#wondering how long it will take for everyone to realize that my rayman is just a very sweet and cheerful cryptid
us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
The Stay on Dinosaur Planet: Chapter 7-Great Terror: A Not-So-Old Enemy Returns
After they separated each other’s lips, everyone around them began to rejoice. Slippy: “Woo, hoo, hoo! Yes, yes, yes! It happened! It finally happened! Oh, if Jolly were here to see this!!” Peach: “Oh…Fox.” Falco: “He did it! I can’t believe he did it!”
Peppy sobbed a bit. Peppy: “They grow up so fast.” Prof.Oak: “Did you see that, Gary? This is exactly what I’ve been wanted you to know about.” Gary: “I must admit, that Fox isn’t as bad as I thought…but…he’s super lucky to win a girl like Misty with a face as hideous as that.”
Prof. Oak, Peach and Rayman were shocked to hear him say this. Ribbon flew over to them at great speed. Ribbon: “Gary! Harsh!” Prof. Oak: “Young man, that wasn’t nice! Your parents have raised you better than this! I know it!” Ribbon: “How could you be so cruel? Fox is handsome in many ways that you’re not seeing.” Peach: “Shame on you!” Rayman: [”Yeah!]” Gary: “Blech! Whatever!”
Soon enough, Falco walked over towards Fox. Falco: “So, Fox, how did it feel?” Fox: “Hmm…it…it wasn’t so good.” Falco: “What? You’re serious, right?”  Fox: “Heck, yeah! It was better than I could have dreamed.” Falco: “Man, you are so lucky.” Fox: “Yeah, I know.” Peach: “Fox!”
Peach slowly walked towards him. Peach: "Fox...there is...something that I need to tell you..."  Fox: “Let me guess, you’re going to say “I told you so” aren’t you?” Peach: “Yes…and I’m sorry…” Fox: “Sorry? What do you mean?” Peach: “I…I just…I just wanted you to realize your feelings for her so badly that I…I just kept nagging on and on, but…all it did was…encourage you to deny your feelings even more. I…I am just…so sorry…I…” Fox: “You were right…about everything, about me…and Misty, even when you said I was stubborn. So, thank you. I hate to admit it, but if you hadn’t said anything, I probably would have never found out.”
Peach let out a sob as tears poured out of her eyes. Peach: “Oh, Fox, I have been too pushy. I promise you that…I won’t do it again. I’ve known you since you were that timid little boy that I have become friends with. I…it’s just so hard for me to see that you have grown up. Oh, sometimes I wonder to myself whatever happened to that poor little kid that use to know. That…that 4 year old little melancholy boy that I have helped out and care for when I myself had no friends at the time?”        
Fox stared at her for a bit. Fox: “Well…you already know what happened to him. He has indeed grown up and has done a lot of great things in his life. However, he never would have done any of it if his friends  had never helped him out. And he’s always happy to have a friend who’s as kind and caring as you are.”
Peach sobbed again as she smiled through her tears. Peach: “Oh…Fox…”
Misty smiled as she looked at Peach. Misty:“Aww!”
Falco also seemed touched as he watched this.
Just then, the most unexpected event to possibly happen at a moment like this occurred. General Pepper: “General Pepper here.” Peach: “Oh!” Misty: “Ah!” Fox: “Whoa!”
OK, maybe not that unexpected. Fox: “General! This is the worst possible time!” General Pepper: “Oh, sorry to interrupt such a touching moment, but there is something unusual going on. For the last 3 hours, I have been receiving some strange readings coming from the Krazoa Palace. I don’t know what’s happening there, but I know for a fact that it is something not good.” Fox: “And you want us to investigate it.” General Pepper: “That is correct.” Fox: “OK, we’re on it.” General Pepper: “Good, oh and Fox, I just want to let you know a few days before you and your friends arrived on the planet, I sent out th-“
But before the general could finish his sentence, his transmission was instantly cut off. Fox: “General, I can’t hear you! What’s happening? General? GENERAL?”
