothing bum? in the NES game Wild Gunman Current favorites include Garble June, Zaxx, Kink and of course Tron himself Depending on your weapon depends on how little and how big the haul ! These double chambered rings are a common gift from their city of origin, the only problem is that some monsters find them yummy Would you like to take a chance? Hunt alligator from the safety of your own home in the NES game Wild Gunman shelf! Some are better at killing alligators than others, all are fun to try! Early releases of this item feature major glitches hideout! Snrit snrit sninkeratoot tater troot ratata PLUNK Choose a deadly firearm from the shelf! Does it have what it takes to bring down the beast? You will have to try it and see! From kroger: the beanish this appears to be candy Given its lack of nutrition and obscene level of sugar it's only good for throwing at unruly kids or toddlers and shoot! choo choo bomb!!! Nailed it! Today's lucky contestant is ugh it's you Who else would it be? You helped design this thing and come up with some of the dumest catchphrases known to man You've been hit directly in the hand with one of your famous chocolates The rest of you is covered in the stuff using only the exploding candy!You will have 4 chances Good luck Gary! Take all the time you need dur dur de dur HAAAAAA hahahah haha AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -tromboner "Do you want some of my cotton candy?" you offer, stifling another lolfail "I have plenty, I got it for free " Somebody's watching me thought you, but ! You had better skin out that carcab before the meat spoils What will it be, red meat lover? alligator repellent: Hunt and gather alligator repellent click here ok you push further into the swamp where the green gets darker and the bugs get bigger, fortunately you don't have anymore mishaps and soon the fan blades of a windmill come into view tallies here! round 2: 6 kills built in 1964, the Okeefenokee windmill ceased operating in 1983 because of a dip in Okeefenokee tourism fill out this bracket and post it on the challenge board! The door falls off its hinges as you give it a good swift kick It's current purpose is a landing spot for ronin-style assassination Take credit and move on You don't trust that Who knows what would happen to you if you allowed it inhabit your brain? Wait a minute! Those aren't paws print weaving back and forth in the dirt Those are human footprints!!! Quickly you spin around and find yourself face to face with a real-live honest to goodness Okee beanpod fairy thing explains, "Just sign here and you will be all set " Blindly you stab your quill at the clipboard What a naive sapsucker that alligator must think you are! All you can do now is pray You hope they choke on all that gator meat! Crossing paths with moon-folk tends to have that effect no pun intended throw out your dead cell phones, buy an Okee sackpurse or something 4 5 stars if 316 reviews Don't fall for that! This fairy is trying to make a fool out of you! This is super easy and shouldn't cost you a thin mint!!! You are about to be attack by the greatest predator the swamp has ever known: this lady!!! because the bean creatures camouflage abilities are incredibly strong The beanpod fairy can disappear into its surroundings with ease On top of being a master of camouflage, this creature can fly (although I don't know where it stored its wings since I chopped them off as soon as it was on the ground!) That's not all, the fairy has some sort of mind-bendy powers You won't be able to tell which human is the fairy in disguise!!!! (Except one just for fun I challenge you survivalist, go ahead kill fairy-folk! Do your worst, just because you killed the one alligator I was using for target practice doesn't make you great! It makes you a really bad aim If your as badass as everyone thinks you are why don't you go out and kill some fairy-folk? an old fairy tale they told me when I was a little boy My dad would always come home with a scary story about some bean fairy that was gonna get him if he wasn't good Now I live alone because my dad drank himself to death, mom left after arguing with him late one night About me Sometimes the fairy-folk take kids you know Grown up or little, it don't matter Even grown ups can be trusted as far as you can throw 'em! why Why did you get in the gators way It was just mouths to feed When I was little I wanted a thinner nose, thought it would help me blend in, but with loseing my hearing I realized how much opening my big mouth gets me in trouble so these days Who ever insulted You about your nose, well heres what ive got to say You have to agree, its a pretty big nose! its probobly blocking my vision entirely ma? pa? Who is it this