masterinvestor · 6 years
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At the end of the day, there’s no “right” way to entrepreneurship success. There’s only your way, whoever you are. #Entrepreneurship #success #freedom #partnership #partners #businesses #business #assets #cashflow #together #amazing #successful #businesses #successquotes #intelligence #amazing #mentors #womenempowerment #womenleaders #womeninbusiness #womenasleaders #womensfashion #menfashion #menbusiness #businessman #ventures #successful
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giannalalamdrd · 2 years
Women As Leaders: Normal and Conventional
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Misogyny has been an issue for decades now, almost as if it is a culture that people have normalized in discreet ways. The whole world, before everyone has been open-minded in the liberal ways of life– everyone was conservative. The mindset before was that men are the ones capable of working and providing for their families. All the hard jobs and tasks are for men, whilst women were expected to stay at home and do everything “small” as well as serving their husbands or family. An article from the US Library of Congress has stated that after the world war, advocates of women were not given the chance ever since the idea of voting and democracy had begun. Women’s right to vote was only passed during the Nineteenth Amendment in 1919. All these considering that people in the United States are more liberated than other countries; especially in Asian countries. What more oppression and misogynistic ideas women from very conservative countries could have been going through, right?
Presently, in the 2022 National Elections, there are five respectable candidates that are running for Presidency– Leody de Guzman, Ping Lacson, Bongbong Marcos, Manny Pacquiao, and Leni Robredo. Amongst these candidates, there is one obvious reaction; there is only one candidate that is a woman. Leni Robredo, even though having been elected as the Vice President of the Philippines, she has still been receiving backlash over her candidacy. When various people are asked why not Leni (for President), most of the reasons answered: Babae kasi. They uttered how Leni will become a puppet of other higher authorities as she is a woman who is very gullible. It was as if every woman is expected and viewed to be gullible, fragile, and weak. Also, the people who answered these had one thing in common— they were men.
Why is it that women are viewed to be incapable of leading an entire country but expected to be the backbone of every family at the same time? Why is it alright to expect women to be the ones tidying the house, cooking every dish for her family’s meal, but not to lead a country or even a corporation? When men are to be promoted to a big job or to become heads, or the person in charge in a professional workplace, the automatic response is: “Congratulations!”, “You deserve it!”, or even “You did so great!” On the other hand, women who are promoted to become bosses in the very same workplace, it is often questioned; “Maybe she’s work-oriented? A single woman?”, “How long has she been working here?”, or “Does she know someone from the big bosses or higher-ups?”.  Why are women treated differently as if men cannot fathom the fact that women are also capable of doing what they can do? That women can also become bosses, or that women can be bigger than what men can achieve. 
In viewing women that are successful in their careers, the automatic response of many people for that is: “Ay hindi pamilyadong tao”, “Ay puro career ‘to, kawawa kasi walang mag-aalaga pagtanda diyan kasi walang planong mag-anak”, “Ang selfish! Matapobre!” and many more. Women can be successful, they can be leaders, workers, and mothers at the same time. Men are not the only ones who deserve praise when they are successful in different fields, because men do work hard… but with this social concept, women have to work 10 times harder. Women are not assumed to just finish a degree and then stay at home when they become mothers. Women are capable of being a mother concurrently with being career women. 
So when women are elected leaders or want to become a leader, take her aspect of being a woman just like how you take men candidates on. Judge them based on their character, what they have done and plan to do, and put aside their gender as their track record will speak for themselves. Being a woman is just their gender, it does not necessarily reflect and define their whole identity and personality. Just like in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal”. 
As I end this at this juncture, the writer would like to leave a question for the readers:
When women are assaulted and harassed, the convicted are men but with extrinsic reasons like, “Men cannot think straight whenever they see a woman with lots of skin showing”. So why is it more conventional for men who apparently cannot think straight when they see a woman’s legs, but new and surprising when a woman tries to run for office?
Women’s Suffrage in the Progressive Era | Progressive Era to New Era, 1900–1929 | U.S. History Primary Source Timeline | Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress | Library of Congress. (n.d.). The Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/united-states-history-primary-source-timeline/progressive-era-to-new-era-1900-1929/womens-suffrage-in-progressive-era/
The Women’s Rights Movement, 1848–1917 | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives. (n.d.). History House. https://history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/WIC/Historical-Essays/No-Lady/Womens-Rights/
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motivation09 · 4 years
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A successful outcome for all needs to realize how #COVID19 impacts women and men differently and to consider #womenasleaders and decision-makers.
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growth1mindset · 4 years
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A successful outcome for all needs to realize how #COVID19 impacts women and men differently and to consider #womenasleaders and decision-makers. #motivation #motivated #motivational
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To be a leader is for sure not an easy task. Gender must not be a factor whether a person can or cannot be a good leader. A person’s leadership capabilities should not be measured through gender but by individual strengths and personal traits.  “Women make better leaders,” said former U.S.A. President Barack Obama.
Angela Merkel, a 59 year old chancellor according to Fortune.com in a survey of The World’s 50 Greatest Leaders 2014 , may be the most successful leader in the world in her time. She was the leader of the European Union, which as a whole is the world’s largest economy, and she held the position for almost nine years. Merkel played the lead role in managing Europe’s debt crisis, keeping the EU intact while setting even Greece on the road to recovery. 
Merkel has what’s called leadership presence, it is one of the keys missing women striving to advance way back. Women have proved that to exist and excel  is possible. The power of being stiff, tough, and accurate in decision making are characteristics of women for which are required to be a good leader. It is a huge responsibility to women being a leader in society and a leader in household, but women managed it, and will continue managing till the very end. Women for women.
(Photos credit to the owner)
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Women BUILD: Revolutionizing Leadership
Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending the Women BUILD summit named “Women at the Intersection of Business and Technology”. The keynote speaker was Tawana Murphy Burnett, who works for the global marketing department at Facebook. She spoke for half an hour on the importance of social media in our lives and how Facebook has affected women across the globe.
Ms. Burnett also brought up the important question: what would you do if you weren't afraid? She spoke of it in a business sense, like asking for twice your salary and going for interviews to learn if not to get the job. However, I related it more to equality: if I wasn't afraid, I would call out people for discriminating on gender, race, age, sexuality, etc. This would make our world realize our biases and work to fix them.
Another important section of the summit was the panelists and the questions that they were asked. One of the questions that was raised was what is the biggest challenge for women in business in the future. The answers given by the different panelists, who were all women in the field of business and in positions of leadership, all referred to uniqueness. For example, one solution was to differentiate yourself, while another spoke of the fact that we can leverage each other's opportunities
Another one of the panelists said that we should embrace our so-called womanness. However, another point that was raised was that the more you acknowledge the fact that you are separated by your gender, the more that you acknowledge that you are a woman, it makes it more of an issue in the workplace, especially in the corporate world. Thus, the panelist said the answer was to try to be normal and just be one of everyone else. We should not be defined by the term woman because we are more than just that; we also symbolize resilience, motivation, honesty, and authenticity. In fact, it was the last of these that the women focused most on: being true to yourself was a key lesson that I learned from these leaders.
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