#woobin drabbles
kyuala · 2 years
calling cravity to ask why things didn't work out
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inspired by the videos from the cut channel on youtube! and a little based on my vity as exes post too hehe
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he is so surprised to see your name on that screen. you guys probably hadn't talked to each other in a while aside from when u run into each other when out with friends, if that. the question kind of takes him aback but not really? i feel like if things weren't really resolved between the two of you it'd just always feel kind of like a cloud floating above your heads, just waiting to be addressed. he's reluctant but honest with his answer. takes blame wherever he feels like he has to but that's about it.
he'll be super pleasantly surprised by your call if things ended in a cool way omg. he's so nice and kind about it too like, even after the question has been dropped he'll keep it light-hearted and short and sweet. doesn't want things to get heavy or dark or anything like that so he just does that on his end in hopes that you'll be okay with it too. the question caught him a lil off guard but he'll assure you it's all good to be curious about it and that he wonders about it sometimes too lol but that's about the extent of it. i don't think the question alone will be enough to like make him want to give things a second chance or anything like that and especially not through a phone call... if the thought has seriously and consistently crossed his mind before he'll ask you if you want to get coffee and talk about it sometime
not really surprised by your call 'cause jungmo is the poster boy for exes who stay friends in my opinion, or at least courteous. he is going to be surprised by your question though, but in a much more hm... 🤨 kind of way. like.... does this mean you miss him? do you want to get back together? i feel like he's going to give his answer based on his own questions about it, to try and figure out what you really want out of this. will act like he forgot all about it and it's no big deal but it'll be in the back of his mind every time you guys interact again for a while
thinks you're calling him by mistake and answers it all formal and polite. when u ask him what went wrong with the two of you he genuinely asks you if you have been drinking. he's rather monosyllabic with his answers and either goes straight to the point of the breakup or is honest and tells you he doesn't know, or that it was just a combination of many, many factors. wants the conversation to end as soon as possible and doesn't ever wanna talk to you again after that. it was just too much for him for a random tuesday night
oh just the call showing up on his phone screen is going to make him so smug it's insufferable jesus christ. but then he won't let you speak until he's asked how you've been, what you've been up to and how your family's doing so it's like oh. this is actually really nice. not really surprised by the question as much as he is surprised you're the one to ask it. probably takes a few seconds to think about the nicest and most polite way he can put this and is really roundabout and sugarcoating w his answer just in case u get upset. gets really curious as to why you're bringing this up now and won't stop thinking abt it for the following weeks
no cause he doesnt even know who is calling like 😭 deadass hits you with the "who?" when you say ur name. (he might mean it, he might not. you'll never know.) when u clarify it he's just like "ah" and then Silence. kind of doesn't really believe his ears when u hit him w the question and his first answer is like "you know why." like he really doesn't want to get into this. if ur insistent tho and he can tell u need this and ur being serious and not just doing this to mess with him or start some shit i think he'll consider being open and honest. won't budge on his answers though and honestly won't give it much thought after a couple of hours. like Yeah that was Strange but that's about where it ends for him
the SECOND your name pops up on that screen his whole life is flashing before his eyes. he picks it up all nervous and coy 'cause ?????? what the hell is he supposed to expect from this?? when he says hello he's about to pass out and he wonders if you can hear that through the phone. honestly probably the one to actually get into it and get a bit emotional and turn a quick phone call looking for answers into an hours-long conversation. he will be so emotionally moved by this he might actually ask if you want to get back together by the end of it
literally that one guy from the cut videos who answered his ex's call with "ur alive???". taeyoung's the 2nd poster boy for exes to friends (slow-burn, 500k words) so he'll be absolutely used to talking to you and doesn't suspect anything. when u hit him with the "what happened to us?" he'll be like lmaoo what do u mean what happened to us ur so funny. doesn't take him long to get serious with you and quit the joking though, he's very honest with his answer and very open about his vision of the breakup. doesn't really place the blame on either of you even if you were the one to fuck everything up, for example. he's still going to do everything he can to assure you that it's all good and well, forgiven and in the past. just like jungmo and hyeongjun, he's curious about this sudden behavior and is open to talking about getting back together. if you want to, he's open too
no answer 'cause you're blocked lollll no but fr, if ur lucky enough to still be able to reach him, he's going to be frozen after the question. probably asks you to repeat it a couple of times not bc he's not sure of what he's heard but bc he's just having a hard time believing this is really happening. probably stalls for a couple of seconds (or minutes) and then says something like "i don't really wanna do this right now..." and politely ends the call. the thought is going to be stuck with him for days afterwards
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main masterlist | cravity masterlist
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yv17 · 2 years
a/n: as a cravity stan and a person whose bias list is 90% vocalists i am very disappointed with how underrated this man is i mean have you heard him ????? a literal angel and that's it. also idk but i kinda feel like this is a tiny bit too long for a timestamp 👀
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[05:40] "well, why don't you just tell them how you feel?"