Fox tried to bring the general’s signal back on line, but it was no use. Fox: “Dang! This is not good! Whatever is happening over there is jamming the signal. I can’t get through.” Misty: “Then, let’s waste no time to waste. We must get to the palace and investigate this immediately.” Krystal: “Right!” Falco: “Agreed!” Peach: “I’m coming with you.” Rayman: [“Me too!”] Blossom: “OK, then, the girls and I will go first. Bubbles, you should know the way to the palace, so lead me and Buttercup there.” Bubbles: "OK, Blossom."
The Powerpuff Girls flew off. Buttercup: “Meet you guys at the palace.” Fox: “Let’s hurry, guys.” Misty, Krystal, Falco: “Right!”
They made preparations and headed for the palace.      
After a short period of time, they arrived at the Krazoa Palace. Krystal: “Grr! I’m starting to feel right at home.”
Falco looked around. Falco: “Not exactly what I call beautiful.” Misty: “I know what you mean.”
Fox tried to contact the general again, but it was still no use. Fox: “Darn! Still nothing!” Misty: “Fox, this is terrible! I’m sensing major dark energy everywhere.” Bubbles: “Grrr! Let’s just find the source of this dark energy and take care of it, already. I’m sick of this eternal thunderstorm!” Krystal: “This storm isn’t naturally formed. The natives say that the weather of the Krazoa Palace determines the condition of the planet. Judging by how fierce the storm is, I’d say the planet is in great danger.” Falco: “Yeah, nice weather we’re having.” Fox: “Enough talk! Let’s try to get to the top of the palace and find out who is responsible for this.” Krystal: “Agreed! Follow me, everyone.”
It took a very long time but they reached the top of the palace because they did not know where they were at first. But Falco had a hard time to keep up because was very unfamiliar with the place.
Eventually, they reached the top. But when they arrived, they heard a familiar laugh of someone they had hoped was gone. Fox: “Oh, no, I recognize that voice anywhere.” Bubbles: “This can’t be true! Tell me it isn’t true.” Misty: “This is so not good.” Krystal: “It can’t be!”
Unfortunately, it was. The very person that they never wanted to see again had returned: General Scales. Peppy: “Oh, no, how can this be?” Slippy: “This is not happening!” Falco: “OK? Who is this joker?” Fox: “His name is General Scales, ruler of the Sharpclaw tribe, one of the worst enemies that we have encountered so far.” Misty: “He’s been charged for committing one of the worst crimes on Dinosaur Planet or at least, he should be.” Krystal: “He’s the one responsible for this planet’s suffering. And I won’t stand around and watch him continue to make it suffer even more.” Fox: “I agree! After him.”
They then charged towards the relentless tyrant. Krystal: “Not so fast, General!”
         Before long, Fox and his friends stood before him. Fox: “I don’t know what you’re up to, Scales, but we’re ending it now!” Scales: “Well, now, here’s an unpleasant sight. You think you can stop me?” Misty: “We thought you were done for the last time we met!” Scales: “Oh, please, that was merely a stalemate during our last encounter. Besides, I never would have guessed that someone else was pulling the strings during my little operation. But, no matter, this time, I will succeed.” Krystal: “How’s that?” Scales:” Oh, with a little something I made myself. I had a lot of free time during my busy schedule of taking over this planet.”
Then he held up an odd-looking gem. Peach: “What’s that?” Scales: “When I removed the Spellstones from their rightful place, I took the liberty of researching their structure and properties and created one of my very own. With it, I can absorb all of this planet’s dark energy and use it for whatever I please. I’ve been meaning to use it during our last encounter but…well…you know the rest. With it, I can take this planet.” Misty: “You’re a madman! You’ll destroy us all!” Scales: “True, but if it means getting what I want, I’m more than willing to take that chance.”