time through all the momments of joy and sorrow, it stayed closed They promised, I'm sorry WE are sorry That door, sealed for years unwanted and unneeded but today is different today there will be a reckoning For the one who finds this note, our offer still stands, we await you in the ruined casino at the edge of town This game of winner stays on needs another player lets make them jealous of our fuel efficiency!!!! actually im whimpy and no one really reads these, right? I mean no one is really going to see this are they? Guess ill just close it and old Yep, thought so Everyone knows that red is danger or warning , so their is really no need for frills IGH! alright fine, ill do the fracking review This card has a very simple but effective design or maybe ill give them a little credit the Weapon has been done extensively, but this one is relatively new I think its pretty cool, i just wish it wasn't a date card Still it comes with Beetle? What do you think you're doing?! Those things are weapons! No,no wait! Stop! You'll kill us both!!! aagh! you could try this card out for size in heavily armored areas of the city agh! uuh lifegivers ous wait why? I SAID turn down that NOISE!!! I was finishing my aghhh Don't tell mom, but I think Selena takes boyberty agh! Click whirrrrr Rip Sizzle rust and decay insie, rust and decay outside being a halfbreed in the city is an unplesant experience What is it? This had better be important! You realize how much homework I have to c- Whaaaaaaa! A deaf man hears nothing you know You don't realize how lucky you are that my shift end Fi vill Jon go we and the kingdam, rs stupid aclient askkdjfnalkdkjfa;/'@)(!!!!! Continued on next page rubs we will be rust and then will rust id considder offers around 10 thp 2 bedrooms to rent close to the station and schools and shops district? things so quiet without li, long ides before big as a barn needs a new coat of paint I just want to be an fiI in the Forget it! I give up! ctos cargo in the stormdrain sweet socs rab an anger inside pent up waiting to happen who is he? streetrat beatup uncared for lonely cool? Buy beltones here! cheap! 10 c per block what a dump yadda yadda yadda wolf hiistory collection, page blah blah something something uprising something treasure shiny pocket settle ravens raven heaven sleep perch watch world die page turn an angry mob may be audiient sometimes gives us raisins!!! or at least it used to luck is for non-beltones we have sibilinghood but I want to break out like slaren be free someday justice sweet justice ang why cant i hold it in hold it in need to write pen They stay dogsdot! but bullseyes are best! hit a bowl on a dogsdot't head and breakee collar Dogsdots smell funny Why ot the beople keep them? Mihoville is nice this time of year! Mom found my poem book and struck me for nyming poetry! I hate her I need the lessons continue life is tough need sleep always guigs sleep walk idiots od so young I was now I grow powerful under the guidance of the ecs power of hate underst sword arm it You reached an item, but there's more to read! That's right just click "•READ OMORE" below! How does this thing work anyway? stop stop? I feel sick alignment change occilation close sweat flexibility of mind and body ariseavageone caugh pointilism hasn't been invented yet! Why are my eyes such an intense purple colour today? no criminal generation nothing but crooks eustace uhg crime gets everywhere fewn 1916! startime crime wave! bul no no more milk human hatred click loud noise screams muckymirta zzzzz Gored through the chest you fall down as bloody foam comes out of your mouth, lay in a pool of blood you struggle to stand up as the burly man with a timmed 'T' on his toe meets stabs the sword into your chest again and again and again! hear sirens in the distan cops could use some history dust too much dust too many dead souls and too much neglected knowledge Meanwhile hit men go on hit zzzzzzzzzz strange human contraption Talk about hard corns, look at the head on that thing! zipper of a tent wears out and I hear a man slurping up a noodles light heat ay careful of my tank such an awesome coat hat outfit Polaronia wool not the cheap stuff either zombie hear something outside zombie! A zombie took over helsinki! screaming shots fired bam bam bam! look out!!! modern civielization is a brittle shell that catches easily when the angry masses want to bring it dooown!
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newssplashy · 6 years
Sex & Relationships: Real women share 9 tips for how to give them an orgasm
Suddenly sliding away from that peak is disappointing, to say the least. That's doubly true for women, many of whom find it much harder to achieve orgasm during penetrative sex.