"as if it was that easy in real life" you said, taking a deep breath in and sighing. for the last hour you and your best friend, woobin, have been trying to figure out how you should confess to your crush, but even with all this time, the two of you still found no good way of doing that. "we're not in a romance movie, you know."
"it would've been so much easier for me to help you if you just told me who they are" the boy stated, continuing to draw random doodles in the notebook in front of him "that way my brain could actually work properly and we would find a way within minutes."
"wait, you have a brain?" you joked, trying to change the topic, but woobin quickly caught onto your poor attempt, just shaking his head with a small smile.
"i actually do, unlike some." he said, the remark making you roll your eyes. "and that brain of mine tells me you're trying to shift the conversation so you won't have to tell me who's that secret person you've been obsessing over for the past, i don't know, three months? come on, i'm sure it can't be bad."
you kept quiet for a second, trying to contain your thoughts. woobin was your best friend, he was always the one you would run to with any gossip about people you disliked or any of your monthly obsessions, as well as your crushes. he was always very supportive of you; he helped you get ready for dates, brought you your favorite snacks and arranged movie nights for the two of you when someone broke your heart. he was the closest person you had. so why wouldn't you tell him?
well, it was quite obvious. because the one you liked this time was him.
"i guess i'm just" you started off slowly, taking a break mid sentence to drink some water "afraid of your reaction."
woobin looked at you with his brows furrowed "please tell me it's not taeyoung, or else i swear to god, i'll eat you alive."
his comment seemed to ease your stress a little, making you laugh in the process as you shaked your head no. "well, for a person who claims he has a brain, you really are ignoring the most obvious option out there."
"well, enlighten me then"
you took a deep breath in, getting ready to actually confess to him "the one i actually like is in this room right now." woobin looked at you, pretending to be too dumb to understand what you just said. he thought for a second, before finally speaking up:
"your cat? damn, so many years of being friends with you and i had no idea you're into anima-"
"oh come on you know very well that i'm talking about you" you interrupted him before he finished his sentence, your eyes trailing to see your cat peacefully sleeping on the couch. look anywhere, just not at woobin.
"and i thought you were going to tell me something i don't know" the boy said, making you turn your head towards him, letting out a little 'what' in the process. "come on, we both know that you're the most obvious person ever" he added, his gaze focused on his notebook and the doodles he was drawing, as if he was completely unbothered by your confession.
"but you're also very lucky, because i feel the same."
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taglist: @diortyun <3
>> main masterlist
>> cravity masterlist
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acaiasahi · 2 years
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partner always giggling ; fluff.
partner falls asleep during home date ; fluff / comfort.
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✶ park serim.
✶ allen ma.
✶ koo jungmo.
✶ seo woobin.
✶ ham wonjin.
✶ kang minhee.
seasons ; fluff.
✶ song hyeongjun.
✶ kim taeyoung.
✶ ahn seongmin.
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© acaiasahi 2023 all rights reserved. copying, translating, and reposting is prohibited.