Bubbles let out a shocked and terrified gasp. Bubbles: “You ARE crazy!” Rayman: [You’ll never get away with this, Scales!”] Peach: “This has gone off long enough, you monster!” Falco: “Don’t think we’ll just stand around as you destroy this planet for your own selfish gains, scumbag!” Fox: “Enough of this! Get him!”
They were about to strike, but Scales was not thrilled. Scales: “Seize them!”
Instantly, General Scales’ Sharpclaw army grabbed Fox and his friends. They tried to break free but no use. However, Slippy looked towards his captors and noticed that all 3 of them were wearing familiar looking heart-shaped belts. Slippy: “(Gasp) I know those belts!”
General Scales proudly walked up to his helpless enemies. Scales: “(Laugh) At long at, my worst enemies finally brought to my mercy. I think I’ll have one last look at each of you before I make you all my permanent slaves.”
He first walked up to Krystal. Scales: “Well, now here’s a sight for sore eyes. As if you couldn’t possibly be even more pathetic, you teamed up with these weaklings to try and take on me. Who has the bad luck, now?”
Krystal struggled to break free, but couldn��t. Krystal: “I won’t let you go through with this.” Scales: “We’ll see about that now, won’t we?”
He walked up to Misty. Scales: “Hello, my dear! Do you think I would forget what you said to me during our last encounter?” Misty: “I still mean those words, you jerk!” Scales: “I will deal with you later, but for now I still have some unfinished business to take care of.”
Then, he walked up to Fox. Scales: “I would have never thought I’d see this day come. My worst enemy, the fox, has finally been brought to his knees. And yet, you and your friends are the only ones who can stop me. Well, not anymore.” Fox: “Don’t think this is over, Scales! We will stop you. It doesn’t matter what you do to us, we’ll find a way to put and end to your schemes and then you’ll pay.” Scales: “(Laugh) I don’t think so!”    
Then Scales begins to notice a face that was most unfamiliar to him and walked up to that person. Scales:” Who are you?” Falco: “That’s none of your business!” Scales: “Hmm…You must be new around here. Have these pathetic fools recently recruited you?” Falco: “Actually, I just recently returned. I may not know you, but I don’t have to be introduced to someone with looks like you to know that you’re a coldhearted tyrant. Your looks practically tell me everything.” Scales: “Grr! Your insolence is just like the others! No doubt you’re one of them!” Falco: “Oh, you figured that out on your own? Very good! Guess you’re not as stupid as you look, after all.” Scales: “Enough! Take them away! But these 4 are coming with me. I have special plans for them, especially the fox.” Voice: “Guess again, Scales!”
Scales turned around and watched as 3 Sharpclaws who held Slippy released him and revealed themselves as 3 girls who are well known to the Starfox team. Fox: “No way!” Misty: “Oh, my stars!” Falco: “It can’t be!” Peppy:” Unbelievable!” Slippy:” Sam! Alex! Clover!”
Fox began to remember something. After General Scales released the last Krazoa Spirit, Fox noticed that the 3 Sharpclaws there were wearing the exact same familiar looking heart-shaped belts. Fox: “It was them! They were there the whole time.” Sam: “Surprised to see us again?” Scales: “What? No! Impossible! I…I captured you 3!” Clover: “Oh, puh-lease, Scales! Do you really think you could hold 3 of G.R.O.U.P.’s top spies so easily? You are so wasting your time!” Sam: “This is where we put an end to your schemes.” Scales: “You would think so, wouldn’t you? Good thing I have plenty more tricks where that came from. Seize them!”
Then, every Sharpclaw on the roof came after the spy girls. Sam: “Belay that order, men!”
The Sharpclaws stopped on their tracks. Scales: “What? No! How can this be happening? Nobody commands my army to disobey my orders!” Sam: “Well, that’s where you’re wrong! You see, we had a little meeting with your so-called army; turns out that both of us have the same motives: taking you down.” Clover: “So we struck a little deal: we promised to free them from your tyranny if they helped us from to put an end to your evil schemes.” Alex: “Yeah, and besides, they helped us escape from your prison because they knew that we are the only ones who can free them. If it hadn’t been for them, we wouldn’t be standing here right now.” Scales: “No!” Clover: “Hate to break it to you, Scales, but you’re finished!” Sam: “Sharpclaws, attack!”