When you're close to orgasm, there’s nothing worse than a ringing phone or a crying kid in the next room or an awkward sex position abruptly ruining the moment.
Suddenly sliding away from that peak is disappointing, to say the least. That's doubly true for women, many of whom find it much harder to achieve orgasm during penetrative sex.
In fact, according to a recent survey, only 65 percent of heterosexual women consistently reach the pinnacle of pleasure during sex.
So what can you do to help her reach that peak? Help her relax, says sex therapist Ian Kerner, Ph.D. "Studies show that in order for a woman to achieve orgasm, the part of her brain associated with stress, emotion, and anxiety has to shut down," he says. Translation: if you make a woman feel so good that she completely forgets about everything else, then you're highly likely to give her an orgasm.
Of course, every woman is different, so what one woman loves in bed another woman might loathe. That said, there are a few moves that do tend to work — so if your partner is having trouble getting to the finish line, try these tips from real women and sexual health experts.
1) Get to know the clitoris.
First things first: the vast majority of women require clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm, period. In fact, a study of more than 1,000 women in 2017 revealed that only 18 percent of ladies can orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone. So when you're having sex, you want to spend as much time stimulating her clitoris as possible.
Some sex positions make it easier to do this than others. Rachel* reveals this trick: "When a guy is on top of you in the missionary position, have him shift his body slightly forward so that, every time he thrusts, his penis rubs against your clitoris." This tactic is even more orgasmic if the woman's legs are together and the man's are straddling her, says Ellen Friedrichs, M.A., an adjunct professor of human sexuality at Rutgers University. You can achieve the same effect when she's on top by propping yourself up on your elbows, which places your abdomen in closer contact with her clitoris.
2) Pay more attention to her butt.
Unless anal is on the menu, too often a woman's butt is sidelined during sex. And that's a shame, because "the buttocks are packed with nerve endings," says Gilda Carle, Ph.D., a sex therapist in New York City. "To give her a surprising jolt of pleasure, spread your fingers wide and squeeze both buttocks."
That said, be gentle, and take it one step at a time. Yes, of course, there are women out there who crave a good spanking, but until you've had a conversation about this sort of thing, just keep it simple and light.
3) Learn what she likes — and follow her lead
As we mentioned above, direct clitoral stimulation is the most surefire way to bring many women to orgasm — and oral sex is a pretty good way of going about that. "Going down on a woman allows you to get a real sense of the stimulation she likes at every stage of arousal, especially the final one," says Kerner.
To find out more about what she likes and doesn't like, let her take the lead. When you're giving her oral sex, get between her legs and give her a solid base of lips, tongue, and even chin to rub against. At first, use your hands to guide her hips to let her know you want her to do the grinding. When she takes over, note how hard she's pushing and in what direction. Use that information later when using your fingers or mouth to please her.
4) Don't stop kissing her.
Once things get more heated, you might be tempted to focus less on kissing in favor of more X-rated pleasures. But deep kissing is a must for female orgasm, according to a 2017 survey of more than 50,000 adults. The findings revealed that women were much more likely to reach orgasm if their sexual encounter included a combination of deep kissing, oral sex and genital stimulation.
5) Lube up.
No matter how hot and heavy you guys are getting, without adequate lubrication, it's easy for sex to become uncomfortable or even painful for her. "Lubrication increases the comfort and speed with which you can penetrate the vagina and grind against the clitoris," says Friedrichs. "But sometimes, no matter how turned on a woman might be psychologically, she can have trouble getting wet."
In fact, studies have shown that sex is more enjoyable for women when they use even moderate amounts of lube. And here’s another fun fact: Men who add extra lubrication to their condoms during intercourse tend to last longer in bed, according to research published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Try squirting a few drops of lube onto the end of your penis; then thrust with short, rhythmic strokes while pressing your body against her pubic mound. (We love uberlube, $28, BUY HERE.)
6) Focus on her neck.