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gothlcsan · 8 months
archive of all my works in no specific order
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cw - all are smut of some variation minors do not interact
puppy rockstar ; beomgyu ( hc )
pervy bf ; kai ( ps )
my boy ; soobin ( f , ps )
kinks ; ot5 ( hc , f , ps )
high note ; kai ( f )
beomgyu puppy streamer [ drabble ]
txt x chubby!reader head canons ( hc , f , ps )
good boy ; yunho
painkiller ; yunho ( hc )
full moon ; mingi
fallen snow ; seonghwa ( hc )
esex ; yunho
coming to you live ; sohee ( f )
switching sides ; wonbin
puppy ; sohee ( f )
food play ; ot7 ( f , ps )
happy birthday, love ; woobin ( f )
slap me ; geonu ( hc , f , ps)
no, mr ghostface ; jisung ( hc )
face sitting ; jennie ( ps )
red wings ; lew
bite me ; xiaojun
how to summon a demon ; felix + chan ( hc )
kim sunwoo ; gym sex [ drabble ] 𝜗𝜚 ( hc , ps )
Jake Sim ; puppy play [ drabble ] 𝜗𝜚 ( ps )
railway to heaven ; yuta nakamoto 𝜗𝜚 ( hc , ps )
bad decisions ; yuta nakamoto ( hc , ps )
study partners ; jiwoong ( f )
fairy gardens ; ricky
ot7 zb1 x chubby reader ( ps )
girl dad ; hangyul by rawhyunz
kitty sunoo by rawhyunz
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forselm · 11 months
Hey!!! Omg, I'm a bit ashamed of it, but I can't stop exploring you and Noah's blogs. You two are just too good at drabbling the perfect vity content. Can I be an anon? Specifically 🦝?
(side note, I've recently been plagued by the thoughts of soft Dom Woobin and slightly less soft Dom Allen at the same time. I'm obsessed.)
hii aaa thank you so much i dont write as much at all as compared to noah or my other vity writer moots but i appreciate this so much aaa and of course you can be an anon ! feel free to send in asks any time!
soft dom woobin and slightly less soft dom allen? a dream honestly. thinking about the way woobin would have you leaning your back against his chest, whispering endless praises into your ear while allen is teasing you with his tongue and fingers. definitely with a slightly rough edge to his ministrations and slight degradation to contrast woobin's sweet nothings.
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seongminflirt · 6 months
I'm the anon from Woobin's ask. Most likely I will appear here quite often so would you mind if I chose an emoji to identify myself? Can i be 🌻 anon?
Also I just read your drabble and this is so good omg 😭😭 domestic sex is something that I consider so s!&!@£@*@¥@(@@ yk, especially when it comes to Woobin. This man makes me WEAK
thank you so much, sweet love! your praise means the world to me! i had to give you something to hold you over while i tackle a few asks ahead of yours 🤍
DOMESTIC WOOBIN IS MY FAVORITEEEEEEEE he is husband material idc idc idc idc!!!! also, yes, of course you can be 🌻! i’ll tag your original ask, as well.
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to1vity · 4 years
[8:00] there was no man more perfect than seo woobin. hell, he cooked, cleaned, could sing like no one’s business, and was among a handful of the most respectful men you’d ever met. the best part, though, was that he truly cared for everyone around him. it didn’t matter who you were, what you’ve done, where you came from or where you were going; seo woobin was going to be there for you. there was only one person capable of breaking this spirit—only one person that could show the faults of seo woobin’s overall goodness. 
that person was you.
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ddaehyeon · 4 years
[ 4:19 PM ]
hugging your knees, you rested your chin above it. woobin threw a clean towel which landed on the top of your head. you were in his unit, the only place you were able to think of as soon as you step out of the university with a heavy heart caused by the failure to pass the battery exam for your desired major. as if the sky was with you, it was raining cats and dogs. thunder and lightning would also take place every now and then, which made you shiver more.
woobin placed a cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table before sitting next to you.  "what happened, y/n?" his voice laced with evident concern as his hand reached for the neglected towel, drying your hair with it.
a few minutes ago, you were standing by his doorsteps, soaking. you were met by the rain as you were on the way to his apartment. the surprised look that was painted on your boyfriend's countenance flashed by your mind. woobin offered a change of clothes which was only his own clothing. it hung loosely on your figure, but it was much better than to keep the damp clothes on. at some point, it felt like he was hugging you.
a sigh was emitted out of your lips, refusing to admit to making a verbal response. for a curt moment, you were reminded of the sleepless nights wherein you spent most hours in front of your books and notes, trying so hard to inject all the words to your brain. even during your breaks, you dived into reviewers instead of doing some leisure activities. it was a quick bump to the memories, but enough to push stray tears out of your eyes.
noticing your silence, woobin stopped his action. he extended his arm to wrap you with a hug. your body easily gave in, falling into the chest of your boyfriend. his chin rested on the top of your head, humming some sweet tone you weren't really familiar with. nonetheless, it was comforting.