The Sharpclaws went after their former leader, but Scales was far from giving up. He laughed as he held up his own creation, a pale stone, and released powerful blasts. Then every Sharpclaw were thrown off their feet and scattered into many different directions. Alex: “Oh, no!” Sam: “You monster! How dare you!” Scales: “Did you really think I’d be helpless without my men? To tell you the truth, I never really liked having slackers like them as my army. With this stone, I’ll be unstoppable! I can create a new army who will never tire out easily or complain about anything ever again.” Alex: “You’re sick!” Clover: “That is so wrong in so many levels that even I can’t describe.” Scales: “Any last words, girls?” Alex: “Just this; Junior, ram him! Now!”
Suddenly, a little Lightfoot baby rammed Scales off his feet, causing him to drop his stone. Scales struggled to get his stone back. Sam: “Terry, grab that stone!”
A young Cloudrunner baby swooped in, grabbed the stone and gave it to Sam. Then, with a metallic glove, Sam crushed the stone into dust and let it blow out of her hand. Sam: “You’ve been foiled!” Clover: “Oh, and don’t even think of trying to create a new one because we found all the data of what you have analyzed from the Spellstones and destroyed it.” Alex: “You’re finished!”
Then, with nothing left to turn to, Scales fell to his knees. Blossom: “Permission to pummel him to submission?” Fox: “Yes, permission granted. Go for it!” Buttercup: “Oh, yeah, baby, I’ve waited too long for some real action!” Blossom: “Come on, girl, it’s go time!”
Instantly, the Powerpuff Girls went head on and defeated the relentless tyrant with several punches and kicks. Bubbles was the hardest on him. Bubbles: “And stay down if you know what’s good for you!” Buttercup: “Oh, yeah, that felt so good!” Blossom: “Just like the good old days. Great work, girls!” Bubbles: “Let’s see General Scales try to hurt any more dinosaurs after going through that.”          
Then the girls embraced each other and laughed after they returned to the others. Sam, Alex, and Clover rushed over to Scales, forced him back on his feet and struggled as they cuffed him. Clover: “General Scales, by order of Galactic Representation of Universal Protection, you are under arrest for attempting to destroy Dinosaur Planet. You have the right to remain silent.”
And in the nick of time, the G.R.O.U.P. shuttle-craft arrived and stepping out of the vehicle was General Pepper. Alex: “General Pepper, boy are we glad to see you.” Fox: “General?” General Pepper: “It’s about time, I was worried about you girls. What in tarnations happened to you?” Sam: “Long story and we’re really sorry.” Alex: “On the other hand, we caught the jerk that was responsible for the near destruction of this planet.” General Pepper: “Excellent work, ladies! Bring him inside.”
The girls struggled as they forced him in into the shuttle-craft. Scales: “You will all pay for this! Mark my words, I will have my revenge.” Clover: “Hey! Did I say you could talk? When we get back to G.R.O.U.P. headquarters, you are going to be put in some serious world-class punishment for everything you have done! Now get in there and I don’t want to hear another word out of you!”
They finally got Scales into the shuttle-craft and shut the door. Slippy: “Girls!”
Suddenly, the girls turned around and saw Slippy and the rest of the Starfox team charge towards them. Clover: “No way! Is that…?” Sam: “The Starfox team!”
The girls then charged towards them and reunited with their old friends. Peppy: “Samantha!”
Sam stroked her old friend on the head. Sam: “Oh, hello there, old-timer! How have you been doing?”  
Peppy sniffed a little as he approached Sam. Peppy: “Oh, Samantha, I’ve missed you so much.” Sam: “I’ve missed you, too, Peppy.”
Slippy began to cry tears of joy as he came close to Alex. Slippy: “Alex, you don’t know how long I’ve waited to see you again.”      