Our necks are highly responsive touch pads: the skin is thin there, and the blood vessels are close to the surface. So it's not surprising that researchers have found that the neck is one of the best places to stimulate a woman using light touch (so no hickeys, please).
When you're having sex and she's clearly moving toward orgasm, brush your lips from her collarbone to her jaw, then give her neck soft, warm kisses to drive her wild.
7) Don't be afraid to talk dirty.
In the heat of the moment, a string of well-chosen four-letter words can work wonders.
"Nothing makes me hotter than when he describes what he's doing to me in explicit language," says my friend Lana. "But I'm picky—there are certain terms that drive me wild, and others that make me cringe."
Test the waters by "complimenting her or talking about how good what [she's] doing feels," advises Friedrichs. If she responds with "Oh, yeah" or a similarly enthusiastic phrase, she wants more.
If you're hesitant, a simple compliment about how attractive you find your partner will do the trick. “You don't have to tell or make pornographic sounds, but saying something specific about me is sexy while we're in bed is perfect,” says Emily.
8) Break out the toys.
If your partner never hits her high note, no matter now hard you try, it might be time to enlist the help of sex toys. In fact, she’ll probably be more than happy to pull out the Hitachi Magic Wand from her bedside drawer: more than 50 percent of women use vibrators to help them achieve orgasm, according to a 2009 study.
Hold the vibrator against her clitoris as you move from one position to another and enjoy the show. Just remember to ask her preferences about pressure and speed: you don't want to start too fast and heavy right off the bat.
9) Ask her what she wants.
This might sound obvious, but asking your partner exactly what makes her hot is the best way to help her orgasm. In fact, studies have shown that people who are more comfortable talking about sex have better sex, because they feel less anxious during intercourse. Discussing her fantasies, preferences, and turn-offs (without judgement) will make her feel more comfortable — which will, in turn, lead to both of you having incredible orgasms.
*Last names have been withheld to allow subjects to speak freely on private matters.
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/08/sex-relationships-real-women-share-9.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Suddenly sliding away from that peak is disappointing, to say the least. That's doubly true for women, many of whom find it much harder to achieve orgasm during penetrative sex.
When you're close to orgasm, there’s nothing worse than a ringing phone or a crying kid in the next room or an awkward sex position abruptly ruining the moment.
Suddenly sliding away from that peak is disappointing, to say the least. That's doubly true for women, many of whom find it much harder to achieve orgasm during penetrative sex.
In fact, according to a recent survey, only 65 percent of heterosexual women consistently reach the pinnacle of pleasure during sex.
So what can you do to help her reach that peak? Help her relax, says sex therapist Ian Kerner, Ph.D. "Studies show that in order for a woman to achieve orgasm, the part of her brain associated with stress, emotion, and anxiety has to shut down," he says. Translation: if you make a woman feel so good that she completely forgets about everything else, then you're highly likely to give her an orgasm.
Of course, every woman is different, so what one woman loves in bed another woman might loathe. That said, there are a few moves that do tend to work — so if your partner is having trouble getting to the finish line, try these tips from real women and sexual health experts.
1) Get to know the clitoris.
First things first: the vast majority of women require clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm, period. In fact, a study of more than 1,000 women in 2017 revealed that only 18 percent of ladies can orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone. So when you're having sex, you want to spend as much time stimulating her clitoris as possible.
Some sex positions make it easier to do this than others. Rachel* reveals this trick: "When a guy is on top of you in the missionary position, have him shift his body slightly forward so that, every time he thrusts, his penis rubs against your clitoris." This tactic is even more orgasmic if the woman's legs are together and the man's are straddling her, says Ellen Friedrichs, M.A., an adjunct professor of human sexuality at Rutgers University. You can achieve the same effect when she's on top by propping yourself up on your elbows, which places your abdomen in closer contact with her clitoris.
2) Pay more attention to her butt.