"i'm here for you, okay? i'll listen to you." receiving suppressed sobs as a reply, he tightened his embrace. instead of probing more, he resolved to offer a silent hug. maybe, after all, it was all that you needed.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ masterlist  ☆ request  ☆
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key201303 · 4 years
12:21 am - rooftop confessions with woobin? ✨💝
Heyy! Thank you so much for requesting! I completely loved the plot😍😍 It was supposed to be shorter but I couldn’t help writing a litle bit more details 😅 I hope you enjoy it 💙
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Word count: 650 words
Warnings: None!
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"Happy birthday to you!!" You heard all of your friends sing with one voice as you and your best friend Woobin blew your birthday candles at the same time. Having a best friend who was born the same day as you was always amazing and made you both even more inseparable if that was possible. Wherever Woobin was, there you were. Whatever Woobin did, you did so as well. And also it gave you plenty of memorable moments whenever you celebrated your shared birthday. You couldn't help smiling at the memory of those birthday parties your family held when you were kids and he wouldn't stop stealing the princess crown you always wore. 
"Time for the presents!!" Serim announced happily getting the boxes filled up with tons of presents. "Guys you really didn't have to buy all of this for us, we're already 20." You said the moment you noticed the amount of presents they bought for you. "Less talking and more opening gifts. Here, take this one first." Jungmo said handing you both one of the gifts. "Just smile and act like you love them all so we can leave as soon as possible." Woobin said leaning on you but talking with a normal volume so your friends could listen. You both just enjoyed so much teasing them. "I heard you." Minhee said sending you both a death glare which made everyone laugh. 
Once you were done with opening all the gifts and they all finally left and there were only you and Woobin in the rooftop of your little apartment you couldn't help getting slightly nervous. He was your best friend but he was also your crush for God knows how long. Whenever the two of you stayed alone you became a blushing mess and even though he always told you he found it cute you still felt embarrassed. 
"(Y/N) there's a Birthday gift left." He said tapping your shoulder, making you stop cleaning up. "Who is it from?" You asked, confused. The boys would have never left you if they had one more gift so it was weird that he said there was one more. "It's mine…" He said, blushing a bit and rubbing the back of his neck, getting slightly nervous. He handed you a little blue box and when you opened it you found a beautiful necklace with a little crown. "Turn it around." He added shyly. You obeyed him and found the initial letters of both of your names on it and your birth date. You couldn't help having a huge smile on your face. "You didn't -" You said to be cut off by him. "I did have to. I wanted us to have something special and remembered how we fought against the princess crown when we were kids…" He said shyly. "I love it, thank you." You said giving him a tight hug. "(Y/N) I want to tell you something…" He said making you nervous. "I know we're best friends. No, we're more like soul mates actually but… I've been feeling this way for some time now and I think we should give it a try… I-I like you (Y/N), so much actually… I was wondering if you would like to go out with me someday…" He said shyly rubbing the back of his neck. You could see how his cheeks turned red as he spoke making you smile even more at how cute it was. Finally it was happening. The boy you've loved secretly for your entire life was finally asking you out.
"I would love to." You answered happily. "Let's spend another 20 years together." You added hugging him tightly. And with this, hugging each other under the soft moonlight and thousands of twinkling stars, you and Woobin started a new adventure, not as only boyfriend and girlfriend but as the soul mates you both have always been.
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fleurdae · 3 years
cravity reaction to their drunk s/o confessing that they had cheated.
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— requested! ✧ hyung line + wonjin, angst, 912 words
— tw: indications and mentions of cheating and drinking
— cravity masterlist | request rules
— a/n: this was a request from my previous blog and i saw my drafts for this, decided to continue and post it.
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at your drunken state you’ve failed to lift yourself up, serim was carrying you on his back. you were already near your apartment when a confession slipped out of your lips. but no, it wasn’t the kind that would send flutters in the stomach or make one's heart race in joy.
“you what?” serim’s feet transitioned from slow steps to an actual stop, but he didn’t let go of you. it was like a knife had cut through, the air rather too sharp to be inhaled.
the calmness he had when he resumed walking, he was surprised by it himself. how can he be so calm when he just heard that you’ve been going out with another guy for almost a month now? he let go of a sigh as if that could release his chest from the tight feeling that hugged it.
serim wished what he heard was not true. his mind adamant in rejecting it, he kept on trying to deny it.
