#wont tag the shop cause folks who like it would probably be annoyed by this
fruitsofhell · 2 years
Marxolor is a pretty popular ship in the fandom, and not to bash on anyone at all but I always found it weird cause I see Marx as a child character and Mago as an adult. But neither have canon ages so it's up to interpretation.
I see Marx as a kid cause his scheme was pretty simple and basically only involved him telling Kirby he needed help (and getting the Sun and Moon to fight which is either magic or basic manipulation skills). Plus when he gets his power he talks about just causing trouble and seems really childish in his goals. On the other hand Mago has knowledge of ancient history and technology, manned an ancient ship, and was able to manipulate 4 people - including atleast 2 adults - on the fly. And his betrayal showed a lot of bravado and purpose, taunting the team very sarcastically and choosing to specifically rub salt in their wounds. It's very likely just a writing scope thing here, Marx is a platformer villain from the 90s with like 10 lines max and Magolor is far more fleshed out, but it still translates as different levels of complexity to me.
It just has me curious like... how common is that line of thinking? And also like in general how do most people choose how to read characters who don't have clear or canon ages? Are there people who think Mago and Marx are both kids? Are their people who think Mago is a kid and Marx is an adult for reasons opposite of mine? Idk it's funny.
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