Unless anal is on the menu, too often a woman's butt is sidelined during sex. And that's a shame, because "the buttocks are packed with nerve endings," says Gilda Carle, Ph.D., a sex therapist in New York City. "To give her a surprising jolt of pleasure, spread your fingers wide and squeeze both buttocks."
That said, be gentle, and take it one step at a time. Yes, of course, there are women out there who crave a good spanking, but until you've had a conversation about this sort of thing, just keep it simple and light.
3) Learn what she likes — and follow her lead
As we mentioned above, direct clitoral stimulation is the most surefire way to bring many women to orgasm — and oral sex is a pretty good way of going about that. "Going down on a woman allows you to get a real sense of the stimulation she likes at every stage of arousal, especially the final one," says Kerner.
To find out more about what she likes and doesn't like, let her take the lead. When you're giving her oral sex, get between her legs and give her a solid base of lips, tongue, and even chin to rub against. At first, use your hands to guide her hips to let her know you want her to do the grinding. When she takes over, note how hard she's pushing and in what direction. Use that information later when using your fingers or mouth to please her.
4) Don't stop kissing her.
Once things get more heated, you might be tempted to focus less on kissing in favor of more X-rated pleasures. But deep kissing is a must for female orgasm, according to a 2017 survey of more than 50,000 adults. The findings revealed that women were much more likely to reach orgasm if their sexual encounter included a combination of deep kissing, oral sex and genital stimulation.
5) Lube up.
No matter how hot and heavy you guys are getting, without adequate lubrication, it's easy for sex to become uncomfortable or even painful for her. "Lubrication increases the comfort and speed with which you can penetrate the vagina and grind against the clitoris," says Friedrichs. "But sometimes, no matter how turned on a woman might be psychologically, she can have trouble getting wet."
In fact, studies have shown that sex is more enjoyable for women when they use even moderate amounts of lube. And here’s another fun fact: Men who add extra lubrication to their condoms during intercourse tend to last longer in bed, according to research published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Try squirting a few drops of lube onto the end of your penis; then thrust with short, rhythmic strokes while pressing your body against her pubic mound. (We love uberlube, $28, BUY HERE.)
6) Focus on her neck.
Our necks are highly responsive touch pads: the skin is thin there, and the blood vessels are close to the surface. So it's not surprising that researchers have found that the neck is one of the best places to stimulate a woman using light touch (so no hickeys, please).
When you're having sex and she's clearly moving toward orgasm, brush your lips from her collarbone to her jaw, then give her neck soft, warm kisses to drive her wild.
7) Don't be afraid to talk dirty.
In the heat of the moment, a string of well-chosen four-letter words can work wonders.
"Nothing makes me hotter than when he describes what he's doing to me in explicit language," says my friend Lana. "But I'm picky—there are certain terms that drive me wild, and others that make me cringe."
Test the waters by "complimenting her or talking about how good what [she's] doing feels," advises Friedrichs. If she responds with "Oh, yeah" or a similarly enthusiastic phrase, she wants more.
If you're hesitant, a simple compliment about how attractive you find your partner will do the trick. “You don't have to tell or make pornographic sounds, but saying something specific about me is sexy while we're in bed is perfect,” says Emily.
8) Break out the toys.
If your partner never hits her high note, no matter now hard you try, it might be time to enlist the help of sex toys. In fact, she’ll probably be more than happy to pull out the Hitachi Magic Wand from her bedside drawer: more than 50 percent of women use vibrators to help them achieve orgasm, according to a 2009 study.
Hold the vibrator against her clitoris as you move from one position to another and enjoy the show. Just remember to ask her preferences about pressure and speed: you don't want to start too fast and heavy right off the bat.
9) Ask her what she wants.
This might sound obvious, but asking your partner exactly what makes her hot is the best way to help her orgasm. In fact, studies have shown that people who are more comfortable talking about sex have better sex, because they feel less anxious during intercourse. Discussing her fantasies, preferences, and turn-offs (without judgement) will make her feel more comfortable — which will, in turn, lead to both of you having incredible orgasms.
*Last names have been withheld to allow subjects to speak freely on private matters.
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