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allen was washing your face, trying to make you feel better after your stomach had flipped over the amount of alcohol you had. he was drying up your face when you confessed to him how it has been quite a while since you started dating someone else while still having a relationship with him.
his hands froze for a moment, trying to keep himself calm. however, it was a futile attempt to do so. with emotions— anger, betrayal, and hurt— rushing in all at once, his expression tightened, gaze sharper than the usual. he resumed wiping your face. and when he saw the tears in your eyes, he opted not to wipe it. quite the opposite of how he’d usually held you close to him whenever you’re down and how he’d be quick to wipe your tears.
placing your towel on the rack, allen straightened up. a few words said. “i need to go home.”
before you can even collect yourself to reply and properly apologize, allen had already left.
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jungmo fetched you as soon as your friends called him. he was driving you home when you started muttering things. on your half-awake drunken stupor, among the incoherent ramblings one stood out. “what will i do if jungmo finds out?”
the question didn’t come to jungmo as something silly, rather it carried an impactful hit. “find out what?”
“that i’ve been going out with someone else for over a month…” your voice trailed as you passed out.
unable to let go of any verbal response and failing to even look at you, he stopped the car. fingers tapping on the steering wheels, he let the situation sink in. as soon as he did, various emotions came to him as big waves.
the vehicle suddenly became suffocating and jungmo urged himself to get out. it was followed by him calling a taxi and supporting you to move from his car to the other vehicle. he wasn’t ready to face you today, and he might never be able to do so even in the next few days.
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woobin woke up with you knocking on his door in the middle of the night. his drowsiness faded as soon as he opened the door and found your current state. drunk and teary-eyed.
“i’m sorry, i’m so sorry.” with guilt swallowing you up, you continuously muttered apologies. the ounce of guilt becoming heavier instead of getting lighter as you speak.
your state confused woobin, enough for him to feel concerned. he held you in his arms, a light hug, trying to ease you. “what are you talking about, mhm?”
“i’m so sorry. i’m really sorry woobin.” you burst with more tears. “i’ve been going out with a senior from my department.”
his face grew stiff as the former concern he had was soon washed out by betrayal and anger. he was silent for a moment, trying to navigate his words out of your words.
“leave,” said woobin as he let go of you.
“i’m so sorry, woobin.”
“i said leave,” woobin reiterated with a stern look. regardless of how many apologies were to be directed to him, his mind was only flooded by one thing: you cheated and you meant it. “we’re over.”
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late at night, wonjin was woken up by the continuous buzz on his phone— your name flashing through the screen as you called him. he was quick to pick it up. hearing your voice, he had already figured out that you were drunk, even leaving some light remarks about it and asking if you want him to fetch you. w
what you said next was something he didn’t expect though.
“wonjin, i’m sorry.” your line was silent for a moment before you resumed. “i’ve been going out with another person for weeks.”
his reaction was a bit odd. it wasn’t the usual wonjin who would bicker with you until the end of the world over the silliest things. he was quiet, trying to allow your confession to sink in. a question ran in his head continuously. was i not good enough?
“i’m so sorry wonjin.” it flowed past his ears only to melt, leaving no marks. like a whisper to an empty space.
“i’m dropping the call.” wonjin tried to be as calm as he can, his voice however betrayed him with it cracking in the end. the next thing you heard was the beeps coming from an ended call.
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multiwendi · 2 years
[07:31 p.m]
The days went by, and he hadn't seen his girlfriend in two weeks because of Woobin's busy schedule. Although they either called or texted each day, they were sad that they couldn't see each other. Woobin couldn't take it any longer. After his practice, he took a taxi and went to her house. When he got out of the car, his phone rang. You got a new text message from Buttercup.
Buttercup: I know you're probably busy now, but if you have time, can you call me, please?
He turned light pink color, dialing her number.
"That was faster than I thought." Y/N giggle.
"Open the door, buttercup." Woobin laughed, waiting at the door.
"What? You're here?" he heard some noise from the opposite side as something fell on the ground. The door opened, and she jumped around his neck. He staggered a little but held on and pressed a big kiss to her lips.
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acaiasahi · 2 years
✶ falling asleep during date ; cravity reaction.