Alex cuddled her favorite froggy friend. Alex: “Slippy, how’s my cute little froggy friend doing? I’ve missed you a lot.”
At that time, Falco approached Clover. Falco: “Hey, Clover, it’s been a while.”
Clover however, folded her arms and turned her back on her least favorite bird friend. Clover: “Don’t talk to me, you obnoxious flirt! I’ll never forgive you for what you did to me last time.” Falco: “Oh come off it already, it was just one blind date I tricked you into.” Clover: “Forget it, Falco!” Misty: “General!”
Just then, the general watched as Fox and Misty charged towards him. General Pepper: “Fox, Misty, I was worried about you 2.” Fox: “Sorry, you signal was jammed. So, is it really true? Are those girls the ones you tried to mention earlier?” General Pepper: “That’s correct. A few days before you and your team arrived on the planet, I sent Sam, Alex, and Clover, 3 of G.R.O.U.P.’s top spies to investigate General Scales’ matter plan. I became worried when their transmission was cut off and I couldn’t contact them in days. I’m just glad to see that they are OK. I also felt guilty about putting your team in danger.” Fox: “Yeah, thanks.” Misty: “Don’t be sorry. It was no problem, at all, sir.” General Pepper: “Yes, glad to hear it, princess.”
Not long afterwards, he noticed that Fox and Misty were holding hands. He smiled. General Pepper: “Hmm…” Peach: “General!” General Pepper: “Hm?”
He watched as Peach ran towards him. Peach: “General, sir, you’re not going to believe it, Fox and Misty, they…” General Pepper: “I know.”
He pointed to where he spotted them holding their hands. General Pepper: “But thanks, anyway, Peach. I appreciate your consideration.”
Peach smiled. Peach: “You’re welcome.”
Soon enough, he also saw Krystal walk towards him. From the look on her face, she seemed to have recognized him. General Pepper: “Can it be?” Misty: “Krystal, over here! General, there’s someone we would like you to meet.” General Pepper: “Yes, I know.” Fox: “Krystal, glad you could join us.” Krystal: “Thank you, Fox! General?” General Pepper: “It is good to see you again, Krystal, or should I say Vixen?” Fox: “Vixen, your real name is Vixen?” Krystal: “Yes, have I forgotten to mention that, baby brother?” Fox: “Yes, yes you have. Of all the many things you wanted to…wait a minute! You mean you knew that I had a sister and you didn’t even bother to tell me? Let me guess, you promised my father not to tell me until she arrived, right?” General Pepper: “Yes, those were his exact words. Believe me, I wanted to tell you sooner, but I couldn’t break his promise.” Fox: “Terrific! Isn’t there anyone else in my life who knew I had a sister?”
Misty touched his shoulder and looked at him with content. Fox looked at her. The general cleared his throat. General Pepper: “Now, then, I will be returning to G.R.O.U.P. headquarters with the girls. Oh, and girls, for overthrowing General Scales, I will let you keep you new ships, the Eswings.” Clover: “You mean it? Oh, thank you so much, General, sir!” General Pepper: “Don’t thank me. Thank Slippy for building the ships for you. He spent many days building them for you.”
Then the girls huddled around their favorite Froggy friend. Alex kissed Slippy on the cheek. Alex: “Thank you, Slippy. We really appreciate it.” Clover: “We understand how hard you worked for us. Especially hiding the fact that we arrived here long before you guys.” Sam: “That must have been really hard.” Slippy: “Nah! It was easy. I thought of it as a little surprise to my friends.” Fox: “Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that Slippy knew the girls were here before us? I can’t believe this!” Slippy: “Heh, Heh. Sorry.” Fox: “Grr! Let’s leave before I find out something else that I wasn’t suppose to know before.”
And so they all made preparations and left the Krazoa Palace.
As they were leaving the palace, the sky began to clear up and display a beautiful sunny sky. Bubbles took a brief glance at the sky then left to catch up with her friends.
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