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synopsis. cravity's reaction to you falling asleep during your at-home date.
info. fluff. cravity x gn!reader [ they / them prns ]
warnings. profanity, teasing, grammatical and structural errors, lowercase and smaller text intended!
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✶ park serim.
[ . . . you both had decided that staying home for a date was better than going out because of your hectic schedules. you both have been busy and thought hey, why not stay home? date night + staying at home = happy serim and y/n! you both were watching a movie in the living room and you had decided that sleeping was more interesting than the movie as your face collided with his shoulder. he was caught off guard at first but seeing your cute little scrunched up face was... to die for. this suckas quick to take his phone out and take pics of you and selcas with him in it T^T takes it as his cue to take a nap with you but before he does, he carries you to your shared bedroom, making sure to tuck you in and if for some reason chose to wore nice clothes for your date, he'll put you in some jammies before knocking out with you <3
✶ allen ma.
[ . . . he already knew that this was going to happen but he did nothing to prevent it. wasn't exactly surprised when you fell asleep with your head in his lap but can you blame him? he was running his hands through your hair like a cat, you might as well be purring while you're at it bro. loves the way you stir in your sleep and twitch here in there. he stopped whatever you two were watching and since you were already in your room, he laid you down to be in a more comfortable position and nestled himself right next you, where he belongs! fell asleep soon after but not before admiring you :'<
✶ koo jungmo.
[ . . . has no social cues bruh. literally pokes your cheek til you wake up and acts all innocent when you get annoyed. uses his little angel antics to calm you down which works but you won't let him know that! for some reason, you play the "i'm mad at you no matter how many hugs and kisses you give me" game, which does work and he's all whiney about it and apologizing for waking you up and he continues giving kisses even though your face is painted as annoyed. idk if y'all get what i'm saying but he'll kiss you and you're like (´ ∀ ` *) but as soon as he pulls away and looks at you to see if it worked, you're like (¬_¬) he's quick to catch on and it ends up with you being the victim of tickles! :3
✶ seo woobin.
[ . . . super basic and just lets you sleep. he loves watching you though, like the way your nose twitches and how your lips are set in a pout. it makes him wonder what dream you're having! (⺣◡⺣)♡* when you wake up, you start apologizing because you felt bad... like man... it's date night!! c'mon y/n!! he teases the hell out of you and is like "aw really? do you not love me anymore?" "a-am i not enough for you?" and at first you're like "woOBIN NO I LOVE YOU!!!" but after awhile you start playing along and saying some outta pocket dumb shit too LOLOLOL
✶ ham wonjin.
[ . . . so invested in the movie that he forgot you were even there LMAO but when the movie ends and he looks over to see you cuddled up with blanket and in his hoodie, he can't help but coo! loves the fact that the hoodie is on and you pulled the string so only your face shows and tries his best to be quiet because he can't help but laugh </3 he also takes pics of you... it just comes with the territory of dating ham wonjin guys, don't shoot the messenger! takes selfies and hits that signature v with his little kissy lips (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘) it's not long before he puts all his weight on you and falls asleep. what a cuddlebug!
✶ kang minhee.
[ . . . if "bruh" was a person, it'd be minhee. his face is straight up like 「(°ヘ°) "huh?" gets a little confused because you were just answering his questions but... now you're... asleep?? erm.. wtf y/n? soon remembers why you had a date at home in the first place and it's because of finals. you've been studying your butt off and he was having such a good time that he forgot how tired his sweetheart was :'< feels a little guilty at first because he forgot about how stressed you were but once you wake up and apologies keep leaving your lips, he's fast to shut you up with a kiss before suggesting that you go back to sleep but hits you with the outstretched grabby hands like (ノ・ェ・)ノ "lets go back to sleep, babe." what a lazy little boy T^T
✶ song hyeongjun.
[ . . . gets all pouty but is too chicken to wake you up because he knows how tired you've been. ends up watching you sleep and tracing his fingers over your features because this boy is in LOVE! heavy sleeper or not, you finally wake up from his loving touch and make eye contact with him. you both sit in silence for a second because the first thing you see is jun literally in your face like (⊙_⊙) with a finger on your nose bridge so it's easy to say that you were pretty... confused LOL. "sorry, you're just really beautiful." he quickly says, he doesn't move though... guess who's flustered now :3
✶ kim taeyoung.
[ . . . finds you absolutely adorable! you both were looking up at your ceiling, talking about gosh knows what, moving from topic to topic until he started going on a tangent, talking and talking not even realizing that his soft voice luring you to sleep. "right, y/n?" he looks over at you and is met with the most adorable sight he's ever seen. lets out a soft "ah!" before watching your sleeping form. lowkey gets an ego boost at the fact that you fell asleep to his voice and brings it up later but other than that, my mans falls asleep soon after. he's got a crazy schedule, and what better way than to fall asleep with your loved one? i mean, he gets to see your beautiful face as soon as he wakes up so, win-win situation in tae's eyes <3
✶ ahn seongmin.
[ . . . he went to go get a snack in the kitchen but made up his mind last minute to make ramen. y'all were having a convo while he stayed in the kitchen to keep an eye on his food but he soon gets confused when you stopped responding to his questions. he thought you were mad at him, not sure why he thought that, hell he wasn't even sure, so he turned off the stove and walked over to the lounge area to find you asleep on the hoodie he'd took off prior to going to the kitchen. gets all blushy and goes (ノ)´∀`(ヾ) because you're too cute! almost trips over to you because the sight was truly one to see and he just wanted to admire you. safe to say that his ramen was looooooong forgotten! T^T
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★ cravity taglist. @enhacolor ... @rutowonz ... @setakdongies ... @byeongsung
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. hi all! decided to try out a new-ish format for my reactions and i kinda like it so far so slay!! hope you like this one :3 i'm also going to attempt to write all members during a reaction when it comes to trsr and cravity but if i don't like it, i'll probably split it back up. i do like this format tho!! i'll lyk :3
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mojjisxng · 3 years
Hello! I saw that requests were open and was wondering if you could write a Cravity reaction to their s/o wanting to paint their nails? If this doesn't inspire you, feel free to ignore it!
I hope you're doing well! 💫
thanks for requesting anon, this is a really cute idea💕
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- serim would be all for letting his s/o paint his nails
- he would let his s/o do whatever they wanted on his nails
- but i’d they let him choose, he have black nail polish
- maybe with one pink nail
- he would actually enjoy it a lot
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- allen would be a little embarrassed about it at first
- but he’d let his s/o do it because he loves them
- he’d shyly choose a bright blue nail polish
- would secretly want them to do some nail art
- but he would say a word
- at the end, he would think his s/o did an amazing job, and he would thank them with a blush covering his cheeks
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- jungmo would also be up for it
- but he would only agree to let his s/o do it, if he got to paint their nails too
- he’d probably choose a purple shade
- he’d thank them for doing an amazing job
- but then have the most menacing smile on his face, as he gets to work fucking up his s/o’s nails
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- when his s/o asked him if they could paint his nails, woobin would chuckle and allow them to do it
- would be asking his s/o what different nail products are
- he’s just very inquisitive about the process lol
- would definitely chose a deep green colour, like emerald green or something
- would end up liking it very much, and he’d probably secretly learn how to paint nails properly so he could do it himself, or on his s/o
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- wonjin would probably challenge his s/o when they asked
- “ okay okay you can do it, but i bet i could do better.”
- he’d chose pink, and make his s/o do some complicated pattern as well
- would be like “no no no, this is how you do it properly,” and proceed to horribly mess up their nails
- would actually think they did a perfect job
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- initially, minhee would do flat out refuse
- he did have much faith in his s/o to do it well lmao
- but he’d reluctantly agree after a ton of pleading from his s/o
- he’d chose a shimmery/glittery colour
- would be pleasantly surprised by how good it looked
- would give his s/o the hugest hug, and apologise for thinking they would be really shit at it
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- hyeongjun would be very excited
- would choose orange
- he’d want his s/o to go all the way and do different hand treatments and stuff
- you know, to immerse in the experience
- would definitely love the result and say thanks with a soft little grin on his face
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- taeyoung would let his s/o paint his nails, in a heartbeat
- he saw how happy they were when they asked, so he just couldn’t refuse
- would chose a shade of teal
- would giggle at how concentrated his s/o looked
- would ask his manager if he could have something like that for their next comeback
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- seongmin would be ready to say no, but he’d see the little pout on his s/o’s face and feel really bad, so he’d oblige
- he’d chose yellow, maybe some flower nail stickers
- would probably find it relaxing and have to try not to fall asleep
- would definitely have a go at doing his s/o’s nails, and he’d actually to it properly
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softychenji · 3 years
[10:47 pm] gn! reader x bf!wonjin
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fluff asf
[10:47 pm] "ayoooo, you lookin' cute as fuck." you open your eyes and furrow your eyebrows. the precious, yet annoying laughter of your boyfriend filling your ears as you sit up, hair messy with hooded eyes, "what the hell, wonjin? i was about to s-" you cut yourself off as you look at him up and down, seeing him in a suit and sunglasses as your eyes slightly widen. wonjin lets out a low chuckle, leaning against the door frame, "what? am i making you nervous, sweetheart?" your mouth slightly opens as you glare at wonjin, fighting the blush creeping to your cheeks. you roll your eyes, looking away from him, "shut up. why are you in a suit, dummy?" he grabs your red slides and makes his way over to you, "we're going out somewhere." you let out a small gasp, "n-now?! babe it's so late" he rolls his eyes, patting your thigh with your slide softly. you sigh, standing up and lifting your finger about to protest, but wonjin interrupted by throwing you over his shoulder. you let out a low shriek while you kicking your legs as he takes you outside, "i'm gonna scream that you're kidnapping me if you don't let me go!" wonjin gasps, "wait wait wait! keep your feet still so i can put your slides on." you stop kicking your feet as he puts your slides on your bare feet, putting you down on the ground. he smiles sheepishly as he brings his hand up to ruffle your hair, just to be smacked by your own hand, "really?! first, you disturb my beauty sle-" wonjin laughs softly, engulfing you in a big hug that you instantly melt into. "asshole." you mumble. "you love this asshole!" he laughs, attacking your neck with soft kisses as his hands carress your waist softly. "of course i dooo. wait, where are we going?" "to look at the stars!" you smile softly at his excited tone, warmness filling your heart as you bring your hand to his hair to play with it, "wait wonjin! you have to change your outfit. i don't like the way those ants are looking at you.."
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yonqha · 3 years
—- 🌙
“i want you, here beside me.”
woobin x gn!reader (requested) // comfort fluff, suggestive (aftercare)
word count: 407 words
masterlist | requests: open
“do you need anything? need to go to the bathroom, or maybe a glass of water?”
you gave a light chuckle to woobin, who was now ready to treat you like royalty and help or bring you anything you’d request. “i’m perfectly capable of handling myself, woobin.”
“but i was pretty rough on you earlier, you sure you’re not hurting anywhere?” you can see the slight furrow in his eyebrows, and soon you felt woobin’s hand cradling your cheek. “i can help you with anything. just tell me what you want.”
you stared into his eyes as his hand moved to stroke your hair. the soft action enough to make you lull to sleep, a small smile forming on your lips.
the lights from outside gave the room a soft glow. along with that, woobin exuded the familiar warmth you loved so much. the room started to feel a little magical.
you moved closer to woobin, wrapping your arms around him and snuggling close to his chest. you exhaled. cuddling woobin was something you loved to do even outside the bed. indeed, he went pretty rough on you tonight. but everything about the atmosphere in the room to the comfort you felt from the man beside you soothed the pain you felt.
you’ve made up your mind— there was something you wanted from woobin. a great way to finish off the night. you raised your head to look him in the eyes, your eyes carrying adoration in them.
“i want you. here beside me.”
woobin gave a curt nod upon your request. he wrapped his arms around you, spooned you and continued to stroke your hair. he gave a soft peck to the top of your head, humming soft melodies and held you close. “thank you for tonight, you felt amazing. as always.”
you were getting too tired, too sleepy to speak. instead, your words turned into actions as you hummed in response and hugged him a little tighter.
sensing that you will fall asleep soon, woobin draped the blanket over the two of you. he didn’t dare let you go, remaining by your side as you requested. everything about him was comforting to you, and you hoped this wouldn’t end so soon. but your body was giving up, feeling yourself slip to dreamland. the last thing you felt was another soft kiss to your forehead, never failing to make you feel so loved and cared for.
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seongminflirt · 6 months
ohhhhhhhh allen and seongmin asks, a DOMESTIC WOOBIN ASK!!!! y’all came to the right place. i’m reblogging my woob drabble while i reply 🤭🤭🤭
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